Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 239: Coming on Thunder

Dark clouds rolled in the sky and drizzle fell.

Suddenly, there was a sudden light in the sky, and a white snake flashed past from the depths of the dark clouds in the sky. It was lightning. The sudden flash of light illuminated the weapons in the hands of the Spirit Tribe people, and then the weapons in the hands of the Spirit Tribe people began to flash. It lit up, it was the light of psychic energy. It had been delayed for too long, and they decided to let it end.

Karawi fired all the bullets in his pistol. He had no weapon anymore. The general raised his head and looked at the dark clouds in the sky. He let the raindrops fall on his face. The cold feeling, yes, it had been too long. It’s been a long time, let’s end it like this.

Then rumbles of thunder rolled from the sky, and the thunder lasted for five seconds. In these five seconds, the world suddenly changed.

First, the Ghost Guard shook. It seemed that something penetrated the Ghost Guard's shell, and a small explosion occurred in the giant's body. This happened in the first second.

Ranger Dolabella was the first to notice something strange, and at the same time she also discovered the place where the attack was launched. She just glanced at the damage to the ghost guard's shell and understood that a powerful human sniper was attacking, and then She looked along the trajectory of the attack and moved towards the forest, but before she could take a step, her head was suddenly hit by a heavy blow, and the ranger was hit by a bolt sniper round. After being hit, Dolabella's entire body flew backward along the trajectory, and at the same time, her head was completely shattered the moment the bullet hit! This happened in the second second.

Thunder continued in the sky, and at the third second, a sniper bullet was fired at the martial arts commander. The martial arts commander sensed the impending death. The arduous training and outstanding skills suddenly burst out in her body at this moment. She was While shaking her head to dodge, she held the big knife with one hand and used the force to fly up. She avoided being hit in the head by a bullet, but the bolt bullet still penetrated her shoulder blade, and the huge kinetic energy carried her along. The whole person is flying across the sky. But she still survived. At this moment, the martial arts commander was extremely frightened, but she was also very happy. She was glad that she was still alive, because she knew that she was really lucky. The human bolt shell penetrated her body instead of staying in her body, otherwise she would have become a dead body at this time.

But the screaming banshee next to the martial arts master did not have such good luck. When the martial arts master rolled in the air, blood splashed, and flew out, the banshee was still in shock, and then she was hit by a shot. Bolt shells flying from afar took away lives. This is what happened in the fourth second.

And at the fifth second, a bullet was shot into the body of the ghost guard, and the explosion happened again in the body of the ghost guard. This giant, which was only two stories high and nearly six meters, struggled for a while. Yes, and then he half-knelt down on the ground with a bang.

Five seconds passed, and the thunder gradually became smaller and finally dissipated.

Kalawi raised his head and waited for a while. The surroundings were quiet. Even the breathing of his comrades was deliberately soft. There was no sound of the Eldar shurikens flying and cutting flesh, no screams of banshees, no waiting... The expected imminent death was nothing.

Then Karawi Yang felt someone tugging on his sleeve.

What's going on? The young general opened his eyes. Yes, he was indeed not dead, and the adjutant was pulling on his sleeve with one hand and pointing forward with one hand.

Kalawi looked forward, and then he also held his breath and froze. Just a second ago, the Eldar who had brought the deepest despair was lying on the ground, and only a screaming banshee was covering his injured shoulder. , struggling to stand up on the ground, while the other Eldar people, the elusive Terror Ranger, the tall and sturdy ghost guard who was almost invincible, and an agile screaming banshee, were all dead.

I just closed my eyes and raised my head, and then after a burst of thunder, why did these powerful and almost invincible enemies lie down?

"Did I open my eyes in the wrong way? So I saw hallucinations?" Karawi closed his eyes and slowly opened them again. There were still dead Eldar people in front of him, injured and struggling Eldar people, but none of them was threatening. , the Eldar who can fight. "Okay, Lieutenant, pinch yourself and tell me this isn't a dream!"

The adjutant pinched himself hard and said, "It hurts! General, this is not a dream!"

"Holy Emperor, did the Emperor just come riding on the thunder?"

