Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 176 The Unclean

Everyone loves beauty, but Li Anjie is particularly outstanding. She loves all beautiful things from the bottom of her heart and hopes to be surrounded by all kinds of beautiful things forever. At the same time, she hates all ugly things.

She would feel unhappy just by the presence of ugly things around her, not to mention that these people wanted to do such and such intimate things to Li Anjie.

Suddenly, the little fear in Li Anjie's heart suddenly swelled, and then mutated into anger. This anger poured into the depths of her brain like a tide, washing away some unbreakable rules in an instant.

Those were the rules that Li Anjie learned when he studied psychic powers with his masters, such as never using psychic powers in front of others, never using psychic powers at will, never using psychic powers to hurt others - rules like this.

The Spirit Tribe people only taught Li Anjie how to control her own power and restrain it in her body, but they did not teach her how to use her power to harm others. Of course they hope that Li Anjie will never use her abilities. If she can perfectly suppress and restrain her power in this life, and just grow up in an unknown corner like an ordinary person, age, and finally die, she will naturally It's the most perfect thing.

But at this moment, Li Anjie easily destroyed all the rules for many years. She was like a wild wolf that had been domesticated for many years and returned to the wilderness. She did not need any teaching or extra learning, as long as she felt the passing In the wilderness, the wind blew through my heart, and I felt the anger and power in my body, and I understood what to do.

"You all deserve to die!" When Li Anjie spoke, terrifying spiritual energy that was so rich that it made people tremble spread out with her words, causing ripples in the air around her mouth. Under the influence of spiritual energy, this voice With special magic power, it penetrated into the brains of the five people, chattering and whispering in their ears continuously: "Damn, you deserve to die, die, die."

Almost at the same time, the five people all held their heads and began to groan in pain. They were not ordinary people. These five people were all believers of Nurgle. Compared with ordinary people, they had seen many things that many people had never seen in their lives. A strange and terrifying sight, they also have a tough body and spirit that are beyond ordinary people, which they got from their loving father Nurgle. It is precisely because of this that they were not killed by this terrifying power in an instant. They were still struggling. They were fighting against the spiritual energy that invaded their brains. That terrifying spiritual energy was teasing the deepest parts of their hearts. The desire for self-destruction.

But Li Anjie is still very green after all. Even if she is a wolf, she is just a young wolf at this time.

A mysterious man rolled twice on the ground, banged his head against the ground a few times, and struggled to stand up. He swayed and aimed at the position. He took a deep breath, his throat trembled, and then he stood up. Then Li Anjie spit out a mouthful of thick yellow-green phlegm!

Li Anjie was shocked. She struggled violently, but could not break free from the lock on the altar. At this time, she caught a glimpse of a heavy iron table placed in the corner of the room. She just moved her fingers slightly, and the heavy iron table suddenly flew up as if it had lost its weight, blocking it in front of Li Anjie, like a heavy shield!

The thick phlegm hit the iron table, and there was a terrible burning sound. In the blink of an eye, a hole the size of a washbasin was corroded by the thick phlegm on the top of the heavy iron table.

Seeing the eroded iron table, Li Anjie was shocked and turned pale for a moment.

If this mouthful of thick phlegm hits me, what will happen to me? It would be okay if he died just like that. If he didn't die, wouldn't he become the ugly monster he hates the most?

Li Anjie took a long breath, stared at everyone fiercely, concentrated all her thoughts, and said: "You will all be unable to breathe, your throat will be strangled, and you will not be able to let go until you die!"

More intense spiritual energy emanated from Li Anjie as the center. In this highly malicious spiritual energy, no one could control themselves. The five of them all watched helplessly as their hands betrayed their bodies and strangled them. his own throat.

Their eyes widened in horror, and they tried with all their strength to stop their hands. But there was no way, they could only feel their hands getting harder and harder, and the feeling of suffocation coming from their throats.

The five people were just in front of Li Anjie, using their own hands to strangle their own throats. Until they died of suffocation, their hands continued to tightly strangle their own throats.

