Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 361: Heading to Hell (1/2)

How is it possible!

The tavern where the Sea Serpents and the Mage Council negotiated was a small hotel built on a cliff by the coast. It was outside the town and rarely visited. The people of the Sea Serpents took over the hotel and converted the first floor into a tavern, which became the place where the pirates gathered to drink.

As the daily gathering place of the pirates, the geographical location of this tavern is very steep. There is only one road leading to the tavern, and it is also very steep. In the narrowest place, this road can only accommodate three people walking side by side. There are whistles and secret whistles all the way, and no one will break in quietly. The other three sides of the tavern face the sea. Under the steep cliffs are surging waves. It is an absolutely dangerous place. If you jump down, you will be dead. But now there is a person who is wet and flipped in from the window.

It happened to be the sensitive period when Hayreddin and the Mage Council negotiated.

The old knight sitting next to the blue-robed wizard was stunned for a moment, and then decisively put his hand on the long sword at his waist. He wanted to stand up and take the sword, but was stopped by the white-bearded blue-robed wizard. Master Paracelsus said calmly, "This is the territory of Lord Barbarossa Hayreddin, we don't need to make trouble." Then he didn't look at the person who just came in from the window, picked up a cup of bitter tea he brewed, and drank it in small sips.

The two people's meaning was very simple. This matter had nothing to do with them. The place of the conversation was originally in Hayreddin's territory. The two outsiders naturally had no reason to interfere. Moreover, even if this was an enemy spy - theoretically, the possibility was very small. Few spies would come in through the window so blatantly, but no matter how the matter developed, it would be beneficial to the Mage Association and the Church.

Although the meeting tonight is secret, it is just the sincerity shown by the Church and the Mage Bar. If they really want to do what they want, it is best to make this meeting known to the world.

Hayreddin frowned and said nothing more. He made a gesture to James beside him. James nodded and said nothing. He stared fiercely at the person who suddenly came in from the window, and then turned and went out. After a while, James returned to the tavern with a strange look on his face, hurried to Hayreddin's side, and whispered a few words in his ear. Hayreddin's face instantly became strange, and even James's eyes looking at the stranger became a little strange.

At this time, the stranger had already sat in front of the bar, ordered a glass of butter beer, and began to drink it slowly.

Hayreddin just made a gesture to James to be alert and check carefully, and also a meaningful look. James grew up in a ship since he was a child. It can be said that he grew up with the legend of Hayreddin. He naturally knew the meaning of this look.

If things are critical, run away.

It's no wonder Hayreddin thought so. He and the leader of the rebels were talking on his own territory. The location was chosen by himself and was the safest place. As a result, when the talks were almost going on, a stranger sneaked in through the window. For Hayreddin, this probably meant a disaster.

If the enemy had not surrounded the tavern and killed all his men who were deployed around with strong hands, how could they sneak into his tavern so silently? There is only one way!

But James's report surprised Hayreddin even more. There were no brothers on guard outside, all of them were intact, and nothing happened. Nothing happened in the harbor either, and the sea was calm. Not to mention at night, even during the day, no ship dared to dock without a pilot.

Then there was only one explanation. This person did not walk from the road, but climbed out of the sea, and then climbed up along the cliff, and then got into the tavern.

After entering the door, James' eyes have been fixed on the stranger sitting at the bar, and he never left. He did not lower his voice when whispering in Hayreddin's ear, but deliberately raised his voice so that the knight and the wizard sitting opposite Hayreddin could hear it clearly.

Master Paracelsus twisted his body unnaturally and asked with some doubt: "Is it the deceased?"

Hayreddin sneered, not at the stranger who suddenly appeared, but at the old man in front of him. All along, the wizard has been showing his wisdom and erudition in front of Hayreddin during the conversation, like an all-knowing and wise scholar, constantly consolidating his authoritative image in front of everyone, but now he is exposed.

What a smart wizard, isn't it bullshit? Like all fools in the world, he mistakenly regarded the Greyjoy family as a family blessed by the sea god.

This is not without reason. Every member of the Greyjoy family must go through a ceremony of the deceased before they reach adulthood and before they are crowned with the Greyjoy surname.

The priests of Poseidon and the God of Life would bring those of the Greyjoy family who were about to reach adulthood to the Greyjoy family's Poseidon Temple, and then in front of many Greyjoys, they would press the young sea monster into the holy water bestowed by the God of Life and Poseidon and drown him. After making sure that the drowned person had died, they would pull the young man out of the holy water, and then the highest-ranking priest would personally give him the Kiss of Life to bring back the dead who had already stopped breathing.

