Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 62: Wooden Cross on Scorched Earth

Elizabeth quickly took out the pistol placed on the outside of her thigh. This was Elizabeth's last weapon. Against the enemy in front of her, the small pistol in her hand would not be more useful than a toy water gun, because it was just a gun that could only fire It's just an ordinary pistol with brass bullets. If it misses the vital point, this weapon cannot kill even ordinary people.

But this kind of thing no longer matters to Elizabeth, because this pistol is not reserved for the enemy, but for herself.

She didn't even need to look to see how the situation would develop. Bolt shells could not cause substantial damage to the powerful enemy in front of her. The entire group of nuns that had just been wiped out was the ironclad proof that the demon was powerful. The demon was unscathed by the intensive bolter fire from a small group of nuns. Even the flamethrower and phosphorus grenades could not kill the enemy. She just hoped that the strafing just now would give herself some time.

Elizabeth put the pistol against her temple, hesitated for a moment, then put the muzzle of the pistol into her mouth, held the pistol with her lips, changed her gesture, and decisively pulled the trigger with her thumb.

"You actually pulled the trigger. This is really impressive." Demon Brother Fifteen said with a mean smile: "But you are too slow. You can't hesitate at this time. If you are the first If you pull the trigger when you aim at the temple for the first time, then even the devil can't do anything about it, but you are a little slower."

But now, something happened.

The bullet did not roar out of the cold barrel and overturn his skull. Elizabeth did not feel pain, did not die, her mouth was still intact, only a salty, fishy, ​​strong liquid shot into her throat from the muzzle of the gun.

Elizabeth pulled out the pistol in her mouth. This small women's self-defense pistol had turned into a toy water gun at some point. Of course, the life and death sprayed from this gun was not clean water... but these were all gone. It doesn't matter anymore, everything is over, she just doesn't understand, how could things become like this? "Fa, what happened? My gun?"

"Your gun? Oh, that toy was a bit dangerous, so I changed it to my gun for you, and then shot a round in your mouth. There's nothing difficult to understand. It's that simple. It's a little magic. "Do you like it?" The tentacles around Brother Fifteen trembled and said proudly: "Your lips are very sexy. Just seeing you holding the barrel of the gun makes me completely hard. In the future, Let me help you, brother, I will let you understand what the real paradise is."

"Ah? Ah!" Elizabeth was completely dumbfounded. Now she could no longer escape and could only face the deepest despair.

"Hey, what the hell? Why do you look so stupid? You wouldn't have lost your mind like this."

"I, I don't want to die! No, don't be controlled by the devil, don't be your toy. I want to live, live, save me, who will save me. Holy Emperor, please, I beg you, I am your most humble servant, I am faced with terrible evil, I am in the abyss of despair, save me, please save me."

"It's too late to say this now. Face the reality, little girl, even if you want to beg, you should beg the true God. What can your false emperor do? How can he come to save you?" Brother Fifteen Shaking his head, he said frivolously: "Your false emperor is just a rotting corpse. He can't even move on his golden toilet. He can't save himself, so how can he save others. Give up the non-existent hope, Experience this despair. It is so wonderful. The daughters of the false emperor always appear to be aloof and extremely loyal. Now one is moaning gracefully above my head, one is breaking down and crying in front of me, and the rest are eaten on the barbecue. It's really Interesting, really interesting, I like this scene, the taste of despair, hahahaha.”

In the midst of the devil's rampant laughter, a string in Elizabeth's mind suddenly broke. She seemed to hear a crisp sound from the depths of her mind. Something was here. Under this situation, it broke through reality and reason, and emerged from the deepest part of Elizabeth's body.

The demons immediately felt the changes in the surrounding atmosphere. Demons lived in chaos, which was an ocean of energy. They understood psychic energy and were powerful because of psychic energy. They also knew the terror of powerful psychics.

"Is this!? The awakening of a psyker? This level of psionic power!? Damn it! Get out!" Brother Fifteen yelled as he rolled Xishan and flew out of the window, while the devilish foodie abandoned him The food has long since disappeared.

