Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 34: Confusion

Elizabeth knelt alone in the church, facing the Emperor and praying silently. Now her heart was full of confusion and fear, and she was eager to get the guidance of the Emperor.

Judge Elizabeth fell into confusion. For a judge who was dedicated to her duties and the Emperor, this was almost impossible.

The Inquisition was cruel to the enemy and even more cruel to its own people. Every judge who came out of the Inquisition was full of suspicion. Except for the great Emperor, they were neurotically suspicious of everything around them, even themselves. Among these judges, a small number of people who were extremely outstanding, made great contributions, and were deeply trusted by the Inquisition had the possibility of becoming a noble judge.

The judge not only had a high status, but also had great power. As long as there was filth, the judge had absolute power. In such a place, the laws of the empire and all the rules of the local system would succumb to the power of the judge. A senior judge can become the chief judge after being recognized, and those chief judges who are recognized by the top leaders can even issue extermination orders alone. This is a terrible decree to destroy the filthy enemies and the planets under their feet.

Therefore, the court of justice always chooses their judges very carefully. Every judge has undergone harsh tests. Their minds are as hard as rocks and as cold as ice.

Now, Elizabeth is confused. She desperately hopes that she can get the emperor's guidance.

Just as Elizabeth knelt in front of the emperor's statue to pray, the door of the church behind her was suddenly opened, and then there was a neat sound of footsteps. Elizabeth pulled her thoughts back from the depths of consciousness, opened her eyes, looked back, and saw teams of little girls lined up and walked into the church in neat steps.

The church where Elizabeth is is not unique to her. Even if the position of judge will bring her a lot of throne coins, it is not enough for her to buy a church on Earth.

The church belongs to the Sisters, which is an armed organization under the state religion. If we talk about the biggest feature of this armed organization, it is that the combat members of the Sisters are all women. This is also a helpless move for the Holy See. In the past, some unpleasant things happened between the state religion and the empire. Afterwards, the Holy See was forced to sign an agreement that prevented the Holy See from having armed forces composed of male soldiers, so the Sisters were born.

The nuns are orphans from all over the world. They were adopted by the Sisters since childhood and then received the most orthodox education belonging to the Sisters. Any normal person will sneer at this statement. Of course, they will not say anything on the surface, but they will not agree in their hearts, because any normal adult knows that "the most orthodox education belonging to the Sisters" is actually a kind of brainwashing.

The children have been educated by the nuns since childhood, every day. Even if it is a lie, it will become the only truth in their lives under such repeated indoctrination, not to mention that the nuns do not believe in lies. Their faith is the emperor, and they can do anything in the name of the emperor.

There is no doubt that every combat nun is a fanatic.

The girls behind them knelt neatly in front of the emperor's statue under the guidance of the nun, and then under the guidance of the nun, the little girls sang in unison with their tender and pure voices. That was the battlefield hymn of the nuns. On the battlefield, the girls often sang this holy song and died generously. For a moment, something soft in Elizabeth's heart was touched, and she began to hum this familiar song with the voices of the girls:

The sacred emperor, with boundless power.

Emperor, please save me from suffering.

From the ravages of storms and lightning, great emperor, save us.

From plague, deception, temptation, and war, great emperor, save us.

Facing the blasphemy of fallen power, great emperor, save us.

Facing the ubiquitous demons, great emperor, save us.

From the panic of mutants, great emperor, save us.

Please grant eternal rest to the dead, emperor, save us mortals.

In their eyes, you are the spokesperson of death. You will not let go of any blasphemer, nor will you forgive any pagan. We beg you to destroy all the evil.

The songs of the old days seem to bring time back to the past. This is the first song Elizabeth learned. It was in a monastery on Mark V. She and her sisters received training together. For Elizabeth, it was like a day in heaven.

Although the training was severe, when she woke up, she could see the soft sunlight shining through the window. There were walls around her to block the wind, and a roof to block the wind and rain above her head. She left the warm bed, the warm quilt, put on comfortable clothes, and there was a fragrant breakfast waiting for her. There is no death, no hunger, no cold, and praying to the Emperor every day will gradually make even the fear go away. No need to beg, no need to starve, no being kicked, no being spitted on, such a day is heaven for Elizabeth when she was young.

Most of the girls in the convent are like this. They are orphans wandering on the streets. For various reasons, they have no family and can only live on the streets and live a miserable life.

Elizabeth was adopted by the nuns. She cherished this kind of life very much. In order to keep this kind of life, she worked hard to learn any knowledge she came into contact with. Sweat and diligence made her strong, and her belief in the Emperor made her heart strong. Then she passed the test of the nuns and became a combat nun. After that, Elizabeth participated in many battles. She was forged stronger in the war. She thought that her life would continue like this, fighting everywhere with the flames of the emperor's anger until she fell. But once, a demon changed her life.

It was a dangerous mission. During the battle, the nun team she belonged to encountered an enemy they could not defeat. Most of the sisters died in the devil's grin. When death was approaching, she felt despair and fear. She chanted the emperor's prayer again and again. At that time, a miracle happened.

Elizabeth will always remember that moment. It was as if her brain was suddenly split by something. All kinds of wonderful information seemed to pour into her mind. The world seemed to have become different at that moment.

She just raised her hand, and the demon was torn to pieces in front of her.

Under the threat of death, Elizabeth became a psychic.

Psychics are special people. According to some irresponsible statistics, there is only one psychic in ten thousand people. Psychics have power that ordinary people can't reach. Some of them can tear steel armor with their thoughts, some can make tanks weighing dozens of meters fly in the sky like toys, some can summon blazing fire in the cold ice and snow, and some can do all of the above, and there are more, so magical that ordinary people can't imagine things. In some medieval worlds, this kind of people are often regarded as magicians or prophets.

But no one likes this kind of people. On the one hand, they have powers that ordinary people don't have. He is born different from ordinary people, so he will naturally be rejected. On the other hand, and most importantly, psychics may bring great disasters.

The power of psychics does not appear out of thin air, but comes from the alien space. The so-called psychic power is actually a kind of ability to communicate between the normal world and the alien space. But there are also many terrible creatures lurking in the alien space, such as demons. Psychics are like delicious lunch for demons. They are so delicious and tasty, and easy to find. It is said that the most powerful "Alpha" psychics have projections in the alien space that are as dazzling as lighthouses in the dark.

Once the demon preys on the projection of the psychic in the alien space, the psychic will die in this world, and his body will become a "door", allowing the demon to easily appear in this world.

Just like in many fantasy novels that Li has read, "The power of magic is not a gift from God, but a temptation from the devil. Abuse of magic will summon the devil."

There are already many worlds in reality. Because they were destroyed for this reason, the lesson was too profound, so the empire has simple and strict management measures for psychics. Use them with caution, and if they cannot be used, then destroy them.

Elizabeth was sent to a special academy in the empire by her sisters, where she learned more knowledge about the alien space that she had never touched before. She knew how to control her psychic power, how to deceive the demons in the other dimension, and how to hide her light in the other dimension. It was difficult for ordinary psychics to resist the invasion of demons, but psychics who had received formal training from the empire were completely different. They were relatively much safer.

Elizabeth performed well as always, and soon after, she became a young judge.

The singing ended, and the little girls lined up in a neat queue and filed out, but Elizabeth's questions were still unanswered.

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