Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 42 Homecoming (1/2)

So Williamson had to explain carefully and carefully.

To put it simply, Li's family has always had a relatively correct understanding of finance, and this is how they educate their children and grandchildren. Therefore, Li's previous governor naturally inherited the correct, advanced, and even philosophical concept of money from the Li family, that is, money will only show its value in its flow.

Throne Coins are meaningless if they are not spent. Money can neither be used for food nor clothing, nor can it be used to fight. The purpose of money is to be spent. If it is not used, what is the use of money? The common practice of rich people from the same country to store throne coins and many precious items in secret rooms was too scary for the previous governor with advanced financial management concepts, so the previous governor of the Li family always seemed to have the same throne coins. Like a grudge, he always strives to spend every penny. Of course, most of it is done in the name of investment.

Li took a few deep breaths. He must admit that his concept of money is still at the level of a rural rich man. In Li's view, economics is really a nonsense knowledge. Let money change more things when it flows. Money coming? Forget it, this is far less interesting than stacking throne coins in your own home and taking them out to count them when you have nothing to do. Fortunately, Li had a very tenacious spirit, and he quickly accepted the reality. Li sighed resignedly: "Okay, so what did my predecessor use the money for?"

"Most of them have been used to transform the Reach Star. Due to the limited strength of the family, it can only be completed with the efforts of generations. It is said that the Reach Star nine thousand years ago was still a wild planet, and there were even There is no atmosphere, and people walking on the surface of the planet must wear space suits, otherwise they will suffocate to death. But after generations of efforts, Reach has become a garden planet. "

It's not a rumor, it's a fact. The reason why Li had to run out and fool around with Lord Raven even though he was the heir of a noble family back then was because the young man wanted to break away from the control of his elders and strike out on his own. career, on the other hand, because the conditions on Reach are really bad.

That was nine thousand years ago. At that time, the planet Reach was so desolate that even single-celled organisms could not care about it. There were only cold rocks and gravel on the planet. Around the entire planet, the area with the best environment is three times harsher than the center of the Sahara Desert. During the day, the temperature can reach as high as 80 degrees Celsius. Take the eggs out of the refrigerator and dry them for a while, and they will become hard-boiled eggs. . At night, the temperature is like a roller coaster, quickly dropping to minus 40 degrees Celsius. If someone spits out a mouthful of phlegm, the thick phlegm will make a crisp "pang" sound when it falls on the ground. has been frozen.

At that time, Li would not pay attention to the star map, nor think about how much territory his family owned, nor would he care about where the desolate planet beneath his feet was in the galaxy. What he has to do every day is to check whether the planting robot is working properly and to ensure that the important machinery in the colony can operate normally.

At that time, just like going out for a walk was a troublesome thing. Without a suitable atmosphere, and without oxygen equipment, humans could not get out of the eggshell-like colony.

In short, this is a harsh planet. Most of the people who established colonies on this planet are crazy, and this crazy person is Li's elder.

In the end, things were actually done by them.

What is Garden Planet? The entire planet is as beautiful as a garden. The living environment here is comfortable and the climate is suitable. People live here as if they are living in a garden. It is a beautiful place like a picture scroll, with beautiful towns and beautiful communities. , verdant lawns, soft sunshine, clear lake water, blue sky and sea water. It's like heaven.

The difficulty of building a dead planet into a garden planet can be imagined, not to mention the energy and funds invested. The Throne Coins spent can buy ten garden planets of the same level.

This is simply like a man named Yu Gong who decided to dig up the mountain because there was a big mountain in front of him and it was inconvenient to travel upside down. Can't he move?

"You really know how to spend money carelessly. I didn't expect them to actually do it." He was half amazed and half helpless, "Forget it, it doesn't matter. How is the defense strength of the Zhiyuan Galaxy?"

"There is a Governor's Guard on Reach on the ground, and we have a space fleet in the air. The fleet consists of twelve battleships and various small ships. Of course, although they are called battleships, they are just galactic warships. ”

The so-called intergalactic warships, of course, refer to warships that are only suitable for sailing within the galaxy.

For a ship sailing in the star sea, if it wants to sail across galaxies, it must use the different space jump navigation method. Such a "jump" cannot be done without a different space engine, and the "jump" itself is very important to the ship. The ship's requirements are also very high. The empire has strict control over this type of technology, and all ships capable of traveling across galaxies will be registered. Moreover, a ship with a different space engine and the ability to sail into a different space is not so easy to obtain, even for an interstellar consul. Therefore, most interstellar governors will choose warships that can only sail within the galaxy as their space guard force.

