Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 53 No Choice (1/2)

The return journey was very smooth. There was no need to hide his figure or track the enemy's footsteps. Li ran through the jungle at the fastest speed. It took only one day for Li to return to the Brownstone Fortress.

"You are not dead," Elizabeth said impatiently as soon as she entered the meeting room of the fortress: "That's great. Since you are not dead, tell me what happened outside. What is the strange psychic explosion that affected our communication?"

Li quickly and clearly recounted the course of events.

"The Eldar have fallen here, and they have set up an altar to open the space crack!" Elizabeth frowned, "Tell me in detail what the space crack looks like."

Li was too lazy to say more, and directly called up a few photos he had taken, and projected the photos on the projection screen through the projection device.

Elizabeth looked carefully for a long time before she heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, it's not a big problem."

Li frowned slightly and asked, "What's going on? The devil will come to this world through this crack soon, why do you look indifferent?"

"Because it's not a big deal. This is not the first time we face attacks from other dimensions. Every year, the devil comes to this universe in various ways. Sometimes it's because of the climate of the universe that natural cracks appear in the space. Sometimes it's because of the cult rituals of the fallen evil god believers. The pagan remnants use summoning rituals, possession rituals, or directly open up a space channel like this to let the evil devil come to this world. But the evil devil It is impossible to stay in this world forever. Once the passage is closed and the space cracks close, it will not stay for long. Sooner or later, it will return, leaving only a dead world infected by chaos. It's like the spoiled food with a strange smell in the refrigerator. When you open the refrigerator, the smell appears. When you close the refrigerator, the smell is cut off, but the smell still floats in the air. "Elizabeth pointed to the space crack in the picture and said, "This is a temporary crack and it is not stable. Although I haven't explored it carefully, I can guess the general situation. The space in this world is relatively stable. It is not easy to open a door here. So even if you use evil rituals, it can't last too long, at most about a week. Space itself has a powerful force, and it is not casual. It is easy to drill a hole in the space leading to the other dimension and keep it stable. I guarantee that even if we do nothing, it will be difficult for the crack to last for a week after it is formed. "

"What do you think of the Eldar's words?"

"It is obvious that the Eldar want to use us. Maybe what the Eldar who talked to you said is true, but it can't be the whole truth. And now all this has nothing to do with us. The Eldar have troubles inside, and they want to eliminate their troubles, but they can't do it by their own strength, so they want to use our hands to help them achieve their goals. "

Li nodded and agreed with this statement. He asked: "What suggestions do you have?"

"We are always passive against the attacks of the evil demons in the other space, because you never We don't know what they are going to do, so generally we just make defensive deployments, set up fortifications in some important buildings or key areas, and take defensive postures, but there is nothing here worth defending. So I suggest that we evacuate immediately and just watch the Eldar fight from a distance. There is no need to get involved. After a week, at most two weeks, everything will be over, and then we will come to clean up the mess. "After thinking about it, Lisa Bai added: "Don't forget our original purpose. Capture two Eldar before leaving. This is just a border planet. There is not even an imperial resident. I don't understand what those evil demons from different spaces are thinking. What is their purpose in crossing the plane and coming here? I don't understand. The only thing worth mentioning here is the outpost under our feet. This building is too old, so it still has some historical value. It's not like these demons want to collect antiques, right? Forget it, let the demons do whatever they want here. It doesn't matter if they move all the outposts away. Just give it to them. "

Li liked this idea very much, "Good idea. The 101st Regiment can evacuate with us. Just let the Kitty Hawk run a few more times. Five hundred people are nothing for the Silver Wing. " "I can only express my gratitude for Mr. Li's kindness," said the deputy commander of the 101st Regiment, Marlborough, who was also sitting in the conference room. At this moment, he was trying to squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying. He said in a tone of great regret: "I really appreciate your help, but we still can't evacuate with you." Li didn't expect to be rejected: "Why?"

"I believe you can also see that our 101st regiment has experienced a tragic battle not long ago. Our regiment is now considered disabled. Even though the above meant that our 101st regiment should come here to rest and let the soldiers breathe. tone, and then accept further preparations, but..." Deputy Captain Marlborough rubbed his hands and sighed: "But after all, this kind of thing cannot be sent directly in the form of an order, so the order given to us is indeed to let us Come to defend the empire’s border planet Aion. As long as the order does not change, we must defend the Brownstone Fortress no matter what.”

