Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 19: The Starry Sky

"It's not that simple," Li said with a wry smile, "You are still too young, so you don't know what a Star Wars group is like. It's not that simple to form a Star Wars group, even for a small-scale group now. If it was nine thousand years ago, I would not hesitate to put on my armor and embark on the journey to the starry sea, but now..." Li did not continue to speak. The world now is no longer the world he is familiar with. Things have changed, and a thousand years of dreams have passed. This is probably the biggest feeling in Li's heart now, and the huge gap drawn by nine thousand years cannot be made up by just a commission.

And unlike the young Roland, Li is more aware of the significance of the Star Wars Group to the Empire.

For the entire huge human empire, the Star Wars Group is the most powerful mobile force of the empire at this stage. They ride huge starships, galloping in the starry sea of ​​the universe, defending humans and the empire.

There were only 20 interstellar regiments at first, which were led by the 20 sons of the Emperor. Each regiment had a size of more than 10,000 people. They were the ultimate embodiment of human force. No creature in the galaxy could stop these warriors. During the Great Crusade, the Emperor led this powerful legion to win victory after victory, slaughtered and wiped out countless alien races, completely wiped out these races from the galaxy, and recovered countless colonies. But after the "Great Rebellion", all of this changed.

The Emperor entered the Golden Throne, and half of the interstellar regiments participated in the rebellion. After the rebellion failed, they fled into the "Eye of Terror", leaving behind a devastated empire.

The remaining interstellar regiments were reorganized and dismantled soon after. According to the "Astartes Codex" compiled by Roboute Guilliman, one of the 20 sons of the Emperor, the interstellar regiments were rebuilt for the second time. This is also helpless. The glory of the war group has been tarnished by those traitors. The high-ranking officials of the empire who lost the emperor had to find a way to control their warriors. They strictly limited the size of the war group to avoid such a tragedy again.

The size of the new war group has been strictly controlled. If Li wants to form a war group now, the combatants of the primary war group cannot exceed one hundred.

But even so, this is also an extremely powerful legion. Every qualified interstellar war group warrior is a killing machine on the battlefield, a destroyer of the enemy's confidence and will, and a great warrior blessed by the emperor. Each of them is a warrior who can fight one against a hundred. They only need to avoid the large forces assembled by the enemy and match them with reasonable tactics. Then this force alone can run rampant in multiple galaxies.

The letter of appointment is indeed very good, but it cannot be said that with this thing, the war group will be easily formed. Li made up his mind in his heart that no matter what difficulties he must get this group out. For Li, the battlefield is a much safer place than the earth, at least he doesn't have to worry like he is now.

"I really didn't expect that such power would be handed over to me. No wonder the review was so strict," Li sighed, "I didn't expect that I would get such a commission after I woke up. This means that I have the right to form a Star Wars group belonging to the Empire. Ha, I was wondering some time ago whether they would leave me alone for another 9,000 years."

"Of course not," Roland said sincerely, "How could the Empire treat the war hero who awakened from the legendary era like this? Sir, although it is a bit rude, I still can't help asking, what is your final response to my application?"

"I think you should know that applying to join the Star Wars group is not just about getting many honors. It is a death application. I have looked through the recent records. As for the history of the Old Ravens, I think other chapters should be in a similar situation. After a long battle and years, the gene pool of the chapter is mostly broken and incomplete. Not only that, but also the technology is lost. Many technologies that were common in my time have become lost ancient technologies now. Nowadays, every outstanding young man who aspires to join the Star Wars will be subjected to strict and terrible tests, and failure means death. From your clothes and conversation, I know that you live a decent life and receive a good education. Are you sure you want to give up such a life and devote yourself to the star sea to fight? You should understand that you may not even survive the operation. "

How to turn an ordinary person like Roland into a killing machine on the battlefield and a fearless warrior? How to turn him into a standard warrior of the Star Wars? Many things are needed. They need to be infused with faith. These warriors must have strong beliefs beyond ordinary people. Only with the support of iron will can they go from one Shura field to another Shura field. Only in this way can the warriors keep their hearts and not go crazy in the seemingly endless battles and killings. Strict training is also needed, how to control the combat armor worn on the body, familiarize themselves with the performance of armor and weapons, and integrate tactical actions into every cell of the body, and these are just basic courses; tactical teaching is needed. The warriors of the Star Wars Corps cannot be mechanical warriors who only know how to accept orders. They must be smart, studious, and alert. But the premise for completing all these courses is that the person must be able to survive the terrible, even cruel operation.

It is not without cost to transform a delicate, pampered ordinary person into a nearly three-meter-tall, muscular man with excellent combat genes, who is like a strong warrior born for battle. The whole transformation depends on a series of operations, and the whole process is very cruel and dangerous. Even in the era before Li woke up, when the emperor was still walking among the people, it was a dangerous thing to perform such an operation. Now, nine thousand years later, the empire has lost too much science and technology in the long time and war, and the current operation process is only more dangerous than it was back then.

For the young Roland, this will be a gamble that requires his life.

"I may have a mental breakdown because I can't bear the pain; I may also mutate due to genetic mutation and become a monster without a mind; I may also die on the operating table. I know all these possible results very well," Roland said with great determination, "but even so, I hope to become a soldier of the glorious Star Wars. I can no longer stand the life of living a life of eating and waiting for death based on the glory of my ancestors. I hope to follow you so that I can become a truly glorious soldier and finally die with honor on the battlefield, just like my ancestors."

"Why do you think so?"

"I want my life to be meaningful, sir," Roland said at attention, "I want to have the power to protect others, protect the empire, do something for the empire and the emperor, instead of wasting my life on meaningless enjoyment!"

There is nothing wrong with the high-sounding words, but it is not necessarily the real idea. Li nodded. As a citizen of the empire, this awareness is really beyond words. "Well, if I can become the leader of a Star Wars group, I promise that I will consider you first when recruiting soldiers."

Roland's face was full of smiles. He was extremely satisfied to get such a guarantee. He saluted Li again and said, "Thank you, Captain Li!"

"Don't be happy in a hurry," Li said, "Even if there is a letter of appointment from the emperor, it is hard to say what the result will be."

The emperor has been silent in the golden throne for nine thousand years. How much power does he have left? Li is very skeptical.

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