Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 365 Daenerys (1/2)

After a brief visit to the Mage Tower, Li collected a large ransom from the Mage Association. This was naturally the ransom money for Knight Hugo and Master Paracelsus, a Guardian Knight and an Inner Circle The worth of mages is still very high in this world. As people who are at the top of the world's power hierarchy, they generally have little chance to pay a ransom for themselves.

There were 10,000 gold coins in total, most of which were exchanged by Li Zai for various gems at the Mage Association. He left 500 gold coins for Hayredin to take with him as pocket change, so the latter two left the Mage Tower and took a ride. The boat goes directly to Mishima.

Glory Harbor is the largest seaport on the three islands. Thousands of sailboats enter and leave this huge harbor every day. The masts of sea ships are densely packed in the port like a dense forest. Even after the rebels occupied the three islands, After expelling the Greyjoy family, Glorious Port has never stopped for a day. Merchants from all over the world seem to not care about the ongoing war at all. They are still arguing for every penny of the price of their goods.

But the busy port and the large number of outsiders have also caused a lot of problems for the security of the port area. Every day, cleaning workers can find corpses swollen by seawater on the side of the port dock and in the smelly ditch. The gangs of the whole world are here. They all have their spies here, and fighting and death never stop every night in the Harbor District. Therefore, as long as the Harbor District is mentioned, the first thing people think of is dirty, vulgar, despicable and other bad adjectives. Others will not come to the Seaport District. Although the business of these upper-class people must pass through the Seaport District, these problems can be solved by agents and servants. They only need to sit in their own manor and drink tea. .

But today, there was a special big shot in the harbor area. As soon as the genius was revealed, a group of warriors wearing gorgeous armors held up their spears, lined up in two teams, and slowly walked through the harbor. The streets in the district immediately formed a human wall on both sides of the road, isolating the middle part of the street. Then the center of the entire street was blocked, and the carriages carrying goods were forced to change their routes. Pedestrians who get up early can only walk on both sides of the road. After a while, a group of beautiful girls in gorgeous maid costumes walked onto the street. They used bubbles and expensive soapy water mixed with essence and large brushes to clean the stains on the street. After these beautiful maids, , is a long red carpet spread from a distance.

At this time, the sky had lit up, and more and more people were curiously peering through the wall of spearmen towards the center of the street. People were wondering, what happened to such a big battle today? Which big shot is coming to the Harbor District today?

Immediately, a shadow flashed across the sky. People raised their heads and saw in horror a giant dragon circling and flying in the sky. In the distance, with the sound of music and neat footsteps, it was slowly approaching. The giant chariot was carried by twenty-four people. The chariot was surrounded by gorgeous silk hanging as thin as cicada wings. Through the thin sand, all curious people saw a beautiful lady wearing a gorgeous dress. The woman is sitting upright on her knees in the chariot.

"How is it possible, how is it possible for the noble dragon lady to come to the harbor area? She is going to replace Greyjoy's queen!"

"You can't be wrong, look at that dragon crest, she is definitely Daenerys!"

Daenerys came to the harbor area with a complete honor guard, and waited from morning until evening before she waited for the person she wanted to greet.

When the Sea Serpent docked at the harbor, what Hayredin saw was a scene like this. The entire harbor area was boiling. Curious people surrounded the entire harbor area on three levels and three outside. , the honor guard in the picture stood upright holding spears with colorful flags, and the red carpet was spread from the harbor to the end of the sight. The crew of the Sea Serpent had never received such treatment. Generally speaking, it accompanied them What usually happens is crying and panic, but today is completely different. The grand welcome ceremony made the crew of the Sea Serpent almost make mistakes when tying the cable.

"It's like being in a dream," Hayreddin stood on the side of the ship and sighed. "I never thought that I would have such a day, and I would still have Greyjoy hanging on the bow of the ship. Yi's mummy, and my Sea Serpent actually sailed into the Glory Harbor openly and received such a warm welcome. Boss, it seems that the mages informed this dragon girl of your itinerary. This dragon girl is really decisive, and she actually greeted her directly into the port."

"Smart person, maybe someone with connections. In short, this dragon girl knows very well that I can fulfill her wish. Let's go down." Li said so and took the lead to get off the boat. His clothes were relatively simple. , is just a large blue robe, which is loose enough for Li, and the inner body can also allow him to wear a tight-fitting reconnaissance combat uniform.

"Hello, dear Mr. Li," Li had just disembarked from the ship when a girl in gorgeous clothes walked up to her, bowed and said, "Welcome to Glory Harbor, to be precise, welcome to you. Coming to the world of the Iron Islands, I am Daenerys Jenner."

