Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 366 Death Mist (1/2)

"Lord Li," Daenerys said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to be a good person. Are you unwilling to hurt me?"

Unexpectedly, I would also receive a good person card one day. Li sighed helplessly and said helplessly: "If it is true to my heart, I am not willing to hurt anyone."

"It's really unbelievable," Daenerys covered her mouth and chuckled: "Such words can actually come from the mouth of an Alstat. If you don't mind, can you tell me about yours?" Story?"

"Don't listen to stories in vain."

"I will entertain you well," Daenerys said, snapping her fingers, and soon there were two hot-figured maids in thin sandy bathrobes carrying two small wooden boats that looked like models. Slowly stepping into the hot spring, the wooden boat contained fragrant meat, a pot of fine wine, and some thinly sliced ​​fish breasts. They put the boat into the hot spring, pushed the boat gently in the direction of Daenerys, and then slowly backed away. Daenerys held the two boats with her hands and pushed a boat full of delicious food in front of Li. "What do you think of this kind of food? I know that you are different from other mages. You can drink. Why not drink with your adventure stories and let me take a look at the splendor of the starry sky."

At this time, the sun was gradually setting in the west, and the setting sun dyed everything with a bright and full golden color. The open-air hot spring was also shrouded in this light. Looking at the setting sun in the distance, Li picked up the wine pot with a smile, " Hahaha, really, why would you want to hear this kind of story? It's just about fighting and killing." Li poured himself a glass of wine and took a sip first, letting the wonderful taste linger on his tongue. After echoing, he said: "Daenerys, what are you longing for?"

"I am eager to get out of this world and into the stars," Daenerys said firmly: "If I didn't know all this, then I would still be happily serving as the dragon girl and work hard to become an outstanding person. Queen, but I have known for a long time that above the world under our feet, in the bright starry sky, there are countless worlds, countless beautiful scenery, countless wonders, the bright and shining Milky Way is so huge , and I am only such a small part of it. I am eager to get out of this small world, go to the stars, witness the power of nature, and participate in the epic legend! "

"There are two things in the world that can deeply shock our hearts. One is the bright starry sky above our heads, and the other is the lofty morality in people's hearts." Li sighed and said slowly: " In the beginning, Alstadt was such a group of people. They were people who walked in the starry sky. They were perfect people. The holy emperor used his flesh and blood and the best expectations to shape such a group of people. They were shaped by the emperor's second son. Led by ten sons, the warriors walked among the stars and were shocked by the greatness and beauty of the Milky Way. Their great morals and sentiments, their willingness to sacrifice, and their fearlessness shocked the entire world. The Galaxy, they were originally the greatest group of people in the Galaxy, they were the noble knights who sat under the Holy Emperor, and they shocked everyone's hearts. But now, things have changed."

"How can it change?"

"Nobleness cannot save us, nor can it help us defeat the enemy. Despicability is the passport to walk in the universe. Especially those enemies who come from within. If you follow morals and rules, the result can only bring harm to you. Starry sky and Morality is two things that shock everyone's heart. It is still difficult to have both. The current situation is not good. Many times we have to make dilemmas. I have fought in countless worlds. I have been afraid of powerful enemies, but when faced with some choices, it was really difficult for me to convince myself. For example, this time, I should not have hesitated. The world of Iron Islands has what I want. In the future, this world will be drawn. Within the jurisdiction of the Chapter, this will be an extremely useful supplement to the Chapter. There are extremely rich precious mineral deposits on the Iron Islands, many of which are necessary materials for building inter-system navigation warships. I would not There should be no hesitation, just for the sake of profit, I should make up my mind. But in this way, it is far away from the original goal. "

"I can probably understand your feelings. In order to defeat the enemy, we often need to make some decisions against our will. In order to defeat Greyjoy, too many great people in the rebel army have sacrificed for it. I absolutely cannot let it. Their sacrifices were in vain and I had to win."

"Didn't you just say that you wanted to enter the starry sky? Are you willing to give up your throne?"

"I can appoint an acting chief executive, and my throne is just a piece of cake. At that time, the real decision will still be made by you and the ancestors, but I believe that people like you will definitely make the people of the Iron Islands live a good life. At this point, Daenerys laughed and said, "You have said so much, but you haven't told me your battle story yet."

