"You mean I have the right to inherit the family business?" Li looked at the white-haired old man in front of him with some disbelief, and murmured: "Today is really strange. First, there is the emperor's letter of appointment, and then there is the notice of inheritance..."

The white-haired old man was wearing a set of all-black medieval butler's clothes, wearing white and neat gloves, his silver-white hair was curled, and he wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his nose. He looked like a noble butler who walked out of a medieval scroll. In fact, this old man is indeed a butler, but at the same time, he is also a special envoy of the House of Nobles.

"It's not surprising at all, Lord Robert, the responsibility of the Li family should be borne by you. Since you have inherited the surname "Li", you have the corresponding obligations," the old man looked at Li carefully and asked: "This is the responsibility you must bear. You won't run away again, right?"

"Run away, of course not." Li thought to himself, this is a good thing, why should I run away. What's more, the person who ran away that year was not me. The original Robert Lee was just an ignorant teenager in a purely rebellious period when he was young.

The body and name that Lee inherited did not come from an ordinary family. Robert Lee's grandfather was a famous explorer. He was granted a title and fiefdom by the emperor very early, and became an interstellar governor. In the empire, the titles of interstellar governors and nobles adopted the ancient hereditary system, just like the ancient nobles in the Middle Ages. The inheritance of titles depends on blood ties, not other things. It's just that in the ancient Middle Ages, the king gave the ancient nobles fiefdoms, while the emperor rewarded the interstellar governors with planets.

Each interstellar governor has rights almost equivalent to those of God on his own planet. They have great freedom and can freely formulate their own laws, political ecology, and even social systems. Even now, the ancient slavery system is still practiced on some planets, and the reason is simply that the governor of that planet likes it; on other planets, the interstellar governors never even manage their own planets.

As for the Empire, unless the Star Archon betrays the country, the Empire will never intervene in the internal affairs of the planet. The Star Archon can do whatever he likes on his own territory, of course, the premise is that the planet must obey the rule of the emperor and the Empire, and the Empire's only requirement for the Star Archon is that he must pay a certain amount of taxes to the Empire regularly according to regulations.

Robert Lee used to be a proud teenager. He was not willing to be a nobleman who relied on his elders like his father. He had talent and ability, so he had to rely on himself to make a career. So one day, the young Robert Lee fled from his family, and soon after he met "Raven", the emperor's son and the founder of the Raven Guard.

Later, Robert Lee became a loyal follower of Raven, an outstanding Star Warrior. He fought for the honor of the Raven Guard, fought for the emperor, and fought for all mankind. He won dazzling honors and broke through a sky, but no matter what he did, he could not change his identity and name.

He is still Robert Lee. From the moment he was born, he became the successor of the Star Archon.

"Who hasn't been young once?" the old man said, "but we will all grow up, mature, and take on our due responsibilities."

"If I need to inherit the interstellar governorship, then this will be my responsibility, and I will not refuse. There is just one thing I don't understand. Nine thousand years have passed. How could it be..."

"Let alone nine thousand years, even until the moment of the destruction of the universe, the three galaxies will still belong to your family. Unless your family can no longer find any heirs, the ownership of the planet will be taken back by the empire." The white-haired old man said: "The House of Nobles exists for this. We must guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of the nobles, which is also to protect the empire, because only the nobles are the cornerstone of the empire's existence."

"I can only be grateful for this."

"This is what we should do, and the person you should really be grateful to is not us, but your sister. If it weren't for him, perhaps these The world that should have belonged to you has long been taken back by the Empire. "

"Since you are talking about my sister, please allow me to ask a question."

"You are welcome, please go ahead."

