Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 393: Falling Asleep and Waking Up (1/2)

How did things become like this?

No, it's not my fault, it's all his fault. Yes, it's his fault, his other self, the stupid man who was fooled by honor and responsibility, brainwashed by the empire's propaganda and Robert's education. Roaring and roaring in my heart, but it can only let the anger accumulate in my heart, and I can never find a way to vent it*(

Isn’t the other self still myself? No matter what stupid things the other person does, the final result needs to be borne by both people.

For example, in this situation, how could Li Anjie reach this point? Slaanesh intervened, and Tzeentch, well, when did the tentacles of these evil gods enter the world he controlled? How did they contact Li Anjie and finally persuade him to move?

Why doesn't the other self have a good talk with her daughter? Maybe all it takes is a long and frank talk between father and daughter, and everyone can talk about the problem clearly, and the matter will not get to this point.

But it is meaningless to say this now. Even in this magical galaxy, there is still no place that sells regret medicine.

Now he can only think about what to do next. Li looked at the person at the center of the formation. Li Anjie's expression was calm and peaceful. What a beautiful girl she was. It was like she was coming from heaven. Angel who descended, why was I so focused on various work plans in the past and could never spare time to spend more time with her?

Li let out a long sigh and began to draw runes with both hands in front of him at the same time. Each mysterious rune was drawn by his fingers in the void, and mysterious and terrifying spells began to flow out of Li's mouth. , the chanting of mantras echoed throughout the hall

Just seeing the scene of Li drawing runes and chanting incantations, Xishan was already trembling uncontrollably. What a high level of magic skills this is. Each one is astonishingly powerful that can only appear in legends and stories. The terrible magic was used one by one by Li incessantly, but these magics did not work immediately. Instead, they were temporarily stored in some special runes by Li. Li actually forcibly separated the powerful spells one by one. There are two stages for this. One is the preparation stage that Li is currently doing, which is like loading a bullet into the magazine of the firearm in his hand. The second stage is naturally to simply pull the trigger and fire the bullet to unleash the power of the weapon. Powerful spells are now condensed in the runes in front of Li. At the right time, Li can easily trigger these powerful and terrifying spells with a simple gesture or a predetermined syllable.

But at the next moment, Xishan suddenly understood, and then a deeper fear spread in her heart. This fear was not only about these things that could completely blow her into the sky at any time, and then fall into thousands of pieces. The terrifyingly powerful magic is aimed at Li who is currently casting the spell.

Obviously, this Li is now setting up the battlefield, so who will be the enemy?

Looking around at this temple that has become dilapidated due to the fierce battle, no one in this temple can maintain an upright posture. Now the only person who can fight and has a chance to become Li's enemy is There is only his daughter, Li Anjie

Even if there are ten thousand reluctances in Li's mind, no matter how much he hates and regrets in his heart, Li can't undo the past. The mistakes he made have become history. Now all Li can do is try his best to redeem them.

Yes, the most important thing for Li now is to kill Li Anjie. After she became a slave of chaos, the only thing Li could do for her was to kill her and free her from that twisted slavery. free

Whether it is dark Li or normal Li, they are all warriors in essence. Not only are they proficient in killing enemies, but they also know what to do as warriors at critical moments. If they kill themselves now If his daughter is right, then he must do it, and do it without hesitation

This is what really scares Xishan. It doesn't matter if a person is cruel to others. What is really scary is that he can be so cruel to his own people. Such a person is as cold as steel, cold and hard, although I don't know how many times this has happened, but now Xishan deeply feels an extremely deep regret. Why would she be stupid enough to be an enemy of such a person? You shouldn't be enemies with such a person at all. This kind of person is a more terrifying creature than a demon. Because when dealing with such a terrifying person, you can only kill him, but you can never defeat him.

Just when Xishan fell into regretful feelings, amid Elizabeth's crazy chewing sounds, and after Li arranged the terrible magic that could turn the entire mountain city into ashes, the light on Li Anjie's body finally It weakened, and then all disappeared, integrating into Li Anjie's body.

The magic circle stopped. In this hall, the ritual that Li had always wanted to stop was finally completed. Li felt the bitter taste in his mouth. This was the bitter taste of failure, and this was a complete failure. This failure made me lose too many things.

Li raised his hand, the runes around him flickered, and the terrifying magical energy began to surge. With just one syllable, he could make the magic explode, causing the enemy, and his daughter, to die painlessly in an instant.

