Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 296: Descending

Meyer's armor was soon nailed into his bones by the long iron ingots, and then he was locked in the airdrop chamber. When Ailin's flagship Slaughter Angel entered the orbit of Eden, this poor guy would be thrown onto the planet and face those cunning and despicable Eldar alone.

No one would care too much about Meier's fate, because everyone would face the same situation next. On the exciting battlefield, except for the true God, who could clearly know what would happen next?

After a moment, this impermanent and unpredictable situation deepened in everyone's mind, because Ailin issued an unusual order.

"Turn the ship around, we are about to enter the orbit of Eden."

"My Lord, this seems to be different from your previous plan." A humanoid creature with two horns on his head and flames in his eyes emerged from the black fog, walked behind Ailin, and said in a hoarse voice that seemed to be smoked by thick smoke: "Suddenly changing the scheduled plan will bring certain troubles and obstacles to our actions. Although the true God trusts you, this is not your capital to do whatever you want. We still have two ships waiting on the other side, and one ship is struggling in the whirlpool. Our "allies", "When saying the word ally, this demon-like humanoid creature smiled, as if he had just uttered a very funny word. When this guy smiled, he showed a mouth full of sharp teeth like sharks, and the teeth flashed with sharp light, He looked like a dangerous guy. He smiled for a while before continuing, "Our allies are at about the same pace as us, and they are all waiting patiently. We don't have to rush into the battlefield. This will only make us look dumber than them and become their pathfinders."

"I know what I'm doing." Ailin said coldly, "You have to understand that I am the commander here, and you have no right to tell me what to do. Besides, the true god probably won't care about these things. As long as we enter the battlefield, there is no difference between a hearty victory and a complete defeat for the true god. Besides, when it comes to judging the outcome of the war, even if there are a hundred of you, you can't beat me, so just wait for orders honestly."

The demon humanoid creature just snorted coldly and disappeared in the black smoke.

In the shadow on the back of the blood-red moon, a huge warship slowly sailed out. The hull of this warship was loaded with countless huge gun barrels, as if this ship was a hedgehog with countless cannons on its head. The ferocious appearance of the warship coupled with the black paint made this ship live up to its name in terms of appearance and momentum. This is a real slayer in the sky.

At this moment, the huge demon fleet has power that humans cannot imagine. The demon furnace roars and screams in the depths of the ship, providing huge energy for the operation of the entire warship. Under the huge energy spray, the Slaughter Angel completed the work of changing the orbit in less than half a day. As the first high-end combat force of the Chaos side to appear on the Eden high orbit, the Slaughter Angel attracted everyone's attention the moment it appeared.

At the top of a mountain, Zhan Si was manipulating the map skillfully. Below the mountain, a small-scale stranglehold battle had come to an end. Under Zhan Si's leadership, another demon was completely wiped out, and the price paid by the Eldar was minimal. Zhan Si showed his almost artistic battlefield control ability. The Eldar warriors in his hands turned into a huge and precise machine, ruthlessly crushing all enemies in front of it.

But at this moment, Zhan Si's hands suddenly stopped, and then, Zhan Si's hands shook, and a distant view appeared in Zhan Si's eyes. In the depths of the dark universe, a hideous warship was like a terrifying beast in the deep sea, quietly and slowly passing in front of the camera. Zhan Si's hands trembled, and then he left the mountain.

Deep in the dense forest, in a hidden temple with a unique shape, the prophet Noz'aisha. Time's Tears raised her head and looked at the dome of the temple, but her blind eyes seemed to penetrate the dome of the temple and the dense branches and leaves on the dome, through the dense clouds in the sky, and directly saw the huge and ferocious warship on the high orbit of Eden.

"The enemy has appeared, and the test has just begun. Can we withstand it?" Noz'aisha. Time's Tears said in a dreamy voice: "The legendary brave who can bring victory, when will you appear?"

