Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 17 A Sudden Visitor

Roland stood in front of the old wooden door and spent three minutes calming himself down. Then he tidied his clothes again. This was the eighth time he tidied his clothes today.

Roland wore a beautiful dress today. This dress was specially made for him a week ago. It was a noble dress with a retro style. Simple black and dark blue constituted the main colors of this dress. Wearing this dress would give people a calm and steady feeling, which was exactly what Roland needed. He was only sixteen years old and didn't want to be looked down upon because of his age. Besides, he was about to meet such a legendary hero.

Roland counted 1, 2, 3 in his heart! Then he mustered up his courage and excitedly pushed the door open to go in, but before Roland took a step, he heard a hard voice coming from the room, "Don't you know how to knock on the door?"

Roland's face flushed. He immediately retracted his steps, closed the door again, and knocked respectfully three times.

"Knock, knock, knock."

"Come in."

Roland then walked into the room. Like all the side rooms of the ancient churches of that period, this room was not big, and there was no fancy decoration in the small room. In this simple room, a black-haired young man sat on an old rattan chair. Behind him was an open window. The afternoon sun quietly shone on the young man, coating him with a thin layer of golden light. The young man sitting in the room closed his eyes, as if he was enjoying the sunshine.

The scene was extremely peaceful, and it was far from what Roland had expected. In Roland's imagination, the person he was about to meet should be three meters tall, with thick muscles, scars that made people feel awe, and murderous intent in his eyes. His background should preferably be a pile of corpses made up of countless enemy corpses, and under his feet was a river of enemy blood. Yes, this would be in line with that person's status and reputation, but now... Roland was stunned for a moment, and then asked uncertainly: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Robert Lee?"

The black-haired young man opened his eyes, and Roland was disappointed to find that there was not much murderous intent in the young man's eyes, and his eyes were not very scary, and he also gave people a gentle feeling, just like the warm afternoon sunshine. His face shape was even softer, giving people a feeling of beauty rather than handsomeness.

"Yes, you found the right one. I am Robert Lee. You can call me Lee," Lee said, "What about you, young visitor? Who are you? Well, let me guess, who is Ailin to you?"

Roland bent down and answered respectfully, "Are you talking about Ailin, 'Paedri Ailin'?"

"Yes, that's him, little Ailin. Who is he to you?"

"He is my ancestor," Roland said, "I am Roland Ailin, the only descendant of this generation of the Ailin family."

"A descendant of Ailin?" Lee nodded, "It can be seen that you are really alike, with almost the same face and expression. He was as young as you back then, but now, is he still alive?"

After the physical and genetic transformation of the Space Marines, they have eternal life. Some of them will gradually age, but this is only a physical manifestation. They will not die due to the passage of time.

"Dead," Roland replied, "My ancestor died on the battlefield. His chest was blown open, with a frontal wound. It was an honorable death, just as my ancestor expected."

It's hard to say whether this piece of news is bad news or good news. Li closed his eyes and calmed down the complicated feelings in his heart. He was silent for a long time before opening his eyes again and said, "Yes, you are indeed my disciple. Then Roland, why did you come to see me? You are my only visitor during this period of time. It won't be that easy to see me, right?"

"Yes, it is very difficult to meet you during this period of time. It requires complicated procedures and layers of review. Even if it is approved, the time to meet with you is strictly controlled. This time I only have half an hour. But I can guarantee that such supervision should be lifted in two months. Please understand that this is a problem of system and procedure. According to The rules can only be like this, please be patient. "

"No, I didn't say it's not good now," Li said calmly: "In fact, it's very good, just like now I read books and bask in the sun every day, and I really need some time to let myself re-understand the world, the changes are really huge."

"I'm glad you can think so. The House of Nobles has already started discussing your affairs. Once there is a consistent result, the House of Nobles will intervene in this matter. I believe that the time for you to be free is not far away."

