Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 360: People of the Sea (1/2)

A drop pod shot out from the battleship, riding on flames in the night sky, entering the world of the Iron Islands like a meteor.

After shooting the airdrop pod, the battleship suddenly raised its head, drew an arc in the universe, and headed towards the White Shield Star not far away.

Under the leadership of Roland, the battle group will enter the White Shield Star to perform counter-insurgency missions, while Li will first enter the Iron Islands to investigate. Only after Li is sure that what Edward said is true, will he Set out on a quest on the Iron Islands.

Except for some people who felt that the group leader should stay in a safer place to direct the battle and should not take risks, everyone obeyed this arrangement.

Li's arrangement can be considered a very reasonable distribution of combat power for today's battle group. The traitors on the White Shield Star are the nobles and their soldiers from three hive cities. The nobles hiding in the steel nest cities have complete armies and a large number of soldiers. The traitor is not one person, but It is difficult for soldiers led by a class to completely defeat them through assassination with just a few people. In this situation, the army must intervene to completely defeat the enemy's army and make them realize the power of the empire and their own powerlessness. Only after executing the punishment of the empire on the sinners can Li stand on the White Shield Star. Establish a new system, a governing system close to Lee and the Knights Templar, and bring the White Shield Star and the Iron Islands into the scope of the Knights Templar.

Unlike the White Shield Star, operations on the Iron Islands do not require so many troops. Here, the battle group is just a ferocious background used by Li to intimidate. According to the current intelligence, the destruction of Greyjoy is The Yi family does not need so many people. Optimistically, maybe Li and the Calidos assassin can handle it all.

Due to the lack of guidance, the airdrop pod did not have a specific destination. Therefore, after the airdrop pod entered the planet, it left a distinct trace in the sky and fell into the sea.


On this day, the residents of the seaport city of De La Salle saw this strange scene. From outside the blue sky, in the starry sky, a star suddenly fell from the sky, with blazing flames, from the sea port city of De La Salle. It flew across the sky of Lhasa at low altitude, passing over the masts of countless long ships in the port, and then fell far into the sea not far away. The rising waves poured into the port, causing the ships parked on the port to There was a surge.

"There is a meteorite falling from the sky! It fell in the sea not far from the port!"

For a moment, such news spread crazily among the people in the port city of De La Salle. Many people saw the stars falling from the sky passing overhead, and the first thing they saw was the meteorite coming towards them. At that time, almost everyone who saw it felt desperate, but when the stars passed over their heads with flames, they woke up from the horror, and then felt joy from the bottom of their hearts.

Meteoric iron, it is said that there are good things in it, and everyone is curious. Many ship owners have already discussed waiting for daybreak to go to the fall point to have a look, and let the slaves go to the bottom of the sea to see what is going on. What's going on.

James was the one who saw this scene with his own eyes. At that time, he was coming back from collecting debts from the Thieves Guild. He had gold shield coins slowly in his pocket, and his heart was full of satisfaction after completing the work. As a result, he saw a man coming towards him from a distance. Meteor, until the meteor whizzed past the city and crashed into the water not far from the harbor, he watched it for a long time, and discussed it animatedly with the people around him for a while, and then with a sigh of relief He walked back to the legion's tavern, but when he opened it, he saw a different scene. The tavern was empty, which was normal, but Barbarossa Hayreddin was still sitting peacefully. In front of the round wooden table in the tavern, opposite him, were two old men.

One person was wearing heavy white armor, with a golden cross painted on the armor. He was a knight from the Holy See, but James traveled on the sea after all, and he had more knowledge than ordinary people. Much, he clearly saw that the painting had an open eye in the center of the knight's cross.

This means eternal vigilance and always monitoring. This is a guardian knight.

In an instant, James' heart suddenly beat a few times. If this was a guardian knight, then the old man with a white beard in a blue robe sitting next to the guardian knight was probably a mage.

Mage, James's body trembled, what a terrifying word, a group of people who were cursed by the God Emperor and should never appear in this world.

But James is the second-in-command of the "Sea Serpent" legion after all. As Barbarossa Hayreddin's deputy, he will never be timid at any time, so from the outside, he just walked in in a hurry. The tavern, then counted the people in the tavern, then closed the door behind him, walked to the table, sat down next to Hayreddin, and then asked: "Why are you still sitting here, in the city?" The world has been turned upside down. An extraterrestrial meteorite just fell from the sky and landed not far from the harbor. The streets are still full of excited people. Many people say that there is something mysterious in the meteorite. The treasure of imagination, the priest of Poseidon has begun to howl excitedly."

The white-bearded old man in a robe sitting opposite Hayredin glanced at James with interest, and then asked: "Oh, what did those sea monster priests say?"

