Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 44 Family Secret History (1/2)

Li frowned slightly, STC! It turned out to be this kind of thing. If this is true, then hiding this in the family is no different from hiding a terrifying bomb. No, it's not that simple. If it's just a bomb, it's better. But even if it's STC, it won't endanger the survival of mankind. Vivien is not old and confused. "The Mechanicus seems to have a lot of this kind of thing. Threatening the survival of mankind is a bit too exaggerated."

"Yes, the Mechanicus has a lot of STC, but none of them is so complete."

Li took a breath, "How complete?"

"Just like new."

STC, also known as the "standard construction template", is a nearly legendary machine that survived from the golden age of mankind. In the golden age, humans mastered the method of navigating in different spaces and began to take their steps towards the Milky Way. For the colonists, the universe is unfamiliar and full of unprecedented dangers. Moreover, on a brand new planet, many things cannot rely on the supply of the earth and must be made by themselves.

So how to make it? For example, on the new colony planet, a tool of suitable size is needed to hold water, and it is best to have a certain degree of beauty. In this case, the colony naturally cannot ask for a batch of fragile ceramics to be sent from the earth thousands of miles away.

They can only make it by themselves, and now the problem arises, how to make it? Human colonists living in the golden age can be proficient in multiple languages, can easily repair certain precision instruments, have a deep understanding of spacecraft, or have a deep study of human biology, but few people know how to burn ceramics.

Not to mention in that era, even on the earth where Li lives, in the 21st century, apart from relevant professionals, how many people will specifically understand how to burn ceramics? There will not be many, because there is no need at all. If you want a porcelain cup, you can get it in a supermarket for a few dollars. In a complete society, the division of labor has become more and more perfect and refined. You don't need to know everything, you just need to do your job well.

This is just ceramics, what if you need to cut wood? Logging is a dangerous job. Even professional loggers may have accidents due to carelessness. Can non-professionals be competent for logging? What about fishing? Where do fishing rods come from? What about building houses? How to collect stones? How to produce cement?

There are too many such questions. Some daily necessities that are readily available on Earth are so precious and rare in the new world. If you really want them, the best way is to produce them yourself.

And stc is such a machine. stc standardizes and programs all products on Earth in the golden age, and then stores the manufacturing methods in stc.

stc is like a fool-proof manual. As long as you know how to read, anyone can make anything they need if they have enough suitable materials. From a small piece of soap, a piece of snow-white writing paper, to a large combine harvester used in farmland. As long as he strictly follows the steps of stc, even if he is alone, he can make a tank.

Once such a machine is combined with automatic mechanical manufacturing, it can mass produce anything you need.

The information of stc is all-encompassing, and the technological level of humans in the Golden Age was already very high. In the eyes of modern people, the technology of that era is no different from miracles. What humans can do with machinery is simply magical and unimaginable, and brilliant and incomprehensible. The current king on the ground, the Titan, the strongest war machine in the legion, was just a guard used by the colonists to protect them in the Golden Age.

Humans in the Golden Age were strong, rich, and had the enterprising spirit of the colonial era. They were brave and innovative. If history continued smoothly, the Milky Way would undoubtedly belong to humans. But such a great era was suddenly destroyed in a dramatic way. Just like the legendary city of Atlantis suddenly sank in a flood, humans in the Golden Age encountered a sudden subspace storm. The storm was so fierce, just like the legendary flood that destroyed the world. No, in terms of scale, the flood that destroyed the world and the subspace storm that time were completely two levels, and they could not be compared at all. After all, the annihilation flood was only raging on one planet, while the subspace storm swept the entire galaxy.

Of course, the subspace storm is different from the flood. The flood can directly submerge the earth and destroy the city. The subspace storm only acts in the subspace and has no effect on the creatures living in the real world. Except for those psychics, ordinary people will not feel it at all. But the originally stable subspace energy has become violent and manic. At this time, humans cannot enter the subspace to navigate. Forcible entry is tantamount to suicide. All subspace navigation is cut off, which is the only way for humans to conquer the starry sea.

Just as it is impossible to navigate through the subspace, how can humans cross the long distance measured in light years?

Humans have no choice. In the face of nature, humans always seem powerless. In ancient Greece, when a storm blew, sailors could only huddle in the temple on the shore and tremble, kneeling in front of the statue to beg Poseidon's anger to subside soon; in the Milky Way of the Golden Age of Humanity, when the storm of alien space blew, the travelers in the starry sky could only be trapped in the galaxy, looking at the distant stars and sighing silently.

