Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 177: Incident

Yes, if the person who summoned the unclean one was not Li Anjie, then why was she in this room?

Now, the only living person in this room is Li Anjie.

Obviously, someone paid a huge price and sacrificed his life and blood to summon him here. Generally speaking, the devil will first have a good talk with his summoner. If a business can be negotiated, then the devil will naturally be able to easily By sitting back and enjoying the results, the devil will gain a long-term and stable income point. All he needs to pay is to occasionally distract himself from the income here, or simply let his younger brother manage this area.

The devil will plant some seeds here and let more people fall into his arms, until one day he feels that the power here is enough and it should be harvested; or he wants to invite a few friend-like devils here. Have a party; no matter what, it will not be until then that the devil sends an absolute order to his followers. Tens of thousands or hundreds of cultists will hold grand sacrifices and evil devil rituals according to their master's requirements. , the huge ritual will completely comply with the devil's requirements, and the energy contained in the evil ritual will break the constraints of space. At that time, the boundary between the chaotic world and the real world will not be so obvious, and the devil will bring his The army emerges from the huge space gate, turning this place into a real hell, bringing the entire planet under his reign of terror.

The demons will harvest a large number of souls and create countless terrors and howls. All demons long for this scene, but before achieving this goal, they must be patient.

"My name is Beelzebub Sacheros," the so-called unclean one introduced himself. He looked around and then said doubtfully: "Miss, I don't quite understand why you use such a strange word." The posture summoned me here. Of course, I guess you confused us with other demons. We don’t like this here. It’s not that we don’t want to, it’s just that most believers do. I can't stand this, it's a bit harsh. If you summoned that bitch's subordinates from Slaanesh, they would go crazy with joy when they see you like this. Okay, let's not talk about it anymore, you summoned it. What's the point of this?"

After vomiting for a while, Li Anjie finally felt a little accustomed to it. She turned her head and looked away, trying her best not to look at the devil's face, and then reluctantly said: "Well, that's it, what about the ceremony? , there was a little accident, ha, we got the wrong person. In fact, I originally thought it was a handsome guy, but I didn't expect it was you. So you see, this is just an accident. How about we treat it like something? It’s never happened, you can just turn around and go home and have a good rest.”

Li Anjie's words still contained strong spiritual energy. She only hoped that this move would also be useful to this monster. The tied up Li Anjie could say that the monster in front of him had no power to fight back in this situation. Of course, even if She was not willing to fight such a disgusting monster without being tied up.

"Oh oh oh, that's it," the unclean one named Beelzebub Sacheros cooperated very well. He touched his head and said, "I'm so sorry. Since you are not summoning me, then I am like this Go back."

"Haha, goodbye."

"Goodbye, your mother! You thought I was a courier delivering takeaways. You can come when you want and let me go if you want me to leave? Is it that simple? Your mother, you originally wanted to negotiate a long-term business, but you didn't I can only grab one ticket and leave after a long time. It’s so boring! I’ll give you one last chance! How about we talk about business?”

"Yes, yes, but I won't negotiate business with people like you?" Li Anjie was about to burst into tears. Even her spiritual words could not shake the monster's mind. She could only despair.

"Wait, wait, this kind of spiritual power, this kind of influence..." Suddenly, the way Beelzebub the Unclean looked at Li Anjie completely changed. If at first the devil regarded Li Anjie as someone who could do something for him, He creates a rare collaborator who has continuous huge benefits. At this moment, the look he looked at Anjie Li turned into naked greed, just like the look of a wolf staring at fresh meat. Li Anjie almost thought The next moment this demon will pounce on him and bite him, although the reality is not much different.

"Evil, Mr. Devil? What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong? Hehehe, I just found out that I almost made a huge mistake, a huge mistake that would make me regret my whole life. Such a wonderful, amazing human being is right in front of me, no, already It can't be considered a human being, it should be a treasure. The huge treasure is right in front of me, but I almost missed it. Who taught you these things? It was so completely hidden that I almost missed it. , What an amazing ability, but it’s a pity that you didn’t care.”