"They said this was the wrath of the gods. The holy emperor heard the wrath of the sea god, so he sent out divine envoys to destroy all those who tried to rebel. This was just the first warning. Soon, there would be meteors of fire. Rain falls from the sky and purifies the whole world."

"It's all nonsense, it's all bullshit. They've been fooling people with this stuff for so many years," the white-bearded old man curled his lips.

"Isn't it true that the meteorite fell out that day?"

"Pfft," the white-bearded old man said with a sneer: "Meteorites? They are just meteorites falling from the sky. Ordinary stones are nothing good. What good things can there be in the sky? Young man, let me tell you, all real good things are It’s all under the sea below our feet.”

Young James was about to open his mouth to argue, but was stopped by Hayreddin, who introduced both parties and said, "James, don't think that your little cleverness can be shown off in front of this master. The person sitting in front of you This is the inner circle mage of the Mage Association, Master Paracelsus, and this is the Guardian Knight Jace." Then Hayreddin pointed to the young man beside him and said: "This boy is James, from the family. He is also the deputy leader of our Sea Serpent Corps.

James then asked in a low voice: "Are you talking about business?"


"Do you need me to leave?"

"No, you are the deputy commander of the legion, just listen here, and I also need your opinion." Hayredin then turned his head and said to the two old men sitting opposite: "Then, we can Let’s continue.”

The old knight said nothing and just drank. Master Paracelsus stroked his beard and then said: "The matter is very clear. We mages will hope that you, the Sea Serpent Legion and the legions of the Shivering Sea, will Everyone can join in this cause, let us unite to overthrow the Greyjoy family."

"Greyjoy is the king. He has brought peace and order to the sea world." Hayreddin shook his shoulders and said, "I really don't think we can gain anything by overthrowing him. There are very few sea merchants at this time." It’s a lot, if we continue, I’m afraid the brothers will all be hungry.”

"The Sea Monster family is just a group of lunatics who worship evil gods. Their family does not worship the holy emperor, but believes in some bullshit sea god and god of life." Master Paracelsus said dissatisfied: "And they actually said something about bringing to the world For peace and order, it really makes me feel uncomfortable to say these words from your mouth."

Hayredin's Sea Snake Legion is said to be a legion, but everyone knows that this is just a nice name. To put it bluntly, it is just a pirate group, but even if it is a pirate, if it reaches the level of Hayreddin An amazing existence, Hayredin and his Sea Serpent Legion are the largest force in the Shivering Return, and they also command hundreds of large and small pirate groups in this sea area. These pirates all obey Hayreddin.

Because Hayreddin and his sea snake pirates are indeed strong. Not only are they powerful, but the things they do also convince the pirates of all sizes in this sea area. Everyone knows that the surname Greyjoy represents the King of the World. It is a surname blessed by Poseidon. It is the returned deceased. This surname has been blessed by the Holy Emperor and controls the authority of this world. It is the king of this world. The most noble surname in the world is the person who cannot be offended the most. Even if it offends the gods, don't offend Greyjoy. After all, the gods are kind, and they will not punish an ordinary mortal for nothing, but the Greyjoy family is terrifying, and anyone who dares to provoke the Greyjoy family never ends well.

But Hayreddin kidnapped a direct noble of the Greyjoy family fifteen years ago. This was a Greyjoy who might become the next king of the sea world, and this was a man who passed the Poseidon The deceased who has returned with blessings symbolizes strength.

But such a strong man was defeated from the front by Hairedin alone. Although Hairedin was also left with a long knife wound on his chest by the young man, this did not damage Hairedin's reputation at all. .

A deceased person who could defeat the Greyjoy family from the front, how powerful this person must be! He is simply a born brave!

But the matter was not over yet. Hayredin directly tied the Greyjoy to the stern rudder of his ship and drowned the Greyjoy alive! The craziest thing is that this is not over yet. Hayreddin actually used his body as a ship statue, and tied the body of Greyjoy, who was drowned by him, to the bow of the ship. Now this sentence is withered. His body is still tied to Hayreddin's ship, the Sea Serpent. It is said that even the gods of the sea fear Hayreddin.

Such behavior undoubtedly slapped the Greyjoy family hard, but the Greyjoy family's legions attacked several times, but they were unable to do anything to defeat Hayreddin. The Shivering Sea is not an ordinary sea area. It is a sea area that makes all captains tremble. Without the guidance of a navigator and experienced sailors, wandering around in this sea area is just asking for death.

Therefore, even the inner circle mage in the Mage Association, when facing this living legend living in the Shivering Sea, Barbarossa Hayreddin, his heart is full of awe. This awe is not due to awe of his identity. , but only to him.

