Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 50 Weird (1/2)

"Yes," Roland leaned against a big tree, covered himself with an optical cloak, and then began to check the various bits and pieces and equipment on his body.

Lee is a person who values ​​equipment above all else. In his opinion, the biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans are good at using tools. Skilled use of excellent tools can completely make up for the lack of strength. For example, Bruce Wayne, Batman, who is as famous as Superman, is actually a wealthy ordinary person who knows fighting skills, but he can become a superhero. When Batman fights against brutal criminals, isn't his biggest reliance that excellent equipment?

So nothing is more important in battle than the tools you carry with you. In addition to the equipment that the scouts already have, Lee equipped his scouts with different tools according to the conditions of different regions.

First is the explosive sniper rifle. Roland has been operating this gun every day during this period, disassembling and assembling it, and then gradually understanding it through continuous shooting, and even holding it when sleeping, but even with such efforts, Roland still has not fully mastered this gun. After all, the maximum effective attack distance of this sniper rifle is four kilometers, which is far beyond the range of ordinary people. Now it is too difficult for Roland, a rookie, to make accurate shots at a distance of four kilometers.

Then there is the carbon steel dagger painted black. The sharp dagger can easily cut through the bulletproof armor of the defense soldiers.

A first aid kit, which contains various small fragments, extremely tough silk threads, and a small hook. It can not only be used for fishing, but also for first aid when injured. A box of spray-type strong hemostatic agent, a strong stimulant for life, and three detoxification tablets. This precious small tablet can remove most poisons.

Two spare super batteries, whether it is stealth or the communication device together with the head armor, all consume small batteries carried with you.

Three remote-controlled sleep bombs, special bombs specially prepared for this mission, will produce a large area of ​​hypnotic gas after the explosion. The effect is said to be very good. A little bit of this gas can easily put an adult elephant.

Three magazines of sleeping bullets.

A small pistol with a silencer.

"Inspection completed, all equipment is normal."

"A good start is often half the battle." Li said easily: "Now we have a good start, then follow my instructions and move towards the southwest. Pay attention to sneaking, be careful of your footsteps, and don't leave any traces. The other party is an Eldar ranger who can easily take your life."

Roland moved carefully and quickly in the jungle. This was not an easy task. There were too many things in the jungle that could show traces of human movement, such as the pulled branches, the dead branches and leaves on the ground, the trampled grass, and the occasional startled birds.

"Roland, I think you should hold up a big red banner with the words 'Roland, here I come, come and find me, then shoot me.' Can't you walk a little more lightly? Oh, watch your feet, what did you do just now, do you have an elephant foot? Too clumsy, you stepped on a branch and broke it, do you know how shocking the sudden breaking sound of the branch is in this jungle? Even a deaf person can find you coming."

"Teacher, I will try my best to meet your requirements."

"Not trying to meet my requirements," Li said indifferently, "but trying to save your life, the Eldar Ranger is also a standard sniper, and what they are best at is to shoot a rookie like you in the head."

"Do I need to fight too?" Roland said worriedly, "Teacher, I'm afraid I can't do it yet."

"Of course you can't, you haven't been trained for less than a month." Li said, "Don't underestimate the enemy, although they are not human, but this does not mean they are stupid, on the contrary, they are more cunning than you think. You don't have any skills now. Qualified to participate in combat, especially the brutal combat between snipers. Watch more, think more, ask more, learn more, this is your main task of this trip. "

"I understand, mentor," Roland said as he walked forward: "Mentor, I have a question."

"Speak, don't be fussy."

"Is it okay for us to talk like this?"

"Do you think your full-face helmet is a cheap one? Don't worry, as long as you are not in front of the enemy, it is okay to talk in a low voice."

"I see, mentor, what is the main purpose of our trip? Is it just to attack the Eldar from behind, capture a few people and leave?"

"Good question, I am very pleased that you can think of this," Li asked: "I have told you all the specific situation before the mission. What do you think of this problem? What should we do? Help the Inquisitor, capture a few Eldar, scare away the remaining rangers, and let the people of the Mechanicus continue to do archaeology at their research station? Don't worry about others, tell me what you think. "

"I, I don't know. I just feel that something is wrong. "

"Not only is there something wrong, it's simply very weird." Li's voice was full of doubts: "What on earth do the Spirit Tribe want to do? If they want to get this planet, they won't just send a few rangers here. So what if the rangers killed all the Imperial soldiers on this planet? The Eldar can't just rely on a dozen people to occupy a planet, right? It doesn't make sense to use fishing methods to gather reinforcements. If they are fishing, then they should Choose a more attractive bait instead of 'Aion'. This border planet is not attractive, and few people care about the life and death of the defense forces in the Brownstone Fortress. Now the Eldar rangers are just that. The defense forces were trapped in the fortress without any special actions, so what exactly did they want to do? "

"What do they want?"