"There is nothing much to say about the recent battles. Let me tell you about a war that happened a long time ago. At that time, during the Great Crusade, our army, led by the Holy Emperor, swept across all the planets. No enemy could stop it. The battle that impressed me the most in our footsteps was on a planet called Motir. On that planet lived a kind of alien life that was completely different from humans. They had four arms. The lower body is like a giant snake. Our company captain at the time called this creature 'Naga'. Naga is a strange creature. They gather together in the form of tribes. There is no war between them and the way they deal with disputes is It’s very simple, it’s a fight in the arena, and the winner gets everything.”

"That means not all Nagas will join in?"

"Yes, how can there be no disputes in society? So almost all Nagas are fighting masters. When they wave their weapons with their four hands, they can create a storm that enters the blade. The illusion, the cold light of the blade flashes non-stop, and once it starts, it never stops. They are real masters of cold weapons and swords. What is even more amazing is that the Nagas spend their entire lives in gladiatorial combat, and they watch it enthusiastically. Others participate in the gladiatorial battles with enthusiasm. Even the disputes between tribes are resolved by the gladiatorial battles of the strongest warriors. In the eyes of the Nagas, this is an honorable and glorious way of ruling. When the fleet arrived, the Nagas rationally sent a letter of challenge to the fleet and the company captain responsible for the battle. They would send the most powerful warriors on the planet to fight in the widest arena. The strongest showdown ever, the winner gets everything!”

Daenerys asked nervously: "Did the company captain agree?"

"At that time, the staff regarded the letter of challenge as a joke. This was a war. What kind of duel was going on? But the company captain thought about it for a while and agreed. As the close combat master in the company at that time, I became As a duelist, I will never forget that day. A Naga warrior and I stood in the center of a magnificent arena, receiving the cheers of a hundred thousand Nagas, and then the battle began. It was a tough battle. As I said, Naga had four hands. When his four hands wielded the sword at the same time, I was almost oppressed by the uninterrupted blade attacks and couldn't breathe. The sharp blade was heavy. The power and death are attacking from all directions. The fighting skills on the battlefield are not easy to use in one-on-one duels, and the Dark Crow's assassination skills are even more useless in this situation. The opponent's The pace was so flexible that it was completely ridiculous. No, Naga could not be considered a pace at all. He slid across the field at an extremely fast speed, then surrounded me, attacking me from all directions, front, back, left, and right, and on the way he walked There will be greasy mucus left on the skin, which can make him faster, but can make my steps slip. In short, it is an extremely difficult battle. I have never fought such a difficult battle in a long time. , I can hardly see other scenery in my eyes, I can only see the flashing light of swords, my ears can only hear the surging cheers, I can only hear the clanging sound of swords, and the sound is continuous. Absolutely, just like the sound of rain hitting lotus leaves."

Daenerys was almost out of breath. She asked cautiously: "In the end, you won, right?"

"No, I failed. I was almost exhausted from the blows like a heavy rain. Several times, I tried my best to counterattack, but was blocked by the opponent with his superb double knives. Then he launched a fatal counterattack with the other two sharp blades. , my armor was soon chopped into tatters, and my helmet was also chopped off. Finally, in a panic counterattack, I was accidentally swept to the ground by his long tail. As I said, the ground was really It was very slippery. Then his four sharp blades were on my neck. It was a hearty duel, and I lost."

"Then what?"

"Then there were a lot of exclamations on the sidelines. They were not cheers to welcome the winner. The Nagas seemed to be facing their heroes in panic. The strongest warriors were shouting. Then my opponent made a mistake. , he was distracted, and he looked towards the sidelines in panic. This was a huge thing." Li said slowly in a heavy voice: "I jumped up from the ground in an instant, blocked his sharp blade, and then. I pierced his chest deeply with the crow's claws, and in an instant, I reversed the situation of the battle and killed the opponent's strongest warrior."

"But the other party was not dead. The strong Naga was vomiting blood and was still mumbling something after arriving on the ground. I couldn't understand what he said. I found the other party's translator afterwards to understand."

"What did he say?"

"He said, 'I am the victor, you despicable people have defiled the duel.' And he kept repeating, 'You despicable people have defiled the duel.' I later learned that when I was dueling with him, even The captain launched a raid on the planet. The elders and important strongholds of the Naga clan were wiped out almost in an instant. It was really a beautiful raid. The Nagas did not expect to be attacked like this at all. You know, they were They almost never fought outside of duels. As a result, the Nagas won the last gladiatorial battle, which was also the most glorious one, but they lost everything. The Nagas never surrendered to the empire, so this race became The arena was wiped out from the universe and became an ancient ruin."

