Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 54 Take Action (1/2)

"This is the drawing of the ancient city I drew before. Look here, you must have seen it. This ancient city has a very peculiar shape. It is a honeycomb-shaped city, but it is different from ordinary ancient colonies. Although most of its buildings It is an ancient colonial style, but the style of some of the important buildings is very strange. The wonderful streamlined and light pointed angular design does not have the heaviness of our common imperial buildings. In comparison, it is somewhat similar to the Eldar buildings. Not only that. Only in this way, its overall design gives people a light and smooth feeling, making people feel as if the city wants to fly. In short, this is a magical place, a treasure house full of treasures. If you give me more time , I believe that something valuable enough can be found.”

"In a few months, you have only finished digging the first layer. As a result, now we can only sit here and dream about the treasures that may exist there," Li said with regret, "You should have acted faster." How great, now we can take the baby and evacuate directly.”

"What we are doing is not digging holes, just digging things out. We are excavating, and we have to be careful, careful, pay attention to every detail, and not miss any clues or corners. It is completely different from soldiers digging trenches with shovels. , we use small brushes and small wooden shovels. Excavation of ancient ruins is a job that requires patience and care! ”

"Okay, anyway, do you think the devil is here because of this treasure house of yours?"

"There is no other explanation. Demons will not enter this world for no reason. Even if the demons want to relax, they should find a better place. The most precious thing on this planet is in the ancient city. In addition, This planet is worthless."

"When did the devil become interested in STC?" Elizabeth frowned in confusion, "It makes no sense. I have never heard of them pursuing technological products."

"Perhaps this is a group of demons who understand the preciousness of stc," Gustav said: "Maybe their goal is not stc. There is something good in the ancient city. After all, this city is a bit weird. But regardless of the demons No matter what they think, we have to stop them. All in all, we can't let the demons wander here and walk away at will. We must protect the ancient underground city. "

"We are asked to risk our lives to protect an ancient relic..." Li tilted his head, "To be honest, it's completely uninteresting."

Not only am I not interested, I really want to leave now if I can! Leave the 101st regiment to fight to the death for Coca-Cola.

It's not that Li was afraid of fighting, but that if he won the battle but didn't find anything else of value, there was a high chance that this would happen. Gustav never said that he would definitely be able to find something new of value. Instead, the excavation process has been compared to buying a lottery ticket. Li has never won a lottery, and he doesn't believe in such ethereal things as luck. So this situation is very likely to occur, winning, but not finding anything more valuable.

So how should the Templars' first great victory be recorded in the chapter's history?

The warriors of the Knights Templar fought bravely at Aion and shattered the evil conspiracy. This was a historic victory and the beginning of a legend.

The Templars won an epic victory. This was the chapter's first war and its first victory! They heroically protected Coca-Cola for the empire and did not let Coca-Cola fall into the mouth of the devil!

This is too bad. If this really happened, Li would be tempted to disband the war group.

"This is not just a matter of interest. According to the ancient glorious covenant, under such special circumstances, the soldiers of the empire are obliged to protect the precious objects designated by the Mechanicus." Gustav added calmly Said: "And the Mechanicus will not let his friends fight in vain, we will give him some thanks."

"There is a thank you gift," Li nodded, "That's not bad, but you can't just talk about this thing in vain. In addition to the thank you gift, I also want to get some souvenirs, okay?"

"Sorry, it's best not to mess around with things in the ancient city. Those are cultural relics and their value must be confirmed by our experts."

"It's not something from the ancient city, it's the STC template," Li said, "Coca-Cola, can you give it to me?"

"That is a sacred object, how can you give it away casually?"

"But you said it was of no use."

"I also said, 'May the Machine God forgive me,' so the Machine God will forgive me."

"Oh, it's true. The Machine God has forgiven you," Li shrugged regretfully, "But I don't know if your superior will forgive you. I will remember to write a letter to Mars to discuss this matter in detail. of."

Gustav glared at Li with dissatisfaction, and then said: "Can a copy be enough? This is not an advanced template. There won't be too much information in it. It can be copied into a book. The manufacturing process in the Coca-Cola template As well as the production line manufacturing method, I will ask the scribe to copy it into a book and give it to you. You can ask your people to do it. The manufacturing template itself has to be handed over to the Mars headquarters of the Mechanicum and cannot be given to you."

"Yes, that's okay." Li stood up with a smile and opened the map hanging on the wall.