"House of Nobles?" Li frowned. In his memory, he had already drawn a clear line with those people. Why would there still be nobles thinking about him after nine thousand years? But he quickly put this doubt aside. After all, it's useless to think about it now. Some things just need to be waited. Li decided to put this news aside first, "I know, it's really good news. So, you came here to bring me this good news?"

"Of course not," Roland smiled, then he carefully took out a small metal box from his bag, held the box in both hands and carefully placed it on the table in front of Li, "I came to bring you this, please open it."

Li frowned and looked at the metal box in front of him. This was a familiar style and structure, but it was a bit too classical for people nowadays.

Li did not touch the box, he just asked: "What is this?"

"This is the emperor's reward."

"The emperor's reward?"

"Yes, in that great rebellion, although the enemy's army had already attacked the emperor's palace, the enemy's leader, the traitor Horus, eventually fell in front of the emperor, but our great emperor was also seriously injured. After the war, he made a series of arrangements and then lay in the golden throne until now..."

Li had already learned about this from history books. This was also the first thing Li did after accepting the inspection of the Demon Tribunal and moving here to be confined. Li first asked for enough books to bring him. He needed a lot of reading.

Nothing can help you learn about the current situation of the empire faster than reading. Li urgently needs to know what happened to the empire after he fell asleep.

Li first read the history of the empire, and what he cares most about is the last battle.

The victory of the battle naturally belongs to the empire, but it is not all as glorious as described in history books. Li can see the real side from the hypocritical and flashing words of historians. It was an extremely tragic battle.

After Li fell, the human garrison lost the defense line of the "Immortal Wall" not long after it was stationed. The Satan Gate did not stop the enemies who kept coming like a tide. The garrison could only continue to retreat and shrink helplessly.

Li read the record of that battle in a book that was forbidden to be spread outside. Although it was only a few words that had been deleted and modified, it could fully show the tragedy on the battlefield at that time.

"The mile-wide outer wall of the Imperial Palace is not just a solid defensive wall. Countless storage rooms, offices, and workshops are set up inside the wall, forming a tortuous and complex maze. Fierce melees unfold here, and rivers of blood mixed with the filthy blood of traitors and the blood of loyal Imperial warriors flow in every corner. Later, the warriors could only fight in blood that submerged their ankles. And not far from here, at the Lion's Gate Airport, countless Chaos Space Marines are still landing and joining the army besieging the Imperial Palace. The end of the human world The fall of the fortress seemed to be only a matter of time..."

Then came the fall of Sanguinius. He and his Blood Angels were stationed in front of the End Gate as the last barrier. Behind the gate was the Emperor's palace. Countless demons and cannibals launched a frenzied attack on them. The enemy hoped to force them into the gate in this way, but this plan was thwarted by Sanguinius. He alone resisted a bloodthirsty demon of horror and countless cannibal warriors until all the surviving defenders retreated into the End Gate and closed the gate.

The defenders bought enough time for the emperor. The legions rushing back from all over the empire were gathering, and Horus was running out of time. In the end, he made a desperate decision. He ordered the flagship commander to remove the energy shield of the flagship and wait for the arrival of the Emperor himself, because he knew that the last hope of winning this battle was to kill the Emperor in a one-on-one duel.

Lee already knew the outcome of this battle. Sanguinius was killed by Horus. It was a painful curse. Sanguinius was tortured to death by a powerful and brutal spiritual force, and then the Emperor killed Horus, although the Emperor himself was seriously injured. The death of Horus led to the collapse of the Chaos forces. Most of the rebels fled into the Eye of Terror, and their former homes and loved ones were left behind to face the wrath of the Empire.

The seriously injured Emperor could not survive, so he entered the Golden Throne, which was essentially the same device as the coffin of the Holy Spirit Hall. The seriously injured Emperor could not survive, but the Emperor was so precious that he could not die. So he sat on the Golden Throne, not alive, not dead, just existing.

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