"It's not the God Emperor who came riding the thunder. His old man is quite busy, so the soldiers under the God Emperor's banner came to you. I think it's the same thing." In the drizzle, a figure gradually emerged not far away. When When the stranger who suddenly appeared approached everyone, they were sure that the person who saved them was the man in black in front of them. The man who was wrapped in darkness was carrying a huge black sniper rifle with one hand. It was this person who just used this sniper rifle to kill the pursuing Spirit Tribe people in a flash of thunder. "Everyone, please take off the explosives you tied to your bodies first." The person said: "Don't do it. At this time, if someone’s hand shakes and presses the wrong button, it will be terrible.”

Karawi laughed and waved his hand, and the soldiers decisively removed the explosive packs tied to their bodies, then picked up their weapons and gathered around Karawi.

"Hello, thank you for your help. Without you, we would be dead. This is really, what can I say? Are you from, uh, which department?"

"I am the leader of the Knights Templar, Li." Li introduced himself: "I saw your heroic fighting. You don't need to thank me. It was your own riskless fighting against the enemy that saved you. I am here to find Kara." Major General Wei Yang, do you know where he is?"

Knights Templar? What kind of army have you never heard of? Karawi was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized that no matter what kind of army this regiment was, it was still a Star Wars regiment, and what the Star Wars regiment meant was very clear to Karavey Yang. He immediately After walking out, he saluted with a standard military salute and said: "I am Karawi Yang. What does your Excellency, the regiment commander, want to see me for?"

"I have brought the latest order. Victoria, the supreme governor of the planet and commander-in-chief of the Golden Fields Theater, ordered all armies to immediately turn towards the gate of the wilderness after receiving the order."

"Ha," Karawi said with a sad smile: "There is no army anymore, Alfalfa Leaf is finished, and the Alfalfa Leaf Army has been completely defeated by the Eldar."

"So who are you? Who are the warriors behind you?" Li asked coldly: "Are you still the warriors of Clover Leaf?"


"Even if you die, you will still bear the mark of the Clover Leaf Legion."

"What does this kid mean? After saving us, are you going to look down on Clover Leaf?"

Li smiled and said: "It seems that the people of Clover Leaf are not dead yet. General Karawi Yang, I have conveyed the order."

"Oh, yes!" Callaway saluted and said, "I promise to complete the mission, but what does Victoria, the commander-in-chief of the Golden Fields Theater, mean? That little girl has become the commander-in-chief of the theater?"

"Let's talk in a safer place," Li said, "It just so happens that I also have a lot of things I want to ask you for advice."

Li led everyone to move overnight, and after traveling fifty miles westward, they entered the hilly area at midnight the next day. Deep in a valley, everyone entered an air defense facility.

"This is an unused stronghold of the military region. It was originally an air defense bunker. The original plan was very grand, but soon after the construction, the construction period was stopped due to funding problems. It is completely unqualified as an underground bunker for the legion. But it is very good for us people to hide temporarily, and there is not only a clean water source, but also some food reserves. It is quite dark now, everyone, please pay attention to your steps, walk slowly, and don't fall." Li led everyone from one place. He entered the air-raid shelter from the hidden entrance, turned left and right, and then descended in the darkness. After a long time, he turned a few more turns and finally arrived at the destination. "Okay, we're almost there, don't move yet." , I came to look for it, it should be here, um, I found it." After a while, the sound of a match striking was heard, and a weak fire burned in Li's hand, and then Li used the match to light the lantern in his hand, Only then did the dark underground space light up.

Like almost all air-raid shelters, this air-raid shelter is cold, humid, and dark. There is an inaccessible smell floating in the air, as if no one has been to this place for several years, but for everyone, this is the most visited place. A place of peace of mind. Nowadays, there is almost no place in the golden field that is as safe as here and home.

On the wall on one side of the air raid shelter are written exciting slogans that are common on battlefields, such as "Live and die with the golden field!" "For the holy emperor, fight until the last moment." and so on.

"The builders should have considered that these air-raid shelters will probably not be used until the critical moment." Li was also looking at the red slogans on the walls of the air-raid shelters at this time. He said like a historian: "So most of these slogans will not be used." They all call on everyone not to give up and fight to the end." Li chuckled, and the laughter echoed in the vast air-raid shelter. "For now, this slogan is quite appropriate."

"Master Li," a soldier asked, "are we safe now?"

"Well, it's safe, you can rest."

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people fell down, and almost at the same time, snoring sounded.

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