"Twelve battleships!" That's a lot, at least a little more than expected. "Tell me about my fleet. Do they belong to me?"

"Yes, my lord. The Reach fleet will sail according to your will..."

Li's understanding of his territory came from such conversations and learning. After studying, Li would also go to the Silver Wings to take a look. Occasionally he would look at Luo Lang who was in pain through the glass, but he would spend more time doing simple physical exercises on the training ground to improve himself. He used the boxing techniques he knew over and over again, silently feeling the changes in his body, and waiting for the moment to step onto the battlefield again.

A month passed by in a flash. At this time, the fleet had made three jumps and had arrived in the Far East. It was at this time that Elizabeth walked out of her room for the first time, and she directly found Li who was reading in the study of the Black Rose.

"Hello, Elizabeth, what do you want from me?"

"Naturally, now that we have reached the Far East, the fleet will be disbanded soon."


"In order to fight against the infiltration of the Eldar, in this operation, the Sisters will establish a total of three strongholds in the Far East, as well as a hidden outpost. Once the fleet arrives here, it is time for them to embark on their own paths, their destination Unlike us. The establishment of the stronghold and the counterattack on the planet "Eden 5" will attract the attention of the Eldar to the greatest extent, and the outpost will have enough time to obtain information. "

"This kind of thing should be confidential information, right? Why are you telling me?"

"Did I say I told the truth?"

"Okay," Li raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, "then what can I do?"

"Help me build an outpost, and I need to 'rent' a planet from you. Any planet will do, as long as it won't be noticed."

Li was stunned and asked with some confusion: "With just the requirement of 'not being noticed', will any planet be sufficient?"

"Yes," Elizabeth nodded and said: "Among the three galaxies you have, I think the Winter Solstice galaxy is very good. If possible, I hope to get the Winter Solstice 3 planet."

"The nine planets in the Winter Solstice Galaxy are all dead worlds. Do you know this?" Li's surprise was almost written on his face, although he was very willing to throw Elizabeth and her people into the Winter Solstice Galaxy. The distance between the two people has to be calculated in light years, but Elizabeth took the initiative to say this, which made him a little uneasy. Li asked: "And the planet Winter Solstice 3 is not suitable for human survival, although it has good conditions." It’s atmospheric, but it’s full of rainforests and huge trees that block the sky. It’s a paradise for predatory monsters. There’s no human habitation there at all, and it’s not suitable for settlements.”

If the information is correct, then Planet Winter Solstice 3 is a jungle world full of green vegetation, with all kinds of predators haunting the shadows of the trees. If you want to make an analogy, it is completely ten times crueler. of Jurassic Park. To immigrate to a place like this, what you pay is far greater than what you get. Therefore, except for explorers, no one has ever visited that planet, let alone built a house and settled on it.

"The Sisters don't come to places like this for pleasure. We are warriors, and the harsh environment will only strengthen our will. And you won't set up the war group's base in a civilized world."

Li thought for a while, then nodded in agreement. Although I don't understand what the Sisters want to do, it is really the best choice to get Elizabeth and her people out of sight and throw them far away into the Winter Solstice galaxy.

So things got off to a good start, and the subsequent conversation became slightly more relaxed.

And very efficient.

There are two types of people in this world who absolutely cannot be reasoned with. One type is women, who cannot be reasoned with. Their brain circuits are very different from common sense. The other type is people in the tribunal, who judge The people in the court do not need ordinary people's principles, because they themselves represent the God Emperor. This is the greatest truth. What was in front of Li was a combination of the two, a woman from the Inquisition, so Li had no intention of showing off his eloquence in front of Elizabeth.

Without polite greetings and meaningless conversation skills, the two quickly reached consensus on some issues.

First of all, there are some obligations that most interstellar consuls must obey. Li has not gone crazy yet, so he has never thought about violating these common sense.

First, Li must establish an effective system to re-count and manage the psykers on their planets. If a black ship comes, they need to be sent to the black ship. If not, those psykers will need to be cleared out regularly.

A clear line must be drawn with the enemies of the Empire. The planet ruled by Li will unconditionally wage war against any enemy of the Empire and will never surrender.

Allow the Inquisition to establish three monasteries on Reach. Of course, the Inquisition will not station armed forces on Reach. These monasteries are not military facilities. These monasteries are used to house orphans and serve as a reserve force for the Sisters. , of course, once these girls reach the age of sixteen, they will be taken to Elizabeth's planet Winter Solstice 3 for further and more demanding studies.

