Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 52 Verbal Covenant (1/2)

"I'm sorry," Li put away the dagger, "I really don't know who the enemy is. In my eyes, all the Spirit Tribe people are the same, just like bean sprouts. You may not know what bean sprouts are. They are a kind of A delicate and delicate plant that will snap if you pinch it lightly. Okay, so what do you want to talk about with me, the bean sprouts of the Spirit Tribe?"

"Of course I'm here to help you." The Eldar turned around and took off her head armor, revealing an exquisite face. "I am the son of Silufu Starlight, a human monkey. Please at least keep it." Basic courtesy, take off your head armor, show your face, and let us talk face to face."

Silufu has smooth and fair skin, light blue eyes as clear as lake water, long platinum hair, and light red lips. In appearance, she was no different from a human being. If it weren't for her slightly pointed ears, Li would almost think that the person standing in front of him was a human being. But no matter how you say it, you can't deny that she is an out-and-out beauty. The close-fitting Eldar soft armor well outlines her wonderful curves, slightly bulging breasts, slender waist, and slender legs. The legs, just standing casually in front of them, exude an alluring appeal. They are like beautiful flowers blooming in the jungle. Their faint fragrance is sultry and tempting to pick. However, the jungle is not a peaceful and peaceful place. Here, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are. Under her noble and beautiful appearance, she is full of unpredictable terrifying power.

The Silufu in front of her was beautiful, elegant, and had pointed ears. She looked like an elf from a fantasy novel. It's just that this "elf" wears highly skilled psychic armor, has an Eldar sniper long rifle on his shoulder that is thousands of times more dangerous than bows and arrows, and has a long knife on his waist that can be drawn out at any time, and these weapons are The owner doesn't seem to be very peace-loving.

"What are you looking at? Human, show your face, or are you too shy to see people with your true colors?"

While Li took off his helmet, he said with a little embarrassment: "No, I have never seen the appearance of the Spirit Race people. I was a little, ahem, shocked for a moment. You look very similar to humans."

"You also look very similar to the Eldar. I have never seen a warrior as fair and handsome as you," Silufu squinted her eyes and looked at Li unscrupulously, her eyes full of admiration and love, and she praised. : "You have a very good appearance. Even among my clan, you are considered handsome. You are like a work of art. If you are from the Eldest clan, maybe we can become friends." Then she shook her head and said: "But one thing, don't make any mistake. You are a human, and I am an Eldar. While your ancestors were still striving to evolve as single-celled animals, we Eldar were already soaring among the stars. The physical resemblance is just a coincidence of evolution, we are two completely different races."

Li shrugged, not feeling ashamed at all that he had the ancestor of a single-celled animal. He just said seriously: "I personally prefer a rougher appearance. To be honest, he doesn't look like a warrior. Some people call him I’m a pretty boy, and people ask me the price when I’m walking alone on the street.”

"Oh, human beings, human beings, barbaric and vulgar," Silufu did not hide her disdain for Li's words, "War, killing, bloodshed, and death can all be beautiful. No, to be precise, it should be Beauty is everywhere, even as a warrior, you should not give up the pursuit of beauty. A warrior is your profession, fighting is your task, and the pursuit of beauty is your personal taste and quality. "

"Is this why you called me out?"

"Of course not," Siluf raised her head slightly, "I just want to tell you who your real enemy is."

"Please tell me."

"Rosina Windwhisper, my former good sister, is my only sister. She is the brightest star among Alaitoc and the most outstanding genius. She has walked many paths with ease and is proficient in various combat skills. Fire Dragon, Screaming Banshee, Dark Death, Whirling Eagle, Ranger, and even Prophet." Li noticed that with every strange word that represented the path coming out of Siluf's mouth, her expression became uglier. , "She can learn it if she wants to."

Li took a breath, and then said: "Although you are speaking so seriously, I still have to tell you that I don't understand what you are talking about at all, Dao Tu, Fire Dragon, Screaming Banshee, Dark Death, Like that, I knew you were rangers."

"Naturally, I should let you know," Siluf said: "We, the spirit race, are born to be nobler than you humans. This is not just empty talk. Compared with humans, the spirit race people are smarter and more responsive. Our heartbeats The speed is twice that of humans, and the instantaneous reaction speed is even faster, making it difficult for ordinary humans to track it. "

Xilufu's words made Li a little unhappy, so he politely told the truth, "I almost cut your throat just now."

