Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 63: The Devil's Circus

But the reality is that Elizabeth is still alive, but her glory has disappeared, leaving only the curse of the devil. What should I do with myself in the future with psychic powers?

Elizabeth could not see through the mists of time. She did not know her own fate, but she had seen too many similar things. Psychic power was a rare talent. Only one person in 10,000 people might have psychic powers. This ability is not a blessing for humans, but a curse. This power is indeed powerful. It can destroy enemies, but it can also attract more powerful evil.

Every psyker is a potential "door". Demons can hunt the psyker's soul in another space, and then appear in this world through possession.

Elizabeth shudders when she thinks of demons. These terrifying creatures from other worlds are definitely the natural enemies of mankind. One demon can easily destroy a village, a group of demons can destroy a province, and a demon army can destroy a world. . They must be banished forever, let these evil spirits go back to their alien space, and keep them away from humans.

And you may become a channel and become an accomplice of the devil. Your body is like a big unstable bomb. It may never explode, but it may explode at any time, causing greater harm to the world. hazards.

Elizabeth could not bear this, and many times she thought of suicide. Ending his sinful and humble life in exchange for the safety of the people of the empire, how could he finally survive such a cruel battle, and then commit suicide like this?

Elizabeth was unwilling to give in.

She still clearly remembers how she called for the emperor's blessing in the abyss of despair, but the emperor did not appear, but he did appear. She actually had psychic powers? This spiritual energy has not awakened early or late, but it has awakened at the most critical moment. Isn't this coincidence a miracle?

The divine emperor did not show his existence, but in the depths of despair, he clearly demonstrated his power. He was still alive, and the evil fled in a hurry. Isn't this the blessing of the divine emperor!

And she is just a weak, timid nun. She is like a stupid ostrich in front of a powerful enemy, thinking that everything will be fine if she buries her head in the ground and cannot see the existence of the enemy. The God-Emperor wants to protect even such a humble self, so how can he give up his life, which is protected by the God-Emperor?

Even if he was going to die, he shouldn't die by a humble and cowardly suicide. He should die in a trial or on the battlefield.

Besides, Xishan is not really dead yet, and he still owes her a bolt round. Before finishing this matter, I cannot die under any circumstances.

With this realization, Elizabeth broke away from the empire's battle order before the empire was aware of her existence, wandering alone on Planet 3 in the Abel system, destroying all the evil she saw until The silent woman found her.

The woman's face has long been blurred. The clearest impression is that she is so powerful that she ignored Elizabeth's psychic attack. The psychic lightning bypassed her body, just like the water flowing through a duck's feathers. , unable to cause any harm to her. This woman walked up to her so easily and grabbed her throat.

Elizabeth felt suffocated. She closed her eyes and waited for death to come.

"Elizabeth, wake up," she said.

Wait, something is not right, how can she speak? She swore an oath to remain silent forever. How can you call yourself?

"Elizabeth, are you okay? Wake up!" No, it was not her, it was a man's voice. When Elizabeth opened her eyes, she saw a rather delicate-looking man, the type she hated, a pretty boy.

"Are you okay, Your Excellency Elizabeth?"

When I wake up from the nightmare, the reality is not beautiful, it is still cruel.

"I, uh, I just had a nightmare and had a little headache. It's nothing. Thank you for your concern. Captain Li, did you wake me up for something?"

"No, it's just that the rest time has come," Li looked at the timer on the goggles and said, "You still have five minutes to get dressed, we will leave soon."

"Okay, I understand. Please go out for a moment. We will leave on time."

Li looked at Elizabeth with some worry, and could only sigh and said: "Okay."

Five minutes later, the raid team set off on time. With the precise map of the underground hive city given by Hecate in hand, Li easily led the entire team through the streets and alleys of the city. False thunderstorms and dark clouds continued to roll in the sky, and there were only a few pedestrians on the streets.

After using his dagger to quietly eliminate several strange demons wandering in the alleys, Li easily opened a safe passage for the entire team to their destination.

