Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 37 Trivial Matters (1/2)

"What is this?" Li picked up the clothes in front of him and rubbed them. "It's not cloth or glue. The material is a bit strange."

"Master Li, have you noticed how extraordinary this suit of clothing is? I spent a lot of effort to get this battle suit from the Mechanicus." Jacob picked up the clothes in front of Li. With a vigorous shake, a black one-piece gel costume appeared in front of Li. "This is the latest investigator equipment, which is still in the laboratory stage. There is a gravity interference device attached to the clothing. When activated, it can distort the surrounding light. With a cloak made of special materials, it can enter a state of invisibility. Equipped with a small super battery, it can ensure 24 hours of invisibility when fully charged. Also, this cloak is not only waterproof and heat-insulating, but also changes color on its own like a chameleon's skin when it enters the camouflage state. "

In addition, there is also a more cherished piece of equipment, a multi-purpose telescope called "Earl's Glasses", which can not only see objects from a long distance, but can also switch to various modes such as low-light vision, infrared vision, etc. This thing looks like a monocle often used by nobles. There is a thin transparent lens in the golden frame, and a golden chain is connected to the outside of the frame. After the lenses are placed on the bridge of the nose, the temples are naturally bonded to the skin. Even if you perform strenuous exercise, you will not worry about the glasses falling off.

Finally, there is a heavy individual bolt sniper rifle. The length of this sniper rifle is a full 1.7 meters, and its height when erected is almost the same as Li's height.

Put on the scout uniform, put on the lenses, put on the unique black cloak, and step on the bolt sniper rifle, and a fresh scout is born.

Then came the corresponding tests and fine-tuning. For the test of the invisibility function and the test of the color-changing function of the cloak, with the help of a mechanical priest, Li's equipment was quickly debugged to the best condition. The next step was to learn. Daily maintenance methods and simple repairs of equipment. Li's entire three days were spent in the testing ground, but it was worth it for Li, because this was his only chance to return to the battlefield.

The shrunken Li is only 1.75 meters tall. With his height, it is impossible to wear the "power armor" used by Space Marines in battle, because there is no number for him. Among the space warriors, even the shortest one is more than two meters tall, so he searched the entire empire and couldn't find a "power armor" suitable for Li. Moreover, Li's strength is not as good as before. Even if he wears it, Without the power armor, it would be difficult for him to return to the front line of the battlefield and fight like before.

Lee knew this very well, so he found himself a new position on the battlefield that suited him, and that was that of a scout.

In battle, scouts can be used as snipers, providing precise long-range fire support for the battlefield; and outside the battlefield, scouts are also the eyes of the entire team, providing the entire unit with detailed intelligence on the enemy, and at the appropriate time You can also sneak attack on the enemy's important strategic points.

After the basic equipment on his body was completely confirmed, Li and Jacob left the testing site and walked all the way home.

Although it was already late at night, both of them were in high spirits. They were constantly discussing the future of the Knights Templar along the way, from the basic rights structure to the construction of the base, from the training of soldiers to the selection of tactics. In the city where the lights were on, the two of them strolled through the classical streets and alleys, and unknowingly returned to Roland's home, which is now the Earth Templar office.

Opening the door, a young voice came from the dark room, "Master Li, are you back? Oh? And Master Jacob." Someone was already waiting in the room.

"Is it Father Bell?" Li turned on the light casually, and the orange light came on, illuminating the appearance of the people in the room. From the aesthetic point of view of ordinary people, the appearance of the people in the room really looked good enough. Strangely, if it was his first time seeing him, Li would definitely be frightened by his appearance. The man known as Father Bell wears a gray robe with green trim, his hands are folded in long sleeves, and there are four mechanical arms like octopus tentacles behind his back, just like a real-life version of "Doctor Octopus". He has a cold, almost frozen face. One eye on his face is a normal human eye, and the other eye is a tube-mounted mechanical eye like a telescope. If it weren't for the messy machinery on his body, Father Bell would be considered a rare handsome guy.

"It's your Excellency. I'm waiting here to submit a report to Your Excellency." As he spoke, the mechanical arm behind Father Bell twisted out a report document and placed it on Li's desk. The detailed information is in the report. This mission finally lived up to your trust."

Li opened the report, flipped through it, and then closed the document, which contained a lot of data and a large amount of professional vocabulary. Li asked casually: "I just came back from Mars, was it a smooth journey? How is our battleship? ?”

Father Bell is a mechanical priest from the Mechanicus. He has joined Li's knights as a support staff in the past few days. Along with Father Bell, there is also Martin Luther, a priest from the church. The first two people arrived. One mission is to go to Mars to receive the Knights' battleship.