"You are not an ordinary human being. Although what I am saying is just some basic common sense, it should be considered very useful information for humans. Do you want to continue listening?"


"Then please don't interrupt me so rudely," Siluf continued: "I said before, we Eldar have stronger bodies, faster reactions, and smarter minds. Not only that, there are also people who are stronger than humans. A longer lifespan, but even all of these combined cannot be compared to the most important power, the core of our civilization, that is, every Eldar is born with psionic energy. As controllers, we can use the powerful power of spiritual energy, but this is not without cost." Silu Fulu said with a little sadness, "Compared with humans, our tribe's minds tend to be more extreme. The sense of accomplishment after acquiring new knowledge and skills; the thrill of intense heartbeat during battle; the joy of tasting delicious food; the joy of being with your lover; the joy of appreciating beautiful things; love, hatred, despair, pain, Anger, all these emotions are stronger than humans."

"Psychic energy is a terrible power. No living being, not even us spirit tribesmen, can freely enjoy this sweet fruit without bearing the consequences. A spirit that completely succumbs to her desires. The tribe will eventually be destroyed by her evil. This is the cause of the end of our ancestors."

"I don't quite understand. Is being destroyed by one's own body just a metaphor?"

"No, it's not an exaggerated metaphor, it's just a true description. Our race once controlled this galaxy far more thoroughly than you humans. In the most glorious years, even the brightness and death of stars respected our race's Will. But the Ancient Eldar indulged their lust too much, so the evil god Slaanesh was born from the body of the Ancient Eldar, the Lady of Thirst, the embodiment of the end of the Eldar, and then she was born. , destroyed our race, and only a few exiles escaped that disaster, but Slaanesh has not given up, she is still hunting the Eldar, and we will use all methods to fight her and destroy them. The battle will last forever until Slaanesh is destroyed or the last Eldar dies."

"So for our Eldar race, there is nothing more terrifying than corruption," Siluf said with a hint of fear: "This means that your soul will be destroyed by our race's biggest enemy, Slaanesh. Control. The path exists to avoid the most terrifying things from happening. Every Eldar will choose a subject, and then mastering this subject will become his mission and nothing else. Each subject is called a path, and each path requires further decision-making and specialization. As a result, most of my people's energy will be focused on her path, and her inner nature will be severely punished. Control so that we can stop ourselves from going down the wrong path and avoid being destroyed by Slaanesh.”

"Rosina Windwhisper is a genius among the Eldar people. She is proficient in various branches of the warrior path. The path of the fire dragon means that she can skillfully use various thermal fusion weapons. On the battlefield, flame is her comrade; The path of the Screaming Banshee means that she is good at close combat. She can wield her double swords and cut people into pieces, and her screams are particularly harsh and can easily make creatures faint. The sound becomes your enemy; the Dark Death's Path The road means that she is good at using weapons, especially heavy weapons for one person. She is especially good at long-distance attacks, and distance cannot protect you; the whirling eagle means that she is not only walking on the land, but she can also soar in the blue sky. It will no longer be safe; the ranger has made her good at hiding, and she will be able to hide anywhere. Being an enemy with her means that every step is dangerous and murderous is everywhere." At this point, Siluf stopped, seeming to be lost in memories. After a while, she continued: "She is so powerful, so smart, yet so gentle. I don't understand how things got to this point. Among all people, she is the least She may have fallen." Siluf sighed and said, "But there is no point in talking about it now. In short, she has fallen. She is lost in her own desire. The evil god Slaanesh has taken control of her and wants to use her. Open the passage to another space and allow more evil spirits to come into this world. She is our enemy and we must destroy her. "

Li pointed to the not-so-obvious space crack above his head not far away and said, "Then this is also Rosina's masterpiece."

"Yes, her work." Siluf said with a gloomy face: "The beginning of the matter was a conspiracy. Some time ago, I received a message from Rosina. She said that she encountered some difficult things, which made her fall into When she was in trouble, the desires and emotions in her heart were as uncontrollable as a beast breaking free from its shackles. She believed that she was on a path of no return and that only death could stop her depravity. She hoped that I could kill her. , She hopes to die in the hands of her best sister, and she hopes to lie in my arms at the last moment."

Li nodded and said, "She cheated on you."

