Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 23 The Greatest Threat to the Empire

What is the greatest threat to the empire in the entire universe?

Is it a weird and cruel alien creature?

Or a terrifying and evil Chaos Demon?

Or are they the ignorant people who came to betray their own beliefs and the emperor?

Yes, these are all threats to mankind, but the sum of all these threats is not as great as the threat to the empire from the universe itself, which is a threat from the universe.

In fact, the universe is now too big for humans. Just in the Milky Way, the Milky Way exists there. It does nothing. Just the Milky Way itself is enough to make the empire fall apart.

Because the Milky Way is so big, to a certain extent, it is big enough to make humans feel deep despair about their own insignificance.

When walking in a city, you will use meters as the unit to measure the distance you have walked; if you are traveling between cities by car, then you will use kilometers or kilometers to measure the distance you have traveled; but If you were traveling between galaxies in the Milky Way, distance would be measured in light years.

What is a light year? If you walk at the speed of light in a straight line for one year, the distance traveled during this period is called one light year. And the speed of light can circle the earth seven and a half times in just one second. So the distance traveled by walking at the speed of light for one year will be What a long journey it will be.

The closest galaxy to the solar system where we live on earth is Centauri. It is a triple star, and Proxima Centauri is only 4.22 light-years away from the solar system. This means that if we go somewhere in a straight line at the speed of light, it will take us at least four years.

If you travel in the vast and vast galaxy, even if you have the speed of light, it will be a long journey.

Fortunately, our universe is not a single existence. The universe we know is only a part of the huge universe. In reality, there is also a completely independent and coexisting unrealistic universe. This universe is generally called a different space. Of course, there are many names for different spaces in different environments. The residents of the empire will also call different spaces "chaos" and "different worlds", while some other alien creatures will call them "chaos" and "different worlds". That world is called the ether or empyrean, void and unreal universe.

Humanity's scientific and technological research is aimed at developing and utilizing different spaces, and the most important achievement is navigation in different spaces.

To put it simply, navigation in different spaces is like the "space jumping" technology in traditional science fiction novels. After entering a different space, the ship sails along the trend of the different space, sails in the different space for a period of time and then jumps out of the different space. , at this time you will find that your ship has traveled several light years, and it only took you a few days.

With the advent of the method of interspace navigation, mankind has leapt from the medieval horse era to the modern transportation era of airplanes. The long distances between galaxies that were originally unbridgeable have been greatly shortened by the emergence of new travel methods.

But things are not that simple. For humans, different spaces are still full of unknowns and secrets. Humans have very little understanding of different spaces. Navigation in different spaces itself is also full of dangers. It was not until the emergence of the 'Star Moment Tower' that This all eased somewhat.

To put it simply, the 'Star Moment Tower' built on the earth is like a lighthouse on the sea of ​​chaotic energy in different spaces. Only under the guidance of the 'Star Moment Tower' can navigation in different spaces be rapid. And safe, but once you leave the glory of the 'Star Moment Tower', traveling in different spaces will become extremely difficult and full of dangers.

This is also the reason why Li was shocked. Simply put, the position that the 'Star Moment Tower' can illuminate is the range within the capabilities of the Imperial Corps. A remote area is attacked. If there is a military surplus, the empire may send out its precious military forces. But if it is so remote that even the emperor's will cannot reach it, then you can understand it without even thinking. , the empire will not waste its precious power on these places.

Although theoretically, all planets in the galaxy belong to humans and the great emperor, in fact, today's human military is unable to completely control the world within the coverage of the 'Star Moment Tower'. Not to mention those worlds outside the starlight range of the 'Star Moment Tower'.

To the residents of the empire, the fiefdom owned by Li was undoubtedly a wild world.

"Sir, you don't have to worry," the old man could only say with relief: "In fact, your fiefdom has not suffered a large-scale invasion by alien creatures in the past nine thousand years. So in the next nine thousand years, , it is possible for it to continue peacefully.”

"But it is also possible that tomorrow they will be occupied by alien creatures that emerge from the depths of the universe. And the empire will undoubtedly abandon those places completely."

"It cannot be denied that this is indeed a possibility."

"I understand." Li said this while looking at the letter of appointment on the table.

Three days later, Li's confinement and surveillance were indeed lifted, and Li finally walked out of the monastery. This was the first time he smelled the free air after waking up.

Roland was waiting for Li at the door of the monastery with a smile on his face, "Welcome back to the free world. Does Mr. Li have any plans for the near future? Well, anyway, let's get in the car first."

It was an old-fashioned black classic car. The car roared like an old man's asthma, started slowly, and then took the two of them away from the monastery with grass and trees. After just turning a corner, Li discovered He came to the city of steel jungle.

"This is……"

"I'm surprised, the earth is like this now, I mean, the whole earth is like this. The monastery you were in before is already one of the few places on the earth with green space. The land price is too high There is no other way. And as the empire gradually becomes stronger, the land on the earth becomes more and more precious. Nobles from all over the galaxy have to set up offices in the imperial capital, and rich people in the entire galaxy have to set up offices in the imperial capital. Everyone wants to buy a house on the earth. So the whole earth has become a big city. It is said that the earth has had a "sea" for a long time. It is said that the "sea" is a super huge bathtub, boundless at a glance. It’s not even close to the edge, and the water inside is salty. Is this true?”

"Of course this is true. Is there no sea on earth now?"

"Ah, the mountains have been flattened and the sea has been drained. That's what the book says, but I haven't seen the mountains, rivers and seas yet? I have never left the earth in my life, and the entire earth has become what you can see with your eyes. It looks like a metropolis, full of crowded people and buildings. I have long been tired of these things. Nowadays, only some big nobles still have their own monasteries and green spaces. "

Li is unwilling to talk about this topic any more. He is not an environmentalist and has no extra time to care about environmental changes. He is more concerned about the current situation now, "So, where are we going now?"

"My home," Roland said, "You can stay at my home during this period. The festival has just passed, and it is not easy to find a house outside during this period. Do you have any plans for the near future?"

arrange? Li looked at the unfamiliar earth outside the car window and couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart. What do I want to do?

Back to the Raven Guard? No, that woman was right. Li checked the relevant records of the empire and found that there were indeed huge flaws in the Crow Guard's surgery. In addition, the raven was also missing. It was difficult to say whether the chapter still existed. Besides, even if The battle group is still there, and Li doesn't really want to go anywhere.

Li had very complicated feelings about the ravens and the Crow Guard. On the one hand, he wanted to go to that mentor, no, the place where he had lived and fought. On the other hand, he was afraid if there were any familiar people there. Where are my people? It is not impossible that the Astartes would simply fall on the battlefield without fear of the passage of time.

Fighting on the battlefield? To shed the last drop of blood for the empire? No, this is not what the current Robert E. Lee thinks. Maybe the original Robert E. Lee had this idea, but the current E. Lee is just a young man who has traveled from the earth in a peaceful time. He feels that he does not have such a high standard. consciousness.

Be a romantic aristocrat in the game world? It seems impossible at the moment. He is just a name inherited from a small nobleman outside the border. He only has an empty fiefdom. On an earth full of powerful people, his family's small power may not be as good as that of an ordinary person. of bureaucracy. It is very difficult to be romantic and happy when you have no power and no money in your pocket.

However, ideals and future architecture have to be put aside. Today there are more pressing issues.

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