"When I left home, the position of interstellar governor should have been left to my sister. After all, my father has more than one son, and the heir does not have to be me. My sister also has the right of inheritance. So no matter what, the heir should appear among my sister's descendants. Why did the inheritance right transfer to me now? "

"This is your family affair. I don't know much, so I'm sorry I can't say much," the old man bowed slightly and said, "But you don't need to worry. At most three days, your unfair imprisonment will be lifted, and your family has also sent a ship to pick you up. If the journey goes smoothly, it is expected to arrive in three months. By then, you will naturally be able to understand the whole story from your family. "

Only fools can talk nonsense about things they don't understand. How can a person who can't control his mouth become the steward of the House of Nobles? Li Ziran also understood this. He just nodded and suppressed the curiosity in his heart slightly. Compared with nine thousand years, three months is not very long. Soon he will I know the situation at home.

"I see."

"Sir, I have brought you some documents today. These documents give you a general introduction to the three galaxies you own. Please take a look." As he said this, the old man took out the black briefcase. A dozen bound documents were placed on the table in front of Li.

Li opened the files, looked through them carefully for a while and then threw them aside without any care. He then said to the old man: "Can you give me a general introduction? I used to know how to govern the planet. I don’t know how to understand these imperial bureaucratic documents that are full of technical terms.”

"This is my honor." The old man walked up to Li, pulled out a partial star map from the file, then pointed to a point on the star map and began to explain: "Here are the three things you have. The locations of the three galaxies are located. I must apologize that the think tank of the House of Lords does not yet have a detailed star map of the Far East, so I can only point you to a rough location to let you understand where the three galaxies are located. Approximate location in the galaxy."

"Located in the Far Eastern Star Territory? And it's so far away from the center of the empire?"

"Yes, although you own three galaxies, they are all in remote areas of the Far East that cannot be touched by the emperor's will. For the empire, the Far East is an undeveloped and wild area, and your galaxy It is indeed a relatively remote place in this wild area." The old man continued without caring about Li's feelings: "The average interstellar governor will only be in charge of one planet, and the particularly outstanding ones will be the governor of two planets. , but it is rare for an interstellar consul like you to have several empires. If we want to say the only flaw, it is that the area is too far away. "

"Are you kidding? What if we are attacked by the enemy in a place like that?"

"There is no way," the old man said honestly: "Under normal circumstances, the empire will not send precious military forces to fight on such a remote planet."

"You don't need to tell me about this, I know it better than you!" As a soldier, Li Ziran knows the empire's usual approach. Generally speaking, if there are alien creatures or other enemies attacking the planet controlled by the empire, then the empire's approach is often like this Yes, first of all, the imperial troops on the surface will try to resist. If they cannot be defeated, then the commander will decisively retreat and abandon the planet. Then the interstellar battle group is summoned to launch a counterattack. This is the empire's approach in those star fields that are more tightly controlled. As for those remote areas, the empire may not even care about them. Li had long felt that these things were full of weird atmosphere. How could he have such good luck? That's three whole galaxies. What a huge power this is! How could the empire hand over such an important position so casually to a person who had just woken up? Suddenly, Li seemed to have caught something he had missed, "Wait a minute, you just said 'so far away that even the emperor's will cannot reach'. Isn't this just an ordinary metaphor?"

The old man was stunned, but then he understood. He explained: "I thought you knew better, so I apologize again. The sentence 'so far away that even the emperor's will cannot touch' is not a simple metaphor. Speaking of this It happened after the Great Rebellion, so naturally you won’t understand, so let me explain it to you.”

Li nodded, and the old man said: "Sir, you should know that after the Great Rebellion, the great Emperor returned to the Golden Throne, but His Majesty the Emperor is not just sleeping there, the Golden Throne is a A whole complex system, and this system is directly connected to the 'Star Moment Tower', which means that the soul of His Majesty the Emperor is closely linked to the light of the 'Star Moment Tower'. Otherwise, how can we say that His Majesty the Emperor is always there? Aren’t you protecting humanity? May His Majesty the Emperor protect you and me.”

Li opened his mouth for a moment, with a look of disbelief on his face, "You, you mean that place is so remote that even the starlight of the Star Moment Tower cannot be seen?"

The old man looked at Li with a trace of pity in his eyes, "It's regrettable, that's the fact."

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