Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 242: Battle

So after getting the information he wanted to know, Li left that night. In the following days, Li has been running the map hard.

This is indeed a hard job. Although at present, there may be only four armies in the surrounding area that need to be contacted, Li needs to run more than four places.

Most of the time, the army is not the army of certain people. The army is not like a combination of people, but like a large machine with precise rules.

Rules and orders are always the most important components of the army. As for the current situation, the army encountered a sudden attack from the enemy, but lost contact with the superiors. What to do in this situation has long been stipulated.

In this area, there are a total of four secret assembly points. These places have perfect underground fortifications, hidden and defensive terrain environments, which are enough for the army to hide and preserve strength in times of crisis.

So the places Li has to run are not four, but eight, four military district garrisons, plus four hidden points. According to Karavi Yang, those battalions will most likely be in these places.

As a result, Li was lucky. In the first hidden camp, he found a battalion that was resting. He showed the document to the surprised battalion commander. After conveying the order, Li did not have much time to pay attention to the actions of this battalion. Li continued to embark on the journey without stopping. In the following month, Li kept running in the wild, but his good luck ended there. Among the three battalions in this area, only the battalion that Li met at the beginning was not attacked by the Eldar people. One of the remaining two battalions was completely destroyed by the Eldar people. When Li arrived, he only saw corpses and blood. Another battalion left the battle after losing more than half of its troops. As a result, the Eldar army did not pursue it unexpectedly.

After learning about this situation, Li understood that things were probably going to be bad. After defeating the enemy, the Eldar people did not pursue and expand the results. Why? It is impossible that the Eldar people suddenly found their conscience and did not want to kill, right? Let the Eldar people put down the meat that was already at their mouths, only because the Eldar people had seen more delicious food.

The 308th Legion was probably targeted by the Eldar.

However, the disaster of the 308th Legion was an opportunity for Li, and perhaps he could take this opportunity to get the answer in his heart in advance.

For Li now, there are only a few things he can do.

First of all, of course, he should do his best to help Victoria, recruit more cannon fodder to enter the Gate of the Wilderness, strengthen the defense of the Gate of the Wilderness, and only need the army that has held on to Eden to withdraw to the Golden Plains, and the defense mission will be completed.

Secondly, it would be best to capture a middle- and high-level officer of the Eldar. Although Li made a judgment through speculation and was willing to take risks, speculation is just speculation after all. He must learn more about the current situation of the Eldar. If he can pry the truth out of the Eldar population, it would be even better. Besides, Li really wants to know why the Eldar need Eden so much. It's just a planet.

When Li arrived, the Eldar were fighting with the 308th Regiment.

Compared with the Cloverleaf Legion, the 308th Legion is more fully equipped. As a complete regular empire legion, its combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

The 308th Legion on the other side of the Cliff Mountains consists of five divisions, three main infantry divisions, one main armored division, and a newly formed recruit division.

The armored division is equipped with nearly 40 Leman Ras main battle tanks, 160 Sentinel walking mechas, and 50 Chimera personnel carriers.

The artillery company of the armored division has 48 petrified lizard self-propelled guns, eight stone-shooting heavy guns, 15 Griffin heavy mortars, and 20 Hydra anti-aircraft guns.

Not only that, the commander of the armored division is also a shocking poison blade tank. And it is also equipped with a small number of air forces, eight vulture armed helicopters and 20 Valkyrie armed transport aircraft can provide combat support for the 308th Legion at any time.

It can be said that the Cloverleaf Legion is like a beggar next to a rich man compared to the 308th Legion.

And now, the Eldar are fighting against such a powerful legion.

On the battlefield, artillery fire was flying. Li Yin was hiding behind the battlefield and it took him a while to see the situation clearly.

The Eldar were using star cannons, star dart heavy cannons and spears of light to launch a fierce bombardment on the positions of the 308th Regiment. For a moment, Li could only see the flashing of various lights. From a distance, he could only see explosions and rising smoke on the positions of the 308th Regiment.

This was the first time Li saw the performance of the Eldar in a large-scale battle. Most of the time, these Eldars acted in small teams. The uninterrupted harassment and exquisite segmentation always allowed the enemies of the Eldar to be cut into small pieces. In the end, they were knocked down and eliminated little by little by the Eldar in the form of small team battles, but there were few real large-scale troop battles.