"I didn't care?" Li Anjie didn't quite understand.

"I think the person who taught you must have told you not to use this power arbitrarily under any circumstances, right? Because if you don't use it and maintain that abnormal state, no one will know that you are Such an outstanding treasure, but you use your ability so unwisely. If your ability is first-rate, then the method you use it is only third-rate, no, even inferior, and it is actually under the devil's control. It was so stupid to use such a crude psychological suggestion ability in front of me. I almost ignored this shallow suggestion. It was really dangerous and a mistake. But no matter how bad your use of psychic powers is, it can't cover up your light. , now you are like a psyker like a natural and wonderful gem, tsk tsk tsk, this pure soul, this majestic psychic ability, what happened to me, Beelzebub, how could I be so lucky to meet such a person? Baby, my God, even if the loving father himself sees you, he will be tempted!"

Li Anjie couldn't believe it. She had never seen the eyes or words of praise since she was a child. No matter how good she was and how hard she tried to do everything she could, she had never received any praise. Even after being praised once, Li Anjie asked in disbelief: "Am I really that good?"

"More than just good, you are simply flawless and impeccable. You are so suitable for being a node. As long as I enter your body, haha, don't show such an expression. It doesn't hurt. Just give it a try." After that, you will disappear without any trace, and your perfect body and the majestic spiritual energy in your body will be mine!" At this point, unclean! Beelzebub was beaming with joy. He could not contain his joy at all. He was laughing like a pauper who suddenly won a million dollars: "Do you know what kind of treasure you are? Forget it, a little girl like you. I won’t understand, but I will remember you.”

Saying this, Beelzebub opened his mouth wide, and his tongue stuck out of his mouth like a tentacle. The tip of his tongue was a small mouth like a syringe, and yellow-green pus was dripping from the tentacle's tip. Tip dripping.

The devil just stuck out his tongue and said in a coaxing tone: "Be good, little girl, be good, open your mouth and let Uncle Beelzebub's tongue go in. Uncle Beelzebub will completely inject it into your body." Oh, this is very exciting. Open your mouth, be good, open your mouth.”

Li Anjie raised her head in confusion and opened her mouth. Although she was extremely disgusted, and although she would rather die than let something like this demon enter her body, she was completely unable to control herself at this time. Her body was just like the five mysterious people who died because of her. In front of the devil, Li Anjie became like a puppet. Even if she was not restrained by ropes, she was completely powerless to resist.

At this moment, Li Anjie had tears in her eyes. She couldn't control her body. She couldn't even close her mouth as she wished. She could only pray in her mind, "Whoever it is, gods, holy emperors, please, no matter what comes, let him come and save me, I don't want to die." Then Li Anjie Looking at the disgusting devil's long tongue getting closer and closer, he added a supplementary prayer, "Of course, holy emperor, it would be best if you could send a handsome boy to save me."

As if responding to Li Anjie's prayer, a bullet suddenly penetrated the roof from above the room, grazed the devil's nose from top to bottom, and accurately hit the root of the devil's tongue. After the hit, the bullet penetrated deeply into the devil's tongue, like an awl suddenly inserted into the flesh. The pain caused the devil's long tongue to twist like a snake. But this was not the end. Beelzebub was horrified to discover in the pain that the tail end of the bullet was flashing a red signal light, just like an airplane flying high in the sky.

Almost without thinking, Beelzebub understood what was shot into his tongue. It was a special bolt shell used by the Human Empire to fight against demons.

At this time, it was too late to do anything. The demon Beelzebub could only sigh with a grimace, and then the bolt bomb suddenly exploded. The bolt bomb was not filled with explosive gunpowder, but a powerful weapon against the devil. For more effective holy water.

A corrosive sound like sulfuric acid resounded in the room, and while waves of white smoke floated up, it was also accompanied by the devil's shrill scream.

The devil's long tongue was completely interrupted by this sudden blow. The several-meter-long tongue was broken and fell to the ground, twisting and struggling unwillingly like a dying snake!

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