Li did not answer, but looked silently at the woman wearing gorgeous and complicated palace clothes, standing so elegantly and calmly in front of him. She looked to be about twenty years old, about the same age as Li Anjie, and she was not older than Li Anjie. She is a young girl, but there is a calmness and generosity in her that is heart-breaking. This is the temperament of a leader - but she is still very young. Li noticed the slight trembling of her fingers. Obviously she knew A little more than others, but these perceptions made her feel even more terrified.

The dragon girl could still keep looking at Li at first, but after a while, Li's silence put great pressure on Daenerys. She avoided Li's sight, lowered her head, and bowed slightly at the same time. body.

Daenerys is a bit petite and looks thin, but she has an extremely beautiful face, big purple eyes, and silver-gold hair. Her face without cosmetics has a natural look. Strange and beautiful, even in Li's eyes, this is indeed a rare beauty.

Seeing that Daenerys's arms began to tremble slightly, Li started to say: "I understand, so that's the case, no wonder, so what does Jace Jenner have to do with you?"

Daenerys breathed a sigh of relief and immediately replied: "She is my sister. There are not many people in our family who can have talents and reach her level. I am relatively incompetent, so I We can only stay here. Please, we have already prepared hot water and dinner for you. We can talk slowly on the dining table.”

Li nodded, and then got on the chariot with Daenerys.

Not far from the port area is Lair City, which was once the castle of the Sea Monster family. Now it has been renamed Dragon Castle. The huge castle is completely made of mineral stones and is built on the middle of the mountain.

After entering the castle, Li was directly introduced to the extension of the castle. After bypassing several corridors and walking through several long corridors, Li came to an open-air hot spring pool. The hot spring pool was the size of a swimming pool and the water was translucent. , the floor under the pool is paved with white jade and pebbles. Around the pool, there are four strange sea monsters with their mouths wide open, and steaming hot springs continuously flow out from the mouths of these monsters.

A row of maids stood respectfully beside the pool. As soon as Li came in, he was surrounded by these maids. Some were taking off their clothes and others were unbuttoning them. The mage's robe was simple, and was taken care of easily by these women. After cutting it off, these women were dumbfounded when they saw the combat uniform under the mage's robe.

Li smiled and waved away the maids, took off his clothes, and then jumped into the hot spring pool.

"It's really enjoyable to live like this. No wonder the soldiers have to use strict dogma to restrain themselves. But if there are too many days like this, who would want to go back to the sky?"

"Even if you think about it, there's no chance." Daenerys said as she walked into the bathroom. She had already taken off the complicated palace etiquette clothes and was only wearing a thin bathrobe. Through the bathrobe, Li could clearly see Daenerys' petite body and the beautiful curves of her body.

With the help of the maid, Daenerys took off her bare bathrobe, then walked naked to Li's side. Now she tested the water temperature with her toes, and then slowly let her body slide in. in water.

"You are much bolder than I thought," Li looked at the naked beauty not far away from him with unabashed admiration in his eyes, "When we met for the first time today, , Aren’t you still trembling with fear? Why do you dare to do this now?”

Daenerys's face turned red instantly, and she said angrily: "It's just a bath together, nothing else. What, what does it mean to be like this? Besides, the look in your eyes when I first met you It's really scary. It's as cold as a sword and has no warmth at all. It's like a ghost in a nightmare. I almost thought you were going to kill me on the spot. "

"Since you clearly know the danger, why do you still do this? You have created such a grand ceremony and haven't driven out the others and let everyone in the world know that I have become an important guest of Daenerys. In this way, you How can I visit the Greyjoy family?"

"If I didn't know who you are, of course I wouldn't be like this. But now that I know your origin, I naturally have to work hard. I can't just sit in the palace and let others decide me and the world. My family, my sister, and my ancestors have all paid a lot for this plan, and I can't just sit in the palace like a doll, waiting for the fate of my fate." Daenerys said seriously: "No matter what you think, Mr. Li, I will work hard to win over you!"

"Yes, I have made up my mind."

"Even if it costs everything? Including my own body?"

"I, I, I..." Daenerys gritted her teeth, and then said fiercely: "I have made up my mind, and I am not a girl anymore. I had a husband! I know all those things. ! Even if it costs me, I won’t hesitate.”

"It's easy to talk about it. This kind of thing can't be done just by talking." Li said slowly: "It depends on actions!"

Daenerys almost shed tears. She had already shamelessly stripped naked and ran in front of this man. But he even said that it depends on the action. Does this mean I want to take the initiative?