Hayreddin is two meters tall, and has the dark skin that all seafarers have after being exposed to the sun. On the contrary, he has long golden hair like that of an aristocratic woman. These long hair are Curly naturally, draped casually on his shoulders like waves. The muscles on his body are swollen and tangled. Just from the bulging muscles on his body, you can see the terrifying power in his body. Only this kind of person can face the deceased of the Greyjoy family. .

This terrifying man is now the uncrowned king among pirates, but this man is only thirty-three years old.

"Although you have become a legion, I am still my own person," said the middle-aged Jin man seriously: "I am just a pirate, a being who disrupts order. I should be hanged at the dock and my body torn apart by sharks. , the soul should go to hell forever, but even for a pirate like me, I know very well that only in a world of order can we get a good life. When the war is going on, no one will be better off. If we all go to fight If there is no one to do business, what are we pirates going to do? Besides, what if Greyjoy is replaced? What will happen to us if he is replaced by another king?"

"This time is different! We will have a new queen. My new king will not be a sea monster, but a dragon! Her Majesty Queen Daenerys has made a contract with the dragons. She tamed the dragons and we will have A new queen, a new politics, and the people will live a good life.”

"From a sea monster to a female dragon, I don't think there is much difference. More importantly, what does all this have to do with me?" Hayredin asked unceremoniously: "I'm just He is a pirate, and whether the people’s lives are good or not has nothing to do with me.”

"The Queen has unprecedented ambitions and feats, which are related to everyone in the world, so she needs strength! More people need to stand by her side to support her."

"It's all lies," Hayreddin narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Didn't you already expel the Greyjoy family? Didn't you already win? Why are you here to talk to me now? We need more power. As the leader of the rebel army, isn't it enough that the female dragon has the support of your Mages Association and the Church? And those people behind you... The game of chess in the world is too big, and I am just a small player. If a little pirate is caught in this whirlpool, he will be shattered to pieces immediately! I am not an idiot, so you big guys should not come to me for this kind of thing!"

"I can tell you clearly that the queen's power is not enough, far from enough, and will never be enough, because the queen wants to do a big thing."

"Replacing Greyjoy, I know."

"I can tell you what the queen really thinks, but you must keep it strictly confidential and never reveal it." After hesitating for a while, Master Paracelsus said: "The queen wants to liberate the slaves."

For a long time, there was no sound in the small tavern. After a while, Hayredin said in a slightly urgent voice: "Is that female dragon crazy? She is not just talking to Gray. The Joey family is an enemy, she is an enemy of the whole world!”

"And it's far more than that. Although the rebels have the support of the Mages and the Holy See, the Greyjoy family has weapons given by the upper world. Although they are old, those guys don't know how to maintain them, making most of the weapons useless. Damaged, but those that are still usable have brought us huge troubles, but the trouble has just begun. It is said that the Greyjoy family has recently purchased a large number of weapons from the upper world. If we are facing If they join the Greyjoy family's army, the rebels will definitely die miserably. Moreover, even the last victory was largely due to the blessing of the God-Emperor, which was probably due to the successful raid and defeat of Grey. The people of the Joy family were caught off guard, but now Greyjoy has retreated to their three islands. They have gathered a large number of soldiers and have sophisticated weapons from the previous period. It is already difficult for us to fight. "

"And once people understand that your dragoness, oh, is the queen's true thoughts, things will probably get even worse. The whole world will become your queen's enemy, not just Greyjoy, but everyone The nobles will all turn against the Queen."

"That's why we need more power."

"Are you looking for more lunatics to die with you?"

"Barbarossa Hayreddin, you were once a slave, you know what it feels like," Master Paracelsus said: "Can you imagine a world without slaves? All of them Everyone is a free person, and everyone has their own dignity. The nobles can no longer treat people as livestock, nor will they put their mark on people. It will be a completely, completely different world. Can you imagine a new world where everyone has freedom and dignity?"

The pirate king seemed to have been struck by lightning. After a long time, he said: "Will that be paradise? How is it possible? I can't imagine a world without slaves. We can have such a world ”

"If you don't fight for it, how will you know?" Master Paracelsus said like a preacher: "The divine emperor gave us hands, body and free will, and the rest is up to us. Work hard to get it!”

Hayreddin sighed and was about to say something, but then he suddenly became nervous. At the same time, the old knight sitting opposite Hayreddin also put his hand on the hilt of his sword, because the window of the tavern on the sea side had been pushed open by a hand, and a person came in from the window, wet all over.

"Ah, it's a tavern. God bless us. We are really saved this time."ga.

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