Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 39 Rosina (1/2)


A voice whispered this in his ear.

His heart almost jumped out of his chest, it was a mixture of panic, panic, disbelief, fear and many other emotions. But even though the emotions in his body were like a raging ocean, he did not move much on the surface, still as calm as a mirror-like lake, even his walking pace did not change at all. He looked around very cautiously, there was no one around him, the city gate in the distance was open, two guards holding old laser guns stood crookedly by the door and dozed, the sunset in the distance stretched the shadows of the two people on the city wall, the city inside the city gate had lit oil lamps, and in the villages farther away, smoke was rising. There were few pedestrians on the street where he walked. Everything was normal, at this time people went home for dinner.

There was no one around him, but the voice was indeed ringing in his ears. The voice was so clear that it was impossible to ignore it, just like the breeze wrapped around the voice and quietly sent it to his ears. Who is the person speaking? What does he want to tell me? What is the point of doing this? Or is it just another game?

This is the Wilderness Planet 3 in the Far East ZMX102 galaxy. This galaxy is not conspicuous. It is outside several busy shipping lanes, but not too far away. There is only one planet in the galaxy suitable for human survival, but there are no particularly rare minerals and energy on the planet, and even the vegetation is not rich, so it is only used as a secondary living world.

Just like its name, Wilderness Planet 3 is actually a planet full of wilderness. The few residents are scattered in the medieval towns like antiques. Except for the only two large cities on the planet, there are no electric lights in other towns. People still use ancient oil lamps at night. The people here live an ancient life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset. It is an ordinary planet.

It is precisely because of its ordinariness that the Inquisition set up the "sanctuary" here. On the one hand, the ordinariness of this planet ensures that it will not be noticed. Ordinariness and lack of characteristics are the best disguise; on the other hand, because this planet is very ordinary, even if it is noticed because of the existence of the "sanctuary", then by that time, the situation should be very bad. In this case, even if this ordinary planet is lost, it will not be a big deal.


The voice still rang in his ears. He didn't quite understand what the owner of this voice wanted to say? The voice appeared after he landed on this planet. It was a standard Gothic pronunciation, a beautiful female voice, and there was a wonderful vibrato at the end of the voice, with a strange charm.

He really wanted to talk to the owner of the voice carefully, but the voice didn't say anything else, just counted. The first number was 1, then 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 23... Then there was a long series of numbers, some of which were continuous and some were broken. He thought about it and used various ways to arrange and combine these numbers, trying to find the rules and connections among them, but he almost racked his brains, but in the end he still didn't understand the meaning of these numbers at all, just like a series of randomly appearing and growing numbers.

If there is no meaning, why do you want me to hear this string of numbers?

In the end, he had to give up. If he couldn't think of any meaning, then it should be true that there is no meaning. He has this confidence because he is not an ordinary person, he is an inquisitor. After receiving formal spy training, he has a natural keen sense of numbers and intelligence. Even among many inquisitors, few people are stronger than him in intelligence and numbers.

So what is all this about?

At first, he was dealing with the enemy in a rhythmic way, but in the end, he had to flee completely. Now, the "sanctuary" was in the town, so he was not so panicked.

He had a premonition that everything would end here.

He suddenly stopped at the city gate, took a deep breath, took out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep puff, swallowed the smoke into his lungs, and after a long while, he exhaled the light smoke with satisfaction.

He should relax and let himself think carefully.

First, it was the biggest failure the Tribunal had ever experienced, the biggest setback in history. Thirteen judges in the Far East were murdered. Some of the unlucky ones were cut into pieces of meat, some had a big hole opened in their heads by high-energy pulse beams, and some had their throats cut. Some of them died in their own offices, some died in the downtown area, some bodies were found in stinking ditches, some were burned to charcoal in the fire, and one person just fell down in the crowd while walking. This is simply too strange. Judges are not ordinary people. They have undergone strict and harsh training and are proficient in lurking, intelligence, fighting, firearms, and various mechanical driving. They are the elite among the elites. Many instructors from special forces may not be opponents of judges. It is not so easy to kill them, and due to the needs of their work, almost all judges have strong insight. They can easily see through the appearance of things and find the truth in the fog. Most of these people have a very keen sense of the environment. Their eyes are as sharp as eagles and as sharp as deer. Special work requires them to return safely with intelligence even in extremely harsh environments.