At this time, Elizabeth suddenly interjected and asked: "Li, why do you have to have that Coca-Cola manufacturing template?"

"Of course I want to drink it," Li blinked and lied without changing his face: "I've never drank anything like that before. Coca-Cola is a black drink with bubbles. I've never seen it before. Of course I will. I want to give it a try. And at least let the knights who join the regiment in the future know what caused the first fierce battle in the temple regiment."

"This...is like this." Elizabeth looked at Li with a strange expression, obviously despising Li's taste ten thousand times in her heart.

Li also used the same mentality to despise the group of ladies in the room, all of whom have never drunk Coca-Cola. Fortunately, you are still from the interstellar era.

"Okay, don't worry about Coca-Cola. After the drink is made, you can go to my place to get it, so that everyone can drink until you are full. Now let's get back to the topic," Li picked up a cane and pointed to the location of the science station on the map. Said: "I have a plan, and if we are lucky, we can solve these troublesome things together."

"Here is our goal. Our mission goal is to destroy the enemy's rituals within three days and prevent the devil from coming. If possible, it is best to kill the Eldar named Rosina. I checked on the way and she She is the criminal who repeatedly killed the Imperial Inquisitor. Now there is a lot of reward on her head. The Inquisition will give us a large sum of money for her head." Li paused and then continued: "Of course, there is a reward. The gold will be distributed through consultation between Elizabeth and I. Then, we want to cooperate with the Eldar. We must explain that we did not consider cooperating with the Eldar before. On the one hand, it is naturally because the Eldar people cannot be trusted, but the biggest problem is that we do not know that the enemy is there. There, so even if the Eldar can be trusted, our chances of winning are not good. The planet Aion is so big, Rosina can just find a corner to hide, let alone us, even the Eldar rangers outside who are good at tracking can't find her. Now it seems that the guy has probably entered the underground ancient city, so things will become easier. Let's take the spirit tribe and attack the underground city together, kill Rosina and destroy her summoning plan. "

"Why bring the Eldar with you?" Elizabeth asked: "You just said that they cannot be trusted."

"They can provide us with some fire cover and enhance our strength. And they know more about the enemy than we do." Li said: "If the information they give me is good, then the enemy will be very powerful, just relying on us. We can win, but there will be some sacrifices. If there are people from the Spirit Race traveling together, then our sacrifices will naturally be reduced. And there must not be too many people entering the underground city. Elizabeth and your followers, the underground city. The complex and narrow terrain of Lina is perfect for your nuns and sisters. Together with the Eldar rangers, we entered the ancient underground city and smashed Rosina and her tricks to pieces."

Elizabeth said: "It sounds like the plan is just to recruit a group of people to kill the enemy."

Lee ignored Elizabeth's sarcasm and continued: "On the third day after our departure, Marlborough, you must take your regiment and reach this point."

"This location..." Marlborough looked at where Li pointed and asked, "Captain Li, do you want us to block the entrance to the underground ancient city?"

"Yes, your people will set up two lines of defense with the help of Gustav, one for the outside and one for the inside. The underground ancient city is quite large, and it may not be possible to achieve the planned battle goal in just three days," Li said: "This situation is very likely to occur, and we must prepare early. Once this situation occurs, the evil spirits are likely to emerge from the gaps in the space, but we still have a chance. The altar and the space door are not there In one place, if the goal of the evil spirits is really the underground ancient city, then you are the line of defense to stop the evil spirits and buy us time. We will end the battle as soon as possible in the ancient city, because this is a very unstable door. 'Gate', so after we destroy Rosina's altar, the rift will close, right?"

"That's right."

"So that's the rough plan. Let's ask our Lord Judge to explain the precautions in detail."

Elizabeth stood up and explained to everyone in the room: "No matter what kind of demon we fight, our first priority is to close the dimensional door. Only when the door is closed can we have the possibility of victory. , otherwise even if the demon is killed, this is actually impossible. We can only destroy the demon's form. It is very likely that he will change his appearance, or he will come back from the passage without changing his appearance. Once the dimensional gate is destroyed. Once the door is closed, they lose the source of their power. Only at this time can you completely drive out the evil spirits from our world. Once the door is closed, we have established a victory. Even if you don't care about the evil spirits at this time, they will. It is difficult to continue to stay in this world, and the demons may return to their hometown of Chaos in a few days. It must be mentioned that the demons will become more violent when the door is closed, and they can feel the closure. "The door, this represents their failure, and failure will make them bad-tempered," Elizabeth said to Marlborough: "Let your people make the fortifications more secure, and the devil will The more crazy they become, the more violent their attacks will be."

