Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 40: Li's World (1/2)

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Bang, the white light turned on, and the light returned to the small room. Elizabeth, wearing a white nun's uniform, walked up to Li. Her slender legs were looming in the slits of the nun's uniform, and her high heels clicked on the floor. This is indeed a rare beauty. Just seeing this voluptuous figure will make men have physical impulses. If it weren't for the fact that she was the judge of the Inquisition, Li would be willing to get to know each other in private with her. It's a pity that she is from the Inquisition, so this is simply a waste of resources.

Putting aside those messy thoughts, Li looked at the beautiful judge in front of him and asked doubtfully: "What on earth is this? A horror movie?"

"He is the fourteenth Inquisitor of the Far East Death. You have just seen what this Inquisitor saw some time before his death. The enemy not only killed the Inquisitor of the Empire, but also destroyed the refuge we secretly built. The institute was also destroyed." Elizabeth's face was as cold as ice, and anyone could easily see that she was in a bad mood. Elizabeth paused, and then continued: "For the Inquisition, this is an unbearable huge Failure, the Eldar slapped us in the face, it was a great shame! We will let the Eldar of 'Aletok' know how terrible the emperor's anger is."

But to me, it's just a fun movie. Li shrugged his shoulders indifferently. No matter how many people died in the Tribunal, it had nothing to do with him. No, maybe more people from the Tribunal died in the Far East, and it would be easier to do things on their own. I believe that most of the commanders and interstellar governors in the empire think so.

The only pity is that I can't eat popcorn and watch a movie at the same time.

Thinking this way, Li had a look of regret on his face. The right expression showed his regret for the inquisitor's sacrifice without being too explicit. No one likes the people of the Inquisition, even the Inquisition itself knows this very well.

"Well, there is a technical problem. How did you get these things?" The film starts when the Inquisitor walks into the town and ends five minutes after the Inquisitor dies. The film was shot from the first point of view of the inquisitor. No, it shouldn't have been filmed, and it wasn't a movie completed with special effects. It shouldn't be possible to produce such outstanding effects nowadays.

"Our brave Inquisitor understood his fate long before the last of his followers was killed. He knew that death was inevitable and that the power of Star Walker was beyond his endurance," Elizabeth said coldly: "Judgment The judge is never afraid of death, he is only afraid of a worthless death. He fled to the refuge just to prolong the journey. In fact, during the voyage, our brave judge was in simple conditions. He dug out his own eyeball and replaced it with a mechanical prosthetic eye. Everything he did was to see the enemy at the last moment of his death, talk to the enemy, and learn more about our enemy. Record the enemy's words and leave the enemy's intelligence to us. The intelligence you see is what he paid for with his life. At the last moment of his life, he never thought about protecting his own life. The last action he made. It's to protect the mechanical eyes. There is information left for us. I know that many of you don't like our trial. Even if you don't say it, I know what you think in your heart. But you have to know that even if we are the judge. The people of the court are also bleeding for the empire, and we are also sacrificing, and everything we do is for the great emperor! Of course, this also includes humanity and this empire.”

Obviously, humans and the Empire are just incidental, mainly to protect the great God-Emperor. Naturally, Li would not be moved by these words, nor would he change his feelings about the Tribunal just by a word, but this did not prevent him from expressing sufficient respect for the hero. Even though the deceased was a member of the Inquisition, his behavior itself was an undisputed virtue, which was enough to make people awe-inspiring. Li didn't know what to say at this time, so he had to sit up straight and chant a prayer seriously: "The blood of warriors will not flow in vain. May the God Emperor bless you!"

"The God Emperor will always protect our people," Elizabeth said. "The mechanical prosthetic eye was later found by intelligence personnel among the blood, water and flesh, and was then sent back here as quickly as possible. Thanks to the efficiency of these intelligence personnel, This way we can see these images in such a short time.”

Even in Elizabeth's words "such a short time", from the time the inquisitor was killed to the intelligence personnel finding the prosthetic eye, until the intelligence was sent back to Earth, this process took a full two months, which meant that Li The murder case I just saw happened two months ago.

"Information from two months ago, the planet Eden 5 is now in danger."

"Why do you say that?"

"First use elite troops to conduct small-scale contacts to effectively kill and injure the opponent's intelligence personnel, paralyzing or confusing the opponent's intelligence and information transmission, and then carry out decisive and effective attacks. This tactic is not new, Crow Guard Used thousands of years ago.”

