On the one hand, the higher-ups are unwilling to continue to delve into the question, that is, "Is Li a demon in human skin?" The higher-ups have lost interest in this question because it makes no sense for an obvious reason. For the Inquisition, internal enemies are truly dangerous enemies. The empire is so powerful that it has never been defeated by enemies from outside. Every crisis in the empire comes from within. The collapse of the building is due to the destruction from within. The powerful fortress has always been defeated from within. . And Li, this former hero, a legendary figure who was rewarded by the emperor, is obviously no longer a member of the empire. He is about to go to the distant Far East. A casual glance at the star map will reveal that he is going to The place is so far away that even the emperor's will cannot reach it, and so far away that even a complete and accurate star map there is difficult to find on Earth. In this case, it doesn't matter whether Li is an enemy. Even if he is a demon, he is still a demon far outside the empire. There are many things in the Tribunal, and there is no need to waste too much energy on such things.

Moreover, the Tribunal has more arrangements and expectations for Li, and the higher-ups seem to have plans for Li and his brand new war group.

Of course, a big reason is that as the inquisitor in charge of that review, Elizabeth did not catch Li's foot pain. She did not have any evidence that could definitely show that Li had been contaminated by the devil. If Li was executed without evidence, the trial court would also be criticized for her reckless behavior. Li was not an ordinary person without power.

On the other hand, Elizabeth couldn't allow herself to just let him go. He was a demon living among humans. He was in a high position. He was far away from the eyes and ears of the empire, and he was still forming his own Star Wars, and he was still vaguely... With the support of the Inquisition, if such a person is a demon, how should the people under him live? Just thinking about this possibility made Elizabeth feel cold all over. The conscience and justice in her heart did not allow her to do such a thing.

And she felt that she had enough reasons to doubt Li. First of all, he was cursed by the evil god. The curse did not come from ordinary demons, but from the curse of the evil god Slaanesh among the demons. The result was just that he slept for nine thousand years and turned into a handsome and weak pretty boy when he woke up? No, it can't be that simple. Slaanesh's authority is to commit adultery and corruption, so even if Li is not completely corrupted yet, he is also in the process of being corrupted. All in all, this kind of danger should be burned to ashes according to the old rules.

Secondly, he slept for almost nine thousand years, but when he woke up nothing happened, as if he had taken a nap. Of course, it might be a high-tech problem. Time stagnated where he was lying. After all, there was nothing to compare with in this regard, so it was difficult to tell clearly. But no matter what, his performance when facing prosecutors and interrogations was a little too good. Yes, he performed too well. You must know that he is facing a brand new world, where all his friends have become history. The world he is familiar with can only be found in books filled with dust. Their friends have all become legends. In nine thousand years, It was enough to change too many things, and what about him? He is not panicked, anxious, or panicked. He is calm, polite, and even controls his anger to cooperate with the review. His words are skillful, and sometimes he is more like a diplomat, but he is a Space Marine. The melee instructor!

In the end, Elizabeth didn't believe him. Her intuition told her that there was something wrong with Li. Elizabeth trusted her own feelings.

"Is this, Elizabeth?" A familiar voice came, and Elizabeth turned her head, and then she saw a young nun wearing a white robe. The nun had a slender body. This nun had golden hair, like all nuns. Generally, her hairstyle is a simple and beautiful "doll head". The nun has a round upturned nose, a small mouth, and a cute face. At this time, the nun looked at Elizabeth with her big eyes full of surprise, and there was a kind of unconvincing joy in her voice, "Is it really Elizabeth? I am Hilsa, do you remember me?"

"Oh my God, Hilsa Loren, you are still alive!" Elizabeth let out a scream of joy, and then rushed forward. The two girls hugged each other and jumped up and down happily.

Elizabeth and Hilsa were born at the same time. They received training together, slept in the same dormitory, and encouraged each other when encountering difficulties. During their precious years from children to young girls, the two formed a deep friendship. After they became battle sisters, they They were organized into different companies and went their separate ways, after experiencing many battles and dangers. For the battle sisters walking in the flames of war, the reunion of their most cherished friends is truly a matter worth celebrating.

