Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 43 Sister (1/2)

"It's a pity." Li sighed. He did not hide his thoughts. Li even waited for a rebellion or a conspiracy with a little expectation. No matter which situation happened, he was confident that he could handle it properly.

Am I weak? Now that it is true, the people who are traveling with me are the Sisters. If someone wants to challenge the emperor's authority, then the first to stand up should be these crazy women. Using the Sisters, Li can wipe out the opposition in the shortest time, and then establish a new order on a blank sheet of paper.

The social order will be rewritten by Li. Li has already had an idea about this. The entire Reach Galaxy will become a roaring machine, running efficiently, just to prepare for the possible war. The roaring machine will continuously supply energy and blood to Li's war group. The Knights Templar will receive strong economic support in a short time.

Unfortunately, the whole process of power transfer was unusually smooth, stable, and boring. There was no conspiracy rebellion, and there was no social fluctuation. The changes that Li expected could only come slowly.

Under the protection of the fleet, Li entered the Huaguanmen Airport. In order to welcome him, the huge airport had already been under martial law. Soon after, Li returned to the land of Reach Star. After the grand welcome ceremony, there was a complicated inauguration ceremony. Everything was carried out in an orderly manner according to the schedule, as if it had been rehearsed. This ceremonial process lasted for a total of three days. During these three days, Li treated himself purely as a puppet and let the butler and etiquette officials arrange himself. Three days later, when Li got the scepter representing the governor's power and obtained the loyalty of the subjects in various important positions, from the perspective of etiquette, even if he had already secured the position of governor, even if someone wanted to rebel, they had already missed the best opportunity.

On the second day after getting the governor's scepter, Li was invited by the former governor. He would enter the mysterious palace that no one had ever stepped into, see the true face of the mysterious former governor, and solve all the doubts in his heart.


The wooden door was knocked, the sound was neither light nor heavy, just enough for the people in the room to hear clearly, but not too noisy.

It is said that from the details of the family servants' daily performance, such as the sound of knocking, walking and standing posture, the family's chef and recipes, and various small details like these, it can be seen whether the family is old and has a deep foundation.

Li knew something about this, but he didn't think much of it.

Putting down the documents in his hand, Li picked up the green tea, took a sip and said, "Come in."

Williamson, the chief steward in a neat black butler suit, pushed the door in. After the old man entered the door, he waved his hand, and the servant standing in the room quietly left the room. When the servant left, Williamson closed the door. Then he said carefully: "My lord, it's ready, please follow me."

Li knew clearly what was going on. He closed the documents in his hand, didn't say much, stood up and left the room with Williamson.

Under the guidance of Butler Williamson, Li wandered in the huge Governor's Mansion, which was like a maze. There were too many rooms and corridors here. It was not until a study that Williamson pushed open a bookshelf and the two entered the legendary secret passage.

Continuously going down the stone stairs, passing through several long corridors and rooms, the two entered an elevator. The elevator continued to go down for a full five minutes. When the elevator door opened again, Li was greeted by a huge and empty darkness.

The old butler took a flashlight, walked outside the elevator, fumbled for a while, and then with a "click", the light turned on.

Waves of lights lit up one after another, and finally connected into one, illuminating this underground building that was the size of two football fields.

"Where is this?" Li saw a locomotive-like thing in the center of the building and asked in confusion, "Subway station?"

"Yes, sir, this is the only way to see the former governor." Williamson led Li to the front of the train and bowed to open the door for Li, "Please come in."

Li walked into the carriage without hesitation. The decoration inside the carriage was as gorgeous as ever, with sofas, wine cabinets, bookcases, and everything else. It was just like a long and narrow living room.

Li walked to the wine cabinet, selected a bottle of aged wine for himself, poured himself a glass, and took out a book from the bookcase at random, and then sat on the sofa.

Outside the carriage, Williamson had closed the door.

Then, the train started slowly.

This was a somewhat lonely journey. Even as the chief steward, Williamson seemed to have no right to take this train. The driverless train was carrying Li thousands of meters underground, or even tens of thousands of meters deep. The rumbling sound roared in the underground tunnel, taking Li to the unknown distance.

But Li was not afraid at all. Even though he was no longer a pure Astarte monk, he knew what fear was. However, he did not feel any discomfort in this strange, lonely, and even depressing journey.