"It went very smoothly. The delivery of the battleship was completed on Mars. We got a Lunar-class cruiser. I checked it carefully. The new battleship is perfect." When talking about the professional aspects, even Bell, who has always been cold, couldn't help but be excited. "The Moon-class cruiser has a simple design and is durable. Even though the Moon-class cruiser cannot be compared with the Empire's battleships in terms of firepower, density, load capacity, etc., it is better in simplicity. It can be used on ordinary hive planets or manufacturing worlds." It is enough to provide maintenance and upkeep for the Moon-class cruiser. If we can get permission from the Imperial Navy in the future, we can even try to build a Moon-class cruiser. I can only say that this is a genius design.”

"Can it be repaired or even manufactured by oneself?" Li was stunned. He couldn't believe it. "You are talking about a cruiser that can sail in the galaxy. Is this possible?"

"Yes," Bell affirmed, "My lord, please don't forget that there is a forging world that belongs to you in the Far East."

"But that manufacturing world is only level one." In terms of planet levels, level one is the lowest level. For the empire, such a forging world has just started. For a huge empire, this kind of planet is of little value. .

"It doesn't matter. The Moon-class cruiser Dros Sovereign was built in a wild world. The local indigenous people dug and smelted metals for the empire, and then offered them as sacrifices to the 'air temple' built by the planetary governor. A complete The forged world is much better than the wild world."

"This is great. When can the battleship be put into use?"

"It will take another two months to use her." Bell explained: "The Moon-class cruiser was originally intended for use by the Imperial Navy. The focus was on the warship's firepower, armor and cruising speed. Such a design did not It's not suitable for our Knights Templar, so I've sent it to the Mars dock for modification." With that said, the mechanical arm behind Bell took out a scroll from his briefcase. , placed it on the table, and the dexterous mechanical arm smoothly unfolded the scroll in front of the two people. This is the cabin diagram of the Moon-class cruiser. Bell pointed to a building above the cruiser and said: "This is the best among the entire cruiser. The location, spacious and comfortable, is the first to be renovated and will be transformed into a church. In fact, the renovation should have already begun. Pastor Martin did not come back with him because he wanted to stay on Mars to personally oversee the renovation of the church. "Although it was just a simple schematic diagram. , but Li could also imagine the size of this church. Although the Moon-class cruiser is considered petite among naval ships, this battleship is also used for interstellar travel, and its size is far larger than ordinary ones. People imagine that the aircraft carriers of the previous life were like small boats on the lake compared with this moon-class cruiser.

If you only look at the area and scale, then this church should be comparable to the Cologne Church in Germany, and the exquisite details should far exceed that church in Germany.

Of course, placing such a large church on a cruiser used for battle, not to mention spending so much effort to carve exquisite reliefs, find exquisite stained glass, and build large pipe organs; and it must be said that Anyone who knows aviation and navigation knowledge understands how important the space above a ship is for a ship used for navigation. Sometimes, with more space, more resources can be stored, and maybe it can More shells to destroy the enemy, more resources to extend your own life, and more goods to make money. In short, now Li is secretly asking himself in his mind, is it a little too weird to do this?

Of course it's strange. In fact, it's hard to use the word strange to describe it. When a warship undergoes transformation, the top priority is not weapons facilities, environmental facilities, or other-dimensional engines, power boilers, or external armor of the ship. Yes, these most important things for a warship need to be put away first. On one side, the priority, the most important thing, is the church. This is simply weird, considering that even the Japanese during World War II would not build a shrine on top of their battleships.

But Li just nodded and said firmly: "It should be so."

Yes, Li must agree with this, and should also express his approval for this weird behavior without reservation. Because in the Holy Empire, you must express your heartfelt praise and infinite reverence for the great God-Emperor at all times, and the magnificent church built for the God-Emperor is undoubtedly an excellent way to express this mood.

Just like in another world, in a certain era of the Flower Planting Empire, people would hold the Little Red Book when taking photos, hold the Little Red Book when taking wedding photos, and often quote quotations from the Little Red Book when speaking, in that time In this era, showing disrespect for leaders in words is enough to make your life dangerous. This kind of behavior may seem silly and unimaginable to later generations, but it was the style of that era. If you are in that era and surrounded by such passionate fanatics, then you'd better give it to yourself. Bring a little red book with you and allow yourself to become a fanatic, or at least pretend to be that way.