Daenerys sighed suddenly and said, "How could this happen?"

"Yeah, how could this happen?" Li Youyou said: "It's hard for me to distinguish my mood after learning all this. I lost the duel, but the company won the war. I can only say that this is war, Perhaps there is no nobility in it.”

"What a luxurious sigh." A maid suddenly walked over from the water, then jumped into the hot spring without any scruples wearing a thin sand, and after letting out a satisfied groan, she said: "The story is good. "

"Are you, Jess Jenner?"

"Hey, isn't that awesome? You actually guessed it right," Jess Jenner casually wiped her delicate face with his hand, and then revealed another look, which was different from the maid's delicate face. It was Li The beautiful face of the heartthrob that I had seen in the office said, "Daenerys, you did a great job. You can force our Captain Li to this point. You are the first one. I will tell you the previous scene." Write it down forever, and maybe even write it into a novel so that it can be passed down to future generations.”

"Sister! How could you do this?"

"Of course I want to do this. What if Commander Li suddenly attacks you? There must be someone to protect you."

"Can you stop me if I really want to take action? If you just jump out like this, it's just one more victim."

"It doesn't matter, I can transform into an ugly woman," Jess Jenner said with a smile, "At that time, Captain Li, you won't be able to harden up."

Li rubbed his temples and said with a headache: "You came out just to say this?"

Jess Jenner said with a smile: "When I heard that Commander Li just told a good story, I was naturally embarrassed to keep hiding it. But to be honest, the meaning in the story was so ridiculous that it made me just think hahaha , Maybe only people like you who once lived in the era of emperors can have such luxurious and noble sighs, hahaha, what is the use of that kind of thing? "

"Oh? What do you think? Callidos's assassin?"

"We have no opinion. We are the killing tools of the empire. We live for the honor of the Temple of Callidus and die to serve the emperor." Jace Jenner suddenly became serious and said seriously. Without saying a word, he turned into a smile again: "Who can convict those who resist the empire and all kinds of sinful people? I am afraid that only the emperor can judge their crimes. But only adults can judge them. Only by killing people can they accept the emperor's judgment. Therefore, we are only responsible for killing people. Whether this is noble and just is up to the divine emperor to judge."

Li decided to ignore those strong words from the Assassin's Court. He pondered for a while and asked cautiously: "It's just a tool, so you don't have to think about it?"

"Yes, you Alstat should only be the sword and weapon of the empire, and our Assassin Court is just the dagger of the empire. We don't have to think about it at all, but you Alstat have committed a huge crime. Wrong, you have thoughts, the sword has thoughts, how terrifying this must be." Jess Chenner put away his smile and said seriously: "I advise you not to regard yourself as a noble knight and re-examine yourself. Just think of yourself as an expensive consumable. This is the real sacrifice."

"It seems that I will never be able to agree with this kind of thinking." Li shook his head and said: "You eavesdropped on our conversation, and then suddenly jumped out, just to take a bath together and join in the conversation?"

"Isn't it possible?" Jess Jenner looked at Li who was glaring over, shrugged and said, "Well, it's because things have changed. I think your inspection is almost over."

Li was stunned for a moment, "The progress on White Shield Star is going smoothly, everything is going according to plan. Is there a new situation on your side?"

"Yes, it's a new situation, but I'm not very familiar with this, so I can only come to you for help. It's a matter at the mine. You know that Daenerys has closed the mine, right? Daenerys, Have you told Mr. Li why the mine was closed?"

"not yet."

"Then tell me."

"After we successfully raided and expelled a group of Greyjoys, we began to reorganize the surrounding areas. Initially, we did not have time to take over the mines. We only sent a small team of people to maintain order," Daenerys showed a look of regret. She said in a deep voice: "As a result, none of the small team came back. When we discovered that something was wrong and sent people to investigate, we found that all the people we had sent to maintain order were dead. This is not the most terrifying thing. Really What's frightening is that these dead people have returned after turning into living corpses, and it's not just the team we sent there, but also the miners in the mine and the small towns under the mine. The world. Investigators speculate that there are necromancers operating near the mine."


"There once appeared necromancers, a group of psykers who could control corpses and give corpses life. They were recorded in classics and also appeared in the empire. Unfortunately, they were of little significance, so they should have been burned as firewood. Yeah. But this time it doesn't look like the work of a necromancer. I can't see any traces of psychic involvement. Of course, I'm not an expert in this area, so I'm not sure. Captain Li, look. I need to trouble you to come with me this time.”g

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