But no matter what, haven't I already made up my mind? He leads the people, the warriors who believe in him, and those who have always supported him, step by step through blood to get here. People have paid too much for their ideals, but the final outcome is not determined by war. But rely on this man.

There are countless people who believe in themselves, for them! While cheering herself up in her heart, Daenerys slowly moved toward Li, one small step at a time, getting slower and slower, and more and more nervous, until her arms touched. When she reached Li's arm, the momentary touch made her feel as if an electric current was flowing through the place of contact. In a daze, she seemed to be jumping to the other side to escape, but she was suddenly hit by a hand. Holding his arms around the waist, Li hugged the girl into his arms. The two of them were skin-to-skin for a moment. At this moment, Daenerys felt a roar in her ears, and everything in the world began to spin rapidly. When she got up, she could feel the muscles on the other person's body, the power contained in the other person's body, and the desire that she had always been familiar with.

She closed her eyes tightly and slowly raised her head, and then she felt a kiss on her forehead. The lips were like a branding iron, with high temperature and fiercely imprinted on her forehead, and then she was A gentle force pushed away.

However, Jie Li just kissed her forehead gently and pushed the naked beauty away.

"Ahem, you are very good. You have proven your words with actions, but..." Li Zai was thinking about what he should say.

Daenerys was surprised at first, but then the difference turned into a kind of joy. She abandoned all fear and nervousness, and said through the interface: "But you can't! There have been similar rumors. It is said that you people are That’s not possible.”

"Nonsense! This kind of thing is absolutely nonsense. Come here and I can let you try it and see if it works!"

"Hey...how to put it, of course I can eat you, but seduction is useless. Trying to change my judgment in this way, ahem, is useless."

"If it doesn't work, why not give it a try?" Daenerys' smile became even thicker as she spoke, "Are you afraid that after you try it, your relationship with me will become unfair?"

"How could it be like this..." Li began to miss those smelly greenskins. At least they would not talk nonsense to him. Now that he thought about those people who shouted, Li was now trapped in infinite entanglements. If he gave this beautiful little woman to On! Afterwards, he naturally cannot pretend that nothing happened. Then if the Greyjoy family is an excellent and fair leader, these Jenners just want to seize a world under the influence of Edward Jenner's power. , what should Li do at this time?

The possibility of this kind of thing is very small, but it is not completely impossible. Edward Jenner himself is a noble man. It is impossible for him to seek a planet for his own benefit, but if it is for their secret society What about interests? So Li can't completely trust the other party yet, he has to go and see for himself.

Do you want to kill your relatives out of righteousness? In the end, Zheng Zheng clicked the woman he had slept with? Li couldn't do such a thing. He didn't have a Nike logo on his forehead, and he wasn't a descendant of Mr. Bao. He didn't have the ultimate pursuit of justice. When the time comes, he will inevitably favor Edward. If the conditions are right, he may even take the initiative to help Edward cover up the truth and seize the benefits.

Wouldn't this mean that he was defeated by this woman?

Or not? Admit that you can't do it? The defeat seems worse?

Eat the sugar coating and hit it back with cannonballs? Eat this girl who comes to your door, and then pull out your a** to be ruthless? This is a good choice. Yes, the other party has made his own choice anyway, and there is no relationship at all. Besides, there is also a sister of the Kalidas assassin. This girl may not know how dark and sinister she is in her heart, and how good she is at pretending. It's a lie, yes, think of the other person in a darker light, and then you can kill him without any guilt!

Li finally got rid of the dilemma of being a beast and being worse than a beast. He was doing some mental construction for himself, and then he saw Daenerys smiling at him not far away. That smile was so pure. , her purple pupils turned into two small curved moons, and her mouth was slightly split, revealing the neat little white teeth in her mouth.

This pure smile instantly shattered all the dark thoughts in Li's heart. His conscience took over again for a while. Li patted his head. What on earth was he thinking? This girl is almost as old as his own child. , Alas, the old guy is so pitiful and pitiful. The one who is the right age is too young. He has some bad intentions and poisoned himself. The right ones who are about the same age as him are all turned into ashes. The old man who is tens of thousands of years old is still alive. There aren't many left. After counting carefully, there seem to be two people who meet the requirements. One is my biological sister, who is just a mechanical body and has never had a chance. The other one was the Phoenix Lord whom he had met. That old woman was a real old woman. She was older than the empire. Such a heavy age really made Li feel a lot of pressure.

It's a pity that I have never had a serious relationship in this fucked up world. g

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