Have you ever had the experience of being possessed by a ghost?

Suddenly I woke up from a deep sleep in the night. I felt very awake, but my body felt extremely heavy. My chest felt like a huge stone was pressed on it. I just felt extremely dull and my body was out of control of my consciousness. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move, not even open my eyes. ()

In this situation, apart from darkness and the panic that surrounds the soul, it is difficult for ordinary people to feel other emotions.

This is a kind of terror where one suddenly cannot control oneself, and everything becomes unknown. Even after waking up from the dream, people forget everything in the dream, but they still remember this terror.

At this time, everyone in the martial arts hall was in this state. After they were swept by the sound wave caused by Zhan Zell's scream, they didn't even have time to hear the scream. It has been forced into such a special state.

This is completely different from the screams of ordinary banshees. Generally, the scream of a banshee is a sonic attack. After it is amplified by the psychic amplifier of the banshee mask, the infrasound waves pass through the ears and affect other people's brains, causing enemies around the banshee to faint and stand up. Instability, loss of balance and other negative states. At this time, the banshees can easily wield their swords and create a storm of blood.

But Jenn Zell is completely different. She is the pioneer of the Banshee Way and the Phoenix Lord. The scream in her mouth no longer has any sharp feeling, it is more like an indescribable roar. If it must be To describe it, Li prefers the word dragon's roar, or dragon's breath.

Just as he breathed in and out, the majestic spiritual power poured out of Zhan En Zell's mouth with special power. With her as the center, it spread out like thunder, crushing everyone's The soul easily shook everyone's soul. This vibration even transcended the physical level and directly made many martial observers experience the feeling of souls leaving the body.

Even Li, who was in the "quiet" state, could not continue to stand. He staggered from side to side and almost fell down.

This time, Li was not doing some drunken fighting. He really found it difficult to stand. In Li's senses, the heaven and earth began to twist and shake, as if the heaven and earth were toppled. No matter how hard he tried, he could not find his center of gravity to stand up straight. But even so, he still put on a defensive posture and tried his best to resist the coming attack.

But Zhan Zell just stood there and looked at Li with complicated eyes. She did nothing.

After a breath, Li finally found the stable ground under his feet. After swaying left and right, he finally stood firm and looked at Zhan En Zell opposite. The Phoenix Lord had already put away his weapon. Naturally, he should In this way, no matter from which perspective, the battle based on discussion is over here.

With a long sigh, Li looked around. The warriors who were standing in the martial arts hall to watch the martial arts had fallen down in pieces, like a group of rice ears that had been cut down and then randomly discarded on the wheat field. They all lay down. ! After a while, which took about two or three breaths, these people staggered up from the ground. At this time, their eyes were full of complex emotions, which were a mixture of panic, surprise, fear and excitement. . These people were surprised because they had personally experienced the power of the Phoenix Lord, and they were frightened because they were warriors. If they were to fall unprepared like this on the battlefield, then only a moment would be enough. They had died more than ten times. In just a few breaths, a short and long time, these powerful warriors were as fragile and defenseless as babies. How could they not be afraid?

This fear also spread to Li's heart. If Zhan Zell had just swung a knife at him, would he have been able to resist it?

In such an instant, he was completely in control of his own life and death and in the hands of the other party. Among the many battlefields in Li Zongheng's universe, whether it was the battle in his memory or the battle he experienced personally, this was the first Second-rate.

Within melee range, he never failed. As long as they are within ten meters, the enemy's life and death are undoubtedly in Li's hands. He has always had such confidence. It is precisely because of this confidence that Robert once attacked Titan alone, because He believed that as long as he got close, even a Titan could be killed by him, and he did it.

Li also had such an almost blind self-confidence. Even though he lost his strong body, he gained the most powerful and refined fighting skills, as well as spiritual powers that he was not yet very proficient in, and he had always treated them with caution. He firmly believed that he was invincible in close combat, which is why he agreed to join Elizabeth in this whimsical and dangerous mission. Because he is confident that he will not die, and the enemy standing in front of him will definitely be defeated by him.

This confidence was shattered to pieces by Zhan Zell's breath just now!

