Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 59 Nightmare Time (1/2)

"So we can only push through one by one. The enemies gather together and are on guard. We rush in, kill them all, and destroy what they are protecting. Then we go to the next one and do it again," Li His hands trembled slightly, he clasped his fingers together, shook his head and said, "What a stupid idea."

"I see you are shaking," Elizabeth asked doubtfully, "Are you scared?"

"No, how could it be? I should say how could it be possible? Astarte is fearless, I'm just a little excited," Li said with a smile: "My first battle with the devil was also my last battle. I fell on the battlefield, but I was not willing to do so. At that time, we did not understand this kind of enemy, and we did not bother to understand it, because no one could defeat us except ourselves. The same is true. If it weren't our own problem, even if the evil god came in person, we would be confident that we could defeat it. Among all the enemies, what I hate the most are these unnatural monsters from different spaces. They are not armors. And what the armor can block, the battle with them is not just on the battlefield. If I can, I will naturally hope to meet the demons in the battlefield branch where I am good at. I am looking forward to the way the blood of the demons splashes when the enemy is there. To be on guard, we rush in together and kill them all. To be honest, I have never done such a thing. If the enemy is stupid enough to do something similar, we usually use heavy weapons to raze them. Block a place, bombard it, or bomb it. It is simple, fast, and efficient, so I say that the method we are using now is a stupid method, but it is a good method. I like to do this to throw bombs from a distance, or just report them easily. The coordinates are a bit too strategic, not like a battle, but more like a game. It’s very safe, but also very boring.”

"Maybe you should examine your heart and don't let yourself get lost in the pursuit of violence. We go to the battlefield not to pursue fun, but to fulfill our duties."

"Hahahaha," Li Chang laughed happily. After a while, he stopped laughing and said, "Don't worry, I won't become a murderer who loses his mind. This is how we have always been. In the past, In the era, we spread faith in massacre; in battle, we spread truth. But now, we use the blood of the enemy to sing the emperor's hymn; we use chain swords and bolt guns to play music. Times have changed. It's different, but the battlefield hasn't changed. We came, we killed, we won, and this will never change." Li ended the conversation with a smile, "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty the Inquisitor, that's what I said. Really, thank you for your concern. I'm going to work the first shift. You should take a rest first. The environment here doesn't seem to be very friendly to you. Have a good rest and adjust yourself. You will have to do intense exercise soon. "

Elizabeth smiled and surprisingly didn't say much, and she really needed some rest now.

Of course, she didn't agree with Li's thoughts. Obviously, Li didn't believe what he said. Whether he used fighting to spread the truth or used killing to praise the emperor, they were just different opinions in his mouth. He said these words with a joking expression, but he didn't believe them all. All Li believed in was fighting and victory itself. It was a simple and crude idea, but it was Li's philosophy after all, and it was the philosophy that soldiers learned on the battlefield.

There was no prayer, no preacher’s rhetoric, no commander’s inflammatory speech. Some are just a desire to fight and an unwavering belief in victory.

It seems that as long as he is around, victory will become inevitable.

At this moment, Li Huan looked like a chain sword passed down from the legendary era. The blade was already rusty and the saw teeth had long lost their sharpness. It seemed to be no threat. But when he set foot on the battlefield, this sword The ancient chain sword started to rotate again, and the engine made an ancient roar. The sound was low but powerful. The seemingly invulnerable saw teeth contained terrifying destructive power under the high-speed rotation.

This is a scene that cannot be seen in the interrogation room, and cannot be read in the text files. In a peaceful world, soldiers wrap themselves up with polite words, respectful attitudes, harmless smiles, and layers of illusions. , try your best to make yourself harmless so as not to hurt others by mistake. But now, all these illusions were torn to pieces by the rotating saw teeth. Only at this moment, on the eve of the battle that was about to take place on the battlefield, did Li reveal his ferocious appearance, his true appearance.

Suddenly, Elizabeth had such a strange idea. This pretty boy, hey, maybe this man was born to belong to the battlefield. This is his home. On the battlefield, he is just like at home. He showed The most authentic and relaxing side.

This kind of Li gives people a special sense of trust. He is about to face the tension of the devil. It seems that the endless spiral staircase puts pressure on people's heads. The weird environment makes people tense. All of them are reflected in Li's words and smile. Be able to relax in it. Elizabeth herself felt a little strange about this. Even though Li did not have strong muscles or a broad chest, his smile was still clean and hearty, just like the sky after a summer rain. All the haze was swept away, leaving only the cleansing. Live a clean and sober world.