"We don't know. We need to find out the answer." Li continued: "What should we do? This is a judgment, and the premise of all correct judgments is accurate intelligence. Without intelligence, no matter how good the decision-maker is, They are just guessers, and what we scouts do is to collect intelligence accurately on the battlefield. Now let us find out what these Eldar are trying to do."

With a clear goal, subsequent actions will become much simpler for soldiers, and they are nothing more than many means to achieve the goal.

If you want to know what the Eldar are doing on this planet, you have several options. First, grab an Eldar and ask. This is the most commonly used method. It is not surprising at all. It is simple and easy to implement. However, most of the Eldar people are die-hards. It is not easy to pry their mouths open. It also requires the assistance of some professionals, such as Inquisitor Elizabeth. Definitely learned this.

Second, find an Eldar and follow them quietly. If you keep up with it for a while, you will definitely discover a lot of things. Of course, this is difficult. It is unimaginable to capture an Eldar alive and then torture information from him, let alone track an Eldar ranger. It is just like telling a fairy tale again. If this kind of thing is replaced by other That would be unthinkable for people, but for Li it was a method worth trying. The difficulties are not small, but the benefits are also many. Not only will the rate of information obtained be greatly increased, but the credibility of the information will also be doubled. Moreover, Li also needs to redefine his position on the battlefield and test his abilities.

"Of course, we have a simpler and better way." Li smiled and controlled the small terminal on his wrist to connect the personal small terminal to the Sky Eye. "There are these four military satellites called Sky Eyes in the sky. Now let's take a look at the aerial view of the Brownstone Fortress. Oh, just in time. Elizabeth and the others have just got off the plane. The picture is very clear. Okay, now let's Let’s take a look at the strange phenomena in this area. Oh, it’s strange. I didn’t expect to find anything. What is this?”

Li didn't expect that he would actually find something. He knew very well who the other party was. An ordinary sniper could disguise himself to a high degree with only simple tools. Even if an ordinary person walked past a sniper, he would never notice the camouflaged person unless he paid special attention. There were snipers, not to mention the Eldar rangers who were known for their secrecy.

The odds of spotting a Ranger hiding in the jungle via an orbiting satellite are about the same as winning first prize in the lottery. The reason why Li did this was just to teach Roland. He wanted Roland to know and know how to flexibly use the group's equipment.

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"Ah, this is really strange, Roland, have you seen it too?"

"I saw it, mentor, the picture is very clear." The image captured by the Sky Eye was also displayed on Roland's electronic goggles. "Are they fighting? But who are they fighting?"

The figure of the Ranger cannot be seen in the picture shot from a high altitude, but you can clearly see the beam of light left in the air when the Ranger shoots with their sniper long rifle. This is really conspicuous, every time the energy arrow is fired It will leave a brilliant blue beam of light in the sky.

This is really strange. While the Eldar suppressed the Imperial Guard in the Brownstone Fortress, they were fighting with unknown enemies in the depths of the jungle.

And even in a fierce battle, the shooting trajectory of this energy arrow seems a bit strange. It doesn't look like the rangers are attacking other creatures. It's like the rangers of the Eldar tribe are attacking each other?

"I really don't understand what these aliens are thinking, so I can only go and take a look. But then I won't have time to take care of you, well, let's do this," Li quickly assigned Roland a task. He randomly selected a point on the map deep in the jungle far away from the Brownstone Fortress as the destination. "This is a one-month jungle survival training. You will arrive at the destination in one month. The coordinates have been given to you. Kitty Hawk is one month away." We will pick you up at the end and take you home. If you don't arrive by then, the boat will leave, so please arrive on time." Li clicked on the timer, "Start now, cancel the channel and the team will be disbanded. , I’m going to be busy too.”

With that said, Li abandoned Luo Lang and disappeared into the jungle alone.

Elizabeth was extremely angry that Li suddenly changed the mission goal without authorization and did not act according to the planned plan at all. She roared into the communicator for a full hour, first questioning Li's intellectual development when he was young, then questioning whether Li's biological mother was an orc or something else, and finally began to question Li's belief in the God Emperor.

The original plan was that Li and Roland would get off the boat halfway, and then Elizabeth and her followers would take the boat and enter the fortress. When Lee arrives at the predetermined position, Elizabeth will drive, no, order the defense troops out of the fortress and charge against the hidden rangers.

Since the exact location of the Rangers was not known, the defense force could only charge in the direction where the enemy might be hiding. Launching such a meaningless charge towards the Rangers was undoubtedly suicidal. Everyone knew this, but their deaths But it's not meaningless.

