Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 57: Continuously Descending (1/2)

"Indeed, let's discuss something of practical significance," Elizabeth said: "Before you arrived, I took people into the dungeon and completed the early exploration. As you can see, there is no It's not safe. The devil is hiding inside and may jump out at any time. I didn't go deep enough, so I lured the devil to the entrance and annihilated it. We will go deep into it later, so please be more careful. This underground ancient city is not ordinary. It seems to have some kind of special shielding ability. Outside the door of the underground city, you cannot feel anything in the city, whether it is testing with electronic instruments or psychic induction. It seems like this is just an ordinary area, and as soon as you enter the ancient city, you can clearly feel the strong smell of chaos, and the breath of chaotic evil fills every breath in the underground city. It is very strange that it cannot escape outside the ancient city. And because there is a special kind of interference, I can't be sure what the interference is. In short, we can't use spiritual power to determine Rosina in the dungeon. and the location of the altar.”

"So that's it. This is why we haven't been able to find Rosina's hiding place. It's actually able to completely block psychic searches. It's just like...well, it's just incredible." Siluf said: "Then the underground ancient city has How old is it?”

"It's very big," Gustav placed a three-dimensional model made of small metal sticks on the table, and then explained: "The so-called underground ancient city was originally a large oval honeycomb-shaped city. According to Preliminary estimates indicate that the city could accommodate millions of people living in it in its heyday. The entire city is in a honeycomb-shaped three-dimensional shape. This is a common colonial urban structure that can effectively resist floods, wild beasts, and other natural disasters. Praise. Mechanical Spirit, the design of this city is so beautiful. However, it is obvious that some special things happened that led to the destruction of this city. We still don’t know what kind of situation they encountered. In short, due to some unknown reason, the entire city sank underground. The entrance we entered was actually the top of the city. If the city was built according to rules, then the entire city would have a total of twenty-three floors, with the middle floor. , the twelfth floor is the core area, the upper level is agricultural and living areas, and the bottom level is mostly industrial and military areas. Of course, these are just predictions. What is certain is that the city is very huge, and it is very easy to hide one or two people. It will be very difficult to fully explore the entire city in a short period of time. We will need the protection of the mechanical god."

"I don't know where the target is hiding in the city. Even if she is really hiding in the city, I can't be 100% sure. My spiritual power was disturbed in the dungeon," Elizabeth Said: "And we only have three days to find her and defeat her. Now more than half of the day has passed. To be precise, we only have 61 Earth hours. The biggest dilemma we currently encounter is, We cannot complete the search for the city within 61 hours. We really need the protection of the Mechanicus. It would be great if he could provide me with some luck."

"Hey, Ms. Inquisitor, watch your words. The Machine God is the god of knowledge, hidden in sophisticated machinery. He is not the god of luck."

"Forget it," Elizabeth said mockingly: "What's your chance of digging out a intact STC? It can't be higher than winning the lottery. If there is no mechanical god to bless you, will you be able to dig up Coca-Cola?"

"Uh!!!" Gustave fell into confusion, and he didn't know how to refute.

"Leave this problem to us," Siluf said: "Psychic energy is too advanced and difficult for humans, but for us, it is not a difficult problem. As long as there is no strange shield, we can find She. Even Rosina cannot escape the pursuit of the rangers. Nothing in the world can escape the eagle eye of Alaitoc. We do not need other gods to protect us. Only the God of War Kane can help us at this time. Have a good fight, humans, the enemy is strong."

No one paid attention to the beliefs of the Eldar. Their gods were almost dead a long time ago. Li directly made a concluding speech: "Then please be ready, let's set off now."

Soon, a special team composed of the Eldar Ranger, the Battle Sister Squad, Inquisitor Elizabeth, and Lee wearing scout equipment entered the underground ancient city, leaving Gustave and His battle puppet. Here, Gustav's battle has just begun. He needs to design and help the defense forces that will arrive later build a solid defense system. He needed more defensive turrets, more twisted and long trenches, stronger fortifications, and more powerful firepower. The two lines of defense arranged by Li were far from enough in Gustave's opinion. The defense forces were just a group of ordinary people. Once the worst happened, this group of soldiers would face powerful demons. If you want to rely on this group of soldiers to resist the demon's attack, you must have a flexible defense line. The word "defend" sounds powerful, but once the morale is exhausted, the battle line will completely collapse under the heavy pressure. . The elastic defense line itself will definitely require more fortifications and greater depth.

