Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 314 Startup

While Lee and Reverend Martin were discussing the relevant details of religious rules, the door opened again, and Father Bell in a long robe and Captain Grant in formal attire walked in.

Father Mechanic Bell did not stop working even while walking. His attention was on an electronic work board. The electronic work board was held by the two electronic tentacles behind the Father Mechanic and hung just to the left of Father Bell's face. Not far away, Father Bell only needed to turn his head slightly to see the information on the electronic work board. As Bell walked, various data materials were quickly displayed on the electronic screen. Sliding up flashed, and Father Bell was reading attentively - even if he focused on the electronic work board, it did not hinder his walking, because one of the eight electronic tentacles behind Father Bell was modified into a This electronic monitor is like an eye that grows on the back of the priest and can move in an all-round three-dimensional spherical shape. This electronic eye has many uses, and the biggest function of this electronic eye now is to help Father Bell watch. The road ahead.

The young Captain Grant was wearing a gorgeous and solemn black captain's uniform, and with his stern face, he seemed like a piece of cold ice floating in the dark universe.

As soon as the door opened, Li's full attention was focused on Father Bell. He looked at Father Bell without blinking, while the mechanical priest walked to the corner of the room without caring, studying him. For a moment, no one seemed to have the intention to speak. The embarrassing silence lasted for a while, but Bell didn't seem to notice Li's eyes at all. His attention was still on his electronic workboard. Li had to cough and said, "Father Bell, I'm glad to see you are so focused on your work."

"This is my duty."

"Then can you tell me about your recent work? Of course, it's about the situation of our children."

"Your Excellency, those people are not 'children'," Mechanical Priest Bell corrected him mercilessly: "Those people are warriors blessed by the Holy Emperor, and they are warriors among warriors. You use the term 'children' Words are not appropriate to call them.”

"Okay, then tell me, are those young warriors okay now?"

"The situation is eight percentage points better than the most optimistic expectations. Facts have proved that after the fighters are carefully selected and then receive systematic and hard training, their tolerance for pain and new things will be greatly improved. One hundred fighters Only eleven of them are in danger, and our pharmacists will use chemicals to debug them, but as far as I'm concerned, there's little hope."

The genes in the group's gene bank will not only bring sacred and powerful power to the warriors, but also bring huge dangers. The physical pain caused by genetic mutation and fusion is just an appetizer and is even more dangerous. It's the mental impact. The genes from the ancient heroes in the war group have passed through several generations of outstanding warriors in the long history of the war group. The genetic information contains information that spans thousands or even tens of thousands of years. In the dream, the long time almost turns into eternity. The soldiers are surrounded by only death, gunpowder smoke, and the flames that burn their souls. The soldiers can only survive with their strong will and turn their hearts into steel. Otherwise, the fate of the soldiers will be very tragic, ranging from having their souls twisted at the least, to going crazy and becoming idiots, or lunatics who only know how to kill.

If we continue to trace back the genes, these ancient dreams brought to the warriors by the genes can even be seen by the warriors, and they can even experience the great battle of the Primarch. Being able to experience such a battle is of course extremely lucky for the warriors. , provided that you can still find yourself and wake up from the deep dream. But this possibility is very small, almost non-existent. Once lost in the dream, it is difficult for the soldiers to even distinguish who they are. The long war, the eternal battle, the never-ending cruel war, and the life experiences of many people, any of these... All species can easily drive a normal person crazy, and warriors have to face all of this.

Li sighed and said helplessly: "So we have just started and we have already lost eleven people."

"Although we should not give up hope, from a realistic point of view, yes, unless the God Emperor bless us, the chance of those eleven people waking up is less than one in ten thousand. From a data point of view, this is already very good The result is that, my lord, you don’t have to be disappointed at all.”

"I'm just a little worried. After all, this is just the beginning." Li understands that similar meaningless losses will continue. In the days to come, the soldiers will have to undergo cruel operations again and again. Although Li has artificially Some highly risky operations have been reduced, but this only reduces the risk, and death and losses are inevitable.

