Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 32 Genetic System

"Actually, there is nothing else. Mr. Li, I am here today just to help you," Jacob said with a wry smile: "The transfer order will be officially issued in a month. At that time, I will have to call you Tuan Sir, I will be your think tank director in a month. I thought about it. Although the transfer order will not be officially issued until a month later, the work can start now. After all, the establishment of a Star Wars regiment is not an easy task. things.”

"Oh!? That's how it is!" Li suddenly realized and beamed with joy, "This is really great, so I'll leave this place to you."

"Master Li, wait." After Li was about to turn around and run away, Jacob grabbed him first. "There are some things that you must confirm personally before you leave. I will sort out the other things." The detailed report will be handed over to you. ”

"Oh, that's right."

"The first thing that needs to be determined now is which system of the ancient battle group's Primarch will be used as the basis for our legion. Originally, there was no choice in this kind of thing, but it is different for you. Our Saint The Knights of the Temple have three choices." As he spoke, Jacob accurately pulled out three bound documents from the piles of documents and placed them in front of Li.

The Primarch was the foundation upon which the Space Marines were founded. In the beginning, the Emperor created twenty powerful Space Marine regiments based on the genes of his twenty sons. The emperor's sons have abilities beyond ordinary people. If the emperor is the supreme god, then the emperor's sons are undoubtedly the demigods in life and the world. The warriors who have accepted part of their genes are as powerful as gods. This is the original interstellar. Marine Regiment.

For human beings, their skin color, hair color, male and female, height, strength, even personality, life span, all of these have been defined before birth. Genes have already determined a person's future before he is born. Limitations, the direction a person will develop in, are determined by the genes in his body.

The Primarch determines the development direction of the warriors, so the Primarch is the foundation of the entire Star Wars regiment. Once selected, it cannot be changed. No one else can make a decision on such an important matter except the regiment leader.

"The first is the genetic system based on the Primarch of the Ultramarines." Jacob first introduced a book with a blue cover. On the cover of the book was a huge u. Within the u, was A skull badge, which is the badge of the Ultramarines. Jacob continued: "After the Great Rebellion, many Star Chapters suffered devastating blows, but the Ultramarines suffered minimal damage. Until now, the Ultramarines also have the most complete and complete gene pool. The Warriors have helped many Star Wars to rebuild, and facing all the Star Wars being established, the Ultramarines' gene pool will be opened to Level B. If the Ultramarines are chosen, then our Templars will be. Complete the construction as quickly as possible, form combat effectiveness, and join the battle. Moreover, I am now the deputy director of the Think Tank in the Ultramarines. Although I still have to follow the rules, within the rules, I can do what I can. We, the Knights Templar, strive for the most benefits. If we use this genetic system, our warriors will be excellent in all aspects. Of course, this is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Being excellent in all aspects also means that they are excellent in all aspects. Not outstanding enough.”

"Then there is the genetic system of the Blood Angels." A book with a dark red cover was pushed out. "After the Great Rebellion, this genetic system was contaminated, and the great 'Sanguinius' was cursed and tortured. To death, after accepting the genetic modification of the Primarch Sanguinius, the spirits of the warriors will enter an unstable state, and it will be difficult for them to maintain their sanity in the fierce battle. Will fall into a state called 'black rage'."

"Contaminated? Black Fury?" Li frowned, "What happened? How could Lord Sanguinius be contaminated?"

"Well, it actually can't be said to be contaminated. This statement is very inaccurate, but after so many years, everyone has said so. It's like this. Deep in the gene seeds of the Blood Angels, there is Saint Ji Among Leth's memories, the most unforgettable is the final battle with Warmaster Horus. Sometimes, some events or situations may awaken this "group memory". Such situations are very rare and often occur on the eve of the battle. , Sanguinius' memories and perceptions invaded his mind, and the horror and pain of ten thousand years suddenly flooded into his mind. Under this situation, the warrior could not distinguish between the past and the present, and he could not recognize his former comrades. Believing him to be the dying Sanguinius, with the bloodshed of the Horus Heresy raging at his feet, the warrior not only gained access to Sanguinius's memories, but also gained some of the Primarch's latent power, making him his own. His strength and endurance have been enhanced to extraordinary levels.”

