Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 18: The Divine Emperor's Reward

Li's thoughts were brought back by Roland's clear voice: "After being seriously injured, the emperor insisted on doing as usual, personally rewarded the meritorious soldiers, and made a fair judgment on the traitors. The reward for you was also awarded at that time Yes, it was a reward that you received from my ancestor, Aylin. It has been kept by our Aylin family for you since then. The ancient program has been started as soon as you wake up, and our family gets it as soon as possible. After receiving the official written notice, I began to work hard to meet you so that I could personally hand over this precious reward to you."

Even though Li was a time traveler and his feelings for the emperor were not as real and passionate as his mentor's, Li was still hit by a strong emotion for a moment, and Li just sat on the chair blankly. , tears burst out of his eyes involuntarily and fell down his face.

Even though there was a long period of nine thousand years apart, the emperor and the empire had never failed their warriors. Suddenly, Li seemed to have penetrated nine thousand years of time through the box on the table and returned to the moment of victory. The emperor sat in his palace covered in blood and bestowed honors on the meritorious warriors. Whether they were present or absent, living or dead, all warriors received a fair evaluation. The loyal and brave men Received honors and awards. Their blood did not flow in vain. They paid their lives and sacrifices. The emperor saw all this and gave them the honors and rewards they deserved. For such an emperor, how could the warriors not fight bloody battles and fight to the end?

Li gently stroked the ancient box, as gently as he was stroking his lover's skin. "What's in it?" Li asked.

"We don't know," Roland smiled and replied, "His Majesty the Emperor did not explain what the reward was, and the Aylin family did not open the Emperor's reward. We do not have the power, so it should be up to you. Open it with your own hands.”

Li didn't say anything more. He wiped his tears, then carefully knocked open the special sealing wax on the mouth of the box, and opened the box.

Inside the box is a silver key, and next to the key is a roll of specially treated paper. Nine thousand years of time have only made the paper slightly browned.

Li carefully took out the paper and unfolded it very gently. The burnt yellow paper was written in the Empire's standard Gothic:

The commission led to the heroic Robert E. Lee's distinguished performance in battle and his distinguished service. Whether it is his noble character or his excellent fighting skills, he will become a role model for our generation, and he is hereby issued an appointment order to commend him.

With this commission, Robert Lee will become a glorious interstellar chapter commander. He will be allowed to form a new chapter, and will have the chapter flag, ship, regiment emblem, and other things that a regular chapter can have. everything.

May Captain Robert E. Lee lead his war band across the stars and spread the glory of the Emperor to mankind.

In the lower right corner of the burnt-yellow paper is the emperor's signature, and a black imperial double-headed eagle seal. Under the seal is a line of small words, "This appointment order is a photocopied attachment, and the original will be archived in the Imperial Think Tank."

Li turned the letter over and over several times, and carefully checked the box several times. Only then did he confirm that what happened in front of him was not some kind of crude joke or some vicious test.

This letter of appointment must be genuine.

For a moment, the joy in Li's heart burst out almost uncontrollably. What could be more timely than this? Li really needs this thing now.

If after waking up, seeing the respectful attitude of others towards him at first made Li feel happy for a while, then it would not be an exaggeration to call what happened next a nightmare.

Whether it was the inspection of various instruments or the inquisitor's obvious skepticism, the fear in Li's heart not only swelled, but if it was in his previous life, he would have screamed like a woman.

Many times, Li was afraid that someone would suddenly rush in at the next moment, arrest him, and then drag him out and burn him to death? Will they discover something? Is there really an evil power within me?

As Li's understanding of the world deepened, this fear became more and more inflated. Fortunately, Robert left Li with a "cold face". Even though he became handsome, Robert's physical habits remained unchanged. Regardless of whether he was happy, angry, sad or happy, Robert would not show it on his face. This good habit hid the fear in Li's heart very well, but it could not calm the fear.

Li Tai knew what would happen if he was found to be a fake. Being burned directly to death is the best ending imaginable. It is different from a world where travelers have never seen or even heard of. It is not surprising that time-travelers appear in the empire. Many institutions in the empire often deal with those time-travelers. It's just that these common time travelers are not time travelers in the general sense like Li. They are evil spirits who sneaked into this world from different dimensions. Naturally, dealing with them involves finding these hidden evil spirits one by one, then cutting them into pieces for study, or simply killing them.

That is a real demon, they have different abilities, some can change into various beautiful appearances to tempt humans to fall, some can hide in the depths of people's hearts and affect people at a more mysterious spiritual level, and some can live in the human body like the opposite sex. Lee has seen one in Robert's spiritual world. The words of that demon are not only inflammatory, but also can enter the spiritual world of others and directly affect people's souls. Such a wonderful power is enough to make people feel afraid.

So if Lee is found out that he is not the real Robert Lee, but someone else, there is no need to be sure, just suspicion is enough for Lee to be cleared as a demon. At that time, any excuse will be useless. You say you are an innocent traveler from the earth? Who believes it?

But if you have this and become the leader of a Star Wars group, then it can be regarded as a guarantee. The Inquisition could easily suspect an unarmed civilian, because it didn't matter if they were wrong, and the death of an insignificant civilian was nothing, but they would not easily suspect the leader of a Star Marine Corps, because the Star Marine Corps itself was a powerful armed force, and the Corps was not afraid of challenges from anywhere!

In this way, at least the security problem had been slightly improved. Li calmed down a little, and then thought of the various difficulties in reality. He sighed and put on an expression that was completely different from his inner thoughts. He shook his head and smiled bitterly to confirm the emperor's reward.

At this moment, Roland suddenly stood up like a javelin, and the heels of his leather shoes collided with each other, making a crisp sound. "Stand at attention!" Roland shouted while making a standard standing posture. He raised his head high, bent one hand and raised it to his ear, and shouted loudly in the room: "Roland, a citizen of the Empire, hereby formally applies to Captain Robert Lee to allow Roland to join the Star Wars Corps you are about to establish." Then he took out a white envelope, held it in front of Lee with both hands, and respectfully placed it on the table.

"You, you have already prepared the application?" Li said with a bitter smile: "You already know what's in this box!"

"Reporting to the Lord, my family of Ailin has kept this reward for you for generations, and it has indeed never been opened privately, but His Majesty the Emperor did not only issue this reward back then..." Roland explained: "A total of thirteen rewards of the same format were issued at that time, and seven of them were opened on the spot by the parties involved. Each box contains the same commission, and the only difference is the wording of the commission and the name of the person who appointed it. It is naturally not difficult to guess the content of the box. The greatest wish of the ancestor back then was to help you, the Lord, to re-establish a powerful Star Wars Corps. For this reason, the ancestor has never been promoted. He personally participated in every battle on the front line and accumulated a lot of merits. It's a pity that he still couldn't wait until the Lord woke up. So being able to join the Lord's Star Wars Corps and serve the Lord is not only my wish, but also the wish of the Ailin family for generations!"

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