So Elizabeth happily accepted Li's kindness. She took off her armor, wrapped her body tightly with a cloak, lay on the sofa without any defense, closed her eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

She was indeed too tired.

Li walked out of the room gently, closed the door, and began to patrol around.

Elizabeth breathed steadily, her long and thick eyelashes trembled slightly, there was no sound in the room, but she still heard the voice that had been haunting her for many years.

Perhaps it was because of the strange environment here, or perhaps after being highly nervous and relaxing, her defenses revealed a slight flaw. No matter what the reason was, the nightmare that had been haunting Elizabeth swooped back with an unprecedented ferocity.

Elizabeth happily saw the waves on the beach recede, revealing an unprecedented underwater world, but before she could be happy, the chaotic sea swooped back with a more ferocious and ferocious posture, and the surging waves swept away everything, easily throwing her up and then sweeping her away.

So Elizabeth went back to that time, where the nightmare began, and she heard the sound again.

Chewing sound, as if someone was eating, biting bones, and her mouth was full of juice. She woke up from her dream, but still closed her eyes. She felt the breeze gently blowing across her face, with a hint of the temperature of fire in the wind, and the intermittent and faint crying in the distance.

For some reason, she knew very well that it was the crying of a mother and her daughter.

It was an early morning, and the sun danced lightly on Elizabeth's eyelashes. The surroundings were very quiet. There were no footsteps from the street, no noise from car engines, no roosters crowing, no dogs barking, and even the chirping of birds had disappeared. The whole world was extremely silent, leaving only the chewing sound and the crying coming from afar with the breeze.

What was that chewing sound? Elizabeth wanted to open her eyes to see.

Don't open your eyes, don't open your eyes, don't open your eyes! Another Elizabeth screamed anxiously in her heart, but the Elizabeth in the dream could not hear the roar in her heart. Her eyelids were heavy, but her mind was full of questions, so she tried to open her eyes slightly.

She saw a strong and huge red-skinned demon, squatting on the other side of the room with his back to her.

The chewing sound came from the mouth of this demon. The monster held the body of a nun in one hand, opened his big mouth full of sharp teeth, and sent the nun's slender legs into his mouth, biting down fiercely, tilting his head, pulling, and tearing with one hand. One of the nun's legs was torn off from his body, followed by a big chewing sound, biting bones, and blood and flesh splashing. The nun had been dead for a long time, her neck twisted in a weird posture, her eyes wide open, looking at Elizabeth without spirit.

Stand up! Stand up! ! Stand up! ! ! You coward, stand up and rush out singing praises to the emperor!

But Elizabeth at that time could not hear the roar from the depths of her heart, and the past history would not change.

In her dream, time had already flowed back to the beginning of everything.

She woke up from her confusion in an instant and understood where she was.

At that time, Elizabeth was still a newcomer among the combat nuns. This was her first time to participate in a combat mission. Unfortunately, her first time was not good. The nuns encountered a very difficult task.

She was on Planet No. 3 in the Abel Galaxy, where a rare crime had occurred. Unknowingly, the people on this planet had been polluted by evil thoughts. The evil thoughts were like a disease that could infect others, spreading among the people, corroding their thoughts and burning their souls. Ignorant people shouted about freedom of belief and religious freedom, but they were committing heinous crimes. These fanatics destroyed churches and killed state church priests. They resisted the Emperor in the name of freedom, despised the Emperor's majesty, and ignored the Emperor's gift. These ignorant guys don't know that they are not born with freedom. Without the Holy Emperor, they will have nothing!

The small number of local crusaders can't stop the crazy people at all, and the local garrison here also participated in the rebellion. The local army opened the arsenal and let the mob rush in to grab weapons.

This is a carefully planned rebellion, and the mission of the nun group where Elizabeth is located is to arrive at this planet, demonstrate the majesty of the Emperor here, and completely eliminate the rebellion.

When the nuns came to this world, they found that the scale of the rebellion was underestimated. When they realized this, the nuns were surrounded by the mob. Facing the armed enemies, the nuns launched the attack without hesitation. But the enemy was not a real warrior. Before picking up weapons, they were just ordinary civilians. Some of them were white-collar workers in offices, some were factory workers, some were housewives, and some were wretched school janitors wearing white towels. Some of these people had only shot at the shooting range, and more had never touched firearms. They were just ordinary people who were fascinated by a novel idea and those fancy and unrealistic statements. The laser rifle in their hands gave them a false confidence. When they held the cold gun with both hands, felt the wooden butt with their arms, put their fingers on the trigger, and put living people in the crosshairs, they felt unprecedented pleasure. That was the satisfaction that ordinary people could not feel. That was the huge power that could not be touched in daily life to control the life and death of others. Just a slight pull of the trigger can easily take away a living life with this weapon used for killing.