"You were trapped in the fortress by a few rangers before and couldn't get out. Soon this place will probably become a playground for Chaos Demons. Guard this place? What are you using to guard it?" Elizabeth looked at the guns hanging on the wall. He sneered and said, "Just use this 'flashlight'?"

"That is not a 'flashlight', but the standard weapon of the Imperial Defense Force, a laser rifle," Deputy Commander Marlborough said seriously: "Although it is not very powerful, it is our standard weapon and has been used by countless Imperial Defense Forces. Use it to destroy your enemies and protect your empire."

Surprisingly, Elizabeth did not refute, she just put away the sneer at the corner of her mouth and stopped talking.

"If things really go to the worst direction, I also know that we alone cannot hold the Brownstone Fortress," Marlborough sighed, and then continued: "Even the most complete team in the 101st Regiment At that time, it was impossible to resist those terrible demons alone, but our Imperial Defense Force is different from you. We are all ordinary people, relying on discipline and orders to gather together in the name of the emperor. Ordinary people, but even if we are ordinary people. In this way, we are also soldiers. It is the duty of soldiers to obey orders. I also want to live, but the orders must be obeyed. The 101st Regiment will stick to the Brownstone Fortress. Even if there is only one bird egg here that is of some value, we will risk our lives. Defend it, and the demons will find that even if they want to snatch an egg, they will not be able to do it, even if they all sacrifice themselves for it, this cannot be changed unless a new order is given. I know this is stupid. But I also know that we are guarding not only this poor place, but also our Cadian honor!”

"It seems that some people have choices, while some people have no choice." Elizabeth looked at Li and asked coldly: "So those who have choices, what is your choice?"

Stay and accompany the 101st regiment to defend the Brownstone Fortress? No, this is the stupidest choice of all. If the addition of Li and the team he brings can indeed greatly enhance the firepower of Brownstone Fortress, especially with heavy air support firepower, the defense of Brownstone Fortress will be greatly enhanced. But the greater possibility is that Li and his party will also fall into the sea of ​​demons. When the passage is fully opened, this land will become a paradise for evil spirits, and staying here will almost mean death. Besides, what would happen even if we defended it? There was simply no point in holding on to the brownstones for Lee.

Cooperate with the Eldar to prevent the coming of demons? This seems like a wonderful choice indeed, but can the Eldar be so noble and beautiful? Is it true that the attacks on humans are all the work of a fallen Eldar as Siluf said, and have nothing to do with the Alaitok tribe? This is simply nonsense. The small-scale war with Alaitok has already started on some planets on the border. Alaitok and humans themselves are enemies rather than friends. Li would not be so naive on the battlefield. Trust the enemy.

Evacuate and then come back to clean up the mess? It seems there is no better choice than this. Even though Li didn't want the 101st Regiment to die like this, as a soldier, he would always die on the battlefield.

If they died for honor, then they died well deserved.

But just before Li made his decision, another voice suddenly sounded.

"No, actually everyone is the same. We actually have no choice." After sighing, the voice continued: "We cannot retreat. There are treasures on this planet that you can't imagine. We must protect the safety here. And I know the purpose of the demons, and I also know what they want! Warriors of the Empire, the Machine God needs you."

Li and Elizabeth looked at each other helplessly, and then looked at the speaker. Who would have thought that Gustav, who had been silent all this time, would suddenly speak, and the moment he spoke, he would reveal such important news.

"Gustave, what are you hiding? If there is important news, why didn't you tell it in the first place?"

At the beginning of this trip, Gustav, the manufacturing director of Zhiyuan 3, used the discovery of STC on the planet Aion as a reason to ask Li to reinforce the planet Aion, repel the invading Eldar, and restore the scientific station. safety.

Later, Gustav joined Lee's team and took the Kitty Hawk into the Brownstone Fortress with Elizabeth. However, Gustave remained silent along the way. He just watched and listened quietly, never speaking unless necessary.

"It's not that I want to hide it deliberately," Gustave remained calm when faced with the inquisitor's question. He explained: "It's just that the existence of those things is classified, and the fewer people who know about it, the better. Besides, the specifics are Even we haven’t figured it out yet, so how can we tell you.”

"Then please make it clear now."

