"They are tired, please don't mind," Caraway explained, "Continuous fighting and forced marches have brought them to their limits. They can't be compared with the Astarte monks. Although they are excellent warriors, they are just ordinary people after all."

"I know, what about you?" Li asked, "Can you still hold on? I can't wait to continue the previous conversation."

"If there is some food and a cup of hot coffee, I believe we can talk for a long time."

Li smiled, "No problem, follow me."

After leaving a lantern for the sleeping soldiers, Li carried the lantern and took Caraway Yang into the dark air-raid shelter tunnel. After turning a few corners, Caraway followed Li into a small room. After Li lit the candle in the room, Caraway saw clearly that this was a slightly decorated room. The reason why this room was decorated was because there was a table, a chair, and a bed in this cement room.

"There are not only tables and chairs, but also food and hot coffee." Li took out a military portable gasoline stove from under the table, lit it, and found a round helmet from the corner of the room. He turned it upside down on the gasoline stove, which became a pot. He poured a pot of water into the helmet, found a bag of instant coffee from the room, tore open the package, and poured the coffee powder into the helmet. After a while, a pot of coffee was ready.

Carraway happily poured the hot coffee into his kettle, held it with both hands, smelled the aroma, moistened his lips with a small sip, and then sighed with satisfaction.

"I never thought that I was still alive and could drink hot coffee. It was like a dream."

"Do you want to eat? Of course, the only food is compressed biscuits."

"Oh, that thing, forget it." Carraway said painfully: "I don't seem to be very hungry now."

"Then let's be frank, it's safer here, there are food and drinks, you and your people can rest here for two days, the Eldar people will not stay on a battlefield all the time, it is expected that after tonight, the Eldar people will evacuate from this area, you can send out the Ten Million Wilderness Gate in two days, I believe you will not encounter any danger."

"Thank you, Captain Li, how should I put it? What can I do to repay your kindness?"

"Let's not talk about this for now, I am not a shy person, if I want to repay a favor, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. But now, I have a lot of questions that need your help to answer, first of all, the military defense situation in this area, whether there are still defense forces around the Cloverleaf Legion, if so, what are they, where they may be now Location?"

"Do you want to continue the mission?"

"Yes, the defense of the Wilderness Gate is not as strong as I imagined, and we are about to face a difficult battle. It will be difficult to defend the Wilderness Gate with only the current defenders, so we need more forces to return to the Wilderness Gate to assist in the defense."

Carawi was silent for a while, and then said: "If I guess correctly, the moment when the Eldar appear on the Golden Plains is the moment when we completely fail. The Golden Plains is our strategic point. Once exposed, the entire battle will fall into a trap."

"No," Li corrected: "To be precise, it should be the moment when the Golden Plains fell that we failed, and as long as the Wilderness Gate is not breached by the Eldar, the Golden Plains will not be considered fallen."

"You are right, then Captain Li, do you think the Wilderness Gate can be defended?"

This is not nonsense. If I thought it was impossible to defend, why would I bring troops here to die? I don't think the Eldar will attack desperately, because the Eldar are not stupid, they will not change their battle goals for no reason, so there is no problem in defending the Wilderness Gate!

Of course, this kind of words cannot be said. If you really want to say it in front of people, it should be that it is very difficult to defend the Wilderness Gate, but even if we die, we can't take a step back. This kind of words makes people's blood boil and puts a big label of "loyal and honest man" on the head of the person who said it.

But now, you can't describe the future prospects too bleakly to highlight the loyalty and fearlessness of your own regiment. After all, this group of defense forces has just been abused by the Eldar, and you must build confidence in this general.

So Li thought about it and said, "The Gate of the Wilderness is a solid fortress complex, much stronger than I imagined, and it also has sufficient supplies, whether it is food or various ammunition, the reserves are amazing, and it is not afraid of siege. It can be said that the Gate of the Wilderness is very suitable for defense. Of course, the elves are also well prepared this time, and they are determined to capture the Gate of the Wilderness, so it is not easy to defend the Gate of the Wilderness. In this case, one more person who can hold a gun and one more firepower point means more strength."

Carawei Yang just smiled, and this smile was like the smile of an adult when looking at a child who firmly believes that he will be captured by the big bad wolf if he returns home too late at night.