When the confidence of these fools was unprecedentedly inflated, the nuns ignored the encirclement, the disadvantage in numbers, and the negotiation requests from the enemy. The nuns prayed to the Emperor, sang hymns, and launched a ruthless attack on these fools.

It was as easy as smashing an egg with a hammer. It was a thorough massacre.

The bolt bullets smashed the enemy's body into pieces, like torn rags; the chainsaw sword roared and cut the flesh and body, and humans screamed and were sawed and dismembered; the flamethrower burned them into charcoal, purifying all the sins here. The inflated confidence of the mob was like a bloated balloon, which was lightly poked by the nuns and burst.

As usual, under the protection of the Emperor, victory is a matter of course. But winning the battle does not mean the end of the work. On the contrary, for the nuns, the work has just begun.

Even in the 40th millennium, interstellar travel is not an ordinary thing. The Empire sent the nuns from tens of thousands of light years away not just to win a battle, but to completely solve the problem. Yes, the nuns won the victory, but the problem has not been solved. On the contrary, the problem is buried deeper.

There are still many people who are contaminated by heresy. After this obvious battle, they will know how to hide their thoughts. People who yearn for freedom will engrave freedom in the depths of their hearts and then bury it deeply. Buried together is hatred. The relatives and friends of the dead will not reflect on themselves. They will not face the obvious sins committed by their relatives and friends. They have hatred for the Empire, but they know that they cannot confront it head-on. They will pretend to be obedient and wait for the next opportunity. Perhaps after the nuns leave, the second rebellion will appear again.

The problem is very difficult, but the nuns are experts in solving this kind of problem.

Completely eradicate the seeds of rebellion and the soil in which the seeds live. This is the mission of the nuns. If you don't know whose soul is corroded by heresy, then purify all those who may be corroded; if you don't know who has hatred in their hearts, then wipe out all possible hatred.

The battle on the battlefield is just the beginning of the massacre. After the battle, the massacre gradually moves to the end.

The enemy is no longer the men on the battlefield, but also the unarmed women and the resentful children. The nuns smashed their doors, rushed into their homes, purified them with flames and bolt guns, and used more brutal and cold killings to promote the emperor's authority. It is true that not everyone is guilty. Some people are swept up by the mob. They are in the excited crowd and have to echo everyone's opinions in order to protect themselves. Some people express their opposition with silence, but the nuns have no time and energy to distinguish all this. Free thoughts spread in the air like viruses through rumors. Even if you open this person's mind with a chainsaw sword, you can't see what he is thinking.

Eradicating evil and cultivating the soil of evil is one of the many tasks of the nuns.

As the work continued, the space for the pagans to hide became smaller and smaller. These evil guys pretended to be ordinary people and hid in the crowd. When their concealment disappeared, these evils would eventually reveal their tracks.

At the beginning, the crowd here shouted "For freedom" and killed the missionaries of the state religion. In the end, the desperate people shouted "I want revenge" and used evil rituals and the lives of countless women and children as sacrifices to summon the evil spirits.

At that time, Elizabeth did not know this. She was just a weapon in this crazy battle, a newcomer holding a bolt gun. She did not need to think or feel guilty. She only needed to pray, then accept orders and perform tasks. She did not care who the enemy was, how powerful or weak they were, she did not care about the tearful begging of women, she did not care about the crazy counterattack of her crazy father, and she did not care about the old man kneeling in front of her and begging for forgiveness from the Emperor of God. She just pulled the trigger and brought destruction and fire in the name of the Holy Emperor.

In the subsequent work, the nuns dispersed and carried out tasks in small teams. Elizabeth's team received an order to purify a small town. As a result, Elizabeth's team was ambushed in this small town. When the nuns broke open the door and rushed into the house, they no longer saw terrified faces and trembling people. Instead, they saw a real evil demon.

The demon had red skin, goat-like horns on his head, and sinful flames flashing in his eyes. When the demon opened his mouth, Elizabeth saw the forked tongue in the demon's mouth like a snake, and sharp teeth like sharks.

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