"I first said that there is a science station here. In fact, it is not even a science station. It is just an observation station for observing the ecological environment of this planet." Gustav was silent for a while, as if Recalling, "It was half a year ago. The observatory here accidentally discovered the ruins of an underground ancient city. This kind of thing happens often, and naturally it has its own set of procedures. This discovery soon became like The manufacturing director on the planet recently reported it, so I learned about it. I came to Aion as soon as possible, and after evaluating it, I confirmed the greatness of this discovery. It is a colony and a hidden storage point. Through the interpretation of ancient texts, it is certain that someone has hidden extremely valuable items in the core of the underground ancient city. Since this ancient city is so precious, the excavation process is naturally cautious. Be careful, only in the early stages of excavation, we discovered the remains of an STC. Although the STC and the template in it were completely destroyed, this discovery still greatly boosted the morale of the excavation team. During the excavation, we quickly discovered a complete template.”

A perfect template was actually discovered. This is likely to be another leap forward for human technology. Everyone in the room listened with bated breath, even Deputy Captain Marlborough, who had been shrinking in his chair. They all straightened their backs and pricked up their ears, wanting to know what they had found.

Gustave knew what these people wanted to hear. This expectation was the same as when he first held up the intact manufacturing template with trembling hands. He pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose to hide his embarrassment and said: "This is a complete template. You only need to bring it back to the manufacturing world to produce the things in the template. Unfortunately, this It’s just a small manufacturing template, and what’s stored in the template is not military equipment.”

"Then what exactly can this template produce?"

Gustave spit out one word: "Coca-Cola."


Elizabeth muttered, "What is this? Never heard of it."

"The name sounds pretty good, and it's easy to pronounce." Deputy Captain Marlboro also expressed his opinion.

"But it's useless. May the Mechanic God forgive me," Gustav explained seriously: "After prediction, this manufacturing template can only produce a black sparkling drink. I don't understand what this drink has." Special purpose, theoretically speaking, it cannot be used as a substitute for engine oil, it has no lubricating effect, and it cannot be used as fuel. Is it just for drinking? If it is used for drinking, how should we explain the large amount of carbonic acid in it? I have thought hard for a long time, but I still can't understand it. The will of the Machine God is so profound that it is really difficult for us mortals to figure it out."


"Black, with bubbles?" Elizabeth turned her head away in disgust, "It's so disgusting."

"It doesn't seem like anything extraordinary now, but that's the reality. I've led teams to excavate more than 300 times in various places. Most of the time, we found nothing except sand and soil. We're lucky. From time to time, we would also take out a few corpses and some funerary objects, which can be regarded as antiques. There are boring nobles who are willing to spend a lot of money to buy these things. Only a few times, we found the STC we were longing for, but most of the time. They are all damaged. It is very difficult to find a intact STC template this time. I am not complaining, I am just describing. The God of Machines not only gave me technology, but also gave me a test this time. God’s blessing.”

"Even if it can only be used to produce a black, fizzy drink?" Elizabeth had a great prejudice against Coca-Cola. "Well, that thing is actually a drink? Can it be used to drink? Those people in ancient times were What are you thinking about? I feel sick just thinking about it.”

"This kind of excavation is like a gambling game played by the archons of some worlds, lottery? Yes, this is it, just like winning the lottery, able to unearth intact, suitable, and practical stc The template is like winning the first prize. The probability of this is extremely low. "But now we are the lucky ones. With the blessing of the mechanical god, we have won the first prize."

"Did you win the jackpot just because you dug out a template for making drinks?"

"Lord Judge, please let Coca-Cola go. Of course, winning the jackpot is not because of that template. This template was just excavated in the living area outside the ancient city, but it already explains a lot of problems. A complete STC template represents As the storage environment here is good, in a good environment we may find more stc templates that can be used, and there are wider areas in the ancient city that we have not yet explored. Think about it, what I have discovered until now The team has only completed the exploration of the first layer of the ancient city, and the excavation of the second layer has just begun. These are just the outermost living areas of the city. What can we find if we continue to delve into other areas? Think about it, there are still so many unknown areas waiting for us to explore, including the data archive area and the military industrial area. Just imagine what we can dig out of it. It is very likely that the empire's technology will make a leap."

"It's just possible."

“But it is very likely! This is not just a guess, but there is a complete STC template as evidence,” Gustav took out a drawing and unfolded it on the table before continuing: “Besides, even if there is only a 1% chance, we should try our best. For the Mechanical God and the Empire, sacrifice is inevitable, but this sacrifice is worth it!”

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