But even if Brother Fifteen ran fast, he was still one step slower. Light blue spiritual energy overflowed from Elizabeth's eyes. She felt unprecedented power and strength. She stretched out her hand and grabbed a chain. The saw sword flew up from the ground, and she stroked the blade gently. The light blue spiritual light began to flash on the blade of the chain sword. At the same time, the motor on the hilt of the sword rotated like crazy, making a terrifying sound. The roaring sound, the saw teeth cutting the air at high speed, making a terrifying scream.

Elizabeth just pointed, and the chainsaw sword spun and flew towards the demon brother Fifteen who was fleeing in the distance. The rotating sharp blade easily cut off the six tentacles of the tentacle monster in an instant. Blood spurted wildly. The demon almost collapsed to the ground after being hit, but it staggered two steps and forced itself to support itself. It only stopped for a few breaths, and then the demon took Xishan and fled to the distance at a faster speed. The demon's figure flashed a few times and disappeared completely.

Elizabeth walked out of the room. She saw the ruined town, the empty streets, the ghosts of dead humans swaying in the shadows, and the mother's crying wandering in the wind.

More chaos demons were hidden in the shadows. They were low-level demons. They didn't know how to distinguish the strength of the enemy, nor did they know what patience and tricks were. They just coveted Elizabeth's body, a psychic's body, a portal that allowed them to stay in the world for a long time, and she was powerful and beautiful. What could be better than getting this woman's body and then continuing to hunt happily in this world?

Evil is hidden behind the half-closed windows of the house, in the bodies of humans with brutal expressions, and in the ghost faces on the walls. The small fountain outside the house no longer sprays clear spring water, but bright red blood. In the corner of the street, a small spire was made of human heads. In the sky, a comet with a red tail swept across the sky, like a huge torch falling from the sky. In the distance, the buzzing swarm of insects covered the sky like a cloud. They were locust swarms that could cover the sky. The stars in the sky have shifted, and the memorized constellations have changed their shapes.

Evil is rampant in the world, and the omens are so obvious and dense, as if the end of the world is coming.

Elizabeth looked at the sky. How could everything become like this? This used to be a beautiful world. The believers lived happily and contentedly under the teachings of the priests. People believed in the God Emperor, and the God Emperor also protected them. They had food to eat, clothes to wear, and houses to live in. They lived a simple but stable life. As a result, chaos invaded, nuns came, demons came, hatred was buried deep in the killing, and now only fire can purify all of this.

If all this could be discovered earlier, then all these sufferings would not have happened, there would be no tragic deaths of children, no angry men, no massacres, no evil, and people would still live happily, leading a simple but beautiful ordinary life.

Elizabeth looked up at the sky, letting the violent psychic energy tear her soul and burn her body. At this moment, she had only one thought in her mind, that is, to kill all the demons and bury all the evil.

In an instant, unnatural dark clouds suddenly appeared, covering the sky that Elizabeth could see. Lightning flowed out of her body and hit the sky, and the dark clouds in the sky responded with rumbling thunder. Psychic energy gushed out from every pore of her body, and angry lightning brewed in her eyes and finally erupted.

Afterwards, what appeared before Elizabeth was a world ruled by dark clouds and lightning. The blue lightning was like a long whip swung from the sky, ruthlessly whipping the whole world. The thunder was like a roar, deafening, and the lightning was a punishment, destroying all evil.

Elizabeth, who had just awakened, destroyed the entire town with a psychic lightning storm. The entire town was wiped off the map, and this place turned into a scorched earth. Nothing existed anymore, whether it was evil or good, whether it was a fallen soul or the blood of a warrior, all of which turned into black ashes in the lightning storm with Elizabeth's anger.

After a short rest, Elizabeth finally completed some things and left here. In this charred land, there was only a simple wooden cross left. The cross stood alone on a charred land, like a huge black purpose. On this simple cross were engraved the names of a whole team of nuns. Every one of them, all the nuns in Elizabeth's team died bravely here.

Of course, this also includes Sister Xishan.

They all died bravely, never feared, never lived in vain, and Elizabeth, as the last witness, will tell the world this fact.

Under all the names, there is this humble little name, Elizabeth's own name.

Yes, Elizabeth, who once had glory, died humbly the moment she became fearful. Now she is just a dangerous psychic with a deep hatred for demons.

When making this tombstone, she sincerely hoped that her team, including herself, had all died gloriously in battle.

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