He drank some wine with satisfaction, read a book for a while on the slightly shaking train, and then took a nap on the sofa. When he woke up with full energy, the train door had been opened and the train had quietly stopped at a platform.

Li walked off the platform and saw the huge golden arch erected in front of him.

He pushed open the door and walked in.

Inside the arch, there is a huge room the size of a football field. Half of the room is filled with a huge machine. Thick cables are covered on the machine like the meridians and blood vessels of the human body, and there is a dim red flashing in between. Lights, and occasionally the sound of steam being emitted.

"Robert, you are finally here." A voice came from all directions. "I have been on the level for a long time, and time has separated us, but I believe that one day we will meet again, because you never break your promises. But this time has been really too long, so long that I have forgotten many things."

Li squinted his eyes and looked around. The light in the room was dim, and there were many places for people to hide in the huge machinery. "Where are you? Why don't you come out and talk?"

"I'm right in front of you."

"Oh?" Li's eyes searched between the gap between the cable and the steel spirit, "Why didn't I see you?"

"You saw it, but you haven't realized it yet." The voice continued to speak with stereo surround sound effects, and at the same time, the huge machinery occupying half of the football field moved loudly, and the steam gate began to erupt, and white steam followed the steam. The sound still filled the room, and at the same time the steel made a rumbling sound. Through the misty steam, Li saw the cables twisting like snakes, and mechanical arms protruding from the depths of the huge mechanical body in front of him, fastening them firmly to the ground, or piercing deeply. into the wall. At certain joints, electrical sparks began to dance. After a while, the giant thing stopped, and the movement slowly became smaller. Finally, the red light went out and the white fluorescent light came on, illuminating the entire room. Under such light, Li clearly saw a picture. A human face pokes out from the depths of the machine.

It was a mechanical face, with metal shaping its face, crimson mechanical eyes, and a face with a metallic luster. This is nothing, but what is even more astonishing is that there is no human neck or even body under this face. There are only various tubes and cables connected to the metal head. Yes, the old man in front of him only had a head, and he did not have a human body. "Hello, Robert E. Lee." The metal head's face twitched the corner of his mouth, as if he was smiling.

"Hello." Li looked at the face in front of him with confusion. He could only vaguely recognize that it was a woman's face. He frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm human." Metalhead used a heavy bass to express his current mood. She said: "Once, I was still human, but now I'm not sure what I am. Oh, Robert, Robert, I'm not like You, you have always been so lucky to be a member of the Astartes, with glorious genes and a body that never ages. Even time cannot leave a mark on your body, and I am. I'm just an ordinary person with a good surname, a little bolder, a little more thoughtful, and a little smarter than ordinary people. But what's the use of my little cleverness in the face of the passing of time? Let me live like this."

"You, exactly?"

"Have you forgotten? Of course, you can't still recognize me. This is nine thousand years, brother, it's me, Vivien."

"Fei, Vivien!?" Li was stunned. The sudden memory was that he was frightened. The situation beyond his imagination made him lose his calm. Li took a step back in panic.

Even when faced with attacks from three outstanding Space Marines, Lee could calmly respond without changing his expression. Of course, this was nothing to Lee. During the time he lived in his memory, Li repeated countless tragic battles in the space of his consciousness. Even if he faced death again and again, he would not retreat, even if the huge Titan stood in front of him. In front of him, with its powerful laser destruction cannon pointed at him, he still would not retreat; Li was once just a student, but he met a good teacher, and he studied very seriously. He had experienced what Robert had experienced Everything he has experienced, in a sense, Li on the battlefield is not much different from Robert in the past. His spirit has withstood harsh tests, and he is also a warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles. Even the devil cannot let him down. He is timid and nothing can scare him.

But now Li retreated. An extremely strange feeling that he had never experienced before emerged from the bottom of his heart. It was a strange feeling coming from his body. As a Space Marine soldier, Li had never felt that way before. , but now he felt it, it was fear.

"How, how is it possible," Li almost tried his best to control his voice so that it did not tremble so obviously, "Vivien Lee? How could it be you? Nine thousand years have passed. This is not Maybe, you can’t still be alive.”

"But I am indeed still alive. Even though my life is not that good, I am still here talking to you with my lingering body."

Vivien Lee and Robert E. Lee, the relationship between the two can be vaguely seen just from their names. The two people share the same surname and once lived under the same roof.

Vivien is Robert's sister.

"What the hell is going on?"

