Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 56 Massacre (1/2)

The adjusted Vulcan Gun Tower still revealed a gap, and more minotaurs rushed out of the dungeon holding huge axes.

At this time, a group of women wearing white power armor walked out of the underground bunker behind the Vulcan Gun Tower. The leader was wearing white power armor and a blood-red cloak. She held a chain sword in one hand and a bolt pistol in the other hand, aiming at the minotaurs in front of her. She fired and shouted passionately: "For the emperor! Sisters, shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Destroy the filth in front of you!"

The squad around her shouted in unison: "Destroy the filth in front of you!" At the same time, gunshots rang out, and the nuns fired frantically. The powerful firepower that erupted was like a roaring steel wave, which violently hit the black rocks composed of minotaurs, and in an instant, it rolled up large handfuls of red blood spray. The seemingly solid rocks composed of demons were smashed and crushed in an instant, leaving only blood and flesh on the ground.

But the evil monsters were numerous and powerful. The entrance to the dungeon was spacious enough to accommodate several Emperor Poison Blade tanks driving in side by side. It was impossible to completely block it with firepower. In addition, groups of minotaur monsters continued to pour out from the darkness. These terrifying creatures angrily launched a fearless charge towards the Vulcan Gun Tower. For a moment, these evil creatures holding cold weapons almost rushed to the front of the gun tower.

"Everyone, the enemy is right in front of you, what are you waiting for?" Li said this while standing up straight, holding up a sniper rifle, raising the gun, aiming, and shooting. The whole action was done in one go without any delay. With a "bang" sound of a gunshot, the head of a minotaur in the distance suddenly leaned back, and the bullet accurately penetrated into its brain from its right eye, but the monster just leaned back, and froze in the backward posture for a second, then stood up straight without any care, shaking the huge bull head, twisting his neck, and then raising his thick fingers, inserting them into his eye sockets, digging and stirring to explore, as if he wanted to use his fingers to dig out the bullet shot into his brain.

Oh my god, what kind of monster is this, his vitality is too tenacious. Li's eyes twitched. This scene was too horrifying. Not to mention the bullet shot into his brain, wouldn't it crush his brain if he used such a thick and long finger to reach into his brain from his eye socket and mess around? This seems to cause more damage than my bullet.

But he was just a little surprised. The minotaur just showed a happy expression and then made a "bang". The minotaur's brain was like an exploding watermelon, and it exploded from the inside out.

The explosive arrow bullet is not like an ordinary bullet. It can only rely on impact to kill the enemy. This small bullet is a terrifying killing weapon. Rather than a bullet, it is more like a small missile. Shooting into the enemy's body is a damage, and then it will explode, causing a second and more terrifying damage.

Even the terrifying minotaur with tenacious vitality can't stand the explosion of something in his head. The minotaur with a completely blown up head just lay straight on the ground and completely turned into a corpse.

This kind of bullet seems to exist to deal with the alien monsters with strong vitality.

But no one cares about this at the moment. On the fierce battlefield, creatures fall down all the time. Once they lie down, they can never get up again. The minotaurs continue to rush forward, trying to break through the firepower network with their flesh and blood. At the same time, behind them, a taller and more robust minotaur slowly emerges from the darkness. This larger monster is not busy charging, it just watches from a distance and observes carefully. Obviously, he is the leader of this group of minotaurs.

"I bet," Li looked at Xilufu, pointed at the Minotaur half hidden in the darkness and said, "You can't hit that guy's eyes."

"Ha!?" Xilufu raised the gun without hesitation: "Left eye or right eye?"

"Left eye."


As soon as his voice fell, Li almost heard the sound of the energy arrow hitting the target. The trajectory of the energy arrow temporarily illuminated the dark shadow. Only then did Li clearly see the energy arrow that had been firmly inserted into the Minotaur leader's eyes. The flying energy arrow pierced into the monster's right eye in the blink of an eye, no, it was faster than the blink of an eye. Then he heard the amazing painful howl coming from the passage. The scream did not last too long. It disappeared abruptly after just a short while. The energy arrow was attached to the terrifying spiritual energy. Under the tearing of the spiritual energy, there was no possibility for this monster to survive.

Li was silent for a while and said, "It's the right eye."

"It's the monster's left eye, it's on our right," said Sylph. After that, she ignored Li and turned to the people behind her and shouted, "Kane will protect us. Everyone, the enemy is in front of us. The hunting season has finally arrived! Let's deal with the enemy in front of us first."

Without passionate slogans, the rangers shook out their optical cloaks. In an instant, the standing rangers disappeared in the light and shadow. They seemed to have all turned into a slightly distorted transparent ghost and quietly dispersed.