The Greyjoys call this process the drowned and the dead immortal. A person who has died once and then returned to the world again, what else does this person have to fear? His life no longer belongs to him, but to the gods. Every day he lives in this world is a gift from the gods, and he will not be afraid of death. For a person who has died once, what can he fear about death?

The process of resurrection of the dead has an extremely solemn religious overtones, not to mention the special magical effect. Every Greyjoy who is drowned in the Greyjoy family temple and then resurrected will... Becoming stronger, like a monster, is stronger than ordinary people. Even if he was weak and dying before, he will gradually become strong and immune to all diseases after going through this ritual. The strong one.

The Sea World calls these people "the dead". The Greyjoy family controls all the dead, and the power of the dead scares the captains of the entire sea world. Often, one dead person can destroy a large ship. Boat.

Almost everyone believed that these deceased were warriors sent back to the Greyjoy family by Poseidon. They had indeed been blessed by the gods, otherwise it would be unexplainable that each of the deceased would become far stronger than ordinary people. And they all blindly believed that these deceased people could not drown, because they had already drowned once, and the sea water could no longer cause harm to these deceased people.

So when Master Paracelsus saw this stranger crawling in wetly from the window facing the sea, he had already raised his vigilance to his chest. After hearing James' report, he was even more certain that this person came from At sea.

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It's a dark night now. A person climbed out of the sea and climbed up the cliff. Such a person can only be the deceased in legend.

But Hayreddin knew very well that the deceased were not Poseidon's warriors, they would all be drowned, because he drowned one of them with his own hands, and the body was still tied to the bow of his boat.

"I don't know," Hayreddin said calmly: "Even the dead are a bit too scary. The dead are also afraid of the ocean, and they can also be drowned."

"Friends, are you talking about me?" The stranger, holding a wine glass, walked to the round table for four people in a carefree manner, pulled up a chair, and then sat on the round table, "It seems that my arrival has given me a You have brought some inconvenience, and I don’t want it to be like this, but this is the first residential place I saw after arriving here. Fortunately, the God Emperor blessed me and did not throw me in the middle of the sea. Let me introduce myself, I am Li , is just a passer-by in this world, so you don’t have to worry about me at all, you can continue. I remember that you seem to be discussing the rebellion and the liberation of slaves, why don’t you continue to talk.”

Hayreddin and the old knight were instantly stimulated by the word emancipation of the slaves. Their meeting could be spread casually, but the word emancipation of the slaves must not be heard by irrelevant people. If it spread, it would be a big deal. Big storm.

The two of them wanted to get up at the same time. The old knight wanted to draw his sword and chop the young man in front of him who claimed to be Li, while Hayredin also wanted to take action and smash Li's head with his big fist.

But all of this was just their imagination. The two of them suddenly exerted force on their feet, but they only felt a light tap on their foreheads, and they sat back down, unable to stand up.

An undetectable light flashed on the two people's foreheads, and an extremely tiny rune suddenly flashed. A light tap on the two people's foreheads, just a tiny bit of force, made them unable to stand up.

This is an inevitable result, but it is just a basic manifestation of using human body functions. If a person wants to change from a sitting position to a standing position, he must first make a movement, that is, lean forward and shift his center of gravity forward, and then he can stand up. If someone puts force on his forehead to prevent this movement, he will naturally be unable to stand up. Just applying a small amount of force in the process can prevent a strong man from standing up.

Li knew very well that any warrior in the Star Wars who had received systematic fighting tutorials knew it clearly, but Hayreddin and the old knight did not know it. What was even more frightening was that this stranger did not even move. , just glanced over with his eyes, and then made these two strong warriors unable to stand up. This magical and unexplainable process was simply like witchcraft.

The two of them tried several more times, but failed to stand up. Every time when they tried their best, a sudden push appeared on their foreheads, making their efforts completely in vain. Li then said: "You two, there's no need." Thank you for your efforts. If you stand up and attack me, you will naturally want me to die. Logically speaking, I will be able to fight back. If you want me to die, I will naturally let you die. But in this way, for It's too unfair for you." Li sighed and said, "You have no chance of survival. Besides, I don't want to cause any trouble to you, so it's best to avoid this battle. Since we have a chance to sit together and drink, Just don’t bleed for irrelevant misunderstandings.”