But now, such people are killed one by one, just like killing chickens.

Things are not normal, and someone must figure out what is going on.

He is such a person. He runs around every place where the murder happened, carefully examines the body, collects intelligence, and hopes to find the truth from these clues. Then, he was targeted by the enemy.

He didn't know how those guys found him, just like he didn't know how those enemies found other judges. Judges don't put titles on their heads. They usually have cover identities. They look no different from normal people. They are also good at hiding, just like a drop of water hidden in the ocean. How difficult is it to find this drop of water accurately in the ocean? But the enemy did it, and did it thirteen times in a row. If you include himself, it should be fourteen times.

There is no doubt that there is a traitor in the Far East Tribunal. The status of the traitor is not low, because this traitor can access a certain level of personnel list information. With this judgment, he can only walk more carefully between the various star systems in the Far East and survey the scene of the death of each judge. He must collect enough information so that he can make an accurate judgment, but before he can send the information back, the enemy has already set his sights on him.

Along the way, the twelve followers he led were killed one by one. When the enemy first found them, his heart was full of ecstasy. If the enemy was caught, all problems would be solved, and the brain would not be so tired. So they designed traps, made snares, and waited for the arrival of prey.

But the result was the opposite, the hunter became the prey, and the enemy was too powerful to be human.

In fact, it was not a human. From the scars on the corpse and the various traces on the battlefield, it can be judged that the attacker should be the Eldar. What's more, it is difficult for ordinary humans to commit interstellar crimes. Most people with interstellar abilities are on the list of the Inquisition, and no criminal will be so crazy as to regard the Inquisition as their enemy.

Are the Eldar's star walkers so powerful?


It was like the whisper of a demon. You don't know who is saying it, and you don't know who is saying it, but the sound can be clearly heard in your ears. His spirit was almost crushed by the whispers that kept ringing in his ears.

There is no doubt that this is psychic power. He knows psychic power. This thing is like witchcraft and magic, wonderful and dangerous. He also learned psychic power protection, how to set up mental defense, and how to strengthen his will. In the subsequent missions, he also dealt with some psychics, so he clearly knew the power of psychic abilities. People with psychic abilities can easily do many impossible things, such as calling fire, ice, invisible positions, controlling lightning, and even predicting the future.

So it is not impossible to use psychic abilities to send words to your ears.

So why did the enemy do this?

He sighed. In the end, everything returned to the starting point. He still couldn't understand what the elven people were thinking.

Throwing the cigarette butt under his feet and stomping it out hard, he didn't think about it anymore. Who cares? Just go back to the "shelter" and find someone to send the information back. God knows what those perverted "bean sprouts" are thinking. Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, rubbed his eyes, and walked into the town.


Entering the hidden shelter, he saw blood all over the floor, blood almost covering his ankles. People were lying on the floor in various positions, their eyes still wide open, their faces still showing disbelief. Everyone here was dead.

A sturdy young man was tied to the desk in the room, like a frog tied to a test bench, his sturdy body was covered with scars. A thin guy wrapped in a cloak was standing in front of the desk, his face hidden under the hood, holding a small scalpel in her hand, gently, even elegantly, cutting off a piece of meat from the young man's body. Undoubtedly, the scars on the young man's body were caused by this guy.

"Four hundred and one." She said crisply, and her voice was accompanied by high-pitched screams. It was obvious that the young man lying on the desk was enduring great pain. When the screams slowly subsided, , she said unhurriedly: "It's so slow, but you can actually go slower. This male monkey's body is very strong. Listen to his miserable howl, how high-pitched and powerful it is. I think He won't die anytime soon."

The judge took a breath, slowly raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, and then said coldly: "Who are you?"

"Then first let me introduce myself..." She bowed gracefully, with a graceful and beautiful posture. She straightened up and continued: "My name is Rosina, the Star Walker of the great Eldar Tribe. So who are you? I have been pursuing I'm waiting for the trail of hounds?"

"I have many names," he carefully considered his words, hoping to prolong the conversation as much as possible: "But no matter which name it is, it seems to have no meaning to you. I am just a loyal person serving the empire. He is just a servant, and there are thousands of servants like me in the empire.”