The hunt for the Eldar rangers begins. Brilliant beams of light suddenly lit up in the air, and then slowly dissipated. The lighting up of each beam represented a demon falling under the energy arrow. The rangers of the Eldar tribe used arrows full of psychic energy to draw the most dreamy and brilliant colors in the air. This beautiful sight actually brought about the most ruthless and cruel killing. This is the Eldar race, a race that pursues elegance, magnificence, art, and is full of delicate artistic beauty. If they cannot create art stably at home, then they will create more gorgeous death art on the battlefield.

Although Li was also aiming and shooting, his attention was no longer on the group of demons in the scope at this time. Even though the evil Chaos was powerful and terrifying, they came to this world and they were also made of flesh and blood. It can also be blown to pieces, so there's nothing to fear. Moreover, these monsters are still fighting with cold weapons. I don’t know what era they are demons. They are just low-level soldiers. As long as they are not allowed to get close, the danger is zero. On the contrary, in the foreseeable future, the Eldar will be the more terrifying threat. Alaitok's rangers can be found in various regions of the Far East. Who really knows what is going on in the minds of these bean sprouts.

After the rangers led by Silufu joined the battle, this small-scale defensive battle completely turned into a massacre. The charging group of minotaur monsters was attacked head-on by the small group of nuns led by Elizabeth. On both sides there were The firepower network of the Vulcan Gun Tower that had been erected long ago, coupled with the precise firepower of the Eldar, soon caused these low-level demons to lose all their courage. If the Minotaur leader was still there, then he could still They continued their fearless attack, but the careless leader had already died under Siluf's energy arrow, and the Minotaur had no reason to persist. They were not pure demons, but a group of The beast, twisted by the control of Chaos, now the beast is afraid. Under the fierce blow, the tauren turned and fled angrily, but the gunfire did not stop. There was nothing easier than shooting at the enemy's back. After a while, all the minotaurs fell to the ground, leaving only blood and various pieces of meat on the ground.

The Vulcan Gun Tower no longer maintains uninterrupted continuous shooting, but instead turns to short bursts. The gun tower rotates to monitor the ground where the demon corpse lies. If there is a slight disturbance, a series of short bursts will be fired over, like this The bursts of fire will continue until there is no more complete corpse visible on the earth. Even the most cunning enemy will not be able to survive such a careful attack.

"Li, you came at the right time. It would be bad if it were later. Although there will be no casualties, it will still cause us some trouble." Elizabeth looked calm and indifferent, as if she had just just After shooing away a bunch of annoying flies and saying hello to Li, the beautiful woman looked at the people around Li and then asked: "So who is this mysterious friend? I am lucky enough to know her. name?"

"You can call me, Siluf," Siluf made a greeting with one hand and continued: "Looking at your attire, you should be the leader here. Tell me your name, human."

Elizabeth smiled. It was obvious that Li had never corrected Xilufu's misconceptions, so Elizabeth would naturally not deny it. So she did not say yes or no, but acquiesced to Xilufu's words and directly He replied: "I am the loyal servant of the Holy Emperor, Judge Elizabeth, Eldar, Siluf. I already know your purpose and why you appear here. I am glad that you can see the facts clearly. In the face of the evil of chaos "The little friction between our two races is not worth mentioning. Only cooperation can wipe out the evil and filth." After saying that, Elizabeth made a gesture of return from the Eldar, which was a little lame. Etiquette somewhat gave Siluf a good impression of the human woman in front of her.

"We have only one goal, and that is Rosina's life."

"And we need her body. She committed countless unforgivable sins within the empire. She massacred civilians and attacked officials. Her crimes must be tried by the arbitration tribunal. Even if she is dead, justice must be declared. ”

"How can you use human laws to judge the Eldar!?"

"Oh? Do you still think your friend is still an Eldar?"

Silufu was speechless and had nothing to say. The familiar Rosina had long since disappeared. That person was no longer a genius that made Alaitok proud, but a minion of Chaos and a doll of Slaanesh. After a while, Siluf said, "Okay, I'll leave the body to you, but I must retrieve the things that belong to us Eldar people from her body."

"No problem." Elizabeth nodded, turned sideways to make way, "Then please come this way, let's go to the temporary command post to talk first. I originally thought that the ancient city would be at least relatively clean, but I didn't expect it. It was actually full of filth. As a last resort, we started the preliminary cleanup work. There were a lot of troubles, and we knew very little about this underground ancient city. Fortunately, there was a scientific researcher here who had gone deep into the underground ancient city. Let me know a lot of necessary information."

"Then excuse me."

Elizabeth led the two of them around a Vulcan gun tower and entered a crude bunker half buried underground.

