Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 183 Bleeding

"Father," Li Anjie carried the stool and moved to the side of Li's chair. He put his arms around Li's arm and shook him, saying, "If someone else said that, I would not ask any more questions, but you must know it."

"Hehe," Li smiled and did not answer. Instead, he asked, "What do you think? Do the young couple still have a chance?"

Li Anjie thought carefully for a while before saying, "If we win, they will have a great chance to meet again. If we lose, they will never meet again."

"Yes, you are right. But we will not lose." Li explained, "At least we will not lose this battle."

"Father, you just said that no one can predict the outcome of war."

"Hahaha, indeed, accidents can always happen, but I We always have ways to reduce the probability of accidents to a minimum, and at the same time make plans for possible accidents. Simply put, it is a matter of fault tolerance,” Li explained. “The current situation is that we have planes in the sky, our warships above the atmosphere, and satellites in the sky as eyes watching the enemy’s every move. Although our weapons are not powerful, they can be said to be sophisticated. The troop structure is clear and clear. There are armored units responsible for raids, solid defense lines with trenches dug and bunkers built, and artillery units that can deal heavy blows to the enemy. In terms of military deployment, the enemy is already in our encirclement. So whether it is the number of troops, the control of information, or the strategic situation, we are in an advantageous position, and the General Staff has adopted a safe strategy in this situation.” Killing tactics. If we still lose in this situation, then I really have nothing to say. "

"You mean we will win?"

"This is something that has been predetermined. War does not begin after the first shot is fired. In fact, for most leaders, the outcome of the war is determined before the war begins. The victory or defeat on the battlefield is only a reflection of the final result of the entire war, and there is a long process before the result. This time the orcs' attack should not even be considered a war for our planet Reach. If our defense system is perfect enough, if our officials and people can be more vigilant, then things will not develop to this point at all. "Li sighed and said: "So I am full of confidence in the upcoming victory on Reach, that young People haven't even officially stepped onto the battlefield, and the war on Reach will come to an end. "

"Then he is not in danger, and he won't even really participate in the war."

"That's not the case, because our battlefield is not just on Reach, and the enemy has not only invaded one place. Although the battlefield on Reach is very optimistic, the situation on another battlefield makes people feel enough challenges..."

"You mean, it's very dangerous?"

"It's hard to say. If the battle enters the stalemate stage, then the war will last for a while, and this period of time should not be too short. It will be a difficult thing to win quickly or easily gain an absolute advantage," Li sighed with a wry smile, "Alas, it's not easy. It's not difficult to foresee that Reach will bleed for a long time for this."

"It seems difficult to do?"

"Yes, it's really not easy to do."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Study hard and live happily!" Li took out a pocket watch, looked at the time, stood up and said, "It's getting late, it's time to go, I'll take you back to school. ”

After sending Li Anjie back to the dormitory at school, Li returned to the Governor's Mansion. After a casual dinner, Li changed into a gorgeous Governor's dress and went to the military conference room. In the conference room, more than a dozen senior military personnel had been waiting for a long time.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to have waited for a long time, so let's start now."

"Okay." The Chief of Staff stood up, took the baton handed over by the orderly, walked in front of everyone, saluted Li first, and then said, "Gentlemen, first of all, I have to report a good news to you. In the war on Reach, we have completely won a strategic victory. Everyone, please look at the map."

Behind the Chief of Staff, a huge military map slowly unfolded. On the map, red and green arrows representing the military strength of both sides were intertwined and entangled with each other.

"This is the latest military situation map of the enemy and us. The red ones are our troops. This time the enemy did not use the usual blue, but specially used green to represent the local military morale, so that it is more eye-catching and easier for everyone to understand. "The Chief of General Staff drew a large circle on the map with his baton, and then said: "After the Lord Archon led the Star Wars Group to successfully complete the beheading mission, it caused a long-lasting damage to the enemy, that is, the orcs. There was a whole month of chaos, during which fierce melees broke out between the various orc warlords, which consumed a large amount of orc military power. Of course, this also invisibly improved the orcs' combat capabilities. Our army will be better in future wars. We will face more powerful orcs. The Lord Archon bought us a whole month of precious time. During this month, we perfected the overall layout and firmly controlled the enemy within the encirclement. , the first step of the plan has been completed perfectly, and the second part of the plan also started a week ago.”