Rosina chuckled, and she took off her hood, revealing her charming face. In appearance, she looked almost the same as a human being, except for her pointed ears and the various features in her movements. The only thing that made him somewhat concerned about the elegance it contained was the trace of madness in the eyes of this Spirit Tribe man. Rosina glanced sideways at the judge standing at the door, shook her head and said: "You humans are really strange animals. The name of the prey does not mean anything to me. It doesn't matter whether you say it or not. Since you understand this , why do you say those words again? No matter how many you are, you are just humble humans, four hundred and two, listen to this miserable creature, don't you understand your fate? You are just a humble prey, a humble birth, a humble death, in this Far East, your fate has already been determined. "

"I don't understand. Our two races once fought side by side. In the Eye of Terror, the warriors of the empire and the Eldar fought against the evil chaotic creatures. Why did the Eldar turn their guns to their allies?"

"Allies?" Rosina shook her head and said: "The 'Aletok' clan has never formed an alliance with your fragile empire. The people fighting with you near the 'Eye of Terror' should be the people of 'Uthsi', and us. 'Aletoc' has nothing to do with it."

"Even so, why do you torture our soldiers like this?" The judge pointed at the poor man on the table and said: "His skills are inferior to others. If he is killed by you, they will not complain, so why do you torture him like this?"

"Torture? No, you are wrong, I am just researching." Rosina said seriously: "I am not just a Star Walker, I am an artist above the Star Walker, and my field of research is death. , after all, there is no art more colorful than the art of death, and it is also a warning, "Warning? "

"I only brought death and left bones. This is a warning that even humans can understand." Rosina said seriously: "The fact is that you should not enter the galaxy you call 'Eden 5' It’s our planet.”

"Eden 5!?," the inquisitor was stunned, then quickly reacted, "That's an uninhabited planet!"

"That's our planet," Rosina said confidently: "Although we don't live on it now, it's still our planet."

The judge was silent because he was so angry that he didn't know what to say. Why don't these hateful Eldar creatures say that the earth is also their planet, "You damn skinny bean sprouts don't live on the earth, so maybe the earth is also your planet." ’ These damn beasts.

But finally something was gained. The reason for the strange movement of the Eldar clan ‘Aletok’ was finally known, because of Eden 5.

Any planet named Eden means that the planet has an excellent ecological environment and is particularly suitable for human survival. It is not simply suitable for human survival, but particularly suitable for human survival. Arriving at that kind of place is like arriving at the Garden of Eden in ancient legends, where humans can forget all hardships and live carefree.

If the information on the expedition team is correct, then Eden 5 is such a paradise-like planet, with dreamlike natural scenes, and a wonderful world like fairy tales. Ordinary people only need With a set of camping equipment, you can spend a perfect weekend on Eden 5. The rich wildlife and various fruits in the jungle mean that you don't have to worry about food at all.

Such a planet is extremely rare in the entire universe. The cold reality of the universe is cruel. It shows humans more of cold rocks and a difficult environment. This kind of paradise-like planet is also an uninhabited planet. This kind of thing is very rare, and from a certain perspective, it is almost impossible.

"Eden 5! It is still in our hands now," the judge said calmly: "The imperial army is now establishing a colony on Eden 5. What you are doing now should be preparations before the war. You Are you planning to invade Eden 5?"

"Just take back what belongs to us. Well, enough has been said. I am tired of you. Besides, what is the point of you worrying about these things? I just bring a message. No matter what you have done or what you are about to do, we all know that there is no place in the galaxy that can escape the gaze of Alaitoc's eagle eyes." Rosina smiled, and then raised her hand like lightning. In an instant, she pulled out a special-shaped gun and pulled the trigger.

The Inquisitor did not relax for a moment, but the enemy's speed was too fast, so fast that it exceeded the limit of human reaction. He only had time to stretch out his hand to cover his face, and then he was wrapped by countless thin silk threads. The next moment, the Inquisitor turned into a pile of minced meat, and the blood in his body lost its container for a while, and collapsed to the ground.

Rosina watched with fascination as the human body collapsed. She licked her lips. This kind of thing would make people feel excited no matter how many times they saw it. The impulse in their body was like that of a wild beast, out of control.

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