Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 243 The Coming War Witch

This attack was not a success, for both sides.

Although he knew that the humans in front of him were not easy to deal with, the Eldar war chief still showed surprise on his face. Although when he gave the order, he knew that this attack would most likely result in considerable losses. But this was helpless. If he wanted to quickly eliminate the enemy in front of him, he had to make sacrifices.

But the war chief never expected that the commando he sent out would be completely destroyed in the enemy's position. After being bombarded by fierce artillery fire, those weak humans were broken through by the assault team. In this harsh situation, these people not only did not retreat, but also maintained their offensive defense with high morale and kept the assault team all in his position. Then the seemingly simple position of the humans slowly turned like a millstone, gradually killing the Eldar warriors who broke into it.

While the Eldar War Command was worried about the high losses, the commander of the defense army was also lamenting that the Eldar's raid was too fast, so they did not have time to stop the Eldar outside the position. As a result, most of the arrangements within the front line were exposed to the Eldar's eyes. Just a simple raid by a small team exposed a lot of their arrangements. If there were more raids like this, wouldn't the layout of the front line and the setting of firepower points, which are the key points related to the victory or defeat on the battlefield, have no secrets at all?

In any case, after a few simple attempts, the Eldar decided to use their superior forces to directly press forward, capture the human position in one fell swoop, and eliminate this group of defense forces in their position.

And Li also found his target at this time.

It was behind a rolling hill, where twenty-four ghost guards were half-crouching. The eyes of these ghost guards were flashing with psychic light, indicating that these ghost guards were in an activated state, which meant that now in the body of each ghost guard, there was a warlike soul of the Eldar. The souls of the warriors who had died on the battlefield were back, and now, these dead who were resurrected in more solid bodies were doing what they were best at. They were waiting silently, waiting for the war chief to give orders. Yes, time has no meaning for the dead. The dead are good at waiting. These ghost guards were motionless, making the entire position look like it was composed of twenty-four motionless sculptures. Only occasionally would the light blue psychic light flow and flash on the spiritual patterns on these giants, which made people sure that these half-kneeling giants were still alive.

Unlike before, next to these ghost guards, there stood a war wizard in a robe. Li understood that this war wizard should be the "spiritual seer" of these ghost guards.

After all, Li had spent some time with two spirit people, and he had some understanding of the spirit people. Since these ghost guards were not living people, they naturally could not fight like real living people. The biggest difference was that the world in the eyes of the ghost guards was completely different from the world in the eyes of normal people. The eyes of the ghost guards could not see the world outlined by light. Even if they saw this world, this image and color could not be transmitted to the soul.

The world in the eyes of the ghost guards was desolate and dead. It was a desolate world that only the dead could see, and all living beings would appear in their eyes in the state of souls. The people in the eyes of these ghost guards were not normal-looking bodies, but human souls. It is precisely because of this reason that the reaction of these ghost guards is a few seconds slower than that of ordinary people. Seeing souls, feeling souls, and then distinguishing the souls of enemies and their own souls is not a simple process. The ghost guards need to spend a few seconds to complete the process of discovering the enemy, distinguishing between enemies and friends, and finally locking the enemy. For everyone on the battlefield, this process is almost completed in an instant.

Therefore, most of the ghost guards who go to the battlefield and fight in the battle appear to be dull and always react slowly, especially compared with the agile elves. This slowness is more serious.

If this slowness is in a small-scale battle, there is no problem. Although the ghost guards cannot quickly discover the enemy, launch an attack, and seize the initiative, they have sufficient protection and solid armor, making it difficult for ordinary attacks to knock down these ghost guards. They have time to prepare slowly, but in a large-scale battlefield, such slowness becomes a fatal flaw.

In this situation, the psychic seers naturally appeared. These war witches would join the team of the ghost guards, share psychic vision in their special team psychic network, and be responsible for guiding the attacks of the ghost guards. With the help of the psychic seers, the ghost guards' movements would become smoother, and their attacks would become more accurate and rapid. Only then would the ghost guards show their terrible power.

