Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 55 Entrance (1/2)

The cruel reality turned out to be desperate. Rosina appeared for the first time in front of everyone. Without saying a word, she killed a ranger and not only took away the ranger's body, but also took away his soul stone. .

The second attack occurred three days after the first attack. Rosina did not show up, but everyone knew that she had been there. The two Eldar rangers lost their traces during this day, as if they melted into the wind. . Of course, their soul stones were also not found.

The third attack, another three days later, the rangers set up an exquisite trap for Rosina, but the trap did not work at all. Rosina blew past like a strong wind, causing panic and chaos, and took away The lives of the three rangers and the soul stones are more important than their lives.

The fourth time, just a few days ago, the rangers tried their best and failed to prevent the death of their comrades. Four rangers paid with their lives for this. The living Eldar could not even prevent Rosina from taking the soul stones of their comrades.

In front of the powerful Rosina, the ranger is as weak as a newborn baby. Life seemed to no longer belong to him, but a plaything in Rosina's hands, a candle that could be easily extinguished by her at any time. This feeling is both novel and sad for the rangers. The powerful and feared Alaitok ranger has turned into a livestock waiting to be slaughtered?

This thing itself seems to be a mockery of the word ranger.

To be precise, the rangers are not one of the "paths" of the Eldar. Unlike the warrior paths of the Whirling Eagle, Screaming Banshee, and Fire Dragon, the rangers are actually betrayers of the paths. They are the ones walking in the universe. The wanderer among them.

I am tired of the strict and harsh rules and regulations, tired of the repetitive life that follows the rules day after day like a machine. I feel impatient and even desperate for the monotonous, boring and repetitive days. I always think in my heart, When will days like this end? If it continues like this forever, what should I do? There are many Alaitok people with similar thoughts, and many of them are even more curious about the outside world. What is there in the depths of the dark universe? What kind of scenery is there above the beautiful stars? What is there at the end of the horizon? What kind of wonderful scenery is there on the other side of the mountain?

Once these questions repeatedly appear in the mind, it is difficult to completely put them aside. These thoughts will always appear in the mind, leading people to take a look at further places. The desire to travel far and wide seems to be buried deep in the heart of every intelligent being. For the Eldar people, once this desire breaks out, it will become difficult to suppress. Most of these people will become rangers. road.

These people are far away from the protection of the "path", so they must bear the burden brought by the continuous intensification of the spirit consciousness. They are unrestrained in the universe, so they have become extremely fragile. Their remarkable psychic minds are like beacons in the dark night to predators. Only rangers with tough and powerful characters can survive in this situation for a long time, while those who are fragile will most likely die. In the cold and dark depths of the universe.

Some of them are continuous travelers, some are keen on exploring the Webway, and some even become space pirates or plunderers, but no matter what they are doing, at least one thing is What is certain is that every ranger who survives is strong, both physically and mentally. Very few of them will be completely corrupted to the point of being controlled by evil things from other dimensions.

But Rosina, the most powerful, fell in the most incredible way. For the Eldar people, this is almost impossible to happen, because there is no ending more terrifying than this, and corruption is far more terrifying than death.

"The fallen Rosina is as strong as before. No, I take back what I said before. She is much stronger than before. The evil gave her power, and she did not hesitate to use this power to kill her compatriots. She has gone crazy. Now. Even if all of us here gather together, we can't be Rosina's opponent. No one can stop her." Silufu said with a sad smile: "It's so wonderful and sad that the Star Walker should have romantic freedom and a legendary journey. , but in the end we had to rely on the power of those human monkeys to survive. I understand this humiliation, but even so, we must fight hard and use all means to win. We must kill Rosina and let ourselves Also live. Because if we fail, what awaits us is not as simple as death. Rosina took away the soul stone of every dead person. She never thought of sending us back to the endless loop. Once we If we die, our soul will be captured by the fallen Rosina, and the best outcome we can get at that time is to disappear forever. And if we fail, what awaits Rosina will be a more tragic fate. For her and ourselves, we should strive for victory!”

Siluf took a deep breath and continued: "Once the passage is opened, Rosina will be controlled by Slaanesh forever. One day, she will experience the ultimate terror. I can't watch her fall." Going into the depths of the abyss, we still have a chance to save her, which is also saving ourselves. As long as we kill her and then take back her soul stone, we can at least temporarily get rid of the evil spirit. Keep her away from the world of chaos."