"I see."

"Choose this genetic system, and our warriors will inherit part of the power of Lord 'Sanguinius'. The warriors will gain extraordinary fighting skills, and the 'Black Fury' can be overcome with a firm will, even if Those warriors with weaker willpower who cannot overcome the 'Black Fury' can also make great contributions to us in the battle. The Blood Angels group these people individually to form a Death Company, and their frontal impact is sharp. Incomparable and unstoppable. If you choose this genetic system, then our chapter will be invincible on the frontal battlefield, and you have a close relationship with the Blood Angels. If you want to establish a new chapter. , the gene pool of the Blood Angels should be able to open up to B+ level for us. The disadvantage is that this genetic system is not suitable for a brand new chapter. It is difficult for warriors who fall into the black rage to recover and sacrifice themselves. It’s inevitable.”

"And we can't bear too many sacrifices. Nowadays, every soldier is precious to a small new war group like ours." Li shrugged and looked at the last book, the black cover.

"The genetic system of the Crow Guard. If you choose this system, the soldiers will be biased toward stealth, raids, assassinations, and destruction behind enemy lines. In my personal opinion, this tactic is most suitable for a small Star Wars group like ours. If As adults, the Raven Guard's gene pool can be opened to A+ level for us. If we work hard, even S level is not impossible. However, the Raven Guard's gene pool has suffered devastating damage. Even if it is Even with S-level authorization, it is difficult for us to obtain particularly good things in the gene pool. Moreover, the Raven Guard's genes have major flaws, making the success rate of the operation extremely low."

"Wait a minute, didn't you say that the Crow Guard has disappeared?"

"Disappeared? Do you want to say destroyed?" Jacob frowned and recalled for a while, and then continued: "Well, I haven't heard any information about the Crow Group for a long time, so it's not impossible. However, it is more likely that the Crow Group is carrying out a secret mission, so they took the initiative to hide their information and make their existence more secretive. They like this tone. Generally speaking, due to the lack of intelligence, I don’t know the specific situation. Not sure, but you are very concerned about this issue. We can go to the Crow’s homeland to have a look in the future. By the way, who told you that the Crow has been destroyed?”

"It is Inquisitor Elizabeth."

"It turns out to be someone from the Inquisition, so it's hard to tell the authenticity of this news. They really want all the Star Wars to be destroyed. Did she say this during the review of you?"

"Indeed, if you think about it carefully, she didn't really say that the Crow Guard had been destroyed, but the meaning behind her words definitely hinted at this."

"Then the credibility of this information will be reduced again. The Tribunal has always been unscrupulous in its review. Using lies to create a completely unfamiliar and helpless environment for you will help them break through your psychological defenses. That's not the case. It is not difficult to understand what those people think. After all, your situation is quite special. On the one hand, your physical fitness, strength, speed, and recovery ability have all degraded to the level of ordinary people. On the other hand, you still inherited the genes of the raven, and you are excellent. Reaction ability, speed beyond ordinary people, and eternal life, and the appearance has also changed. "If I were the judge, I would not let you go."

"I was indeed cursed, but that's in the past." Li changed the subject unhappily: "Let's talk about crows."

"The people in the Tribunal cannot completely believe it, but it is not completely impossible to say that the Crow is destroyed. After all, we have not been able to contact the Crow Guard until now. The Crow Guard did not send any news after you woke up. Even this The gene banks that are opened to us at one time are all copies of the Crow Gene Bank stored on Mars. Relatively speaking, the genes stored in the copied gene banks are older. Even if the license rights are higher, the overall quality is relatively poor. "

"I understand, but I have more questions," Li asked doubtfully: "Why do you, who live on earth, not know the situation of a living battle group? We don't even know if it is still there. ”

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