Of course, the whole city needs to be buried with him

"Father, what are you doing? Why are you here?" Li Anjie looked at the flashing runes beside Li. She could clearly feel the power contained in the runes, and then her eyes were full of Questions and disbelieving eyes, "You, you want to kill me? No, haha, how is that possible? You are my father, and I am Li Anjie, your daughter."

"No more," Li Chen said painfully: "You have been tainted by Chaos. You have become a slave of Chaos. I want...I..."

"No, Father, you are wrong. I am still myself, I am still Li Anjie. I have not become anyone's slave. I have not been controlled by anyone." Li Anjie shouted seriously: "I just gained strength. I can now walk alone in the universe. I have the power to protect myself. At the same time, I can also protect you, my father."

"You are too naive," Li Chen said painfully: "Who do you think the guys you are trading with are? They are all gods, and getting involved in their incidents never has good results. You are just being used. , and you have become a puppet of Slaanesh. I want to kill you, yes, first you, and then Elizabeth, this poor woman..." Li said, looking back, but at this moment For a moment, he didn't see the mad woman crawling on the body of the secret keeper like a ghoul, willing to manipulate the body. There was only a dazzling red light in his eyes, and then Li felt as if his body was being raped by Gao Bin. The soldier's train was like a collision, and he was completely knocked away in the face of the unstoppable force. It was a sudden burst of lightning.

The moment Li revealed his intention to kill Anjie Li, Elizabeth suddenly felt like a madman whose invisible switch had been triggered. In the blink of an eye, her whole body turned into a streak of red lightning, and then Just like a wild bull, it slammed into Li. Li was completely unprepared. He didn't expect that he would be attacked by Elizabeth. This was unreasonable, because Elizabeth had no sense. , she is just a beast enslaved by power, a monster that is very sensitive to power. This kind of monster will not be hostile to special targets, especially when facing enemies with powerful power, and this kind of monster will not be hostile to special targets. During her precious meal time, as long as no one deliberately interrupts her meal, she can lie on top of the secret keeper's body and keep eating.

Li just spun and flew out with a surprised expression, and his whole body hit the wall with a big bang. After a while, he slowly slid down, but before he could fall to the ground, Li He gently pointed at the ground, and he was floating in the air.

"This shouldn't be the case, Elizabeth, she shouldn't be like this." Li looked at Elizabeth, crawling in front of Li Anjie like a vicious wolf, grinning at Li Anjie, but did not dare to step forward, yes, Eliza Bai knew very well who was stronger. She didn't dare challenge herself rashly. This was her nature, but what happened just now? Li sighed and said helplessly: "Is it just the motherhood that remains in your body? Even at this point, do you still want to protect your daughter? Elizabeth, you have to remember that you have a good Mom, and I, too, have to bear my father’s blame. I’m going to kill you two so that you can be freed.”

"What, what happened?" Li Anjie's tears instantly flowed down, "Father, why are you like this? Mom, how did you become like this? Holy Emperor, what happened, how did you change?" This is not what I thought at first. Father, oh, God, can you wait? Please wait, it’s just a mess. I need a little time. Xishan? Shan, come here."

As if struck by lightning, Xishan walked up to Li Anjie and knelt at her feet without any resistance. This time, she did not do it voluntarily, but no matter how Xishan resisted, she could not control her body. I can only watch myself walk step by step in front of Li Anjie, and then kneel down

Xishan's heart was full of panic. Like Li, she quickly discovered the weirdness of the matter. Although the mutated magic circle still allowed the ritual to be completed continuously, the result was obviously different from what she had originally imagined.

Li Anjie has no intention of obeying her orders. No matter how Xishan invokes the permission granted by the true god Slaanesh, she cannot control Li Anjie. The power in Li Anjie's body has never responded to Xishan's call. This, this is really too much. Damn it, Xishan thought bitterly, maybe she still has free will. At least, this Li Anjie is not something she can control.

Moreover, Xishan is now easily controlled by Li Anjie. There is no doubt that after the ceremony, the thinker's power has been greatly strengthened. Now in front of Li Anjie, Xishan cannot even commit suicide.

"Take your eyeballs off," unlike Li's coercion, Li Anjie just gave the order directly, "and then crush them."

