The warriors of the Eldar Tribe were easily inspired by Zhan En Zell. Only then did Zhan En Zell exhale, walked to Li's side, and extended an invitation very politely: "Then, War Witch Ruin, May I have the honor to treat you to a cup of mugwort tea, right on top of your favorite tower?"

"It's an honor."

Then Li left the martial arts hall with Zhan En Zell. The two of them didn't say a word on the way. After a while, the two of them arrived at the highest point of Oak Pavilion. Only after climbing up the tower, Zhan En Zell personally Li brewed a cup of moxa bitter tea and brought the light green tea in front of Li. Then he sat in front of Li and said, "Please try it. I wonder if you are used to this kind of taste?"

"It's a bit bitter," Li took a small sip of the green tea and let the strange taste spread in his mouth before saying, "It's a very strange tea, the taste is very strange."

"This is natural," Jenn Zell said with a smile: "This is not an ordinary tea. It is made from various plant leaves, including fennel, hyssop, lemon balm, cypress, and nutmeg. In the glorious days of the glory days, the leaves of these plants were roasted, and then went through multiple processes to obtain a small bag of mugwort tea for brewing. It was once used to make alcohol, have you heard of it?”


"Then you must have never tasted it. I feel sorry for you. Ah, that is really a deeply missed delicacy. No matter how many thousands of years have passed, I will never forget that taste. Although the taste It is bitter, but Aoi bitters is the best among fine wines. We all like to call it the 'Green Fairy'. Of course, by now, this kind of wine has become an absolute contraband, even in some open-minded Arks. In this world, moxa bitter will not be allowed to exist. In today’s galaxy, there may be no moxa bitter, which is really a great pity.”

"Can I ask why?"

"Of course, compared to ordinary wine, albinism has greater stamina and is easier to get drunk on," Jenn Zell shook his shoulders and said nonchalantly: "Well, actually, this thing has certain effects. Hallucinogenic, this kind of thing is slightly dangerous. I have seen many people drink too much of this stuff, and finally went crazy and killed themselves. But so what? This universe is full of crises. , I don’t know how much malice is hidden in the darkness, and I don’t know how many lies are hidden under the kind face. No matter how dangerous it is, it is still moxa bitters after all, the most poetic thing in this cold universe, a glass of it What's the difference between absinthe and a sunset?" After saying this, Jenn Zell gave Li a thoughtful look and said apologetically: "I said some strange words that didn't make sense, please come. There is a reason for drinking tea here. In the glory days, after every martial arts performance or various competitions, the winner would drink a cup of moxa bitter to remind them that the glory of the winner also has a bitter taste. Don't be fooled by this. The glory has gone to your head. Today, you are the winner, so you are qualified to drink a cup of moxa bitter tea brewed by me. You should drink it, but unfortunately, brewing is a long process, and I just woke up. soon."

"That's really a pity. After you said that, I'm full of desire for this kind of wine."

"You don't seem scared."

"Why should I be afraid?"

"Wine is the sweetest drink. The air of the glorious era was filled with the sweet and intoxicating aroma of wine. But for us now, it is a kind of poison. It makes people become more emotional. , losing one's mind and being unable to control oneself, it is like a poison. Even some highly respected elders will become another person after being drunk, doing many ridiculous things, and even committing unforgivable crimes. "Mr. Zhan Zell asked coldly: "Fine wine can make us unable to control ourselves. It will lead us into the arms of the enemy. It is a deadly poison and will lower our defense. In the glory days, she was called the Green Fairy, but now she's called the 'Green Devil'. Don't you know this?"

The Phoenix Lord's questions were as sharp as her sharp blade, and the atmosphere became tense in an instant.

"Losing self-control?" Li didn't panic. He asked calmly: "You mean you lost your mind and couldn't control your mind?"


"I've never been in this situation."

"Even after being drunk?"

"Even when I'm drunk," Li said with certainty, "I will never lose control of myself."