Li nodded, indicating that he understood that the plan was originally formulated according to his wishes. The plan was roughly divided into three steps. The first step was to surround them. Step two, squeeze them. Step three, burn them all.

Now the plan has entered the second and most intense step, squeezing them. In the second step of the plan, the army should be like a lock set, slowly tightening, squeezing the living space of the orcs, tightening their necks, leaving no space for them to finally Suffocated to death.

It sounds simple, and it is indeed a good strategy, but how should it be squeezed? How to squeeze? This depends on the deployment and operation of the staff of the staff department. No matter how perfect the tactics are, it must be completed by the soldiers advancing step by step. However, the advancement of the orc army on the opposite side is not an easy task. However, from the current stage, the plan is still being implemented smoothly.

"How are the casualties among the various units? Where is the morale of the soldiers?"

"The specific number of casualties has not been counted, so the specific number is not known yet. Based on the current situation reported by various ministries, the general situation should be like this. Since the rescue and medical treatment are very timely and complete, our wounded Most of them can return to the battlefield, so although the casualties are not small, the soldiers still maintain high morale due to perfect rescue and logistics. Of course, we have a large number of soldiers that far exceed the number of the enemy, and we always occupy the battlefield. Taking initiative is the main reason.”

Li sighed. If he were an ordinary consul, he might have been fooled by this sentence. The perfect medical system and logistics might indeed play a certain role in stabilizing the soldiers' emotions and saving low morale. But The most critical thing should be the last sentence, which is "We have a large number of soldiers that far exceed the number of the enemy, and we always occupy the initiative on the battlefield." is the most critical.

These two ensure that the morale of the legion will not be too low. Regardless of any unit, once the number of casualties within the group exceeds a certain number, it will cause its morale to collapse. When this number is too large, it will directly lead to the collapse of the sequence. Disappearance, the collapse of the front. Of course, there are exceptions who fight to the last man, but this does not represent the vast majority of soldiers and teams.

When the number of soldiers exceeds that of the enemy and they still occupy the initiative on the battlefield, they can easily rotate and replenish them. Once the team suffers too many casualties, it can be withdrawn to the rear for repair and replenishment, and new teams that have already been prepared will fill in. Go up.

Precisely because they have always taken the initiative on the battlefield, commanders can easily command their troops to rotate. On the one hand, they can continuously consume the enemy's combat effectiveness and maintain a powerful offensive. On the other hand, they can also ensure that their own combat effectiveness will not be reduced. Too much damage. In this way, almost every company will have an acceptable casualty number, but when combined, these numbers are shocking enough.

"What is the proportion of losses between the enemy and ourselves?"

The Chief of General Staff was stunned, took a deep breath in embarrassment, and then said: "Initially, the battle damage ratio was eight to one, but now it has been reduced to five to one."

"Eight to one?" Li was silent for a while, then raised his voice and asked loudly: "You said it's eight to one!?"

This is indeed a number that is enough to make all commanders feel ashamed, eight to one, which means that for every enemy who dies, eight of our soldiers will be sacrificed.

There is no need for any explanation or labeling. The battle loss ratio of eight to one is undoubtedly a complete failure in any battle.

The chief of general staff wiped the sweat from his forehead, lowered his head and did not answer.

Faced with this kind of data, he really couldn't argue.

"There is no way, sir," a staff officer explained: "Most of our soldiers have not participated in a real war. For all soldiers, even commanders, this is their first time. When we set foot on the real battlefield, there was no large-scale rout because of our good training and our positional advantage. And I must say that our army was extremely lacking in heavy weapons support. "

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