Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 359 Entering orbit (1/2)

If it was the previous Li, no matter how precious these things were, they were meaningless to him. He didn't need to think too much, just defeating the enemy in front of him was enough.

If there was still ammunition in the gun in his hand, he would use the ammunition to kill the enemy. When the bullets were all used up, he would use the sharp blade in his hand to kill the enemy. When the sharp blade in his hand was blunted by the enemy's flesh and blood, he would use his fists, teeth and the strength in his body to kill the enemy. When his hands and feet were powerless and unable to move, he could still shout loudly with his mouth and tongue to encourage his comrades.

Li's mentor was a pure warrior, and that purity permeated every moment of the mentor's life. Even the education Li received was a pure warrior's education, but this universe has never been pure, and Li, who became the head of the regiment, could not continue to be pure. He could not completely continue the trajectory of his mentor and survive as a pure warrior.

The soldiers ran out of ammunition, so he had to find a way to deliver more ammunition to the soldiers in time. The soldiers' sharp blades were blunted by the enemy's flesh and blood, so he had to deliver new weapons to the front line in time. The soldiers fought until their hands and feet were sore and they had no strength, so he had to send the reserve team to replace the tired soldiers in time. Now Li's position is no longer the melee master who rushed to the front of the front line, shouted constantly, and plowed a flesh and blood in the enemy's flesh and blood. He is the leader of the regiment, the core and soul of the regiment. He has too many things to consider. At least, for now, he needs to consider the entire regiment and let the entire regiment operate efficiently.

No matter what kind of war it is, in the end, it is all about consumption.

For the defense army, personnel are the biggest consumables, and the human wave tactics are always the strongest tactics, but the Star Wars Corps is not the Imperial Defense Army. Every soldier in the Star Wars Corps is a powerful knight, and every combat power is a precious combat power tempered after a long time and countless tests. No Star Wars Corps will treat its soldiers as simple consumables and use them in vain. Only the generals of the defense army will do this.

But far above the consumption of personnel is the consumption of various weapons, bullets, shells, gunpowder, fuel. The more advanced and powerful the weapons are, the heavier the burden on logistics, and all these consumption will eventually fall on the forging world behind.

You can't fight without ammunition!

Although the Star Wars Corps has contracts with various forge worlds, basic fuel and ammunition can be obtained at the lowest price. However, if you want to take the firepower of the Corps to the next level, replace it with stronger special bolter shells, let the warships be covered with a layer of armor, or add a few more cannons on the warships, add a few more chariots, and add mecha Thunderhawk airships, all these modifications require a lot of effort. Without a lot of throne coins, you can't even think about getting excellent advanced equipment, wanting to transform warships, and wanting to replace equipment.

Li's Reach Star has a considerable output, and with the adjustment of the social structure, the resources that the entire planet can provide to Li have become more and more. Although the income is not small, it can't withstand Li's spending.

First, there is the large space fortress set up by Li in the star system of Reach Star. A large circular space fortress has only completed the first phase of the project. There will be two, three, four, and five phases later. This plan is so huge and long-term that the resources and money that need to be invested in it are countless, almost becoming a bottomless pit.

There is also a new dock built with the fortress. After the dock is built, it is natural that ships will be produced. The first to sail out of the dock is the mining ship of the Universe United Mining Group. This large ship will be responsible for metallurgical mining in the asteroid belt. Most of the mineral resources will be directly transported back to the ring fortress. At the same time, the space smelting plant has also been put into use. The minerals do not need to return to the surface, and the smelting process can be completed in space. This undoubtedly greatly reduces the cost of space manufacturing. At least in the foreseeable future, heavy bulk steel items can be produced in the universe by themselves, and will no longer be transported from the surface of the planet to space.

There is also the reconstruction of the Golden Wilderness. As the tentacles of the major companies of Reach Star extend out, it also means that most of Li's current wealth has been smashed on the Golden Wilderness. The reconstruction of a planet naturally requires a huge investment. Of course, its benefits will naturally be very considerable. In the foreseeable future, Li will get more resources and more people. At the same time, Li's territory has officially entered the empire, and trade will become smoother.

But all these beautiful things are in the future. Although everyone can see that beautiful future, Li is indeed a pauper now. The development is too fast, and there are too many places where he needs to invest. If he doesn't make some money, he will be in trouble.