It does feel good to be sober when everyone else is drunk, but it is obvious that people who express this will be easily annoying, and most of them will not end well. Bruno insisted on his ideals and was burned alive, but in the eyes of some people, this was purely a fool's behavior. Is it worth it? Who revolves around the earth and the sun, what impact does it have on human life? It doesn't seem worth sacrificing your life for something that has nothing to do with life.

Of course, those who sacrifice their lives for the illusory truth or the ideas in their heads are undoubtedly great. It's a pity that Li is not this kind of person.

So even though Li knew that the emperor himself had always regarded himself as a human being, he was also disgusted with the act of mythologizing himself. He also knew that precious space and resources were wasted just to build a huge church on a battleship. The behavior was stupid, and he also felt disgusted with the behavior of those fanatical believers from the bottom of his heart, but he still had to show a happy look.

"Do you need us to do anything?" Li added: "Are there any good organ builders on Mars?"

The corners of Father Bell's mouth raised slightly, revealing an unabashed sneer: "Don't worry, if something can't be done on Mars, then it can't be done anywhere in the universe. After all, Mars is great. The headquarters of the Adeptus Mechanicus, where the best engineers in the entire galaxy are located.”

"This is really great. I can't wait to see what the church looks like. Let's continue."

"Yes, Your Excellency, the renovation of the operating room will be started immediately after the renovation of the church is completed. From now on, most of the surgeries and induction ceremonies for soldiers can be completed on the battleship. The ship-based guns on the lower deck of the battleship will be removed. , thus adding four space capsule launchers. "Most of the Star Wars battles take place on the surface of the planet. Air firepower can attack the enemy, but to truly defeat or even eliminate the enemy, ground forces are still needed. . The airborne pod is the way for the Star Wars to enter the planet from the starry sky.

"And according to your idea, I found an ancient weapon in the library of Mars. I believe this weapon can meet your requirements." A manual was placed in front of Li, "Orbital laser satellite weapons, in the future With precise positioning and guidance, this weapon can achieve fire control and precise strikes.”

"Fire control and precision strike, well, to what extent can it be achieved?"

"From lighting a cigarette for you to completely destroying a standard three-story underground fortification."

"Very good, I need four such satellites and add a platform to the cruiser that can launch and recover these satellites."

Bell's manipulator and recorded Li's request. He hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help but asked: "Master Li, I'm sorry, I really want to know what use you want this weapon for? In terms of power, it is far away. It is not as suitable as direct bombardment from battleships as air support. "

"First of all, shelling is not accurate. Coverage shooting is very good, but it is difficult to achieve accurate strikes, and the battleship cannot be in a good shooting position at all times; secondly, and most importantly, the enemy can easily guess the battleship through the shelling trajectory. We are a cruiser in this position and cannot withstand a few hits. The battle group has just been formed, and the battleship cannot be injured. It is not difficult to manufacture this kind of satellite, and it does not cost much. Even if it is discovered and destroyed by the enemy, it will not matter. "

"I understand. Then the last thing to be renovated will be the living and leisure area. There will be three gyms, a conference room, and a hangar will be reserved on the ship. As mentioned above, the completion time of the overall remodeling of the warship is estimated to be two months. . All the mechanical slaves used to maintain the normal operation of the battleship are in place and are now involved in the modification of the battleship. The above is the report on the battleship. "

"Very good, well done." Li nodded, "Is there nothing wrong with our battleship?"

"Actually, there is one more thing, sir. According to the rules, you need to name the battleship."

"It's time to come up with a name again. I'm not very good at this kind of thing." Li scratched his head, "Let's call it Silver Flying Wing, Silver Flying Wing. Okay, the battleship thing is finished, how is Roland doing lately? ?”

"The physical examination has been completed, and the matching gene has been found in the gene bank. Lord Roland meets the conditions for surgery. Lord Roland's surgery can begin after the battleship is completed."

"Bell, you did a good job," Li nodded, "You can leave now. It's getting late, so go to bed early."

Bell was not polite, bowed slightly, then turned and left.

"Then all that's left now is the personnel matters," Li sighed and took out a stack of information from the drawer. Those were the personnel lists sent by the Imperial Navy, from which Li needed to select someone worthy of his trust. captain.

This captain will be the master of the new battleship "Silver Wings". Among the senior leaders of the Star Wars Corps, his rank is relatively low. Under normal circumstances, he does not have much say in most meetings. There is no need for him to participate. There is not much that the captain needs to do. Just accept the task and complete it. But on his ship, the captain will have absolute authority. To the astronauts and mechanical slaves, the captain's voice is the emperor's voice. In the foreseeable future, Li will spend a lot of time traveling on the Star Sword, which is impossible without a good captain.

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