Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 33: The inheritance of power

Jacob did not directly answer Li's question. Instead, he asked a question: "Do you know how many star wars regiments the Empire has now?"

"I don't know."

"In a formal investigation report, it was said that 'there are an estimated 989 to 1,021 regiments', and this number is just an estimate," Jacob said, "So don't say you don't know, how many star wars regiments does the Empire have? Even the Empire itself is not very clear about this. Moreover, the star wars regiments themselves are extremely independent groups, some groups have very special missions, and some regiments even like to secretly build new star wars regiments. It is not a big deal. Many regiments do this, plus the complex bureaucratic system, hierarchical management methods, and the long distances in the galaxy. All of these add up to make it so that most of the time, as long as those If the warband doesn't want the Empire to know about them, then it will be difficult for the Empire to get accurate information about them. This is true for general warbands, let alone groups like the Ravens who are proficient in covert operations. Even the Inquisition can't do anything to us. How to monitor the Star Wars is a headache for them. If a Star Wars group rebels collectively, it will be almost impossible for the Empire to get the correct information before the rebellion is revealed. "

"So what happened to the Raven Guard?"

"I don't know. If the Ravens don't report their information to the Empire, then the Empire will think they are fine. Now not only are the Ravens fine, but even the star fields around them are fine. In this way, there is naturally no news about them. If you want to know, you can only send someone to check, but there is no need. "

"Forget it." Li sighed and decided not to worry about the Ravens anymore. He still considered himself.

Li scanned the three books in front of him. The warriors created by the memory system of the Ultramarines are like excellent super soldiers. They are excellent in all aspects, and the shortcomings are the same. They are not good enough in all aspects. If there is enough time, then the Ultramarines will be the best choice. A warband that is excellent in all aspects can adopt many tactics. But for the war group, enough time is often calculated in centuries. How long is enough time? It may be a hundred years, which is fast, and it is more likely to be thousands of years, but the problem is that Li does not want to wait too long.

The Blood Angels, using this gene system to create warriors, are like the Barbarians who can go berserk at any time. They are almost invincible on the front battlefield, but they are not very useful for small groups. Besides, Black Fury is not something that an outsider like me can understand and control.

Finally, it is the familiar Raven Guards, and there seems to be nothing to hesitate about.

"As for the A+ level authorization of the Raven Guards, what can we get?"

"Just in terms of the frontal combat level of the warriors, the A+ level authorization of the Raven Guards and the B level authorization of the Ultramarines are almost at the same level."

For a war group, the most valuable things are not their weapons, nor their merit points, nor the battleships they ride. Although these things have extraordinary value, compared with the gene pool of the war group, these things are nothing.

If weapons are gone, they can be manufactured or obtained in other ways. Anyway, the Empire will never let its most elite warriors go to the battlefield empty-handed; if merits are lost, they can be obtained through fighting. There will never be a lack of enemies in the cold universe; even precious warships can be built in the manufacturing world, and only the gene pool is the foundation of a legion. When an excellent old warrior dies, his genes will be recycled into the gene pool of the war group. The soul and memory of the excellent old warrior will dissipate, but his combat skills, the valuable experience accumulated by his body in the war, his accurate shooting skills, strong melee ability, and all the things learned by the old warrior's body will mostly remain in the memory of the gene. When new warriors come, they will inherit the genes of these heroes. The ancient memories stored in the genes will be gradually awakened in daily training and fighting. The new warriors will become more powerful than ordinary people. When the new warriors fall down after fighting again and again, someone else will inherit the genes in his body, and the genes in his body will be further enhanced. This cycle will never stop.

Therefore, as long as the gene pool remains generally intact, the combat effectiveness of the warband will not be weakened by fighting, but will only be continuously improved by continuous fighting. Even if it is severely hit, the warband can gradually recover. For the warriors, fighting is not just a task, but also a kind of training.

Most of the powerful warbands are those ancient warbands with a history of thousands of years. Their gene pools contain a large number of heroic genes, and thousands of years of combat memories are preserved in these genes.

During the Great Rebellion, the Raven Guards suffered a devastating blow. Most of the warriors of the warband died on the battlefield. Their genes could not be recovered, and the warband's gene pool also suffered a devastating blow. For this reason, the gene pool of the Raven Guards is a little worse in quality than other warbands, such as the Ultramarines.

The B-level genes of the Ultramarines can already create powerful enough space warriors. The warriors of the general Star Wars use this level of gene seeds, and this level of power is enough for Li.

"That's enough. Let's use the genetic system of the Raven Guards and inherit the power of the Ravens."

"But the success rate of the operation..."

"I have read the information carefully, and I also understand the old practices of the Ravens. It's not just the success rate of the operation, but also the strict and harsh training will cause a large number of deaths. We can avoid the latter, at least in daily training to avoid soldiers dying. As for the operation, we can also make relevant changes to increase its success rate, eliminate those operations with major risks, or borrow some surgical methods from the Extreme Warriors."

"Wouldn't it be a violation of tradition to do this?"

"Where does the tradition come from?" Li smiled: "We are not going to copy a Raven Guard, we are going to build a new regiment, and we don't care about the old traditions."

"I will follow your wishes."

"After that, regarding the configuration of priests, we need You need to go to the cathedral to contact; for weapons and equipment, you also need to go to the Astartes Chapter Management Court to retrieve them. You also need to be responsible for the collection of warships. You are eligible to choose your favorite captain and navigator; you also need to visit the Mechanicus, who will provide us with enough mechanical slaves according to the list. The construction of the new base also requires the participation of the Tech-Priests of the Mechanicus. "

In short, there are many things to do to build a brand new Star Wars base in the Far East far away from the Empire. Fortunately, there is Jacob's help, and Li himself is not a pure Space Warrior. Compared with a standard Space Warrior, Li's character is too soft. He knows how to face strangers with a warm smile, and he also knows how to use soft words to resist those malicious sarcasms. At the right time, he is even willing to pay some throne coins to those small officials sitting in the office. Jacob was simply satisfied with this. An Astartes monk actually did such a thing. If he didn't explain his identity, Li looked like an ordinary clerk of the Empire working in the office.

Under such circumstances, Li did not encounter too many difficulties, and the whole set of procedures was handled smoothly. However, even so, it took a whole month. According to Jacob, this was still the fastest speed in record.

"The official transfer order has been issued. In a few days, my file will be transferred to your Knights Templar," Jacob placed the official transfer order in front of Li, then stepped back two steps, knelt solemnly on one knee, and put one hand on his chest with a fist. He saluted Li and began to swear in the most solemn high Gothic language. It was the oath of the think tank director, which was slightly different from the oath of ordinary warriors, but the content expressed was roughly the same, which was nothing more than some loyalty to the Star Wars under the watchful eyes of the Emperor of God.

Li stretched out one hand, like a long sword, and gently patted Jacob's shoulders on both sides, "Welcome, my brother."

At this point, a simple but solemn ceremony has been completed, and the current personnel of Li's Knights Templar have finally increased from one to two.

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