That alien space storm was so fierce that it completely isolated the earth from its colonies. Every human colony became an isolated island, and the colonies completely lost contact with each other. Moreover, the STC network was also devastated. All STCs were completely destroyed, and almost nothing remained.

After that, humans inevitably slid into a period of collapse and decline. For a period of time, the human species was almost on the verge of destruction until the great emperor was born.

In short, STC is a super cheat left over from the ancient times. Just a broken STC, as long as part of it can still work, can make your technology level leap forward. Not to mention a well-maintained STC, the data in this machine will be priceless for the empire.

Why is the emperor so great, so great that even the Martian mechanical believers who believe in the mechanical god have to worship him?

It is precisely because the emperor himself has the black technology of the golden age, and the knowledge he possesses directly conquers the believers of the mechanical religion. For these believers, the emperor can only be the messenger of the mechanical god and a saint, otherwise it is impossible to explain why the emperor himself is so knowledgeable, and even a small number of believers believe that the emperor is the incarnation of the mechanical god in the world.

So STC is a very tricky thing. It may contain valuable technology and is extremely precious; but if it cannot be used, then it is just an antique that can only be placed in the living room for beauty. The value of an STC is not the machine itself, but the data and information contained in the machine.

"So what can we do with this STC?" Li frowned and said, "There must be a lot of interesting things, right?"

"For example?"

"Huge battleships, towering turrets, each shell has terrifying destructive power, huge and terrible war machines walking on the ground... Are there such things?" If there are, it would be great.

"I don't understand, are these things interesting?" Feiwen snorted in dissatisfaction and complained, "After more than 9,000 years, brother, why are you still the same as before, just like a naive little boy who likes guns and weapons, it really disappoints me! What turrets, big battleships, what use can you have even if you have these things? As long as it is used for fighting, it will be defeated one day, as long as it is used for destruction, it will not escape the fate of being destroyed. This kind of thing is meaningless, it can't change the world, it will only make you fall into the fate of destruction. Brother, you don't understand, you don't understand the meaning, for STC, you don't understand what it represents!"

Li shrugged his shoulders indifferently Said: "Just treat me as a barbarian from the Stone Age. Tell me what profound meaning STC has besides being able to create something powerful to replace the stone axe in the hands of a barbarian like me."

"What is truly valuable is the knowledge that remains in STC. Only knowledge is the most valuable thing. It tells us the 'principle'. It is not the ridiculous things in the Mechanicus that pretend to be gods. It is the 'truth', 'knowledge', and 'science'. These things let us understand how those machines work, and thus understand why those machines work that way. It can even change the way we look at the universe."

"Oh" Li asked with a smile: "Then what good will this do for me? Truth can Replace my stone axe?"

"In this way, we can not only make the same machines, but also create greater machines. Electric lights do not grow from trees, and machines do not exist naturally. These things need to be created from scratch. Only by creation can we make progress and mankind can move forward! The basis of creation is knowledge. On the basis of this knowledge, our technology can return to the level of the golden age, and even have the hope of surpassing the humans in the 'golden age'. We can do better than them! Don't talk about your stupid stone axe. As long as there is enough time, what can't humans do? Carbon steel plastic axe, electromagnetic vibration axe, nuclear energy axe, these things are all up to you!"

"Really It is great, but you have to understand that you are a heretic," Li said calmly, "If the Mechanicus knew your thoughts, they would put you in the main gun of the battleship and shoot at the black hole. "

"Hahaha, heretic, you said I am a heretic? It's ridiculous, the Mechanicus is a heretic, no, they are a cancer, a cancer attached to the Empire, and sooner or later, mankind will be destroyed by the stupid and unreasonable perverts who live in groups with unpredictable intentions. As for putting me in the main gun of the battleship and shooting at the black hole," Vivien laughed, "those stupid idiots will indeed do so, because they dare not face me at all, they can't refute my thoughts, so they can only destroy me physically. But they won't know all this, right?"

"If you don't tell me, I won't tell you, so this secret will be buried forever and no one will know." Li sneered and shook his head and said, "My sister, where did you get this innocent idea? Don't you know that all secrets are like this at first? They seem to be secret, but they will be revealed eventually. No secret will be buried forever. We can only cover it up temporarily, not to mention they will know it sooner or later. The opponent is the Mechanicus, and their power is so huge. Even if we are in the Far East, outside the borders of the empire, there is still a manufacturing world in this galaxy, and there are hundreds of my battleships. A mechanical slave, electronic prying eyes are everywhere.”