Master Paracelsus snorted coldly, and then his strong will followed his eyes into Li's consciousness. This was a method that mages often used to frighten mortals. In the glare that contained the powerful will of the mages, Mortals are often defeated by the willpower contained in these eyes. This is a kind of coercion from the soul and will.

But in the previous lesson, Master Paracelsus looked at Li with a majestic glare. In the next moment, as soon as their eyes made contact, the inner circle mage suddenly rolled his eyes, foaming at the mouth and slid to the Under the table.

"Interesting," Li smiled and said, "There is actually this kind of spiritual attack method, but the attack power is really not much, and the method is rough, which is of little significance in terms of actual combat. It can only bully ordinary people. It's just a human being. You don't need to be excited. I'm not an enemy. At least for now, I shouldn't be considered an enemy. This old guy is just sneaking through. He will wake up after a while. My reason is very simple. A friend asked me to help the rebels win, so you can consider me a friend."

Or an enemy. Li added in his heart, your life or death depends on your next performance. If the rebels can really make the world a better place, then you will get the support of a Star Wars group.

"Are you kidding me?" Hayreddin's eyes twitched. He had never been insulted like this before. Anger boiled in his chest. The pirate king lowered his voice and said harshly: "Who wants you to not come in person? , friends coming in through the window!”

"The more friends the better, but only one enemy is enough." Li took a sip of beer and said unhurriedly: "It was a coincidence. I heard you guys discussing about it when I came here. To be honest, I don’t know much about Greyjoy. For example, that female dragon you are talking about, Daenerys, did she really tame the dragon?”

This time, even the old knight couldn't bear it anymore. The old man squirmed on his seat, his armor made a sound, but he still couldn't stand up. The old knight yelled angrily: "You guy, what the hell are you stealing?" How long have you been listening?”

"It didn't take long," Li shrugged innocently and said nonchalantly: "Okay, I've been listening to it almost from the beginning. This little brother James and I arrived at the same time. So, what can I do now? Can I explain it carefully? I am too confused."

The old knight was angrily silent, and even James was glaring at Li with an angry face. Instead, it was Hayreddin. The pirate king quickly adjusted his mentality, took a sip of wine, and began to give Li detailed instructions. Explained.

Daenerys is not a female dragon, but just a mortal. She was once a slave, and was later spotted by a captain of a longship. The captain liked this slave girl so much that he took her with him even when he went to sea. But as we all know, it is extremely unlucky to take a woman to sea. This approach is no different from committing suicide. As expected, they found an island, which is now Dragon Island. The captain died on Dragon Island, and Ni Ni Liz, this slave girl miraculously tamed the beast on the island, the dragon. It was a stormy night, so her people also called her Stormborn. Daenerys.

Daenerys quickly gained the allegiance of Captain Yuan's men, and then she began her miraculous history of conquest. Islands knelt down one after another under her majesty and appearance, and there were equally many islands under her control. Her anger turned into the dust of dragon flames, and her fleet grew larger and larger. With the help of the dragons, she was simply invincible. And after she visited the Holy See, the Holy See was also impressed by her grace. She was convinced, so the Holy See and the Mages also stood by her side, and Daenerys' power became stronger and stronger. At first, the Greyjoy family didn't care. The nobles often conquered each other, and they paid little attention to it. , until she was strong enough, she openly rebelled. She used a surprise attack that no one expected to drive Greyjoy out of the three islands, but the war was not over and entered a stalemate.

Li nodded, "So, we have entered a stalemate period that is beneficial to Daenerys, a situation that is beneficial to the rebels on the surface, but Greyjoy is not in a hurry. On the contrary, Daenerys is Desperate to end this war."

"Yes, that's it."

"So, what do you think of the slaves?" Li looked at Hayreddin and asked frankly: "This is a very important question, please answer it honestly."

Barbarossa Hayreddin was silent for a while, and then he answered cautiously: "I don't know how to put it, there have been slaves since I was born, and slaves and slave owners are two completely different people. , one kind is a human being, and the other kind is a slave. In the eyes of slave owners and free people, they are just creatures that look like humans. Slaves are all over the world, and they have been like this since ancient times, for thousands of years. This has never changed. I have been a slave since I was born, but I am not willing to do so." Hayreddin said seriously: "I am a human being on the sea, not a beast. I cannot bear to be without freedom! Days, so as long as Daenerys doesn't lie to me, she will really try to change everything, try to make the world free of slaves, as long as she does this, no matter whether it is successful or not, my ship will always be there. Follow her wings!"

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