This is also the tradition of the Sisters, and it is also their way of replenishing soldiers. The orphans will be taken care of by the Sisters, they will be well fed and clothed, and they will also receive a comprehensive religious education. It is hard to say whether this is lucky or unfortunate for these orphans, but Li has no reason to refuse this.

Elizabeth's request is not excessive, considering that the Tribunal will be Li's only source of intelligence for a long time in the future, and there are many places in the Far East far away from the Empire that need to rely on the Tribunal. Regardless of the consideration, Li would not object, and he completely accepted Elizabeth's proposal.

The matter was settled. After sailing all the way, the huge fleet gradually dispersed, and finally a fleet consisting of three ships, the "Black Rose" belonging to Li, and the "Silver Wings" of the Knights Templar, which now only has an empty frame, and the "Flame of Justice" of the Sisters, arrived at the border outpost of the Empire.

The fleet took a short break on the orbit of the border planet Aion. After the last supply was completed, the fleet of three ships continued to move forward. In the next journey, due to the lack of the guidance of the "Star Matrix Light", the navigator could only lead the entire fleet to make short-distance jumps. Compared with the speed of thousands of light years in each previous jump, this short-distance jump was as slow as a turtle crawling. Each short-distance jump can only move forward 4 to 5 light years. You can't exceed this limit. Longer jumps are difficult to predict and therefore very dangerous. The flow of tides in the alien space is complex and unstable. Ships that make longer jumps without the guidance of the Star Matrix light tend to deviate.

The ship that left the Star Matrix light was like a car getting off the highway and onto a muddy country road. After four more jumps, Li finally reached his destination.

From the porthole of the ship, you can see the soft light emitted by the stars of the Far Galaxy.

In the autumn of the 40th millennium of the Galactic Calendar, after a long time of nine thousand years, Li finally returned to his hometown.

A space fleet consisting of twelve battleships greeted outside the Reach Galaxy. According to ancient custom, the space fleet fired salutes, and various brilliant colors exploded silently in the dark space, like fireworks blooming in the night sky. After the short welcome ceremony, the fleet joined Li's formation.

Soon, the mechanical servants connected to the communication on the bridge, and an old man with a delicate mustache appeared on the screen of the bridge. He twisted his mustache with one hand and said, "Admiral Trov Yang of the Reach Galaxy greets all the adults and expresses the most sincere welcome on behalf of the Reach Galaxy. Welcome home, Governor."

Things went more smoothly than Li imagined. In fact, Li was not very optimistic about his trip at first. After all, this was a huge transfer of power, and this power was so huge, dazzling, and amazing. This is the throne of the ruler of three entire galaxies. This is the position of the gods of many worlds. Almost no one would not covet this huge power. On Earth, just a small section chief position in a small company will cause a lot of fighting in the office, and the throne of the king is enough to make the whole blood sea in chaos. But now, the power that Li has obtained is much greater than these. No, seriously speaking, the two cannot even be compared. The land owned by Li is far greater than all the emperors on Earth, and the power he has is much more than them. In the face of such a huge power, who would not be crazy about it?

What's more, Li's power is still very weak. He is just an old antique who has woken up from his slumber. The people who are loyal to him, his friends, his enemies, and his power have all been buried in the ancient time. Even the eternal war group behind him in the legend has been hidden in the clouds of time, without a trace.

In the Far Galaxy, he has no power. He is just a person who woke up from history, and then because of his blood surname, he fell from the sky and became the master here.

Perhaps only a few people need to be killed, or only one person like Li needs to be killed to complete a simple rebellion.

"This is impossible," said Jacob, the director of Li's think tank, on the way. "Perhaps they can assassinate you, but their rebellion will never succeed. Because behind you are the emperor and the empire. If they really do this, they may win for a while, but they will soon be wiped out and crushed. The emperor will never show mercy to traitors."

"The empire has thousands of worlds, and the emperor's army cannot be confronted by the forces of one or two galaxies. No sensible person would do such a stupid thing as betrayal, but in the face of such great power, ordinary people can easily lose their minds."

"Indeed, it is possible," Jacob nodded and said, "But I still stick to my own ideas. Your worries are really unnecessary. Your power is not obtained through struggle. The former governor of Reach took the initiative to contact the House of Lords and proposed the transfer of power. Judging from the time you woke up, it is obvious that the governor of Reach could not wait to respond as soon as he received the news of your awakening."

This is a bit strange, but thinking that he would meet the mysterious former governor soon, Li was unwilling to think about it.

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