Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 394 Dream, Reality (1/2)

In the dream, Li Anjie's father was a very, "powerful" man? Yes, powerful, powerful, and with a pair of eyes as sharp as a sword. When his father said nothing and remained silent, he could make the person being stared at just by looking at him with those sharp eyes. One feels chilled all over.

It's strange, why do I feel this way about my father? Why use the strange word "powerful" to him? This is completely inconsistent with his father.

Li Anjie scratched her sleep-messed hair and stared at the black hair in the room. Then her door was suddenly pushed open, "What's wrong? What happened!? There is a thief." "What?" Li Anjie's mother, Elizabeth, rushed into Li Anjie's bedroom first, and then looked around nervously. After a while, Li Anjie's father also walked in slowly from behind, and he was still relaxed as he walked. Said: "My little Anjie is probably having a nightmare. Don't worry, our community is a model safe community. How could there be thieves?" With that said, Li stepped sideways into the room. Li first looked around. , then opened the closet and checked again, then sighed, took out the kitchen knife he had been holding behind his back, nodded and said: "Well, just as I expected, it's not a thief at all. "

Elizabeth glanced at the kitchen knife in Li's hand with disdain and said nothing.

"I said, what are you looking at? I'm holding this knife just in case," Li argued, "and I don't care about what I'm holding now. Anjie, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

"I, okay, I just had a nightmare, and then I woke up with a fright."

"Oh? Nightmare?" Li smiled, "What kind of nightmare is it? Can you tell me about it?"

"I, I originally remembered it, but," Li Anjie scratched his head, "I forgot about it after you interrupted me. It seems that my father and mother fought in the dream."

"You have watched too many family ethics dramas. I told you not to watch those messy TV dramas." Elizabeth said with a straight face as a lesson: "Look at how you look now. This time Your ranking in the grade is lagging behind again, we just love you too much."

Li Ye smiled bitterly, and actually said that he and Elizabeth had a fight, "How is it possible?" He said with a bitter smile, this Miss Elizabeth is your father and I spent a lot of effort to pursue her. She is so beautiful, so why would she hit her if she couldn’t bear to touch her?”

"Mom, dad," Li Anjie said coquettishly, "This is just a dream."

"Just go to sleep, you have to get up early tomorrow."

Immediately, his parents closed the door on Li Anjie.

When Li Anjie woke up again, and it was morning, she hurriedly climbed out of bed and got dressed. When she finished washing and walked to the living room, Li Anjie had already brought the hot breakfast to the table. Fried poached eggs, home-made sandwiches, and a cup of hot whipped soy milk.

"Hurry up and eat some. When you're done, ask your mother to drive you to school."

"Yeah!" Li Anjie didn't say much and started to wolf down the food before he threw himself at the dining table.

After his daughter Li Anjie and his wife Elizabeth left home, Li cleaned up the dishes and cleaned the house before returning to his workroom. He closed the door and began to continue his unfinished work. Draw pictures.

Li is a well-known architect. Many celebrities have wanted Li to design their houses. Li's buildings always have a sense of ancient oriental gardens, which makes today's lives more efficient. Celebrities in the city are very popular.

Li picked up the pen and stared at the drawings for a long time. Then his mind suddenly flashed, and then Li began to draw quickly. Time flew by, and by the afternoon, Li had completed it. A rough sketch, but in Li's painting, what stands on the mountainside is not a luxurious villa with a unique shape, but a castle.

No, the ancient Western castle is still a kind of mountain building style, and this one is simply a bunker.

This building has no aesthetic considerations at all. It has sharp edges and corners and is extremely solid. Anyone who wants to break through this bunker, no matter if they attack from any angle, will pay a huge price, and they can still survive under the bunker. It has been expanded to build storage rooms and hiding spots deep in the mountain.

Li looked at it carefully and felt that there was something lacking, so he painted another barbed wire fence around the bunker. Then he nodded with satisfaction, but, "Such a building shouldn't be sold." Li said to himself distressedly. He said to himself: "But how could I draw such a thing? In the end, I spent the whole day to draw such a thing. If I can't hand in the materials and manuscripts when the time comes, this design will be useless. It’s going to fall through.”

Li let out a long sigh and looked out the window. The afternoon sunshine was shining outside Li's window. There was a small garden where some seasonal flowers were blooming brilliantly.

It's really peaceful. How can it be so peaceful? Could it be that in the cold and dark universe, only war is the eternal theme?