And these problems have long been far away from Li and his team. As Elizabeth said, after entering the underground city, the connection between the city and the outside was blocked by some strange energy. Not only psychic energy, but even electronic communication became impossible. Fortunately, this blockage only applies to the inside and outside of the city. In this ancient city, there are no obstacles to electronic communication or psychic exploration. Although the rangers of the Eldar felt strange about this, they also understood that now was not the time to satisfy their curiosity. There were more important things for them to do, to find Rosina's location.

Under normal circumstances, even the most powerful prophet among the Eldar who was most familiar with psychic energy could not accurately find Rosina's location. Rosina was not a stupid rookie who did not know how to control psychic energy. She was a genius. She knew how to hide her psychic energy and how to hide her figure in the dark. But now the situation is a little different. Rosina can hide her psychic energy, but she cannot hide the energy emitted by the Chaos Altar during the ceremony. That energy is not dazzling, but a skilled psychic can easily detect it. Finding the Chaos Altar will naturally find Rosina.

Elizabeth couldn't find the location of the Chaos Altar in the dungeon filled with chaotic energy. For her, it was like finding a special smell among many stinky smells, and then finding the source of the smell accurately. It was too difficult. But for the Eldar rangers, this was not a problem.

"The passage has been checked, the passage down is safe, and no enemies have been found for the time being," Li looked at Xilufu and asked, "Then it's time to tell us where our target Rosina is?"

"Uh," Xilufu said awkwardly, "something went wrong."

"What's the problem?"

"There is indeed a kind of spiritual interference in the underground city. The interference comes from the center of the city, like the morning mist, covering the eyes in the heart, making it difficult to see clearly. It's really strange. I don't know what interferes with our spiritual perception..."

"Okay, stop," Li asked, "You can't feel the location of the Chaos Altar?"

"No, I can feel the location of the Chaos Altar."

"You can see through the fog? That's good, then there is no problem."

"The problem still exists, my friend," Xilufu said, "We found the location of the Chaos Altar. But it turns out that there is more than one altar."

"More than one altar?" Li was stunned , "How many are there?"

"According to the induction, there are six altars in total."

"Is this a strange formation? Or do we have to completely destroy the six altars?"

"No, there shouldn't be six altars, only one is enough. She is alone and can only perform evil rituals in one place. The other five should be just disguises to confuse our sight. If there is no such strange interference, maybe I can tell the real from the fake."

"But now you can't do it."


"So we have six targets, only one of which is real," Li shrugged, "It's better than having no targets. Your Excellency Elizabeth, please come over, we have encountered some problems."

Elizabeth did not move, "Can you solve it yourself?"

"I'm afraid you must rely on your wisdom."

Soon, the three leaders exchanged opinions, and Xilufu marked the six chaos altars on the map one by one. After the three looked at it, they easily came to the inevitable conclusion.

"Time doesn't allow us to search one by one. If we are lucky, we may find the correct altar in the first place, but we may be unlucky." Li didn't say what would happen if he was unlucky, but everyone knew that luck was not something that could be relied on. "So we can only split up. Although it will weaken our strength, it can greatly increase the speed of exploration. Moreover, with our current strength, splitting up is the best choice."

Sylph and Elizabeth both nodded. The elves don't trust humans, and humans are the same. The two groups that are on guard against each other and have their own ulterior motives are united. It is already a blessing from the Emperor of God and the God of War Cain that they don't drag each other down. Splitting up the troops is a relief for both sides, at least they don't have to be on guard against their comrades around them.

The team naturally split into two groups. The ranger team led by Sylph shared three Chaos altars, while the remaining three were in charge of Li and Elizabeth. Both sides agreed on the contact information. And it was determined that once the real altar, that is, the location of Rosina, was found, they would call each other. After exchanging insincere blessings, the two teams parted ways and headed for their own destinations.

After separating from the Eldar rangers, Li and Elizabeth went directly to the passage leading to the fifth floor, where the first Chaos Altar was located. The following time can only be described in one word: continuous descent. The spiral staircase in front of everyone seemed to have no end, going down, down, and rotating down non-stop. Looking down from the handrails on the side of the spiral staircase, there was only endless darkness, as if looking into an abyss that could not be seen.

Occasionally, they would pass through several long corridors, cross two bottomless iron bridges, and then continue to go down.

This is the case in the hive city. In the residential area, it is just like in an ordinary city. There will be no special feeling. However, if you walk in the passage leading to other levels, you will feel that you are walking on an endless staircase. Same as above. There are man-made buildings all over the place, surrounded by a huge, majestic city.