Moreover, even if it is so, Li is still not satisfied. He still longs for more. For example, the second batch of students will graduate soon. Based on the success of the last time, Li will be much bolder this time. At that time, a total of 500 warriors will be selected to participate in the operation. Conservatively estimated, the regiment will have 300 more new members. But in this way, a moon-class cruiser seems a bit crowded. If you can get another battleship, it will be even better.

But warships are truly sensitive items. Even if you have a lot of throne coins, it is difficult to get them. In the docks of the Empire's Forge World, the orders of the Imperial Navy have been scheduled for three hundred years. Moreover, warships themselves cannot be made with imperial coins. To build a warship that can jump into the alien space and sail across the galaxy, a large number of precious minerals are needed. These things are real treasures that are difficult to buy even with throne coins.

In short, if you don't manage the family, you don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are. If you don't get involved in broadband, you don't know how to grow flowers and telecommunications. Now Li is really tempted by the treasure in the Iron Islands.

With the Iron Islands, there will be more minerals, which means more weapons, more powerful equipment, and even the Forge World of Reach may be upgraded to a higher level, and there may even be a new warship.

Li forced himself to suppress the desire in his heart, nodded and said: "It is indeed a big benefit, and it will be a big benefit to my Knights Templar. But we are Alstat after all, and we naturally have our own rules for our actions. The Star Wars Corps cannot fight just for the sake of benefits. So, let's take a look at this planet first." While saying this, Li pointed his finger in the void, and the Iron Islands rotating in the darkness continued to shrink. Then Li clicked on a planet behind the Iron Islands. It was a planet with two colors, white and green. At the poles of the planet, there was a large area of ​​white, and around the equator of the planet, there was a circle of verdant green. This was the White Shield Star in the same galaxy as the blue Iron Islands world.

Most of the surface of the White Shield Star is covered with ice and snow. Only around the equator are there obvious four seasons, and near the poles is a white world covered with white ice and snow all year round. At the same time, this planet is also a small living world. On the ice and snow continent at the north pole of this White Shield Star, there are three important buildings of the empire, which is also the important interest of the empire here, three large nest-shaped cities.

A large-scale rebellion also broke out on White Shield, but this time, the betrayers were not slaves, but the nobles on the planet.

Each nest city is a huge, three-dimensional collection of huge cities, and the nest city is not only a concentration of people's lives, but also a collection of huge factories.

The long assembly lines in the large factories are full of tired workers. They work day and night to provide important military materials for the emperor's army. In the smelters, various machines roar non-stop, constantly refining precious fuels from various fuels and ores.

The three nest cities are so huge, and the pointed tops of the nest cities are like steel thorns piercing the clouds and rising into the sky. Like the nest cities in most worlds, the top floor of the nest city here is already the highest altitude on White Shield. Millions of residents live in each city, and the city is clearly divided into three layers: upper, middle and lower. The upper layer is inhabited by the nobles in the city, and the nobles who really rule the entire city live in the city's spire that pierces the blue sky.

The reason why the nobles of White Shield betrayed was very strange, and it was simply stupid. The traitors of the Inquisition went to White Shield and told these nobles as judges that the empire is now in a difficult period. You either let your products reduce prices on a large scale and give up some profits, or accept punishment. The empire will send some people who are more loyal to the empire to replace you nobles, rule this planet, and continue to serve the empire.

They couldn't accept either of these two, and then these nobles betrayed.

The traitors of the Inquisition clearly knew the nature of these nobles. White Shield was not ruled by a planetary governor. The governor's family of this planet was destroyed by the conspiracy of local nobles a long time ago. Now the world is jointly ruled by three nobles in three nest cities, and each nest city is like a noble manor. For these corrupt and short-sighted nobles, they have no empire or sacred emperor in their eyes. They only have immediate interests and their own rights.

These nobles who control the nest cities have controlled this huge world isolated from the planet for generations. The authority of the family has never been challenged in the true sense for thousands of years. Some of them have never stepped out of the nest city in their lives. They were born, grew up, bred, and finally died in this huge city. Some of them don't even believe in the power of the empire. They think those things are just propaganda and a means for the empire to collect taxes.

It was hard for people to believe things they had never seen. The nobles of White Shield had never seen the powerful armed forces of the empire. They had never seen a huge fleet of warships sailing in the starry sky that could block out the sun, nor had they seen the terrifying steel warriors that suddenly descended from the sky. In the minds of these nobles, these were just legends. War was just a child's game, just a means of raising prices.

The foolish nobles tried to gain more benefits through a small adventure.