Zhan Zell smiled again, this smile was extremely bright, "That's really good," she said happily: "I knew I was right, seeing you can use such swordsmanship," as she said, Zhan Zell smiled. En Zell sat on the chair and swayed imitating being drunk, "What is it called, Drunken Sword?"

Li smiled, "Yes, Drunken Sword."

Jenn Zell sat up straight, picked up the teacup and took a sip before continuing: "Seeing this fighting style, I know that you are definitely not drinking less, but this is a dangerous thing after all, even in some fashions In the open ark, drinking is also considered a dangerous endeavor. You don't have to think too much. I don't want to stop you here, and I don't intend to interfere with your personal hobbies, because it seems to me that you don't. You haven't had any big troubles because of drinking, so you are a guy who can drink. You have talent in this area, but this does not mean that other people have the same talent as you," Zhan En Ze Er said slowly: "So in the environment just now, in front of so many young warriors, you shouldn't use such sword skills. Drunken Sword, such a weird, gorgeous and effective attack method will definitely make those people feel uneasy." Yearning, this is a bad influence. They may try to drink because of your strength, but not everyone has your talent. You are different from them, you know this."

"I see."

"It's good that you can understand this. This is why I said those words at the end. My face must have been very ugly at that time," Zhan Zell smiled bitterly and touched his face. "Even I felt that I must have looked extremely ugly at that time, like a crazy woman driven mad by jealousy. I obviously lost, but in the end I hindered the continuation of the competition by cheating like that. If you keep talking about your path with a victor's attitude, please forget about the words that your path is evil. At the same time, I sincerely apologize to you here and hope to get you. of forgiveness.”

While saying this, Jenn Zell put her hands under the round table and lowered her head. She just sat on the chair and made a bowing gesture.

"Ah, apologize?" Li frowned slightly. At this time, he was completely confused: "It's not necessary. After all, everyone has their own persistence."

"Yes, an apology is very necessary." Zhan Zell said seriously: "I hope to get your understanding. After all, your road is still being explored and is not smooth. It cannot be regarded as a road. Whether it can be passed through in the end is also doubtful. Naturally, such a path cannot be imitated and learned by future generations, and now it appears in front of everyone in an extremely powerful manner, impacting their thoughts, if it is just knowledge. When you are strong, you are likely to be attracted by your strength, and thus give up your own path and follow your path.”

"You are thinking too much, is this possible?"

"Yes, this is why I brewed mugwort tea for you according to ancient rituals. You did not win a simple victory, you won a Phoenix Lord. You still don't understand what this means. Warriors They may worship you like a Phoenix Lord. People will always worship heroes, but I can't let them follow your path, because this is not the path, so I say you are evil. I have to guide the warriors of the Eldar, so I slandered your way. This was not my intention. I support and admire your bold exploration. For this, I must apologize and hope you can accept it."

"Ahem, this is too solemn. I accept your apology."

"Very good, but just apologizing like this still doesn't show sincerity. So why not, I will use something like this as a sincere apology. I hope you like it." With that said, Zhan En Ze Er took out a thin booklet from her inner pocket, placed it on the round table, and pushed it in front of Li.

"This is?"

"Please open it and take a look."

Li picked up the booklet in front of him and opened it to read. The first few chapters of the booklet talked about the identification, search, planting and cultivation methods of plants. He quickly flipped through a few pages. The second half of the booklet was about the methods of moxa bitters. Brewing method.

"This is my gift to you. I believe you have the ability to make this green fairy return to the universe. To be honest, whether it is a fairy or a devil, if it just disappears into the Milky Way, it will be terrible. What a shame, I really want to taste it again and hope that one day I can drink your wine.”

"Maybe," Li put away the pamphlet and sighed, "I also really hope that such a day can happen."

"It will happen, believe me." Zhan Zell smiled slyly and said, "I have foreseen such a day coming."

"You are no prophet."

"I am stronger than them. The prophet only foresees the future, but I can create the future."

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