Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 295: Nailed

How could Meyer not accept it?

Although there are rules in the chaos, they are not very strict. Fundamentally speaking, the most basic rule is respected in the chaos, that is, whoever has the biggest fist is the boss. ()

The four evil gods have the biggest fists in the chaotic space, so they are naturally the biggest bosses. No one dares to disrespect the evil gods. Even their enemies will be afraid of such a powerful existence. Even the evil god Slaanesh, who finally ascended the throne of the evil god, also has unimaginable terrifying power. The scream of Slaanesh at the moment of birth directly affected the entire galaxy. He wiped out the Eldar who dominated the galaxy in an instant.

In an instant, Slaanesh completely destroyed a race at the top of the galaxy, and the remaining survivors could only hide in the depths of the dark universe and survive. Such a terrifying killing range, such precise killing power, and such terrifying power do not even need any extra descriptions. Just thinking about it will make people feel terrified.

This is the power of the evil gods. Their power is so terrible that they can destroy planets and civilizations in an instant. The human empire is just an ant-like existence to the evil gods in the other space. In the face of such terrible power, it seems that the evil gods can completely destroy it as long as they raise their hands.

Fortunately, the evil gods can't control the things in this universe. Even if these evil gods try to stretch their feet, they can't reach the empire in the real universe. Therefore, although these god-level enemies are terrifying beyond imagination, the empire and other creatures in this universe will not face them directly.

Moreover, humans still have this emperor now. If there is really an enemy of the god level, there will naturally be a great emperor to resist.

However, these are irrelevant things for Mayer. For him, the only truth is that Ein is a strong man beyond his imagination. Simply put, Ein's fist is not much bigger than his. Not to mention Ein's power and position, just the power that Ein himself possesses makes Mayer have no power to refute what he said.

In fact, Ailin had not deliberately demonstrated his strength in front of Meyer. Although every Chaos Space Marine knew clearly the title of Hunter Ailin, for a period of time, this Imperial Space Marine named Ailin had been active on various fronts for a long time, hunting every Chaos Warrior and Demon he saw. For the Empire, Ailin was an absolute hero, and his record alone was equivalent to the record of a small legion. For the Chaos Warriors, Ailin was an absolute headache. Almost all commanders would frown unconsciously when they heard Ailin's name. His name was well-known to any old Chaos. Even now, many of the demons serving under Ailin were his former enemies, and he had killed them with his sword in the past.

What was even more terrifying was that even after Ailin defected to the Chaos side, he did not change much. Of course, it is impossible to remain unchanged. Chaos distorts every creature, and you cannot resist it with a strong will. Ailin was naturally affected by chaos, but compared with other creatures, the impact he suffered was negligible.

The most powerful proof is that Ailin is now a pervert. The so-called pervert is not all derogatory. Literally speaking, the so-called pervert is different from the normal state. For the fanatics of Khorne, the so-called normal state is just three simple words: "War! War! War!"

The fanatics of Khorne are like veterans who are distorted by war and cannot return to society.

They will not think about too many other things. It is not that they are not good at thinking or stupid, but that there is nothing in life that can arouse their interest and passion. [Sex] Love, art, food, all these enjoyments can not make them feel a little satisfied. Money, beauty and power have no meaning to them. These things that people pursue in peaceful life can only make them feel more empty. There is only one thing that makes them deeply yearn and miss, that is war, the blood sprayed, and the screams of death.

They are deeply trapped in such scenes and cannot extricate themselves. The excitement of the battlefield is an unbearable high-intensity stimulant for most people. On the battlefield, life can be shown most truly and purely. There is no class, no power, no likes and dislikes, only absolutely fair life and death. The enemy's bullets will not let you go just because you are a superior (on the contrary, the superior is much more likely to be hit by bullets), nor will they not shoot you just because you are a good person. In the face of indescribable and unpredictable death, everyone is equally vulnerable.

It is difficult to find a place as fair as the battlefield in society, and there is no place in the world that can be more exciting than the battlefield. In the casino, people are just playing with money, but on the battlefield, people are gambling with their lives.