"This is the temporary headquarters. Although the conditions are simple, fortunately we are not here for enjoyment. Please come in."

There were two people sitting in the command post. One was Gustav, who was immersed in studying the map on the table, and the other was a blonde beauty who was wiping the gun. She was the leader of the squadron, Hilsa.

This is also Hilsa's habit. She has been like this since she was a student. She always has an extraordinary affection for the weapons in her hands. After a battle, she will always eagerly start to carefully maintain her firearms. For her, In other words, this is just like some medieval knights who would always wipe the blood off their swords with a handkerchief after killing someone. It is not just a good habit to maintain weapons, but more like a pious ritual.

"Hirsa, let's deal with the firearms issue after the battle is completely over," Elizabeth frowned and said, "Now take my followers and put them on fire-breathing equipment and clean up the pieces of meat outside. That's Purify them all of the evil flesh and blood, leaving no residue behind.”

"As you wish, I will burn them all." Hilsa immediately stopped maintaining the firearms, replied, and trotted out in a hurry. After a while, bursts of shouting came from outside, and soon, the "whirring" sound of the roaring flames was heard.

"Don't worry about the things outside. It's just some finishing work. Hilsa and the others will take care of it. Let me talk about the situation we are currently facing first," Elizabeth said, pointing to a military history map hanging on the wall. : "The entrance to the dungeon here was initially positioned as the assembly point because we did not expect that the dungeon was already filled with evil chaos. Logically speaking, this should not be done. Before the ceremony is completed and the door to another dimension is stabilized, There will be no evil spirits from different dimensions coming to this world. The passage is unstable. High-level demons cannot come to the world through such passages, and those low-level evil spirits cannot resist the spirits in this unstable passage. It can flow turbulently. If you pass through rashly, you will probably be torn apart by the violent spiritual energy flow on the way. The risk is too great for them, so under normal circumstances, these demons will not be here. Appeared.”

The original plan was very simple. Bring the Eldar, a group of people rushed to the dungeon, overturned Rosina's car, destroyed the altar, everything was fine, and then happily divided the spoils, and everyone returned happily. At this point, the first step of the plan has come to a perfect end. Next comes the second step. When we walk out of the dungeon, the losers of the defense force have already dug a hole and are squatting inside waiting for the Eldar idiots to come out. Then naturally they fall out. Ruthlessly, he suddenly knocked over the Spirit Tribe people with his backhand and tied them all up.

Of course, everyone knows that the plan cannot go so smoothly, and the Eldar people are not stupid. All enemies, including the most savage orcs, are cunning and cunning. Underestimating the enemy will only bring destruction to oneself.

Therefore, the plan itself is not important. What is important is whether the planner has the ability to continue the plan or come up with a second plan when the plan encounters setbacks.

But no one thought that the plan would encounter serious problems at the first step. They thought that there was only one enemy in the dungeon, Rosina, and she was busy performing evil rituals. No matter how strong she was, she would not be able to resist so many people. Everyone rushed forward, could she still rebel? But I didn't expect that Rosina was not alone, she also had a group of Chaos Demon brothers!

"They shouldn't have appeared, but these demons did appear here," Li frowned: "There must be a reasonable explanation. They did not hesitate to take risks through unstable passages and came to this world without making any announcement. , It’s really strange to just sneak into this underground city without showing up.”

In fact, there is nothing surprising about this. If there is a more powerful demon behind these low-level demons, then everything can be easily explained. Under the coercion of the powerful demon, the low-level existences among the demons cannot exist at all. There is no choice but to follow orders. And those powerful demons don't care about the life and death of lower-level demons, they just want to achieve their goals.

Elizabeth understood this, but there was no need to say it in front of the Eldar.

High-level Chaos Demons are not stupid. Even if they don't care about the life and death of their men, they will not drive their men here for no reason. It seems that there is indeed something that the Chaos Demon wants in this dungeon, what should it do? Should he continue the mission, or should he directly use his special rights to ask Li to contact the Silver Wings directly and use ship-based artillery to directly destroy this place? The latter is simpler and more effective. No matter what the demons want, they just need to be completely destroyed. It's a pity that it won't work. The people of the Mechanicus will definitely not agree. It would be better if Gustav didn't follow.

"Indeed, this is not the style of the Chaos Demon," Elizabeth did not say what she was thinking. She simply said: "But it is difficult for us to guess the thoughts of the Chaos Demon. We know very little about the chaotic space."

"There is no need to understand what they are thinking, because no matter what the evil spirits want to do, we have to destroy it," Li said: "Utopian discussions are of little significance. Kill Rosina, destroy her altar, and close the space rift. Then it’s all done.”

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