Then Xishan started to execute it, without even the slightest hesitation. She acted quickly. Xishan's three fingers were in the shape of eagle claws, and they suddenly inserted into her eyeballs, and in this way, one of her eyeballs was shot out. He dug it out, then let the eyeballs fall into his palms, and squeezed them open.

Nowadays, Xishan has no thoughts in her heart. When she meets this father and daughter, she is completely disappointed.

Immediately, Li Anjie's finger pierced directly from Xishan's eye socket and directly into Xishan's brain. With direct contact with Xishan's brain, Li Anjie understood the matter in just a moment. The whole story, her body swayed slightly, "So, all this is my responsibility? I caused my mother to become like this, and caused my father to have to use such a look. Fight with a posture...I, what on earth did I do?"

"It's too late to regret now. It's useless to say anything." As he said this, Li snapped his fingers. At the same time, magic suddenly broke out, and flames suddenly erupted from under the earth. At the same time, a strong wind blew. Under the violent wind, In the middle, the invisible blade formed by the air was hidden in it. Just a rune broke, allowing the violent power of the elements to be fully displayed. However, these magics failed to harm Li Anjie at all. Elizabeth suddenly pounced. On the scene, she was surrounded by lightning, using her body or the lightning around her to defeat all of Li's magic. Just like she risked her life to protect Li before, Elizabeth is still mad at the cost. Protecting Li Anjie

The two had a fierce fight in the hall in a way that ordinary people could not understand. Occasionally, Li turned around and transformed into dozens of himself, chanting different magics from all directions, using different methods and different angles to deal with them. As Li Anjie launched an attack, occasionally Li would disappear completely, leaving only the power of magic reverberating in the air. Occasionally, Li would summon some alien monsters and launch a fierce attack on Elizabeth. The two of them had strange figures. The other one turned into lightning, extremely fast, and just like that, with Li Anjie as the center, they started fighting with magic and lightning.

For a moment, Li Anjie was completely stunned. She could only look at the fierce fight between the two people in front of her, but couldn't say anything. She really hoped that this was just a terrible nightmare. If she were to die in the next moment, Falling into the abyss, maybe the feeling of falling from a high altitude can wake you up from the nightmare

But looking at her mother dripping with blood, her father with a sad face, and the two people fighting fiercely and killing each other, Li Anjie knew very well that she was actually in reality.

"Why, why can't we get along well?"

No one answered Li Anjie's question. They were fighting fiercely. Li Zheng summoned a huge skeleton hand from the void. This hand grabbed Elizabeth. The breath of death instantly entangled Elizabeth. On top of her body, Elizabeth just shouted, and lightning exploded from her body. The lightning containing the power of chaos used the most primitive power to completely defeat Li's magic.

"Yes, the reality is already like this. Just like what you have always told me, father, 'reality is always cruel'. I always don't understand it, but now," with a bang, Elizabeth was completely blown away. But in an instant, she shot back quickly. Li Anjie cried and said: "Dad, I understand, I understand now, I know I was wrong, can you forgive me, don't do this, I don't want your team , I don’t want this”

Snap, this time Li was accidentally hit by the lightning that Elizabeth shot out. In an instant, he was knocked out and rolled on the ground for a long distance before disappearing.

"If, if this is the reality, if the reality is that my father and mother are going to fight each other, and then you, father, don't listen to me at all and you still want to kill me, then I would rather" Li Anjie screamed loudly: "I would rather this not be reality, I want another reality, a completely different reality"

With unparalleled spiritual power, the scream spread out. Invisible to the naked eye, a huge, terrifying and huge spiritual network stretched out in an instant, and the huge will and spirit were driven by the power. Sweeping the world, the entire Shanxi was invaded by this force in an instant, and then conquered. Everyone on this planet, demons, cultists, indulgents, drug addicts, farmers and workers living at the bottom, There were also Li and Elizabeth. They all stopped moving at this moment. They stood still and motionless.

At this moment, Li Anjie showed her terrifying power as a thinker. Her powerful power built a spiritual network. In an instant, she pulled everyone on the planet into her spiritual network. Gone among

Li Anjie let out a long sigh, then closed her eyes with a smile. She wanted to have a beautiful dream. In this beautiful dream, there would be her father, mother, and many other people. These people would all be in her dream. and continue to survive as Quan.

No, maybe we should put it another way. Li Anjie snorted and screamed as she opened her eyes. She had just woken up from a nightmare.

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