This question flashed through Li's mind, but he quickly shook his head and threw this ridiculous idea out of his mind.

Everyone knows that humans are now the overlords of the galaxy. The sacred emperor sits high in the royal court of the earth, ruling the entire galaxy. The emperor's twelve sons lead powerful star war groups to roam the galaxy, bringing light and hope to humans and destruction and death to all alien races.

And these are things that happened a long, long time ago. Although the sacred emperor still rules humans wisely today, there has been no war in the galaxy for a long, long time. For Li's life, there is no ripple at all. Even murders are pitifully rare, not to mention the terrible words such as war or enemies.

Thinking of war and enemies, Li habitually put his hands on his waist, but there was nothing on his waist.

What happened to me? Should there be something on my waist? It seems that there should be a special sword.

Li didn't quite understand, so he put aside his doubts and returned to his daily life, because it was almost dinner time, which was the happiest time of the day for the family. The three of them would sit around the dining table, taste delicious food, and talk about some pleasant things.

Li put on an apron, then walked into the kitchen, tied the apron, opened the refrigerator, and began to prepare food carefully.

Today, Li was going to make a big meal, an ancient oriental delicacy. There were beer-roasted duck, stir-fried Chinese cabbage, red boiled pork slices, hand-torn cabbage, and a plate of steamed carp.

Life was so simple and flowed comfortably. Li, Elizabeth, and Li Anjie lived happily, plainly, and happily together. Occasionally, Li would go shopping with Li Anjie and Elizabeth, and would greet acquaintances with a smile. Occasionally, Elizabeth's best friend Xishan would come to eat, and the four of them would play a card game after dinner, which Li was really not interested in, because Li Anjie always won.

At this time, Li should not have any thoughts, but he always felt bored with the peaceful days nowadays. It seemed that there was a suffocating force in this peace and tranquility, and even the air he breathed was filled with a false smell.

And he always used to grab his waist, as if there should be a sword at his waist.

Is this a mental illness? Li was confused about himself. He didn't pay attention to these boring fantasies, but just regarded these thoughts as his temporary mental disorder. But as time went by, this doubt not only did not disappear, but accumulated more and more, and there were more and more terrible doubts.

First of all, Li found that he didn't love Elizabeth at all, and didn't have that kind of love feeling at all. Although he got along well with her and got along well in bed, the deep love in his memory seemed to have never existed, and there was no trace of love for Elizabeth in his heart.

Not only Elizabeth, but also Li Anjie, and anyone else. Li soon discovered that it was not just "love", but also anger, irritability, regret, and all those extreme emotions that had never happened to him. It seemed that he was just a robot that did not understand emotions.

Since when did he lose his emotions?

Then Li searched for a day and went to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

"Everything is normal," the doctor said to Li after looking at the results of the examination: "Your body is too healthy, much healthier than mine. I think you can live another 150 years."

"What about the brain? Is the brain normal?"

"At least from the X-ray, there is no part of your body that is abnormal. The condition you are talking about, the loss of emotions, is very rare in medicine. Even if there is, it is usually after a heavy blow to the head, and similar symptoms may occasionally occur. Like you, waking up and feeling that you have lost your emotions, I have never heard of it. After all, that is your emotion, but It's not the wallet in your pocket. "The doctor smiled and said, "If you are still confused, I suggest you go to the psychiatry department to see a psychiatrist. Of course, I'm not saying that you are mentally ill. I think it may be work pressure or something else that has caused you psychological damage. After all, the human brain and heart are very complex and magical. "

Li was stunned, but did not go to the psychiatrist, because he had studied some simple psychology, and the psychiatrist would ask him those questions, and he had some understanding. Li thought carefully for a while, wrote those questions on a piece of paper, and then he began to answer them one by one.

First of all, he would inevitably ask about his childhood. Generally, people with mental illnesses have the root of the disease related to their childhood, perhaps an insult, or something unforgettable. So, did he receive any psychological trauma in his childhood?

After recalling for a while, Li did not feel that the question had been answered. On the contrary, more questions emerged. Li actually recalled two childhoods, two of which were himself, no, one was his real self. Living in a safe and peaceful country, I grew up peacefully, went to school, and then, there was no more. There was a gap in my memory here. How did I fall in love with Elizabeth? How did the two get married? All of these seemed to be things that had already happened and were taken for granted. But when Li thought about it carefully, he found that it was extraordinarily vague. Then he returned home to look for photos and photos from when he got married. dvd, of course the result was nothing.