In front of such a huge building, human beings appear so small. It is no wonder that the Mechanicum wants to worship the mechanical gods. What high technology can do is far beyond the imagination of normal people. In the absence of scientific knowledge, The indigenous people saw that it was indeed not much different from a miracle.

As the leading soldier, Li walked silently at the front of the entire team. Not far behind Li were the nuns who made loud ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong noises. These nuns were about five meters away from Li with their electric batons and search lights on. The distance between floors.

Li was wearing a camouflage cloak, and his entire body was hidden in the dark shadows, as if he was integrated with the darkness. He wore a single-piece multi-functional goggles on his left eye. Now the goggles have turned on the low-light mode. Through the goggles, Li could clearly see the masonry texture of the steps on the ground, as well as the gauze-like dust lightly spread on the steps.

Something's not right, this place is so weird. Li stopped and waited for the nun behind him. It wasn't until he saw a beam of light shining down that he coughed lightly.

The nuns immediately stopped moving forward, and Li heard the chaotic and hurried sound of firearms being loaded. At the same time, a nun descended a short distance, and a beam of light reflected Li.

Li stepped out of the darkness, "Is Elizabeth here? Something's wrong here."

"That's why you stopped to talk about this?" Elizabeth came out and asked, "This place is filled with the atmosphere of chaos, and evil spirits are lurking in the shadows peeking at the fresh flesh and blood. There is something wrong here. Did you just discover it? Your sharp insight I am really amazed and admired by the power!”

"Elizabeth," Lee asked, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me, Mr. Captain."

What Li saw was completely opposite to what he heard. At least under normal circumstances, Elizabeth would never speak like this. He has now determined that something is not right with the Lord Inquisitor.

It's really troublesome. It's not just this place that's wrong. Even Elizabeth, who is annoying but reliable, is not right.

"First of all, take a deep breath, Elizabeth, calm down. Did you hear something or feel something?"

Elizabeth was panting heavily, and under the flashlight beam, her face turned horribly white. "I, I just have a little auditory hallucination, it's nothing. This is an old problem. Huh, huh, don't be nervous."

Two of the nuns' retinue slightly changed their standing positions and cleverly adjusted the direction of their guns. The other nun reacted accordingly.

This little move didn't escape Li's eyes, right? Can I not be nervous in this situation? It was really her grandma's misfortune. Although she was cursing in her heart, Li understood that the current problem must be solved, and procrastinating it would only make things worse.

Elizabeth is an Inquisitor, but she is also a psyker. Most Inquisitors with psychic powers can control their powers exquisitely. They know how to manipulate psychic powers and build up mental defenses to avoid being invaded by demons. Psykers with formal training can serve the Empire, but this does not mean that they are absolutely safe.

It's like a gas tank in the kitchen. It can be used safely but must be treated with care. Theoretically, inquisitors with psychic powers will rarely be completely devoured by demons because they are rigorously trained and experienced. The inquisitors of the Demon Tribunal are experts in hunting demons, but "rarely" does not mean that they are completely devoured by demons. Will not appear. As long as it's a psyker, it could be a gateway to the demon's path to reality.

The best way to deal with this situation is to keep an eye on the psychics around you. If they show something wrong, don't hesitate to kill them.

If Elizabeth's strange condition continues to worsen, then she is likely to be beaten into a honeycomb by her own followers. And these retinues obviously did not unify their opinions. Two nuns retinues placed their guns in a position where they could aim at Elizabeth at any time, and the other one stood in a subtle place. She only needed to take a step forward, and she could help Elizabeth. Block possible incoming attacks.

Maybe before we meet the enemy, our own people will get into a fight first.

But we have just entered the dungeon not long ago!

Li swallowed his saliva and asked, "What sound did you hear?"

"The sound of chewing," said Elizabeth, "as if someone were eating, crushing the bones, and filling their mouths with juice. The women and children were crying, terrified, and filled with despair."

"Cheer up, Elizabeth. Don't believe what you hear. Recall the skills you learned in school. Soothe your mind and examine your defenses. Chaos is trying to influence you. You can easily escape this influence. !”

"I know, it's okay, it will be fine soon, ha, ha, I can handle it. I was the daughter of the emperor, and the emperor always protected me." Elizabeth closed her eyes and began to take a deep breath. Breathing the air with a special rhythm, for a moment, the only sound of Elizabeth's breathing was in the spiral downward stairs. After a while, when she opened her eyes again, she had returned to her normal state.

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