Elizabeth ignored Li's words and continued: "Eden 5 is located on the border of the Empire's Far East and has no special value. The local garrison is the Cadian 69th Regiment of the Imperial Defense Force. The Far East Regional Strategic Staff has already The decision was made to focus on gathering intelligence, so the local military officers have issued orders to the local garrison to defend the area. "

Use a battle to collect intelligence?

"Excellent decision. There is no room for deception on the battlefield. A real fight is undoubtedly the best way to increase understanding between the two parties." But in this way, the Kadian 69th Regiment will be completely destroyed, but this This is the fate of soldiers. Even the soldiers of the Space Marine Corps will inevitably die on the battlefield, let alone the Imperial Defense Force composed of ordinary people. But why did the relevant personnel choose to sacrifice the Kadian 69th Regiment? Is it because of this evil name? 69 is an interesting gesture.

Such random thoughts were interrupted by Elizabeth's words, "We should be able to obtain the latest information halfway."

"Wait, you just said us?"

"Yes, in fact, this is the most important task I came to see you for this time. In addition to sharing information with you, we hope that you can set off with our fleet, and I will take your ship."

Lee simply didn't want to side with the Inquisitor, it would make him feel uncomfortable. But he couldn't express this feeling clearly, "I, I don't quite understand, why is this happening?"

"I want to protect you, but you are still too weak now, whether it is your family, your territory, or your war group. Once those guys find you, although the possibility of this situation is very low, in It seems to me that your territory has no value in attacking specifically, but once this happens, everything you own will be destroyed overnight, not to mention the Eldar of 'Aletok'. A group of interstellar pirates can also pose a huge threat to you on the road, so you should follow our fleet and we also provide you with some information you should know, which will help you make the right decision. Judgment, that’s why I’m telling you this information.”

"What's this?"

"If you feel dissatisfied, then you can think of it as mercy and a gift. You just need to accept it humbly." Elizabeth shrugged: "For me, this is just a mission."

In an instant, Li's face turned red. His body tensed up and he clenched his fists. His whole body gave off a dangerous signal, like a crawling panther. For a moment, Elizabeth almost thought that Li was about to attack, but after a while, the man's body relaxed again.

"What an embarrassing fact," Li sighed. Although he was very angry, he could not refute it. Li was silent for a while and then said: "Then Judge, when will we set off?"

"The fleet has been prepared and will set off in five days."

"Okay, I understand." Li stood up and ended the conversation: "If there is nothing else, then I will prepare to sail."

"I'll be on your ship a little later."

"We're looking forward to welcoming you." After saying that, Li turned around and left, passing through several tightly guarded door rooms. After a while, Li came and entered the crowd of people on the street.

This is the third sub-port of the Lion's Gate Spaceport. As the empire grows stronger, the ancient Lion's Gate Spaceport can no longer bear the huge traffic and has to continue to expand. Now the Lion's Gate has It has thirteen ports. On the side of Li, there is a huge long window. Outside the window is a strange-shaped ship. The appearance of this ship is like a giant ancient sailing racing boat, with a tall The mast has a large white triangular sail hanging on it, and a large black rose is painted on the solar sail. The rose seems to be fluttering in the wind. The black rose drifting in the wind is the emblem of the Li family. The black rose symbolizes the secrets hidden in the darkness. The founder of the Li family is an explorer. His favorite thing is to discover all kinds of things in the universe. It is a secret, so I chose this black rose as the family emblem.

This is an ancient ship that belongs entirely to Li. The history of this ship is even longer than the history of the entire empire. It does not require professional verification. Just from the appearance, you can find that this is a ship made from human gold. Ships left over from the period.

In that ancient era when the emperor was not born, humans possessed unimaginable high technology. Their ships could easily travel in every corner of the galaxy. Human colonies were spread throughout the galaxy, and shipbuilding technology naturally reached Reaching astonishing heights, the engineers at the shipyard no longer only pursue the creation of ships that can be sailed by humans, but also create ships for space navigation as works of art. Various strange-shaped ships have been released one after another. Li This sailing racing boat that looks like an ancient sailing boat is a product of that era.

This is also the most valuable asset of the Li family. This ship is controlled by the heads of the Li family in the past generations. The Li family named it after the family emblem, the Black Rose. This is Li's new ship.

Compared to the Moon-class cruiser, the size of this ship is quite small. But as an exploration ship, this ship is much better than a cruiser. The Black Rose has a faster speed, a longer sailing time, and a higher hull endurance. And since there is no cathedral-type building inside the ship, the entire space inside the ship is effectively utilized to the maximum extent.

Li walked through the crowd, passed several security gates, and arrived at the port. After passing the connection, a guard in gorgeous clothes saluted him hurriedly. Li returned the salute casually, and then entered the Black Rose without any obstacles. .