"But what use are those humans? They can only hide behind a solid fortress and tremble. They can't fight at all. Just a few rangers can completely defeat them, not to mention facing Rosina."

"There are so many of them, and every life needs to be ended with one shot. A group of humans gathered together, and the power of psychic energy burst is needed to destroy them. Humans are all beautiful targets. They are rude and barbaric, lacking in beauty, and have hideous faces. Rosina should be happy to blow these barbaric monkeys into pieces. Those monkeys can more or less attract Rosina's attention and firepower, and this is our chance. Besides, humans are not useless. Although they lack artistic beauty, they have a strict organization, basically like an army. Rosina can defeat us, but she may not be able to defeat the human army with our support, and those humans also call "We have received reinforcements. Now there are also surprisingly powerful warriors in the fortress. Although they are barbaric and vulgar, those monkeys are indeed the only force we can rely on now. The situation is dangerous and we can no longer choose. "Xilufu said to the many rangers earnestly: "Everyone, I led you here by mistake. I have the responsibility and confidence to take you away alive. For this purpose, I will do everything I can. Please believe in me and follow me as always. "

"I have walked a darker road, but the ranger is never afraid. "

"My eyes are for you, and my gun follows your guidance. "

"The war song has already been sung, and I will respond to the call. Please give your orders, my Lord Xilufu. "

Xilufu breathed a sigh of relief. The situation has become so bad that it cannot be worse, but at least for now, this disadvantage has been controlled. For the time being, it seems that it is not a moment of despair. Her heart was relieved a little, and Xilufu nodded, "Very good. Everything has an end. This time, let's end Rosina's miserable life."

At this time, a strange voice came from the wind in the air. It was the secret language that the ranger team had already agreed on.

Xilufu listened attentively, and soon her face showed joy, "Everyone, the messenger of our human ally is coming here, and he brought us good news. I think we have found Rosina's hiding place."

There is nothing more inspiring than this news. Compared with Xilufu's inspiring words, the reality in front of them is more exciting. The low morale of the rangers seemed to have returned to its heyday for a while.

What else is more depressing than being able to passively take a beating and unable to fight back? Rangers have always been sharp arrows that come in an instant, not shields. Passive defense is not what they are good at, only active offense is their battle rhythm.

These rangers have been in this position all along. They have been under pressure and waiting for the upcoming attack, but when they pick up their guns and want to fight back, they can only see strange planets and hostile forests.

Where are the enemies? Where should they charge? What direction should the muzzle be aimed at? These troubles have always belonged to the ranger's enemies, but now the ranger has them all.

Just when the desperate and oppressed people were out of breath, the dawn of hope came. The god of war Kane did not give up his warriors, and the moment of destruction and attack finally came.

The rangers soon embarked on the right path under the guidance of Li. They formed a loose formation and moved towards the underground ancient city at a very fast speed. When they arrived at the gate of the ancient city, they were greeted by two explosive arrow fire gun towers that had already been erected on both sides of the entrance.

Two bolt fire guns were mounted on a gun tower wrapped in heavy armor. This was a bolt fire gun tower. Inside the gun tower were mechanical slaves who worked as hard as robots. They controlled the bolt fire gun tower to rotate non-stop, and they were highly alert to every living thing that approached the range.

Li whistled easily, "I really didn't expect that Gustav would bring this thing." But he cursed in his heart, Gustav, you idiot, you are too anxious! Even if you want to play tower defense, you have to wait until the Eldar go in. Now put this thing up, what if people are too scared to go in?

Although this thing sounds easy, you will find that it is not easy at all when you face it. The huge bolt fire gun can pour out 6,000 rounds of ammunition in one minute. Almost no creature can survive under the crazy shooting of this thing. Its firepower is so dense that even flies can't fly over its firepower network. Powerful firepower, coupled with excellent fortress-like protection, if there is a disadvantage, it is that this thing cannot be moved, but it is enough to protect the key points.

"Li, what's going on?" Xilufu pointed to the two Vulcan gun towers in the distance and asked with a bad look.

"It's just to provide a certain amount of protection." At this point, Li firmly believed that the elves would not turn against him, so he explained calmly: "It's not against you, on the contrary, this is to protect all of us. This is the only entrance and the only exit. This is our retreat. We must ensure the safety of the retreat."