Marlborough swallowed his saliva and asked nervously: "You mean, let my people resist those evil spirits? Isn't that true? Most of my people thought those things only existed in As for the legend, even I have never seen those messy things.”

"Generally speaking, it is rare for troops like the Imperial Guard to fight against demons from another space," Elizabeth said easily: "Your group is lucky and has the opportunity to face the darkest creatures in the universe. Many Imperial citizens This is a test for you, and it is also an opportunity. It is not only an opportunity to prove your bravery, but also an opportunity to prove your loyalty to the God Emperor. Stay, tell your people, do not talk to demons, verbal, spiritual, any form of communication is prohibited, and do not believe any words of demons, their words are full of deception, the only way you can confront demons is The only ones who speak are the weapons in your hands. Once you find that the devil is within your effective range, shoot, shoot, and keep shooting. "

"I'm not sure whether we can stop such an enemy." Marlborough sighed: "I suddenly missed those green-skinned monsters. Now that I think about it, those green-skinned monsters growing out of the ground are actually quite cute. ”

"Marlborough, don't think too much. This is just the worst of many possible situations. It's also possible that we successfully destroyed the evil altar and the door was closed before it was opened. You see? The chance of evil spirits entering another space is actually not great," Li said comfortingly: "Of course, this does not mean that you will be relaxed. If things go well, you will have to move to the second line of defense. At this time, our enemies will no longer be aliens. The demons in space are the rangers of the Eldar tribe. Use all your guns to aim at the exit of the underground ancient city and don’t let any of the Eldar tribe members go.”

"Ha, Li, you are so cunning," Elizabeth said with a smile: "I remember you said that you had an agreement with the Eldar, a verbal covenant. You actually deceived them."

"This is a battlefield. The Eldar are our enemies. What's wrong with deceiving the enemy?" Li said confidently: "Besides, I didn't deceive the Eldar. The agreement between me and the leader of the Eldar rangers named Xilufu is If we unite to fight against the enemies in different spaces, if everything goes well, then when we step out of the ancient city, our common enemies will have disappeared and the agreement will be completed. And wouldn't the result of this be good? Once all are resolved, all the forces threatening the Brownstone Fortress will disappear, Gustav's science station can continue to operate, the underground ancient city will be restored to safety, and Elizabeth, you will also capture enough prisoners."

"This plan is not bad." Elizabeth nodded and said, "I appreciate it very much."

"If there are no objections, then execute according to this plan." Li waited for a while, no one in the room raised any objections, "Then execute according to the plan. First, adjust the time, the current time, Earth time is 1030. The time adjustment is completed, the specific I have sent the timetable, action route, and related orders to everyone here. I will talk to the Eldar people first, and everyone should take action. Lady Elizabeth, take Gustav first. We will meet at the entrance of the underground ancient city.”

"I can't believe you actually went to negotiate with humans and even said you wanted to cooperate!" A ranger said in a fierce tone: "I'm ashamed of you, Siluf. Not only did you lose everything in the face of death, He lost his courage and even his sanity. He took the initiative to negotiate with those monkeys. What do those monkeys know? How can they help?"

"Then what do you think we should do now?" Siluf sighed and slowly glanced at the rangers standing beside her. She looked deeply into everyone's eyes and comforted their hearts with her eyes. Full of mania and despair, she said slowly but forcefully: "Our situation is very bad. The so-called desperate situation is here. Rosina has already designated this place as our burial place. Because of her arrangement, it is now connected to here. The network has been completely cut off, and the escape route has disappeared. We can no longer escape, but if we fight, who among us can be Rosina's opponent?"

Silufu's question was answered by a desperate silence.

No one here is Rosina's opponent, even if all the rangers here are tied together, they are not Rosina's opponent alone. This is embarrassing and ridiculous, but it is true.

Before arriving on this unfortunate planet, all the rangers here knew that their opponent was the genius Rosina, but no one took the danger to heart. On the one hand, Rosina did not necessarily have completely fallen. Generally speaking, a person like Rosina It is impossible for a person to fall silently like this. Even if Chaos finds her, it cannot easily defeat her. Her strength and tenacity are obvious to all. Moreover, even if the worst happens, the rangers will not be afraid. No matter what, Rosina is just a person. No matter how talented she is, can she still fight with twenty-three rangers?

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