Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 162 Departure

"Yes, you guessed it right," Elizabeth sighed and said, "But they won't help. The Elf people value relationships more than you think, but the Elf people are also more ruthless than you think! "

For humans, the Eldar are a strange and mysterious race. On the one hand, their indifferent appearance hides emotions that are so intense that it is scary, just like the raging and boiling river water under the ice. On the other hand, the Eldar are too ruthless. These two emotions are two extremes in personality, but they miraculously blend together harmoniously in the Eldar people. Eldar people can give everything for what they like, and for those they don't like, they will be stingy in giving even the smallest trace of mercy.

"That pair of good sisters didn't agree to help me teach my children because they liked me or Li Anjie. To be honest, I think they looked at Li Anjie with too much affection in their eyes." Elizabeth said honestly: "I I feel that the reason why Silufu and Rosina are willing to teach Anjie Li is not because they like this little girl, but because they don’t want Li Anjie’s talent to cause trouble to others.”

"Uncontrolled psychic energy is extremely dangerous, and their behavior can be called wisdom."

"Why are you still talking about this? Didn't you hear the meaning of my words? They will not take risks for my children. Although they are Li Anjie's masters, this does not mean that there is emotion between them!"

"I know, I never intended to impress them emotionally."

"Then why do you believe they will help us?"

"What are Li Anjie's characteristics?" Li sighed and asked: "You don't need to answer me to know that Li Anjie is our child, and her psychic potential is terrifying beyond ordinary people's imagination. Maybe in the near future, Li Anjie can Become an "Alpha" level psyker that transcends human limits. Because of this, her soul will become the target of every demon in the chaotic space that is spied on and desired. Her soul is the most sumptuous meal. , her body is the door to this real world. According to what you said, you have been very careful. No one should know the relationship between you and Li Anjie, so the group of people kidnapped Li Anjie was not because of you, but because of you. Because of her own rare characteristics, such as being a psyker with powerful potential, why would Leroy fall in love with Estefanie? I think it’s not difficult to guess what Yapai people will do with Li Anjie.”

Elizabeth had vaguely touched the answer deep in her heart. Unfortunately, the answer was so shocking that she didn't dare or didn't want to face it, so she just shook her head in panic, as if she wanted to get rid of her reason. At that time, Elizabeth could only say in a sad voice: "I, I don't know, don't ask me. I don't know."

Li's heart was as cold and hard as steel. He ignored Elizabeth and continued in a calm voice: "What else can the Estefanians do? They just continue to cause destruction. Inflicting pain on the empire to make people get used to and adapt to war. The difference is that this time, these guys are no longer satisfied with making small fuss, leaving some orcs behind, or causing a few attacks against the empire in some places. The rebellion can no longer satisfy them, and this time they seem to want to play a big game. They may use psykers to create a demonic coming, thus causing large-scale terror and destruction!"

Elizabeth was stunned. This was exactly what she feared and what she was afraid to see, but now it was revealed ruthlessly by Li.

Psykers are very dangerous. According to the propaganda of the Empire, every psyker is an evil person who can whisper with demons in the middle of the night and discuss conspiracy. Of course this is not true, it is just propaganda. But if you put it another way, every psyker who has not undergone training is a super humanoid nuclear warhead that will explode from time to time. This is true at all. If you must find a mistake, it is that if psionic energy Once the bomber loses control, the damage it causes will be far greater than a nuclear warhead.

What's the point of throwing a few orcs away in front of a psyker whose powers are out of control? What does it mean to create a few rebellions? Compared with the demons that have descended into the world, these are like children playing house.

The entire planet, or several planets, will fall into the deepest terror because of Li Anjie. The hell in fantasy will come to the real world, bringing the greatest fear to everyone. The creatures living on those planets will not be able to survive. They will die immediately, because death is already the greatest mercy to them at that time. They will suffer pain and torture, completely collapse in fear, and eventually lose everything.