"You don't agree with me?" Li nodded: "It doesn't matter. The heads of the defense army have just found out that they have been completely played by the Eldar. They are already at an absolute disadvantage in terms of strategy. I can understand the pessimism of the top leaders at this time." Not only did he understand, but he also laughed in his heart. Isn't it courting death to play tricks, strategies and layouts with the Eldar? No matter how smart you are, no matter how clever your tricks are, they can see through time and predict the future. What else can you do in front of such foul abilities? Whenever Li thought of the heads of the defense army patting their heads and regretting and having a headache, he would feel happy in his heart.

Although the defense army has always maintained a respectful attitude towards the other two major military groups of the empire, the Star Wars Corps and the Sisters, there are also competition and friction. On many occasions, the top leaders of the defense army have said similar words, that is, the defense army is the cornerstone of the empire's military power, and only the combat power of the defense army is the real combat power of the empire. Compared with the defense army, other military forces are just supplements.

Such similar words made many people feel unhappy. Now they saw the defense army was defeated, and at the worst time, Li came to save the world as a star wars group. This feeling couldn't be better.

However, this kind of psychological activity is really not something that outsiders can tell, so Li just asked solemnly: "But no matter how the brains above think, there is one thing, General Caraway, you should not forget."

"Oh? What is it?"

"That is your identity. You are the general of the defense army, the general who leads the troops. Your task is not to think about the overall situation, but to lead your troops, complete the task, and defeat the enemy in front of you!" Li said mercilessly: "The senior military officials seem to take it for granted. They have been playing soldiers and chess pieces on the combat sand table in the command room for too long. Most of them have forgotten what the real battlefield looks like. Do you really think that war is decided thousands of miles away in the midst of planning?" Li sneered and said: "No matter how good the tactics and strategies are, in the end, they will be defeated. We should implement it on the battlefield and on every soldier who actually opens fire. For us, why should we care about the ideas of those who have lost sight of the smoke of the battlefield? Why don't we do our best and turn the Gate of the Wilderness into a solid wall of steel, so that the Eldar people will be beaten to a pulp in front of us? "Li looked at the dazed Caravi and asked, "What do you think?" "Oh, indeed, you are right," Caravi drank a sip of coffee from the kettle and said to himself, "Why think so much? If the Eldar people come, just kill them one by one, and if they come, kill them two by two." "Then let's stop chatting here. Please tell me in detail about the surrounding military situation." While saying this, Li took out a military map of the current area. "Of course, I'll explain it to you right away."

Soon, Carraway Yang explained to Li the military situation around the Cloverleaf Legion. In addition to the Cloverleaf Mixed Legion, there are three battalions stationed in three areas. Due to the sudden attack of the Eldar, military communications were cut off. At the same time, the top leaders of the Golden Fields didn't know what to do, making the military command a mess. Therefore, most of the soldiers in the military districts either stayed in the barracks and sent out signal soldiers to wait for orders from their superiors, or made judgments based on their own feelings or experience and led the army to start moving. And as long as you cross the Cliff Mountains, you will reach the garrison of the 308th Legion. Like the Cloverleaf Legion, this is also a mixed legion with extremely strong combat capabilities. As for the other armies, they are a little too far away, and Carraway doesn't know much about them. In this chaotic time, the information provided by Carraway is not very meaningful.

Li nodded, marked the camps of these armies and the places where they might move, and then put away the map.

"If it weren't for the chaos in the command system, the situation wouldn't be so bad," Carraway sighed, "I hope what I said just now can help."

"It's a great help, and it can save me a lot of unnecessary trouble." Li sighed, "At least I won't be running around like a headless fly."

"Now I have a lot of questions, and I hope Captain Li can help me solve them."

"You say."

"Well, what did you do to the Eldar in your hand?"

Li suddenly appeared and saved Carraway Yang and his group from the Eldar warriors in a deadly environment. In five seconds of thunder, Li eliminated an Eldar screaming banshee, a ranger, and a ghost guard, and seriously injured a martial arts master of the screaming banshee. After that, Li let Carraway and his group leave first, and he stayed to clean up the battlefield and remove traces.

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