In fact, for Li, the best target was not the war witch, but the prophet or the war commander. However, the difficulty of the latter two was not ordinary. The war commander was the supreme commander of an eldar army. Sneak into the enemy's front and capture the supreme commander? I am not Zhang Fei, who can easily take the head of the enemy general among thousands of troops. Of course, it must be said that this matter is not impossible, but it is too difficult. It not only requires a long time to arrange, but also requires accurate intelligence, good luck, and only needs one careless move to send myself to the encirclement of the eldar people.

It is even harder to say about the prophet. These Eldar prophet are magical people who can walk safely in the artillery coverage area during the artillery bombardment, and they are not even stained with dust and dirt. They can sense the impending danger and easily avoid it. It seems that the possibility of catching such people alive and getting words out of their mouths is even slimmer.

The one who is really worth a try is the war witch.

In the Eldar army, the status of the war witch is not high, nor is it low. Generally speaking, it should be considered a middle-level cadre.

In the command structure of the Eldar, the war chief is in charge of the overall situation and controls the entire battlefield. He is the general of the enemy; the prophet provides support for the entire team and makes plans for the war chief. He can be regarded as a charlatan-type military advisor; then the war witch is the general of the Eldar people. These war witches holding swords or spears often rush to the front line with the soldiers, killing the enemy with their weapons, and supporting their comrades with their psychic power.

After all, although this war witch is not a high-level official, he can be regarded as an upper-middle-level cadre. After catching him, we should be able to obtain a lot of useful information.

Li hunched over, held his breath, and even his heartbeat slowed down at this moment. Then he gradually calmed himself down. After a few breaths, the spiritual energy in Li's body suddenly converged, and then the restless spiritual energy calmed down, and Li entered the state of "stillness".

At this moment, Li seemed to have really disappeared from the world.

There was no way around it. The equipment could only distort the light and hide Li's figure, so that the enemy could not see Li through their eyes, but could not avoid the sight of the ghost guards. These dead people could directly see the images of other people's souls. Li could not make his soul fire invisible, and invisibility could not escape the keen spiritual perception of the war witch.

Fortunately, in the "still" state, these detection methods could not find Li.

Li, who entered the state of stillness, seemed to be empty. Even if someone looked at him face to face, they would have a strange feeling that "the person in front of him seemed to no longer exist in the world". At this time, no matter whether he used psychic power or ghost vision, he could not find his existence in the world. This was also the biggest reliance for Li to dare to sneak attack the Eldar position alone and capture people from the enemy.

After all, it was not playing Warhammer Warriors. A person wearing gorgeous armor blatantly attacked the enemy position and tied up the enemy general from thousands of troops and walked away. Those who could do such a thing should not be the warriors of the God Emperor. Most likely, it was the end of the God Emperor himself.

Li slowly sneaked to a distance in front of the war witch, then slowly crawled down and waited patiently.

On the other side of the hill, the battle on the battlefield became more and more intense. The sound of artillery fire, explosions, and lasers burning the air continued to ring. Occasionally, human screams and cheers could be heard, interspersed with the roars of the Eldar and the screams of the Banshees. The Eldar and the 308th Legion fought vividly, back and forth, and fiercely.

But even so, the 308th Army was probably doomed, because there was more than one position like this hiding a large number of ghost guards. Li looked around before choosing a target. Based on his experience and vision, there were at least three such positions, which meant that the Eldar's war commander had far more troops than the 308th Regiment. He just didn't see all the cards of the 308th Regiment clearly. After he discovered the enemy's full deployment, he should decisively let these hidden powerful forces be deployed on the battlefield. Facing the sudden fierce attack launched by more than 60 giant ghost guards, the defense line of the 308th Regiment would undoubtedly collapse completely.

It was not because of the command, but because the difference in strength was too great. The outcome of this unequal battle was already determined, and there was no suspense.

Half an hour later, the battlefield gradually became calm, and then the war wizard suddenly drew out the long sword at his waist. The spiritual runes on the long sword flickered, and the twenty-four ghost guards who were as still as sculptures stood up almost at the same time and walked forward.

The war wizard then moved forward with the ghost guards, and Li was lying not far in front of him. If Li remained motionless, then in a few seconds, the war wizard would be tripped by Li's body.

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