Of course, Li Anjie could not survive, but compared to others, she was slightly happier and would not suffer too much torture. Because at the very beginning of this possible disaster, she will die completely, her soul will be torn apart and devoured by the demon, her spiritual energy will become the nectar that nourishes the demon's power, and her body will become the demon's common denominator. The only channel to connect the world, Li Anjie will lose her soul at that time, and there will only be a terrifying demon from the chaotic space in her body.

The people who kidnapped Li Anjie did not want to use her to threaten anyone, nor did they want to ask for ransom. They may not even know or care who the parents of this little girl were. Their only purpose of kidnapping Li Anjie is to make her into a human flesh terror bomb. When this bomb is detonated, the devil will come, and terror will appear in the world, maybe in one week, on several planets. Destroyed because of this.

"Probably, no," Elizabeth herself said, not sure, "This is really, really crazy. Are all the Estefanians crazy? This is no longer the case. It’s causing pain to the empire, it’s going to destroy the empire! They won’t let Leroy do this.”

"Do you really think so?" Li shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's change the question, are there any normal people in the Estefanian sect?"

"I-I'm not sure."

"Yes, I'm not sure either. This is just a guess. But in front of Xilufu and Rosina, we have to be very sure. They have taught Li Anjie and know her potential. They also understand that if her soul If she loses control and the demon devours her soul and takes over her body, what kind of harm will it cause to the world. Due to their customs, they should come to help."

"Their customs?" Elizabeth said in shock: "How do you know, as if you know the Eldar people very well!"

"I am a person who has walked on the road. I have received a complete inheritance. Naturally, I know a little more about their customs and etiquette than you do." The fruits you plant will be tasted by yourself, no matter how sweet they are. It's still bitter. 'This is simply a code of conduct they follow, that is, don't cause trouble to others, and finish the work themselves. After looking at this matter, they are Li Anjie's masters. Li Anjie may become a tool of the devil, and they have the responsibility to deal with Li Anjie personally." After saying this, Li returned to the workbench, typed some commands in front of the processor, and said, "Okay. I'm ready to go at any time. Do you want to bring some weapons? I have some special weapons here."

"No need, I brought out a lot of good things from the Tribunal when I left. Your collection here is not enough."

"Then come with me. Let's go to the Black Rose. That ship is smaller and more hidden. We can talk about other things on the way."

Through the communication shuttle, the two quickly boarded the Black Rose. A few minutes later, this gorgeous-looking spacecraft opened its solar sail and slowly sailed out of the galaxy.

At the same time, on the ground, thirty-three divisions, supported by armor and artillery fire, simultaneously launched a fierce attack on the area occupied by the orcs. The battle has already begun. In the days to come, these warriors will step by step With each step forward, the huge encirclement was gradually reduced, and finally the large encirclement was turned into a lasso, which was firmly tied around the neck of the orcs, and finally completely eliminated.

And at the same time, the officers on standby in the military camps of the major military districts in the northern hemisphere on Reach received the latest orders. This order made these soldiers ecstatic, and they couldn't help but be happy. It is their desire to defend their own planet, perform their duties as soldiers, and fight against the greenskins. However, such a huge battle has nothing to do with the major military regions in the northern hemisphere. Most of the soldiers are just stepping up their training and being on standby. If they continue If they stay on standby, they will miss this great battle that is rare in a thousand years. For most soldiers who still have passion in their hearts, this will be the biggest regret in their lives. Now, this regret will no longer exist.

Groups of soldiers picked up their weapons, packed their backpacks, put on their luggage, and began to gather to report their numbers. Trucks loaded with soldiers headed to the nearest air force base. In front of the space elevator, the soldiers' The queue formed an endless queue. The armies set off from all directions and then gathered in the space port. In the space port, the starships were already approaching, waiting for the soldiers to board.

The battle on Reach had just begun, and Li had already given orders, and a new battlefield had been opened up. Millions of soldiers will leave Reach and fight bloody battles with the greenskins on the Autumn Star.

At this time, Li left the Zhiyuan Galaxy on his private ship.

The war was ignited on three fronts at the same time, but Li could not lose a single battle!

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