This is a place of life and death. Often, if you fail once, you will lose everything. What else can be more exciting than the battlefield? What else can be more real than the battlefield? In the face of life and death, all other pursuits are nothing but illusions. What could be more glorious than winning on the battlefield and coming back alive?

Being addicted to the excitement of the battlefield is like being addicted to drugs. Everything in life has lost its appeal to him. Only drugs are what he desires. The fanatics of Khorne only desire the battlefield.

So most of the believers of Khorne are war maniacs. Although Khorne is also called the God of War, in fact, the believers of Khorne rarely pay attention to tactics and strategies, which require brains and high-level things. Just like the mother regiment of the legion ruled by Aylin, the Eaters, almost all the warriors of Khorne are a group of bloodthirsty lunatics.

The company led by Aylin is just a company affiliated with the Eaters. Although the people and strength brought by Aylin have long exceeded the establishment of a "company", who will care about such things? The Eaters wish that the companies under their command are stronger than each other, and it would be best if they are extremely strong. It would be great if they could slaughter the Empire with one company.

Of course, the Eaters were one of the twenty interstellar warbands loyal to the Empire and the Holy Emperor, but during the Great Heresy, this warband betrayed the Holy Emperor, and eventually abandoned their oath, threw themselves into Chaos, and joined the Khorne.

Under the influence of Khorne, this warband became more and more crazy. Almost all the Eaters had no desires in their daily lives. They only wanted to do one thing in their lives: to kill the enemy in close combat for Khorne and take the enemy's head. In this extreme emotion, the legion kicked away the long-range weapons and picked up chain axes and pistols. The thirst for blood and killing became the overwhelming need of the Eaters. Every time they entered the battle, they rushed wildly on the battlefield, screaming the name of Khorne, and threw all strategies and tactics behind their heads in the thirst for flesh and blood. These shouting lunatics were furious warriors who died in battle, knowing that Khorne not only welcomed the blood of their enemies, but also their own blood.

So the creed that is eating away at is either victory or death.

This is the norm. Almost all the warriors in the Ailin Regiment are like this. They are cruel, brutal, and eager for war and blood. They are a group of bloodthirsty, brainless and brutal demons. But the horror of Ailin is that even after he defected to Khorne, he didn't change much. Maybe he became more bloodthirsty, but that's nothing. Even before Ailin betrayed the Empire, he was bloodthirsty enough. He killed countless Chaos warriors on the battlefield, even civilians. He killed many people with fierce means, even Chaos warriors couldn't match him, so Meyer could hardly feel Ailin's change.

This is a very terrible thing. Only the best people with willpower beyond the limit of mortals can maintain their self-esteem and not be changed under the influence of evil gods. These people are all outstanding talents appreciated by evil gods, just like Abaddon in the Eye of Terror, and the high-level people who are still surviving in various regiments. These people are still the most beloved warriors of evil gods.

In Mayer's eyes, this is the most terrifying thing about Erin. His abnormality just shows how powerful he is. A person who is strong enough to resist the influence of the true god and preserve himself to the maximum extent, how terrible is the willpower of such a warrior? In front of such a terrifying character, Mayer can't even raise a trace of resistance. No matter what decision Erin makes, Mayer will respectfully accept it.

Because in front of Erin, he is powerless and cannot resist.

Mayer did not object to Erin's punishment. He just lowered his head to show his obedience. However, the black-armored warrior who was holding Mayer beside him said something very malicious, "Lord Erin, he is in this state. I'm afraid he can't wear armor."

Mayer's skin was peeled off all over his body. It would hurt to touch it with a finger. It was difficult to put on clothes, let alone armor.

"Can't put it on?" Ailin waved his hand and said impatiently, "Why are you bothering me with such a small matter? If he can't put it on, just nail the armor on him! Even if he dies at the hands of the enemy, he should be a Chaos Warrior under Ailin, not some strange demon monster without skin."

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