The two were as excited as little girls for a while, telling each other about the joy of meeting again. After a while, they naturally talked about their recent situation, "I am a senior nun now!" Hilsa pointed proudly. Pointing to the badge on his collar, there was a conspicuous Roman character 3 on the golden cross, "Look, Sister, I am leading a whole team of battle nuns now. Very powerful, right? Where's Sister Elizabeth? Recently?" how?"

"Me?" Elizabeth's expression darkened, "I can no longer go to the battlefield."

"Ah," Hilsa opened her mouth wide and her big eyes were full of astonishment: "How could that be?"

"There is nothing we can do about it," Elizabeth sighed and said: "Once I encountered a very powerful enemy, all the sisters died, and I was the only one who survived. After I came back, I cultivated for a long time. Later, the nuns said that I had a mentality for fighting. Obstacles or something confirmed that I could not return to the battlefield, and now I am in charge of logistical support.”

"Oh? Is that so?" Hilsa shook her head, "How can this make me believe that Sister Elizabeth, you are an honors student. Back then, you were an honors student who could get A+ in all subjects. What are you talking about now? Doing logistics work, how can I accept this kind of thing?”

"There is nothing we can do about it. I can only accept the arrangement from above."

"Sister Elizabeth, you are my best friend. Is that true?"

Elizabeth looked at Hilsa with a puzzled face, "You, what are you talking about, I don't understand."

"Oh my, my sister who is a top student is still the same as before. No matter what subject, no matter what position she is in, she is so outstanding." Hilsa shrugged her shoulders and said easily: "It's really sad. , I originally thought that I would be a little different from others, but I didn’t expect that the result would be the same. Forget it, I’ll just tell you. In fact, sister, you don’t have to hide it from me, my sister, the inquisitor.”

"Well," Elizabeth lowered her head and raised it after a while. She forced a smile and said, "I'm really sorry, but there's nothing I can do about it. Because of work requirements, my identity is required to be kept secret. This is also a rule. But there is a problem. How do you know my identity?"

"Sister, haven't you received the notice yet? There will be a big operation soon. Because of my initiative, my team and I are now your followers, sister. I was scared when I got the list of commanders. I’m so shocked, I never thought that the judge leading me would be Sister Elizabeth!”

"Ah, it turns out to be like this." Elizabeth sighed helplessly. It turned out to be a joint operation.

"Yes, I have been looking forward to meeting my sister for a long time. I thought I would have to wait until the time of action to see her, but I didn't expect such luck. By the way, is my sister worried about something when she comes here to pray to the God Emperor? "

"Eh? You, how do you know?"

"We are the best sisters."

"Oh, I really lost to you." So Elizabeth thought for a while, and it seemed that there was nothing confidential, so she roughly stated her troubles.

"What, what did I think it was?" Hilsa said nonchalantly: "It seems that Sister Elizabeth, you haven't gotten used to the job of a judge yet?"

"Why do you say that?"

"How should I put it, in my opinion, although the Tribunal and our Sisters have many connections, and many times the Tribunal can even directly mobilize our Sisters, but fundamentally speaking, the two sides act in completely different ways. The people of the Tribunal are more Most of the time, they hide their identities, collect evidence secretly, and finally issue a verdict; but our Sisters are much more direct. Sister, you should know that the combat goal of our Sisters is often to eliminate the living environment of heretics or demons. Therefore, in comparison, evidence. It's completely unnecessary for me, but it's different for you, sister. The tribunal makes a decision and issues a verdict, and we sisters will be responsible for executing it. Sister, we won't have this kind of trouble before. There is no need to make a judgment, just pull the trigger, but now, eldest sister, you are different. After all, your identity is different. This is a matter of different work styles. "

"Indeed, it makes sense. Alas, there is no other way. It seems that I can only put aside the matters in the Far East for the time being. The pretty boy named Li is very lucky."

"Good luck? It's hard to say. Sister, you don't know the direction of our big operation yet, do you?"

"There's going to be a big move? Can you tell me?"

"No problem. Sister, you should be officially appointed soon, so it doesn't matter if you tell me first. The direction of this big operation is the Far East."

"Far East?"

"Yes, the Far East."

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