Although the Eldar Rangers can hide their figures, the special energy weapons of the Eldar will leave significant ballistic traces after being fired. The energy arrows streaking through the air at high speeds driven by spiritual energy will leave behind a brilliant and gorgeous light. This means that under the gorgeous light of death, even new soldiers can easily determine the approximate location of the enemy.

Using the guards as bait, Li could easily determine the approximate location of the enemy's hiding place. Once he had the approximate location, it would be much easier. He only needed to observe carefully and carefully to always see some clues. In this way, Li can easily hit the enemy with a sleeping bomb and then capture him.

This is a very simple, direct, but very practical plan, and the success rate of the plan is also very high.

As we all know, in a sniper-sniper battle, the main competition between the two sides is who can hide themselves better and discover the enemy. Whoever can put the enemy's head in the center of the crosshair of his scope first and pull the trigger first will be the winner.

The battle begins, the enemy is in the light, and Li is in the dark. How can such a battle not be easy?

What a good plan this is, kill a few insignificant and weak defense forces, and then easily capture a few Eldar, removing the threat from the Brownstone Fortress. Lee completes the mission and gets merit; Elizabeth takes the prisoners with her. Receive her credit, and then use this credit to make the higher-ups recognize her abilities, and perhaps return to the empire and return to her rightful place.

But this damn guy actually changed his plan without permission. Does what the Eldar are doing have anything to do with us?

"Okay, you've been talking about it for so long, drink some water and rest for a while. But I'm a little surprised. Aren't you curious?" Li said in the communicator: "What do these guys want to do? Why do they want to stand aside? Suppressing the Brownstone Fortress while fighting in the depths of the jungle? And it is very likely that they are fighting among themselves. This is not normal. I thought you would be interested in this reason."

"I'm really not curious at all, and I have no interest. I advise you not to be curious either. This kind of curiosity will kill you sooner or later." Elizabeth said bluntly: "If we want to know something, we can definitely get it from Pry it out of the prisoners' mouths. In the prison of the Inquisition, they will tell you everything they know honestly, so what you are doing now is completely meaningless. Besides, we don't need to know what the Eldar want, they want. What does it have to do with us? We just need to capture as many alive as possible, kill those who can’t be captured, and completely eliminate the Eldar from this planet, and that’s it.”

"They're killing each other, there has to be a reason."

"Maybe this is their custom, just like we wash our hands before eating. Maybe they are born to kill each other. The Eldar are inherently insidious, cunning, have no integrity, and are completely untrustworthy. This kind of custom is also Not surprising."

"Forget it, we all know that this is not normal."

Elizabeth said in a tone that was almost breaking down: "Your Majesty the God Emperor, they are not human beings, they are evil aliens. How can they be as normal as humans! They are born abnormal!"

"It won't take me long to figure out why the Eldar did this." Lee said, "This is not a request. Elizabeth, do you still remember who the commander of this operation is?"

Gritting her teeth, Elizabeth spit out two words: "It's you."

This was something that had been determined long before the war. There could only be one supreme commander in a battle. Even if Elizabeth did not agree with Lee's actions, for the time being, she could only obey orders.

"Very good, you remember." Li said: "Then now I order you to shut up, Elizabeth. I've had enough of your nagging, just like a nagging grandma."

Li heard a roar, and then the communication was suddenly interrupted as Li expected.

In the Brownstone Fortress, Deputy Captain Marlborough sat in a chair and looked at Elizabeth who was yelling at the communicator very uneasily. It was obvious that the female inquisitor had a disagreement with one of her comrades and had a heated argument. Marlborough, who was listening in, felt very embarrassed. He could only pretend not to hear and drank coffee in silence.

Then Elizabeth exploded. She roared wildly and smashed the communicator in half with one punch. Marlborough was startled by this action and stared at the furious Elizabeth in amazement, but the matter was not over yet. The angry Elizabeth took a step back and took out the bolt pistol from her waist without hesitation and fired at the communication equipment.

After a while, the communicator was destroyed by the bolt bullets, and even one wall of the communication room collapsed due to the sudden firepower. The soldiers rushed out from everywhere in panic, carefully poked their heads out, and secretly looked over here. They were all afraid that their deputy commander would be killed by the Inquisitor. In comparison, the battle sisters were much calmer. They just looked at the two people in the room and found that the poor deputy commander was still alive, and then did their own things.

The deputy commander felt like he was locked in a cage with an angry lioness. He tried to dispel the fear in his heart with courage and asked carefully: "Fa, what happened?"

"Nothing, the original plan needs to be changed, let the stormtroopers go back to rest." Elizabeth glanced at the deputy commander unhappily: "Are there any communication equipment?"

"Yes, yes, I will have someone install it right away."

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