"You said that our family photo albums and home videos must have been lost when we moved." Elizabeth replied nonchalantly: "Why did you suddenly think of looking for these things? Haven't you always cared about them? "

"No, I actually," Li coughed awkwardly twice and explained, "I just miss it a little bit."

As I think about it more and more, why do I cook these magical oriental dishes? Oriental food? Which East? Li could not find such oriental dishes in the whole world. If these delicious oriental dishes came from the east, then they definitely could not be from the east in this world.

But Li has never left this planet in his life. Where did he learn to cook? I have never even been out of the mountain city.

So late one night, Li got up alone, walked to the lawn outside his room, breathed in the night air, knelt down on the lawn with his legs naturally, and began to breathe steadily, which came from The memory in the body is a skill that Li uses his body and soul to remember. Once mastered, it will never be forgotten.

Breathing, taking a deep breath, with a specific rhythm, and then calming down, Li let himself enter a state of "quietness". He returned to his thought palace, and saw another self, and then he pushed open the quilts. The locked door, those sealed memories, and the hidden stories flooded back into Li's mind like a tide.

Li opened his eyes, "Fuck [your] mother."

"Are you scolding our daughter? If so, then this is not considered insulting." Elizabeth walked slowly behind Li with bare feet. Li turned around and saw this beautiful woman "Wearing black silk underwear at this time, she was standing on the lawn outside the house. Her figure was so perfect, and the sexy underwear gave her a terrifyingly seductive look. Colorful, under the shining of the moonlight, Elizabeth at this time was like a beautiful elf dropped from heaven to the world. Elizabeth winked at Li playfully and said: "Okay, if If you really want to ‘fuck’ the mother of that little girl Anjie.”

But even so, Li still didn't feel anything for her. He should have rushed up to her, pushed her down on the grass, spread her legs, and fucked her hard. This is what a normal man should do at this time, but Li didn't feel anything.

"I don't have feelings for you," Li sighed and said, "I didn't know what this was about at first. Although we always do it, it's not love."

"I know, it's just to pay for the public food," Elizabeth nodded and said: "This is not your fault, you don't have to apologize for this, because you actually want me very much, but you are poisoned by a strange poison, maybe It is relatively weak in these aspects.”

"You, you know everything?" Li opened his eyes wide in shock and said in disbelief: "How, how is it possible? Why do you, I don't understand..."

"I don't quite understand. Maybe it's because I've become insane, or maybe I'm still completely eroded by the power of chaos. This makes my soul more adaptable to these "chaotic" things. That's it," Elizabeth nodded and said, "I knew from the beginning that this was not the real world, this was just a dream of Li Anjie."

"Then those memories of mine, the beautiful love affair with you, all of them..."

"It's all fiction."

"All these people, so many people in the dream?"

"It's all true," Elizabeth laughed, "Li, you don't know what miraculous things your daughter has done. She hypnotized people all over the world in an instant, and hypnotized the entire New Shanxi." Everyone was drawn into her dream, and a new life began in a completely different world, including the demons. "

"You should have said it earlier."

"Why should I tell you? I think life is pretty good now. I am very satisfied with this world. Although physically I should be considered a virgin, mentally I have been married to you for many years. Live." Elizabeth smiled and looked at Li, but the other party just stared at her coldly. The two stared at each other under the night sky for a while, and then Elizabeth looked away and sighed: " Well, to tell the truth, what can you do if I tell you the truth? "

"What do I want to do? Of course I want to get out of this world! This is illusion, this world is false!" Li shook his head and said, "This is just a dream!"

"How do you know this is a dream, and the cruel world outside is real?" Elizabeth asked back, "Or it should be the other way around, this is real, and what you call real is just a cruel dream."

"Zhuang Zhou dreamed of a butterfly?" Li Yangtian sighed, "I never thought that you, Elizabeth, could be so philosophical."

"It's not that I'm philosophical, but even if this is a dream, what will happen?" Elizabeth gritted her teeth and said, "Isn't it good to live in such a beautiful dream? This is our daughter's dream, do you have the heart to destroy her dream?"

"Girls always love to dream, but as a father, I have the responsibility to teach her to recognize reality."

"Ah, what a noble father," Elizabeth sneered and asked, "But after returning to reality, what do you want to do?"

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