Now, the battle taking place here is undoubtedly an extremely rare large-scale troop-level duel.

The star dart cannon is actually a large-scale star dart gun, and there is no difference in principle. The Star Dart weapon is a high-energy pulse accelerator. The ammunition placed in the biochemical plastic clip will be continuously accelerated in the barrel until it flies out of the muzzle. Because the acceleration tube is always activated, the Star Dart weapon is capable of firing hundreds of rounds at the target within a few seconds.

In Li's impression, when the Star Dart Gun is fired, it is like hundreds of Tang Sect masters continuously throwing extremely sharp single-molecule blade darts at you. After amplifying this weapon, its power is even more powerful. The Star Dart shells shoot out countless giant flying blades, cutting through all obstacles. Not only is the power terrifying, but the continuous attack when firing makes people feel scalp numb.

The Star Cannon is even more terrifying and unbearable. The Eldar people have completely mastered the plasma technology, and can generate high heat like a star in the core of the Star Cannon. Although such heat will quickly decrease after firing, it still guarantees the terrifying power of the Star Cannon. After each star cannon bombardment, it was like a small silver sun suddenly bursting out on the battlefield, illuminating the battlefield. In the location of the star cannon bombardment, no living creatures could survive, and even corpses were difficult to find. The high heat instantly burned the people hit by the star cannon into ashes, and even the steel melted into molten iron.

Even more dazzling was the Spear of Light. As the name suggests, this laser weapon was a crystal cultivated by the Eldar with psychic energy. It could filter and purify laser pulses in an incredible way to achieve the ideal effect. Every time the Spear of Light was fired, it was like a spear pierced from the Eldar position, easily crossing all obstacles and piercing deeply into the position.

While the fierce bombing was going on, part of the Eldar's fast troops suddenly moved out from the right wing. The Knights of the Flash Spear Squadron formed a hovercraft and a falcon hover tank and inserted it into the position of the 308th Division at a very fast speed. They used the flashing light spears to pierce the 308th Division's solid fortifications again and again, turning it into a sieve full of holes. The falcon tanks kept shooting while moving with their exquisite fire control system. After the star darts that were continuously ejected from the muzzle swept through, only blood, broken limbs and death were left on the ground.

The ground fortifications of the 308th Corps were completely unable to stop the Eldar's mechanical weapons from advancing, because whether it was the Eldar's jet motorcycle airships or their falcon tanks, they were all anti-gravity machines. These war machines relied on an anti-gravity system that was so advanced that it was incomprehensible to float above the land. Li saw more than once that the drivers of the falcon tanks drove their tanks and suddenly jumped into the air, flying over simple traps such as deep pits dug by the soldiers.

But this is not the end. Occasionally, you can see agile figures jumping out of the Eldar Falcon tanks, holding giant swords and long knives, occasionally whistling, constantly slashing and killing in the crowd, painting with blood and broken limbs.

However, such a heroic and fierce charge did not penetrate the position of the 308th Legion. The first to be shot down were the Eldar knights riding on jet motorcycle airships. These knights were like the bikers on the earth who rode motorcycles at high speed. However, they were more advanced than those boys riding motorcycles on the earth. The single-person motorboats under the crotch of the Eldar knights had no wheels and were suspended in the air. At the same time, the motorcycles were equipped with flash spears. Many times, these knights rushed through the defense line at high speed in the blink of an eye, leaving only a pile of debris shattered by the flashing spears.

But just like on the earth, motorcycles are extremely unsafe, whether they have wheels or not. If tanks protect the operators in the tanks with armor, they are iron wrapped in meat, then motorcycles are meat wrapped in iron. No matter how sharp the Eldar's jet motorcycle airships are, no matter how fierce their firepower is, there is one thing that cannot be concealed, that is, these poor Eldar people have almost no protection.

On the battlefield full of gunfire and bullets, this unprotected state puts these knights in danger at all times. If they follow the usual attack methods of these knights, they will most likely use their high speed to pass the enemy's side or outside, just like the real knights in the medieval world, and quickly use their own speed to escape after a strike, and then turn back to attack again. The excellent Flash Spear motorcycle team among the Eldar can use this flexible tactic to treat the enemy like apples, layer by layer.

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