The devil looked at the team of nuns and uttered "obscene words". It was not the vulgar language described in the description, but the real obscene language, the language of the devil with curses. Then the devil stretched out his hand, with just one finger, a girl who was the same generation as Elizabeth The novice nun dropped her bolter, tore her body apart, screamed, and fell down twitching.

No one explained to Elizabeth, but Elizabeth understood what happened in an instant. The blood in the poor nun's veins boiled in an instant. It was not a rhetorical description of hot blood, but real boiling. , just like water boiling on the stove, after a while, the nun stopped moving, and red mist slowly floated out from the nun's eyes, ears, nostrils, and even her skin.

Then the devil smiled and pointed at another person. At this moment, the team leader Sister Xishan took a step forward. She stood in front of everyone, "Faith is your protection!" she shouted. Following the emperor's sacred words, the emperor's words not only gave her courage, but also gave her strength. The golden light shone on her armor, and the black power like mist melted and dissipated under the golden light. Under the protection of her, no witchcraft can harm her.

No demon can bring evil upon the Emperor's turf to harm his daughters, and true Sisters of Battle fear no evil.

"Fire, Sisters, do not be afraid, the God-Emperor is watching us! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!"

The bolt guns in the hands of the nuns began to roar, and soon the flamethrowers also began to fire. Raging flames and heavy rain of bolt shells poured towards the demon. What was shocking was that all these attacks Can't really hurt the devil. The red muscles all over the demon's body suddenly swelled, like an inflated balloon. Neither flames nor bolt rounds could penetrate his flesh.

Is this still a biological body? You must know that even the steel plate cannot withstand such an attack, but the devil in front of it has endured the fierce attack of a group of nuns. What a terrifying body is this?

The devil smiled ferociously, and then disappeared in front of the nuns. The next moment, he suddenly appeared behind Sister Spike. The devil bent down, and lightly held Sister Spike's powerful pair of hands with one big hand. He lifted her up with his calf, and pinched her thigh with his other hand, just like twisting a towel. With just an easy twist, Sister Spike's legs were tangled together like twists, and the devil Then he chuckled and put Sister Spock aside, and continued to look for new prey among the panicked team of nuns.

This is just the beginning of the nightmare.

The subsequent memory images began to fragment, with roaring bolters, jetting flames, and phosphorus explosive grenades. The nuns fought bravely, but the demon was too powerful. The battle fell into a desperate situation in an instant, but even so, the nuns They still fought bravely, and then were defeated and killed by the demons one by one!

Elizabeth was slapped into the corner by the devil's palm. She fainted under the heavy blow. When she woke up, she could no longer feel her body. Elizabeth's body was twisted in a weird posture, as if she was still being beaten. Like the rag doll in the corner, it just sat with its back against the wall, unable to move, while the devil was enjoying a delicious meal in the room unscrupulously.

After resting for a while, the pain from all parts of her body was gradually felt. She carefully moved her ankles and wrists to make sure that she could move.

The bolt gun fell not far in front of Elizabeth. As long as she pounced forward, she could pick up the gun and attack the demon.

She imagined many ways to start the attack in her mind, from the most conventional one, where she pounced on the bolter, picked up the weapon, shot, rolled to hide, and continued fighting, to the most tragic one, where she held a phosphorus blast grenade and charged. Die with the devil.

But no matter what kind of beginning, she could only think of the same ending, that is, she would die and the devil would live!

Elizabeth remained still as she pondered over and over again. An emotion called "fear" by ordinary people controlled her silently. The demon in front of her was so powerful that even a whole team of battle nuns were overwhelmed. This demon was killed easily, the demon killed easily. Even when the battle was at its fiercest, the demon still had a cruel and relaxed smile on his face, as well as contempt for the nuns. It felt like an adult watching a child kill him with a small fruit knife. Looking back, it took less than five minutes for the powerful demon to eliminate her group of nuns. The terrifying scene in front of her, the cruel and powerful enemies, the huge disparity in strength, she was just an ordinary woman after all... Elizabeth was thinking in her heart She has found so many reasons for herself, and she is still continuing. If she continues, she will be able to find ten thousand reasons for being timid.

But she also understood that even a hundred thousand reasons could not suppress the cowardice in her heart, and bravery often did not require even one reason.

You coward, have you forgotten the sacred words of the emperor? Cowards will die of shame!

But no matter how hard she tried, at that moment, the animalistic human survival instinct firmly took over. Her fear of death and desire for life firmly controlled her. Rationally, she understood that she should resist immediately. , fought bravely to the death. But the body is rejecting reason.

It is better to die for the God-Emperor than to live for oneself. She has said these words thousands of times, and she knows all these truths.

But at this moment, she couldn't do it.

It is impossible for all warriors to be brave and brave, and it is impossible for all nuns to be loyal and fearless. There are always some weak ones. They are born weak and there is no way. Maybe I was born a weak person, but now I realize this fact, Elizabeth thought, almost giving up the fight. She forced herself to close her eyes, not to look at the cruel scene, not to look at the tempting bolt gun at a distance that she didn't want to see, but the sound could not be blocked by her eyelids. Even if she didn't look at it, she knew it clearly. Knowing what was happening now, the sounds of chewing filled the ears, bones were bitten off, and blood and flesh were scattered.

It was a chaotic time. Elizabeth's heart was full of contradictions, and the memories of the outside world were so cruel. Everything seemed fragmented, as if she had fallen into the most terrifying nightmare.

The sisters are being eaten. Ye Liufeng has a special name. She is a beautiful senior nun. She comes from the world of Haizhou. She is mature, enthusiastic, and caring like a big sister to all newcomers. Along the way, she treats herself As well as being cared for and taken care of by the other newcomers, she is gentle, considerate, considerate and simply perfect. Of course, she also has her own little troubles. She is always worried about her D-cup breasts. It is not an easy task to stuff those two balls of white, crispy and soft flesh into the power armor. She She often needs help from others, and Elizabeth is the one who often helps her. The two lumps of flesh on her chest that Elizabeth pinched were soft and elastic, making people want to bury their face deep in them and rub them hard. , feels good in hand.

As a result, when Elizabeth woke up, Ye Liufeng had already been stripped naked, and her originally beautiful body had become a bit scary. Only one side of her breast was left. Elizabeth watched helplessly as Malinda looked at the other side of her. , her slender legs were bitten, torn off, and eaten. There wasn't even a scream, Malinda just died.

Spike is not dead yet. Her beautiful face is bloody and bloody. Her nose, ears and eyes are all missing from her face. Her limbs are broken and she is lying on the ground twisted in a strange way. She is just left alone by the devil. Throw it aside. But she was still yelling, but the devil didn't care, as if it was background music.

Elizabeth gritted her teeth and endured all this, but after a while, she heard more strange sounds, footsteps, a woman's moans of pleasure, and the sound of juice splashing freely.

What is this? Who's coming again? Why does that woman's voice sound so familiar?

Elizabeth opened her eyes a little, carefully peeking into the real and cruel world, and saw an even more shocking scene.

The captain of the nun team where Elizabeth belongs, her leader and mentor, the senior nun Sishan, did not die in the battle, but being alive does not mean luck. Now Sishan, who is captured by the devil, is enduring the pain that Elizabeth cannot do. Understanding the cruel punishment, Xishan was being desecrated by some strange vines, no, more like the legendary tentacle monster.

Two thick tentacles rolled up Sister Xishan's arms and pulled her up into the air. Another two tentacles wrapped around Xishan's ankles and flew her legs apart. Another tentacle curled up. He grabbed Xishan's waist and held her whole body in the air!

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