When the Eldar ignited and preheated the engine of Eden, a super antique interstellar-level Ark classic car, a large amount of unusable psychic energy would accumulate in the Ark's psychic engine. Since the Ark has not yet started, these psychic energies cannot be consumed through normal channels, and can only be ejected through special channels. It's like igniting a classic car and spewing black smoke from the exhaust pipe at the rear of the car. The only difference is that the size of an ordinary classic car and Eden, a planetary-level Ark, is really incomparable. The black exhaust gas from the rear of the classic car can only make passers-by cover their mouths and noses and leave in a hurry; while Eden's psychic energy ejection caused a world-class panic.

Not only were the Eldar panicked by this sudden planetary-level change, but even the enemy demons were terrified by it, and then excitement followed.

This time, the psychic energy ejection was like a gunshot in a race. With this obvious signal, all the demon armies found the most obvious target, and then suddenly started running at full speed. The war changed its rhythm in an instant, and all the demons gathered towards the location of the psychic energy ejection like a sprint.

The fleet that was still in outer space no longer waited for the follow-up assembly, and the demons hidden in various places also broke out of the ground. The believers of the cult stood in the sun openly like crazy, openly holding evil sacrifices, and summoning more demons from the alien space. At this moment, the demons saw the end of the race, and they all put down all their plans and plots, used their greatest potential, and rushed to the finish line.

The power of the devil was released without reservation. The evil power was like ink dripping into clear water, corroding everything in the world without reservation. In the jungle, the once docile beasts began to mutate. The docile deer grew sharp teeth like sharks, and the antlers grew white and terrifying barbs; and the predators in the jungle also lost their minds. They became stronger and more violent, and crazy red light flashed in their eyes. These beasts were the first to be infected by the devil's breath in Eden.

Then the "defeated city" began to change. A ranger who went out to investigate first discovered the changes in this ruined city. Then he recorded everything he saw with images and sent it to the intelligence network.

"The Lost City" is the city where the human defense forces were stationed during the long ten-year war. In the many battles between the human defense forces and the Eldar warriors in Eden over the past ten years, the fight for this city has always been the central focus of the war. There have been countless tragic battles here. Both sides have lost a large number of excellent warriors in this city. At the most intense moment of the war, this city was a meat grinder, constantly devouring the blood and flesh of the warriors on both sides.

This is a city soaked in the blood of martyrs. Although the city was thoroughly cleaned before humans evacuated, the corpses were buried on the spot, and the blood was washed with clean water, except for the bullet holes on the walls, from the appearance, this city is just an ordinary, dilapidated and abandoned small city.

After the humans evacuated, the Eldar named this city "Bad City". This was true for both the Eldar and the human defense forces. No party had won in this city. For the Eldar, this was a human building complex full of worries and sorrow. Naturally, no Eldar army had settled here. This was just a sad ruin.

Now, this ruin has shown its hideous side under the erosion of demonic power. Now, the bricks and stones in the city are full of distorted faces, some of them from the Eldar and some from the human defense forces. These dead warriors now stare at every passerby with malicious eyes from the bricks and stones. In the depths of the city, the maze-like alleys echoed with ghostly words, and occasionally the sound of war could be heard. Those dead warriors still insisted on fighting in the depths of the alleys. They would attack every living person they saw without reason. The city's sewers have become a paradise for mutant rats, and blood plasma and filthy water often gushed out from the broken gaps in the sidewalks. The once indestructible steel bunkers around the city are now covered with rust, and have become the nests of bloodthirsty creatures. Thick pus is accumulated in every corner. In the center of the city, the statues of the imperial commanders and saints have grown wings, horns and demonic tails, which are very different from before.

The entire "defeated city" is gradually changing under the influence of psychic energy and the twisted power of demons, but such changes are not only happening in one place. The sudden outbreak of demonic power twists every creature on the planet without psychic protection.

In the sky, skeletal bats as big as fighter planes glide around and fly across the sky in the dark night. Occasionally, the stars will dance in the sky, dragging their tracks across the nebula like a demon.

In some areas with strong chaos power, the world of Eden is also changing. The earth collapses, magma gushes out, and besieges the defenders in the "Flowing Water City". They are still lucky. The defenders of Sweetwater Lake built their castle on the island in the middle of the lake. At the moment when the demon power erupted, the entire island in the middle of the lake, connected to the castle on the island, sank into the lake together. Then the whole lake turned into boiling blood. A day later, the island in the middle of the lake rose from the lake of blood again. The appearance of the castle can still be vaguely seen, but the castle's solid walls and walls have disappeared. Instead, the entire castle has become soft flesh and blood, as if the castle is no longer made of solid spirit bones, but living flesh and blood. These flesh and blood castles beat with the boiling blood, like a living castle-shaped heart.

The whole of Eden was wailing under the power of the devil, and the army of devils abandoned the defenders from all over the world. They all rushed to the east with great interest. In the place where the psychic energy was gushing, there was the goal of their trip.


This is what the devils want, not just the twisted life in their hands, not just the pleasure of torturing others, these are all small games, the devils have a clear goal on this trip, they want to seize Eden!

Soon, the great Prince Abaddon will launch the thirteenth expedition from the Eye of Terror. Now the prince is accumulating strength and making preparations in the Eye of Terror. Unlike before, this time the great Prince Abaddon has learned the lessons of the failure of the previous twelve expeditions. Yes, he was too impatient before, and he was too eager to get the empire, but he failed. So this time Abaddon is not in a hurry, he is just accumulating, and once he erupts, he will be like a raging flood, sweeping the entire empire, unstoppable!

Eden, and the star destroyer on Eden, will be the prey of Prince Abaddon! When this ark belongs to the demon army, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance the demon's military, and it will also be a great encouragement for the future 13th expedition, and it may even greatly advance the time of the 13th expedition.

But even if it is a demon army, even if they have incredible abilities, it does not mean that these demons can get what they want. The biggest problem facing these demons is how can they get Eden? Eden will not run behind the demons by itself, but Eden is so huge. It is a planet. It is not realistic to drag Eden away. The demons are not yet able to drag a planet away.

The demons can easily seize a planet, which they often do, but how to take a planet away, they have never done it.

After all, even if Eden is an ark, it is also an ark the size of a planet.

But if we look at this problem from another angle, then the problem is much simpler. Eden is an old car. The demons can't carry this old car away, so they can only find a way to get into the cab of this old car first, and then start this old car and drive it away.

But where is the cab of Eden's old car?

This is really a key and embarrassing question, but as long as we infer according to common sense, then the cab of Eden's ark must be in Eden, that is, the appearance and surface of Eden are just disguises, and inside this planet, there is a huge ark hidden. Then the control room of this ark must be in the planet, that is, underground.

But this is a planet. If you really dig around like this, dig through the surface of the planet, dig into the ark, and then find the control room in the ark, any of these things is a super big project. If you really want to dig like this, how long will it take to dig?

Now, the Eldar have started the Ark, and the psychic energy in the Ark engine is ejected from the Ark and rushes into the sky. So no matter what, there is at least such a passage, which directly connects the Ark engine and the surface. This passage guides the waste psychic energy in the Ark engine to eject and spread to the whole world.

Then as long as you pass through such a passage, you can enter the interior of the Ark. Of course, this road is not very safe, but the demon army never cares about safety. They have cannon fodder, and they will not feel sorry no matter how many die.

Moreover, as long as you find such a road, you will definitely encounter other roads. In short, for the demons, this is a passage that guides the demons into the core area of ​​the Ark. As long as they enter it, they have a chance to seize the Ark.

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