It took five minutes for these five people to strangle her to death with their own hands. During these five minutes, Li Anjie did not dare to take a breath. She just stared at what was happening to her with her eyes wide open. With everything in front of her, the five mysterious people lying on the ground remained motionless for a long time before she let out a long breath. At this time, Li Anjie began to seriously think about how to leave this place.

She was tied to a strange-shaped altar at an angle of 45 degrees. Under the altar was a huge blood-red red pentagram.

Li Anjie struggled hard, but regretfully found that the ropes that locked her hands and feet not only did not loosen, but tightened even tighter. Then she tried to use her psychic powers to control the ropes to break, but no matter how she used her psychic powers, Every time he hit the rope, he would be easily bounced away by a larger, viscous spiritual power.

Li Anjie soon discovered that this terrifying but tenacious spiritual power came from the altar, and the spiritual energy in the altar was connected to the unexplored depths of the universe. The altar of the evil god has been blessed and protected by the evil god to some extent. It is almost impossible to destroy the altar with pure spiritual energy.

Since it is impossible to destroy it with pure spiritual energy, then you can only think of some other ways. She began to raise her head and carefully observe the surroundings of the room.

The room was very empty. Except for an iron table that fell not far in front of her and was used as a shield once, there was nothing. Li Anjie hoped to have a knife or a dagger, so that she could control this weapon to cut the rope on her body, but unfortunately she failed to do so.

While Li Anjie was looking around, the blood of the five dead people kept flowing out of their nostrils, ears, and eyes on the ground under her feet without her noticing. The blood seemed to be guided by some mysterious power, like blood-red snakes, and flowed out of the bodies of the five dead people and into the magic circle on the ground.

The mysterious magic circle originally drawn on the ground emitted a strange red light with the injection of blood. After just a few breaths, the magic circle slowly flowed.

The magic circle activated by absorbing human life and blood began to swallow and spit out spiritual energy frantically, and the chaotic and strange power suddenly gathered in the room. Everyone with spiritual power felt the spiritual energy fluctuations from this place. Li, Elizabeth, Rosina, and Xilufu all felt shocked from the bottom of their hearts at this moment.

This spiritual energy fluctuation was very familiar to Li, just like the spiritual energy fluctuation when the door of the alien space was opened, but compared with the terrifying fluctuations of that year, this fluctuation was much weaker.

Obviously, the ceremony has begun! In that room, the devil has been summoned!

Everyone quickened their pace and ran towards the target.

In front of Li Anjie, a door made of rotten meat and smelly mucus suddenly rose from the magic circle. In an instant, the stench began to gather in the room, and green toxins began to spread from the door. Strange clouds of various colors surged and swallowed in the door. After a while, a bloated monster slowly squeezed out of the door.

The body of this demon was huge and bloated. Even without looking at it, the spiritual power told Li Anjie the horror of this monster. Its body was full of corruption and disease. Its body was covered with tumors, and the pus in the tumors was boiling. Some organs in the body were hanging on these tumors. The monster held a huge, rusty blade, and the green poison on the blade could be seen with the naked eye.

Li Anjie vomited suddenly. In fact, almost no one could look at this monster for a second without nausea.

Leroy, who was on top of the fortress, suddenly trembled. For a moment, he could not continue to sit on the sofa. This powerful and cold-blooded man slid down from the sofa like mud and could not stand up for a long time.

The pressure from the upper demon deprived Leroy of all his abilities in an instant. Under this pressure, he had no ability to resist. Leroy became as fragile as a baby.

After a while, Leroy got up from the ground and rolled back to the sofa. After resting for a while, he looked down at the bottom of the castle. Leroy was full of fear. He never wanted to experience what had just happened again in his life, but now Leroy had no way. He didn't understand what his men had done to get such a great god. "They actually summoned the unclean. What did those bastards do?"

"Hello," the demon moved out of the door, looked around, and finally found that there was only one living person in the room. So he tilted his head to look at Li Anjie who was vomiting violently on the altar, and said softly: "Hello, my child, why did you summon me?"

"Summon, summon you?" Li Anjie rested for a long time before stopping vomiting, panting and saying: "I summon you?"

"Who else?"

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