"Tribulation and hardship are necessary, and loss and pain are inevitable." Pastor Martin explained: "Sir, these are what we must bear."

Li nodded and changed the question, "Where are the warriors I brought back from the Eridanus Galaxy? How are they doing?"

"No one was lost," Father Bell's tone did not change even amid the praise. He stated calmly: "They are unexpectedly excellent. The will of these warriors is impeccable. In the foreseeable future, They will stand between us. From the data, I think warriors recruited from the medieval world or the barbaric world are more suitable to become chapter members. It is recommended to set up a branch in the Eridanos system, or build a second branch. level base and use it as our recruiting point.”

"The suggestion is accepted. In fact, Pastor Martin and I have already started the initial work in the Eridanus Galaxy." Li thought for a while and said: "War in the civilized world is too simple. Soldiers only need to pull the trigger to reach a distance." To kill the enemy at a distance, a few technical officers do not even need to set foot on the battlefield. They only need to sit in the command room and press buttons to eliminate the enemy. The army has become a profession, and soldiers cannot even see blood. How can a soldier have a strong will? In the future recruitment, we will gradually change the proportion. So Captain Grant, how is our ship now?"

"Although it is a new ship, no big problems have been found yet. Some minor problems have been repaired in time. The warship is now in very good condition. Of course, the sailors and the warship will still need a period of running-in to achieve perfection. The maximum The problem is that today’s warships are still unable to deploy firepower, and gunners lack live-fire training. If we encounter an enemy warship, our army’s chance of winning in a ship-to-ship battle will be very low.”

Li rubbed his temples. He felt a headache. He knew where the problem was, but it couldn't be solved in a short time. The cost of launching the two ships Silver Wing and Black Rose is already very terrible. The Black Rose is slightly better. After all, it is a small exploration ship. The cost of sailing the Silver Wing as a moon-class cruiser is It's very scary. This is just a voyage in the ordinary universe. Once the different space vehicle is turned on and jumps into the different space, every minute of the ship's navigation will consume huge energy. This is just a start. The cost of ship and maintenance will be even more terrible in battle. After all, once the cannon is fired, there is a thousand taels of gold. The age of the universe is no exception. If you want to fire a cannon, the cost will increase exponentially.

Now that the war group has just started, money is needed everywhere. Although Li controls three galaxies and several worlds, he really doesn't have many imperial coins in his hands.

But it doesn’t work if ammunition is not provided. Excellent gunners are mostly fed by countless bullets, and excellent gunners are also fed by countless shells. Without training, how can they be able to fight in actual combat?

"Back to the Reach Galaxy, I will replenish ammunition for you," Li said: "To be honest, for now, during the non-combat period, I can only provide a base amount of ammunition for your ship in half a year. "

"Only providing a basic amount of ammunition in half a year?" The captain's eyes widened and he said dissatisfied: "With all due respect, this is far from enough. My captain, training requires a lot of ammunition, a lot."

"Captain, you must understand that there is only so much I can do. The Legion's finances are very tight at this stage. Our only source of income is the civilized world of Reach, but Reach is a garden world. Whether it is commerce or heavy industry, They are all very backward, and the only thing worthy of praise is the beautiful scenery on the planet. Therefore, in the next few years, many large projects for the war group will be launched, but only the initial infrastructure construction will be carried out, and most of the resources will be used. It will flow back to the Reach Galaxy to improve the production capacity of the galaxy. Only when we have money can we obtain more things. We must have our own large ammunition factory and our own large shipyard. Your own weapons factory, and all of this takes time. Just be patient, captain, and you'll have a full supply of ammunition soon."

The captain shrugged, "I look forward to that day."

The captain's expectations lasted for ten years. During these ten years, Li devoted all his energy to social progress and economic development. With Li's help, the huge Zhiyuan United Smelting and Mining Company became Zhiyuan. The behemoths in the galaxy, the entire asteroid belt has become their mineral mining site, more ores, more energy, more factories, more people, and a more powerful government. Under Li's will, the entire Zhiyuan Galaxy was integrated into an efficient machine. At the beginning of the 40th millennium, it slowly started up in the Far East with a rumbling sound.

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