Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 238 Until Death

Yes, the banshee is the dead who brings bad luck and death, but what can she do when she faces a man who is not afraid of death and laughs loudly in front of death?

Startled by the sudden explosion, the banshees suddenly jumped back like frightened birds, and then followed up with a few backflips, avoiding these desperate lunatics far away.

The soldiers did not chase them, anyway, even if they wanted to chase, they could not catch up, the speed of the elves was too fast. So the soldiers turned around and picked up the guns from the ground, and began to shoot at the banshees slowly. This action made the banshees scream continuously, but the remaining three banshees did not dare to approach the lunatics who tied explosives on themselves. For a while, they could only dodge the bullets in a panic, causing the soldiers to laugh again.

This is what Carraway thought of at the last moment. It was really a stupid idea. Fortunately, the Emperor of God favored them. They only encountered banshees. Almost most of the banshees would not carry long-range offensive weapons. This does not require much experience. You can tell at a glance that these Eldar banshees hold sharp blades and wear light armor. Apart from these, they have no other cumbersome items on their bodies. This ensures that they can move nimbly, allowing them to quickly dodge the enemy's long-range attacks and quickly approach the enemy. Banshees are all melee masters, sword skills, these terrifying women are masters. If they want to fight with cold weapons like this, I am afraid that all the people here combined cannot beat a banshee.

But at this special time, this stupid method worked. No matter how strong the banshees are, they are all melee soldiers. No matter how superb their sword skills are, they have to get close to the enemy and chop the enemy to be useful. How dare they get close to the enemy at this time?

Of course, even if it works, this method can only delay time at most. It won't take long before the reinforcements of the Eldar will arrive, and then it will be the death of these people.

But what's wrong with that? It can delay time for a while, gain more life for the brothers, and drag a few Eldar people to die together, which is enough.

The warriors laughed and shot at the banshees who kept dodging. This frivolous and even contemptuous attitude of the Eldar people finally angered a banshee. Three banshees rolled to avoid shooting. One of the banshees shouted loudly, "The dignity of a warrior cannot be tarnished!" Then she suddenly changed direction and rushed towards a warrior. In the blink of an eye, she approached the warrior. Before the warrior could react, at that moment, the banshee suddenly screamed loudly. This scream was like a physical vibration, impacting everyone's heart and soul. The warrior who was the first to bear it could not resist this terrible scream and fell down with convulsions all over his body.

The banshee stepped on the soldier's body and slowly raised the executioner's sword in her hand. The sword flashed and the soldier's head was chopped off.

The laughter of the soldiers was suddenly stopped. These warriors who were not afraid of death seemed to be strangled by the banshee and could not make any sound. The banshee looked at all this with satisfaction, shook the long sword in her hand, and splashed the blood on the sword.

Carraway opened his mouth wide. He really didn't expect that such a thing would happen. The actions of the Eldar were so fast. They actually subdued the soldiers before they pressed the self-destruct button, and then stepped on their own soldiers and cut off their heads. Such a fast speed and such a strong fighting power are simply terrifying.

But that's it. What about the terrifying fighting power? Could it be more terrifying than those who are not afraid of death? Carraway sighed as he looked at the banshee stepping on the soldier's body and nodded to the adjutant.

The adjutant took out a remote control full of buttons and pressed one of them.

"Boom!" The explosion happened again. The banshee was still posing in a cool and mighty posture, but she was blown up to the sky by the explosion that suddenly broke out under her feet, and then scattered everywhere.

A louder laugh broke out, and the soldiers were so happy that they staggered to the ground, and even couldn't hold their guns steadily. Some had already thrown down their guns and lay on the ground, laughing and pounding the ground.

"Hahaha, I'm laughing to death. Did you see the silly girl just now? She's still posing!"

"Yes, yes, her posture of putting away the knife is really handsome, but it's a pity that she died just like that."

"Ouch, I can't take it anymore. My stomach hurts. I'm about to laugh cramps. That silly girl actually stepped on my dick. I guess she was very happy at that time!"

The remaining two screaming banshees just looked at the group of soldiers rolling on the ground with wild laughter, and they were silent. Even if the soldiers didn't even have weapons, they didn't dare to approach easily.

After a long while, a cold female voice said: "You are all brave warriors who are not afraid of death. I respect you, but I hope you can also respect your opponents. Don't insult this battle."

"Who wants your respect, you stupid bird! Come and chop me if you dare. I told you to chop me, but you didn't fight back! Come if you dare!"