The religion that occupies a dominant position in the huge empire is undoubtedly the royal state religion. Faith in the Emperor is unshakable within the Empire. Almost more than 90% of the people in the empire are believers of the state religion. People living in millions of different worlds chant the holy name of the emperor. At the same time, the state religion owns the planetary church world that belongs to the church. , has a powerful armed sisterhood belonging to the church, and they also have the infamous Inquisition.

From this we can see how powerful the Holy See is. They have their own territory, their own army, and their own court.

The teachings of the state religion clearly state that there is only the emperor as the only true god in the universe, and any other believers are heretics. The Holy See has never been stingy with their judgments against heretics, which are purified by fire.

The Holy See unified the religion of the entire empire, and you could not see other sects in the empire.

But except for the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Any church that believes in other gods cannot exist openly in the empire. "Freedom of belief" has never existed in the empire. The word "freedom of belief" has even been deleted from the High Gothic dictionary. , for the people of the empire, there are only two kinds of faith, faith in the God-Emperor, and faith in heretics. As for those pagan churches, once discovered, the state church will decisively grant them the emperor's wrath. The Sisters of Wrath will not hesitate to burn these pagans and their gods to dregs. But under this situation, the Mechanicus has always existed safely in the empire.

This shows the power of the Mechanicus. Although the Mechanicus rarely reveals their power on weekdays, the power of the Mechanicus can be felt in many ways, such as in the Imperial Supreme Council and the four seats of the Imperial Council of Elders. Among them, there is a place for Mars' "manufacturing director". For example, the powerful state religion has acquiesced in the fact that the Mechanicum exists. Not to mention that the Mechanicus controls and monopolizes the scientific and technological knowledge of the entire empire. Hundreds of thousands or more forge worlds are running their machines day and night, providing a steady stream of weapons, ammunition, and weapons to battlefields in countless worlds. Various supplies. Once the entire Mechanicum goes on strike, the entire empire will face the possibility of paralysis.

"I understand what you mean," Vivien said: "It is precisely because of the power of the Mechanicum that I have done nothing in these years and allowed those ridiculous clowns to wander around on my territory. "

"What's going on?" Li began to stomp back and forth a little irritably, "Do you still want to do something to the Mechanicus? I mean? Why is it that when things are already very troublesome, something even more troublesome has appeared? Status? And I don’t know anything about it yet.”

"So what do you want to know? My brother."

"All things, why have you become like this, how have you lived for nine thousand years, what is going on with our STC, and how can you be hostile to the Mechanicus? Sorry, you are better than the Mechanicus. Followers of the religion should also be like followers of the Cult of the Mechanicus. Your whole body is a machine. You are simply," Li looked at the huge mechanical body in front of him for a while, and he couldn't find the right words. "You are simply too much of the Cult of the Mechanicus. !”

"What an embarrassing comment," Vivien sighed and said, "Well, I am too impatient. There are many problems now. Fortunately, although time is precious, in order to let my brother understand clearly, it is still worth spending so much time at once. Yes, let’s start from the beginning in an orderly manner.”

"Yes, it's better if we are more organized."

"First of all, it's my body," Vivien explained calmly: "I don't know if you still remember, brother, but I have been different since I was a child."

"Yes, you love reading and you are very smart."

"But I am still an ordinary person. Even if I am called a 'genius' by ordinary people, it is useless. Geniuses will age and die, and the Empire does not need geniuses, especially in science. The old-fashioned Mechanicus is dull and timid. Their conservatism is beyond the scope of the word conservative." Feiwen said: "Brother, you will not understand my pain. As a genius, living is a painful thing, especially living on the territory of the Empire and living in this dark age. The air is suffocating all around, and the oppressive atmosphere is driving you crazy. You can't imagine that as a researcher, the Mechanicus would do those ridiculous but terrible things. The Mechanicus actually banned all civilian scientific research. They use all kinds of despicable means to persecute those civilian researchers, arrest, assassinate, and sentence them. They are so powerful that no one can resist. All STCs, once discovered, will be preserved as holy relics and sent to Mars as soon as possible. STC is the holy relic of the Mechanicus, and all their power comes from it."

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