"Maybe all this is just a trap."

"I know that our positions make it impossible for us to trust each other easily, but you should also know that there is a high possibility that Rosina is hiding in there. If you really don't trust us, you can find someone to go in first and take a look."

If Rosina is on the surface, it will be difficult for her to escape the search of the rangers. Unlike other rangers, Rosina can't just find a hidden small hole and hide in it. In order to open the space door, she needs a dark altar. The altar is used to hold evil dark rituals, and the corpses, blood, or souls of the Eldar used in the ritual all need to be carefully processed before the ritual. If these things are casually sacrificed to the evil god, they will most likely be regarded as disrespectful to the evil god. So even if it is an evil ritual, it is not an easy thing. The Chaos Summoning Ritual, especially the ritual to open the door connecting the two worlds, usually has very strict requirements. From the placement of candles, the creatures to be sacrificed, the evil runes drawn, and the spells chanted in the ritual, all of these require a quiet, safe, and relatively spacious environment.

There are also some who only hide in the underground ancient city, which can provide Rosina with so many conveniences. Only in this way can we explain why the rangers have not been able to find Rosina's hiding place.

But Xilufu had to be careful. Humans are indeed barbaric and vulgar, but this does not mean that humans do not understand conspiracy and intrigue. The evil hidden in their monkey-like brains is far beyond the imagination of the elves. If there is nothing in that door, if it is just a trap, it is not completely impossible. Humans will lead all the rangers to one place and then shoot them all at once with those two ugly weapons. Thinking of this, Xilufu's spine began to shiver.

"Of course, the sentinels need to move forward." Xilufu said this while making a few gestures to a ranger. The ranger nodded, indicating that he had received the order, and then walked towards the entrance.

The ranger had just taken a step when the fierce and violent gunfire suddenly sounded. Li almost fell down on the spot out of habit. It must be said that this is a good habit. This habit has saved Li's life in countless battles. But if he really did it now, it would not only be a big embarrassment. Fortunately, Li knew that he was definitely out of the range of the Explosive Arrow Vulcan Gun, so he stood up straight.

In his eyes, the ranger who took a step forward was swift. He lay down decisively, rolled, and then jumped out, and turned over and stuck behind a rock. The whole action was smooth and seamless, and it really deserved the praise of being as quiet as a virgin and as fast as a rabbit.

But no one praised him. Everyone ignored him, as if this ranger did not exist.

The direction of the Vulcan Bolter Gun was not the rangers, but the opposite direction, shooting inside the door of the dungeon entrance. However, due to the angle, everyone could not see the creatures inside the door for a while. They could only see the fierce shooting of the Vulcan gun outside the door. The death net woven by the explosive bullets could tear all possible creatures into pieces, but what kind of enemies could there be in the underground city? Could it be Rosina?

Suspicion just emerged from the mind, and the invisible enemy rushed out of the underground ancient city. Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at the strange creature that suddenly appeared in front of everyone. What kind of monster is it? It has a cow's head, a human body, and cow-like feet. These monsters naked their upper bodies, revealing black and almost dull muscles. When they stand upright, they are nearly three meters tall. Li has no doubt that these monsters contain powerful strength and amazing destructive power.

It was as if the Minotaur monster from mythology had appeared on earth. The monster roared, wielding a huge axe easily with one hand, and lowered its head, revealing the sharp horns on its head, and rushed towards the Vulcan Spear Tower like an angry buffalo.

The Minotaur's charge was so fierce that the ground trembled slightly with every step it took, as if even if there was a wall in front of it, it could be easily broken by it.

The two Vulcan bolt gun turrets only slightly adjusted the shooting angle, just like gently swinging a whip. The whip with a ballistic trajectory formed by the roaring and flying steel in the air lightly drew a small arc in the air, and then violently lashed the body of the deformed and evil creature. In an instant, bright red blood splattered everywhere, and the Minotaur's charging posture was stopped abruptly. Under the roaring impact of the bullet, the evil creature's body trembled continuously as if it was electrocuted, and then it uncontrollably turned upside down. Another long ballistic whip plowed the ground and swept over, breaking the Minotaur's body into two pieces. In just a few breaths, this evil demon was torn into pieces.

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