The decoration inside the ship is classical and luxurious. It does not look like the cabin of a high-tech ship, but rather like the interior of an ancient Western aristocratic castle. There is a soft red carpet under the feet, and hanging on the walls are unknown items from that era. The artist's painting, walking along the way, turning a few corners, Li came to the bridge.

An old man with curly white hair was already standing by the door. The old man looked like a classic British old butler coming out of a painting. He bowed slightly and saluted Li.

Li nodded and walked directly to the most conspicuous position on the bridge. It was a high-altitude red sandalwood chair. The position of the chair represented that the person sitting on it had the highest permission for the ship. The ancient wooden The chair was covered with soft fur. Li sat down unceremoniously and asked, "How are the preparations for the Black Rose?"

The white-haired old man stood behind Li, pouring him a cup of green tea, and replied: "Reporting to the master, the loading and unloading preparations were completed a day ago. The ship is in good condition and can sail at any time."

He took the tea cup, gently blew the leaves on the green tea water, and took a small sip. Suddenly, his mouth was full of fragrance, "This tea is quite good, where is it?"

"This is tea from the tea mountain in my hometown. As long as the owner likes it, he can drink it often in the future."

"Yes," Li nodded, put down the tea cup, and then said: "Williamson, tell me about my territory and the previous head of the family."

"In my hometown, the previous head of the family is called the rose that never fades. Some people say that the previous head of the family has lived for thousands of years, and some say that he has lived for ten thousand years. There are many rumors, but few can be believed. The following is The only thing I know is that my grandfather’s grandfather started serving the previous head of the family when he was a child, and the previous head of the family still exists today.” The butler named Williamson said with a strange expression: “The previous head of the family has always sealed himself in a huge building. No one is allowed to enter the palace, so no one knows the status of the family leader, but instructions from the family leader are delivered from the corresponding window every month. "

"You are the chief steward of the family. Haven't you entered the palace?"

"No, no one can go in."

"Have you never met the previous head of the family?"

"No one has seen it."

Li touched his chin. Although he was the former head of the family, he was undoubtedly his descendant. How could he be so virtuous? It's so mysterious, I don't know what it's doing. "This is really weird. Forget it, let's talk about my territory."

"Yes," said the old butler Williamson, who took out a document, opened it, looked at it, and then said: "Master, you now own a total of three galaxies and a total of eighteen planets. Now you have Eighteen planets move according to your will, and eighteen worlds surrender to your will."

Of course, Li knew that these were just polite words. The rights granted by the empire were not as useful as imagined outside the borders of the empire. So he just waved his hand and let the butler jump directly to the main point.

"You have a primary forging world, an agricultural world, a civilized world, a feudal world, two barbaric worlds, and the remaining twelve death worlds."

"Wait, wait, I don't quite understand the specific meaning of these worlds. Can you explain it to me carefully?" Li really didn't know very well. He didn't pay attention to these messy worlds before, because all the worlds meant nothing to him. It is said that they are all the same, they are all battlefields.

"Of course," Williamson said, "For the Empire, every world is a planet that is habitable or modified for human habitation and life. The so-called dead worlds are those planets that are completely unsuitable for human survival. , such planets have diverse environments, ranging from planet-sized tropical jungles filled with carnivorous plants and animals, to rocky planets full of active volcanoes and ion storms, to those far away from the star where only ice exists. These planets are called death worlds. And then there is the Forge World, which is an autonomous territory ruled by the Mechanicus. You, the master, only have the right to supervise, but you have no right to intervene in specific affairs. "

"The Forge World is also a planet."

"Yes, each forge world is a huge factory on a planetary scale. The forge world you have is called 'Zhiyuan 3'. It is a satellite orbiting the star Reach, which is roughly slightly larger than the moon. A planet. Even if it is the most basic forging world, it can still provide its owner with sufficient weapons and ammunition to support the repair of some precision machinery."

"I see, you can continue."

"Agricultural world, this type of world, 85% of the surface is cultivated land, aquaculture farms and livestock farms. There are only a few big cities, and the residents are widely scattered on the vast surface of the planet. The existence of this world is for agriculture Planting, although the agricultural world called Autumn Star currently owned by the owner is not developed, it is enough to provide enough food for the Forge World, as well as the civilized world, which is the most extensive world belonging to humans in the entire galaxy. , including all worlds that are generally self-sufficient and whose technological level is equivalent to the average level of the same era. Broken down, the civilized world you have can be regarded as a garden world.”

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