The banshees just stood still. How could they go forward to chop? These people were not human beings. They were all crazy people who regarded themselves as bombs.

"You don't dare to come? That's fine. Grandpa will come to you. If you dare, fight me. I'll give you two hands! If you dare, don't run!" After that, the soldier took a step forward, and the banshee was like a frightened bird. She suddenly jumped back and kept a safe distance. This act of showing weakness caused another burst of laughter.

"Really, I didn't expect that the martial arts master of the Banshee Way would fall into such a predicament," a voice chuckled and said, "This is really an eye-opener. A martial arts master was forced to move forward or backward by a group of defeated soldiers. I'm afraid no one would believe this if I tell others about it."

"Who? Stop sneaking around and come out and talk!"

"Don't get excited, it's me, Dorabella." In the void, a cloaked elf gradually appeared, "While you were playing, I had already cleaned up the rest. Four monkeys wanted to run away, but I killed them. "So saying, the ranger named Dolabella took out four heads from his cloak and threw them in front of everyone, "I brought the heads here specially, take a look, are they these people? Tell me, are there any missing ones?"

No, the heads of the four warriors who drew good lots and left were rolling on the ground, they still couldn't run away, even if they fled the battlefield in disgrace, they were still caught up and killed by the rangers of the Eldar, the eyes of these heads were still wide open, not closed, and they still looked at this cruel world with the unbelievable eyes when they were alive.

At this moment, no one could laugh.

"Oh, it seems that I did a good job," Dolabella asked proudly, "Then, martial arts master? Do you need the assistance of a ranger like me?"

"Because today's battle is relatively long, in order to maintain long-term combat effectiveness, I specifically ordered my team to reduce the burden," the martial arts master holding Guan Gong's broadsword explained coldly, "and I didn't expect that my unit would fight alone, so I didn't carry a trident boomerang and lacked the means of long-range attack, which led to my team falling into such a predicament. This is my mistake, and I will take responsibility for it."

"Then, do you need my help?" Dolabella asked with a smile, "Please ask me, I will definitely help you."

"No, my reinforcements have arrived." As soon as the voice fell, there was a commotion in the woods, and a gorgeous mechanical giant built by the Eldar with a height of two floors walked out of the woods.

"Ghost, ghost guard!" A soldier screamed, his legs softened, and he sat on the ground.

A ranger is enough to kill all the people here, and another ghost guard appeared!

"It seems that this is the only way to end it," Karavi Yang looked at the people around him sadly. At this moment, he could only see despair. "Has the Emperor of God left us?"

"You are all brave warriors. At this time, you should understand that you have no chance of winning. The last resistance has been crushed. You have fallen into a desperate situation," the martial arts master stabbed the long knife into the ground and said coldly: "We are not bloodthirsty barbarians. The prophet and the war commander are willing to accept surrender. As long as you surrender, you will get the treatment you deserve!"

Is this persuading surrender? Karavi Yang gritted his teeth, he suddenly straightened up and said loudly: "Everyone, don't forget that you are soldiers of the empire, hold your chest up, although we are in a desperate situation, the battle is not over yet!"

Then Karavi Yang pulled out a pistol from his waist and slowly walked towards the ghost guard, "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" The general yelled wildly and kept shooting. But such a small-caliber pistol is just a decoration on such a battlefield. It is good for suicide. The weapon in Caraway Yang's hand can't even penetrate the armor of the Screaming Banshee. The bullet hit the smooth shell of the Ghost Guard, which is as smooth as the shell of a sports car, and there is not even a scratch left.

But the general still walked slowly, slowly moving forward, constantly shooting. After a box of bullets was used up, he immediately changed a box and continued shooting.

This self-defeating behavior is so funny, just like a child holding a nail clipper to kill a fully armed knight, but no one of the soldiers present laughed at him. Caraway Yang's crazy behavior is no longer to kill the enemy, he is just simply expressing his attitude.

The soldiers stopped laughing. They solemnly picked up their weapons and started shooting at the Ghost Guard. The bullets of the small-caliber pistol and the red beam of the laser rifle kept hitting the giant Ghost Guard, unable to cause any damage to the giant, but this did not prevent the soldiers from continuing to attack.

Yes, just as the general said, the battle is not over yet. As long as the battle is not over, we must hold our heads high and continue to attack.

For the soldiers of the defense army, the battle will never end until death!

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