The nobles killed the imperial officials here, then opened the warehouses, released weapons, armed the workers and their personal guards, and raised the flag of rebellion. In the eyes of the nobles of the White Shield Star, this is just a harmless game, or just a means of negotiation. They want the empire to understand their importance and show their spirit of resistance. They want to give the empire a clear The signal is that they are not made of clay, and they cannot tolerate any oppression. Once the empire makes them, those who truly have power, unhappy, they can resist at any time.

Then the nobles began to intensify preparations for war, and at the same time looked forward to the arrival of the empire's messengers, bringing messages of peace and a negotiation that was more beneficial to them.

"These idiots will never know what mistakes they made. They will never wait for the peace messenger of the empire. Compromise has never been the empire's approach. We Alstar will come to the country with the wrath of the holy emperor. "White Shield Star." Li pointed at the White Shield Star and said: "My warriors will first descend on the White Shield Star to eliminate the rebellion of the nobles in the three nests. At the same time, I will enter the Iron Islands alone. , I have to walk with my feet and see with my eyes, and then I will make a decision.”

"Prudent approach. For what we are about to do, your choice is really suitable." Edward Jenner nodded in agreement and said: "After all, what we are going to do is not a conventional thing. For you, profit is just a reward for your actions. What really drives us to do this can only be justice."

"As long as you understand."

Never trust intelligence, whether it's the enemy's or one's own. Although Edward is Li's friend, he is a person from the Tribunal after all, and there is also this Kalidas assassin. Li has been deceived by Elizabeth twice, and he is not real, no matter what. It is impossible to trust anyone in the Tribunal easily.

But from another aspect, Li is not mature enough yet. He is not yet a warlord in the true sense. He is not yet able to do everything based on interests. Whether it is his moral concepts or the teachings from his mentor, he has an almost innocent chivalry.


The legion had already completed preparations for assembly. Three days later, the Silver Wings embarked on a journey carrying one hundred and fifty warriors of the Knights Templar. After a month of sailing, the Moon-class cruiser easily rowed in. On the tracks of the Iron Islands.

Li checked his equipment again and reviewed many arrangements. After making sure there were no problems, he walked out of the bridge. Outside the bridge, Roland was standing at the door, seemingly waiting for Lee.

Li looked at Luo Lang, who had a determined look on his face, and asked a little strangely: "Luo Lang, are you standing here waiting for me? Is there something wrong?"

"Captain Li, although I know that it is not appropriate to tell you this before you go on the expedition, I still want to be honest with you. My heart has been unable to calm down these days. I feel ashamed. I sincerely hope to get an angry rebuke from you. , punishment, anything, I just can’t bear to go on like this.”

"It seems serious," Li then became serious, "What happened?"

"I, I have been dreaming during this time. Maybe I am too concerned about the glory of my ancestors, or I have ambitions that even I don't understand. I have been longing for your throne in my dreams. There has always been a voice. My heart is crying, urging me to usurp your position."

"Are you ambitious? Want to be the leader?"

"I don't know, why I think so, I really don't know, what are those dreams about? This may be the real thought in my heart, I am afraid of myself. How could I, this is simply betrayal ”

"That's too much. You want to be the leader, that's great."

"Really, you finally..." Roland was stunned for a moment, and then he realized: "What are you talking about? Did I hear it wrong?"

"It's good that you want to be a regiment leader. A great man once said that a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, so your idea is very good." Li patted Roland's arm encouragingly before continuing. Said: "But the food must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step. It would be a bit too fast to target me directly. Let's target the deputy commander first. This time, I will let you lead the team to perform the mission. One hundred Fifty warriors, I have handed them over to you. The instructions have been issued through written documents. I have handed them over to Pastor Martin. This time you will carry out the task of deputy commander and lead our knights into the White Shield Star. Fight with the wrath of the God-Emperor, annihilate the traitors, and demonstrate the authority of the empire. Well done, you will be the deputy commander when you come back this time!"

After finishing speaking, Li bypassed the stunned Roland and walked towards the lower deck. After a while, he disappeared into the corridor of the ship. When Roland came to his senses, he could no longer find Li. .

"How could this be possible?" Roland choked and said, but tears flowed down uncontrollably. "How could you trust me like this? I obviously have such thoughts, and deep down in my heart I have already..." He spent countless late nights in fear. After waking up, the uneasiness that had been lingering in the soldier's heart and the dream that had always frightened Roland, at this moment, with Li's light words, they all disappeared and disappeared.

Then Roland stood at attention and saluted at the end of the corridor where Li disappeared. What else could he say about such trust? He could only fight to the death as a reward.

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