"If you really want to tell it, it would be a long story, but we have plenty of time," Vivien said: "Robert, do you remember what you said to me before you left?"

"I..." Li was speechless. He had no memory at all. Years of fighting had caused him to lose a lot of things. Robert had already forgotten his childhood memories in the dark depths. Naturally, Li would not pay attention to these. thing.

"Have you forgotten? It's no wonder, after all, it was nine thousand years ago. But I remember it clearly." Vivien said: "Some people say that when people get old, they live in memories. It's really regrettable. There are some things that I can't forget even if I want to. That time, Robert, you packed your bags and ran away from home, but I bumped into you. I blocked you at the door and held you back. Go, so you caressed my head and said, "I will definitely come back, and I will leave the house to you." The warmth seemed to still remain on the top of my head, as if it had just happened, "Waiting for me." . 'That's exactly what you said at the time."

Listening to this narrative, Li vaguely saw a child standing under the moonlight. The thin little girl was wearing thin clothes and barefoot. She was shivering from the cold, but she did not want to return to the warm quilt on the bed. . The little girl just stubbornly stretched out her hand and pulled the corner of her clothes.

"Can't we just leave?"

The young man looked up at the starry sky. Among the twinkling stars, there was his pursuit and a more lofty goal. He shook his head and said, "It won't work."

"I don't want my eldest brother to leave."

"Brother is not gone forever. I will definitely come back, but before I come back, the family will be left to you."

"Okay, I will guard our house until you come back, eldest brother."

"Then it's settled."

"It's settled."

The two fists collided silently in the air, and the oath was made.

Looking at the metallic head, Li's mood became slightly complicated for a moment. He felt guilty, but he was not the one who forgot the oath.

‘Yes, the responsibility is not mine, why should I feel guilty? I'm not the one who kept my little sister in check for nine thousand years. ’

Another voice came out in my heart: 'But I inherited his name, his body, and his honor. Naturally, his sins and debts should also be included. ’

'Yes, I am Robert E. Lee'

After a while, Li sighed. He had to take responsibility, but in doing so he needed to deceive his sister again. This slightly chaotic situation made Li somewhat uncomfortable, but he was not a sentimental person. Li made a decision, and in just a blink of an eye, Li thought of his words, "I have experienced a lot of things, fought in countless hell-like worlds, and put my life at risk for the lofty goal and the great emperor. Too many Things, the world is too gorgeous, and life is too exciting, but these are all excuses. I did forget the original agreement and I broke my promise," Li said, "I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter," Vivien said, lowering her eyelids glowing with metallic light, "Just come back."

In an instant, the tenderness contained in these soft words almost made Li shed tears. He could only smile reluctantly, "How did you get here all these years?"

"Besides holding on, what else can I do?" Vivian said softly: "After you left, there were some problems in the family. I took over the inheritance of the family, and later I found out that I was infertile. This is a big problem. If there are no descendants, the family will be ruined, and our Li family is quite special. Under the circumstances, I couldn't just find a child to adopt. In short, there were many various reasons, which ultimately led to this result. I kept thinking. The purpose of transforming myself is to enable myself to exist longer. At first, I looked forward to your coming back soon, then I started to be disappointed in you, and finally I started to hate you. Now, I feel nothing at all. Just feel tired."

"Why do you have to go to this point? The Li family is just a false name," Li said with emotion as he looked at the huge machine in front of him, "You are too harsh on yourself."

"Brother, you were still very young when you left home, so you don't know much about the things in the family. If it's just an ordinary family, then it doesn't matter even if it's finished. I know this better than you, even the stars in the sky can be extinguished. At this time, what kind of family can exist forever? But the Li family is different. Our family is different from ordinary nobles. Our family is the guardian, and we guard the fire."

"Tinder? I don't quite understand what you mean." "Robert, my brother, the current leader of the Li clan. You must listen carefully. What you are going to hear next may be the most important thing in this galaxy." "Secret," Vivien warned: "Never mention this secret to anyone else, unless that person is your successor. This secret is too important. Once he is made public, then what awaits you and me is complete. Destruction, no, it may not only be you and me that will be destroyed, but also the entire human race.”

"So exaggerated?"

"You say that because you don't know what our family is guarding. It is the fire of human civilization," Vivien said solemnly: "It is STC. Do you know what this is?"

"I've probably heard of it."

"The old saying is standardtemplateconstruction, which means 'standard construction template'."

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