Now, whether it is the sword in Li's hand or the claws of Crow, they are probably no match for the woman standing opposite. Even if he replaces himself with his mentor, the ending will not change at all. If Robert, wearing the heavy armor of Space Marines, meets Jann Zel on the battlefield, then the biggest possibility is that the two will launch the most ferocious attack on each other at the moment of meeting. Jann Zel is fierce and disregards life and death, because she will not die; while Li's mentor has a noble belief in his heart, and sacrifice is his belief. For such a warrior, death is nothing. Moreover, for Crow, as long as there is a chance to insert the deadly claws into the enemy's heart, then Crow will not waste time on tearing open the enemy's chest.

The mentor will not hesitate at all. Under the power and enemy erupted by such huge strength and a well-tempered body, Jann Zel will not even have the opportunity to launch her scream.

As long as Robert saw a chance, he would launch the most ferocious attack without hesitation; Zhanen Zel's choice must be the same, but Robert's Space Marine heavy armor could not stop the blade under the blessing of psychic energy, and Zhanen Zel would also be pierced and torn apart by the crow's claws. The two would probably kill each other in the first place.

But one difference is that Robert can be killed. Even though he has undergone many surgical transformations and his body is as strong as a cow, the whole person is a man-made weapon, a monster that exists for war, but he is still a person. And Zhanen Zel is immortal. Even if her figure looks like a weak girl, her essence is a strange life. No, it is difficult to judge whether she is still alive. She is a demigod, and even more a monster!

In any case, Li has no chance. If they meet on the battlefield, unless he can surpass Zhanen Zel in all aspects and crush the opponent with powerful strength, so that the Phoenix Lord cannot find a chance, otherwise he will die.

In the close combat, this was the first time that Li encountered an almost unbeatable opponent.

"You win." Li was not someone who couldn't stand losing. After he calmed down, he even felt happy. After all, I am lucky to know such a strong person outside the battlefield, and I have also seen her fighting style. The gap is not eternal, it can always be made up, I have not completely lost, at least there is still a chance, Li Huanjian sheathed, bowed, and said sincerely: "I really benefited a lot."

"No," Zhan En. Zel sighed in his heart, bent down, saluted and said: "I am the one who really benefited a lot. The battle just now has been equivalent to my ten thousand years of hard training alone. You opened a door for me and let me see a completely different world. There is no doubt that you are a genius swordsman. I believe your legend will soon spread in the galaxy, and there is one thing I must say. In the past ten thousand years, you are the most superb swordsman I have ever seen. In the aspect of cold weapon fighting, I am not as good as you."

There was an uproar under the round platform. Almost all the elves began to doubt their hearing or whether there was something wrong with their minds. Out of respect for the Phoenix Lord, they could not doubt the Phoenix Lord, but only themselves.

What a joke, the Phoenix Lord actually admitted defeat, how is that possible? This little war wizard, what's his name, actually beat Zhan En.Zel in a cold weapon battle!

Are you kidding me? That's the Phoenix Lord, a living legend, a true demigod!

"But there is one thing I must say, although it's not convincing enough from my position as a loser, I still insist on saying it," Zhan En.Zel continued, ignoring the uproar under the round platform: "Your swordsmanship has gone astray. Although it has reached a height that even I can't reach, it is still an absolute evil path. There is no mercy on the battlefield. And there are too many drags and too many indecisiveness in your swordsmanship. If it were on the battlefield, I could easily kill you. After all, on the battlefield, there is no such a broad stage for you to perform, and there is not so much free time for you to sway and make plans. Tactics, we are not fighting alone, the battle situation is always changing rapidly, kill the enemy quickly, or be killed quickly by the enemy. "Then Zhan En. Zel turned to look at the audience, and his steady voice resounded throughout the martial arts hall, "You just saw a very exciting battle. War Witch Ryan is an excellent swordsman, but it's a pity that he has not participated in too many battles, so he has gone astray. You must be vigilant and continue on your own path. Don't envy others' demeanor in vain, because all paths have no extremes. One day, some of you will reach my level, or even far surpass me. "

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