"Indeed, but the strange thing is that the message can't be completely said to be a lie. There were rumors before that Rosina had lost her mind. She attacked humans at will in human gathering areas, sometimes civilians, and sometimes imperial officials. It is said that she caused a lot of trouble to humans. At first, no one cared about this. There was no peace between us and the empire, and killing a few humans was nothing. But the problem is that she didn't simply kill the enemy, but tortured them more cruelly. She indulged in the pleasure of killing and couldn't control herself. For her, killing was not work, fighting, or anything else, but a pure enjoyment."

Li remembered the video that Elizabeth showed him on the way to the Far East, the Eldar who brutally tortured the members of the Inquisition, "It can't be such a coincidence."

"What kind of coincidence?"

"On the way here, I saw a video of an Eldar killing an imperial official. She cruelly cut the imperial official into more than a thousand pieces alive. Her name seems to be this."

And she skinned him alive and raped him at the same time. Li could not forget that scene, which was not only bloody but also erotic. Of course, it was more of a crazy distortion and perversion.

"It seems that the rumors are true. It must be Rosina. Generally speaking, my people will not torture and kill the enemy. It is meaningless to do so," said Sylph with a bitter face: "It seems that she has already become a slave of the ** and has been completely twisted by the demons of Slaanesh. Most of what she said in her message is true. The only difference is that she chose the planet "Aion" not as her own cemetery, but as a cemetery for us. The purpose of her message was not to let us kill her, but on the contrary, she lured us here and intended to kill us. She had already arranged an evil altar on this planet, and the evil psychic array was running non-stop. She killed us, and then used our blood and lives to hold a sacrifice, using our death to open the space channel. . Fortunately, that is an unfinished passage, and we still have a chance. Once the crack is formed and the passage is fully opened, the chaotic demons from the other space will pour out continuously. This world will become a paradise for demons. "

"Paradise? This is just a border planet, what fun can it have." Li shrugged and asked, "Why don't you run away?"

"Escape? This is the battlefield she chose, and the trap she set with her own hands. How could she let us escape?" Xilufu sighed and said, "If we could leave, we would have left long ago. Which Alaitok would be willing to be the enemy of Rosina? Not to mention that I can't defeat her, even if I can win, how can I kill her? Killing her or being killed by her, I really don't know which one is more terrible. "

"Fight with this belief? You are alive now. It's a miracle."

"No, those are just some complaints. I know clearly that Rosina, who used to be a gentle sister, has long died. Now there is only a demon occupying Rosina's body. I want to kill her, but I lack the strength. Some of my people are scattered around the fortress to suppress your soldiers to prevent them from running around and causing trouble, while the other part is hunting Rosina in the jungle. As a result, you should have seen that we have no way to deal with her."

"I saw that you were easily hunted by that Rosina. After saying so much, it's time to get back to the point. What kind of cooperation do you want?"

"A verbal covenant. Now, we have a common enemy, and until the common enemy is defeated, we are allies."

"I can't make such a covenant with you on behalf of others," Li sighed and said: "I'm just a small scout, no one listens to what I say."

"I don't represent the entire Eldar either, so you don't have to take it too seriously. It's just a verbal covenant, and there won't even be a written record. And we're all just small people, and this covenant is only valid on this planet. After dealing with the problems here, we'll each go back to our own paths. If we have a chance to meet again, we can sit down and talk about our respective situations in peacetime, and if it's wartime, we can fight for our respective races." Xilufu paused, and then continued: "Please take my words to the decision-makers in the fortress. Even though there are all kinds of frictions, misunderstandings, and even hostility between us, we should stand together in this situation. I believe your leaders will understand this."

"It's a very reasonable suggestion, so are these the words I need to bring?"

"Please hurry up, we don't have much time. During this period, Rosina's actions were very regular. She went out hunting every three days, then disappeared, and continued to hunt three days later. Every three days, a cycle, the space channel became more and more obvious in such a cycle. I guess that she has to perform a sacrificial ceremony to strengthen the passage during these three days, so she can't go out hunting. Today, it has reached a point where it can be seen with the naked eye, and she killed four elves in this battle. I think the passage will be more stable in three days. Maybe in three days, some weak demons will be able to pass through the passage and appear in this world. So we'd better end the battle within three days. This is a precious opportunity for us. After three days, the passage will be initially stable, and then demons will flow out of it."

"I understand, so how should we contact each other after I go back?"

"Outside Brownstone Fortress, as long as you come out alone, I will get the news, and I will naturally appear soon."


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