On the central square of the city, a huge red tent has already been set up, and huge colorful balloons with ghost faces are flying in the sky, looking hideous and terrifying. The front of the tent is a large curtain, which hangs low. Next to the main entrance is a broken carousel toy. The beautiful little wooden horse has been cruelly dismembered; outside the big tent, a pink cartoon rabbit wanders, like Like the rabbits played by young people in cute cartoon doll costumes in the festival parade, these pink rabbits stand upright on their legs and slowly wander around the square outside the tent. However, they do not look cute at all. From the scope Looking inside, the two ears of these rabbits are like huge sharp scissors. The rabbit's eyes are flashing with bloodthirsty red light. Occasionally, they will open their big mouths, revealing rows of terrifying sharp teeth. Pink rabbits Scanning everything around him with hungry eyes, he was like a wolf looking for food.

Dead pink rabbits can be seen everywhere on the square. This terrifying creature with upright legs has been cut into two pieces at the waist. The blood has already turned brown and solidified on the square.

Several giant loudspeakers were placed around the square. The terrifying heavy bass bombarded the air like a sledgehammer. The devil turned the volume up to the maximum and played harsh heavy metal music. Among the terrifying music was a broken gong voice. Roaring desperately.

"I have been wondering before. This is the central area of ​​the city, but the houses are abandoned in large areas. It is like entering a dead city. Now I can finally understand why these houses are vacant," Li first said in the target's view. A relatively safe frontline stronghold was established within sight. This was an abandoned house. Through the window on one side of the house, Li could clearly see the scene in the center of the square. "No one wants to have such a noisy neighbor, and they even make it look like a circus. Suddenly it really looks like that."

"This kind of circus is just like a scary fairy tale," Elizabeth shook her head and said, "It will scare children."

"Then let's go and get rid of it."

"What's your plan?"

"It's very simple. I'll sneak in alone first," Li pointed at the huge circus tent and said, "We don't know anything about the situation inside. Just rushing in like this is almost as good as death. I'll go take a look first. If the situation is good , you just rush in head-on, we work together from the inside out, and we put this bunch of demons in one pot.”

"You want to sneak into a gathering place of demons alone?" Elizabeth raised her voice slightly and said harshly: "I really don't know whether I should praise you for being fearless or laugh at your stupidity. You know what's inside? What kind of group of guys are they? They are the most bizarre evils from another space. Their attacks are diverse and difficult to guard against. They have the same thermal weapons as us, or even better than us, as well as various weird abilities. It’s a direct attack on your soul, it’s too dangerous for you to go alone.”

"I won't take it lightly, I've faced them before, don't worry," Li pointed at the square and said, "Have you seen those wandering rabbits? Those pink monsters should be the sentinels of these demons. I guess their Their hearing should be good, even if their ears are big scissors, but you are all wearing power armor, which is heavy and makes a pinging sound when you walk. Even if there is a lot of noise here, it will be difficult to cover up your whereabouts. Without a bunker, it is impossible for you to enter the big tent without alerting these sentries. I am the only one who can do this here, so let me continue my reconnaissance work. "

"Don't take it lightly. The other party is a devil and cannot be measured by common sense." Elizabeth asked: "Are you sure?"

"Of course. Listening to the music, these demons seem to be holding a concert in the tent. There may be a lot of guys gathered inside. The more enemies there are, the easier the infiltration work will be. Besides, this is a circus. It is predicted that there will be another one in the center of the tent. The stage will attract the attention of all the demons. It shouldn’t be difficult to sneak in. Anyway, no matter what they are doing, we need to find out what’s going on inside the tent first.” Li patted his bulging waist and said, “Besides, I’m still here. We have brought a lot of good things, and we will let these demons enjoy the explosion this time.”

"Why don't we rush in together? The sudden firepower can destroy all resistance. Rush in and shoot at everyone who moves. There is no need to take risks."

"I think your plan is the real adventure," Li said seriously: "Your Excellency Elizabeth, I don't think we need to argue. You should still remember..."

"Yes, I remember, you are the commander. Okay, I listen to you."

After agreeing on the secret code, the nuns entered the cover position, and Li put on the optical cloak, and the whole person disappeared into the air.

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