But this Slaughter Angel is not as simple as two phases. Soon, this warship that is watched by all the strong has the next move. The Slaughter Angel carried out a fierce bombardment on a small area on the planet Eden.

Where is it bombarding?

Almost all the war lords, prophets, and other Chaos commanders found the information at the same time. The place where the Angel of Slaughter bombarded was exactly where a Chaos brigade was annihilated a few days ago. A vanguard of Khorne entered the camp established in this area, but for some reason, this Chaos army was lured out by the local Eldar commander, and then the Eldar built a trap right under the nose of this Chaos army, and then used a small team to lure the Chaos vanguard into the trap and annihilated it.

Now, the actions of the Slaughter Angel are completely understandable. It is seeking revenge, although everyone knows that there should be no living creatures on this former battlefield.

But the bombardment continued, and the violent explosions and bombardments lasted for a full six hours. The high cliffs and hills near the valley that Li selected as a trap were completely destroyed, and the entire area was turned into ashes under the fierce bombardment. All that was left was a dead area of ​​gravel and smoke.

"Oh my, is the enemy an idiot?" Elizabeth stood on the high tower of Oak Pavilion, looking at the flashing light in the distance, the occasional flashes of light shooting straight down from the sky, and the dull sound coming from the distance. The roar was as relaxing as watching fireworks at a bonfire party. At this time, even her voice became lighter. Elizabeth said happily: "Don't they know that place is just a battlefield? I mean, who would let their army station on a battlefield full of corpses? There are definitely no our people there. Their artillery fire can only smash the corpses like children. Well, it’s a completely pointless act of venting.”

"You seem very happy."

"Yeah, I'm so happy that I'm almost flying," Elizabeth said frankly: "What? Shouldn't I be happy? Please, you should be happy too and smile. We just had a fight. An unprecedented victory, which wiped out all the arrogant Khorne legions and uprooted the enemy's camps. Such a victory was simply unbelievable. It also drove the enemy's commander in the sky crazy. Look, Look at what he is doing now! He must have completely lost his mind, otherwise he would not be able to do such an unwise thing. This feeling is so wonderful that it drives the enemy coach crazy. I am already mad. I can understand how you felt back then.”

"When did I feel like that? What are you talking about?"

"Of course it's how you felt when you led five rangers and a group of Chaos warriors behind your back. The enemy leader must have been like this at that time, looking like he was mad at you, otherwise how could he not care about it? You were so happy when you looked like I was going to bite you even if it meant death?"

"I didn't have time. At that time I just wanted to escape, so I didn't have time to have fun."


"Okay, it does feel good, but now I can't feel good."

"Why? You just won a big victory. Your reward will arrive soon. The soldiers in the camp are all convinced by you, and our situation is safer. Why can't you feel happy? What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Li sighed deeply and said helplessly: "Because the development of things is completely different from what I expected. At this time, I really envy those prophets who can predict the future. It would be great if I also had the ability to cheat. "

"Huh? What happened?"

"Look, you can already see it."

The unreasonable bombardment of the huge battleship in the sky was over. Immediately, the battleship was like a fish laying eggs in the deep sea, expelling countless "eggs" from his belly and falling into Eden beneath the battleship.

Of course, what was ejected from the Slaughter Angel was not a fish egg, but an airdrop pod of Chaos Space Marines. Each airdrop pod contained an elite team of Chaos Warriors directly belonging to Aelin. In fact, in half Within an hour, a total of three thousand Chaos Space Marines from the Slaughter Angel, as well as various vehicles, heavy weapons, ammunition and other combat weapons were airdropped in three waves, and the target of the airdrop was exactly The place where the Slaughter Angel bombed before.

"Such a blanket and unreasonable bombing can of course be understood as a retaliatory bombing, just to vent, but equally, it can also be a part of a conventional landing battle, that is, clearing the site." Li Explained: "If this area is very dangerous for our army, and we don't know where is safe and where is dangerous, then we might as well assume that this area is all dangerous, and then use violent artillery fire to clear an area of ​​absolute safety. "

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