Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 65: Let’s party in hell

If you are a person who loves explosions, then he will tell you that placing bombs is a delicate job that does not allow for any distraction. For some bomb maniacs, explosions are even a beautiful art. It is just an inconspicuous little thing. After a series of intense chemical reactions inside, it suddenly forms a violent eruption of energy, showing brilliant flames and terrible lethality in an instant, bringing a large number of deaths, terrifying sound effects and the panic that spreads.

This thing can cause fatal damage to the enemy in an inadvertent moment, and more importantly, it can cause a fatal blow to the enemy's morale.

In battle, the power of bombs is unquestionable.

But even among the members of the Space Marine Corps, few people are proficient in this. It's not that they don't know how to treat bombs. Everyone knows how to place bombs. How to press the button to make the bomb explode is something that even children know. And for most soldiers, it is enough to do this step. They don't need to be proficient in this thing. But if you want to go further, you need to make the bomb explode as you wish, which is difficult. It is easy to make an explosion, but it is difficult to control it. Li is a good player. He got full marks in all the courses about bombs in the course of behind-the-enemy-lines destruction. His former instructor criticized Li for this, "Some side of your heart is too dark and mean. Hiding in the corner, pressing the explosion button, and then watching the enemy being blown to pieces, is it so cool?".

At that time, Li's answer was: "Very refreshing."

After that, the instructor didn't say much. Although the instructor didn't agree with Li's fighting style, he couldn't deny it. The bomb is indeed a powerful weapon for behind-the-enemy-lines destruction. How to achieve the ultimate goal of victory is what the instructor should teach. As for the process, the students should learn and play by themselves.

Li's process of placing the bomb went smoothly. The demons' eyes were all focused on the center of the stage. For Li or Elizabeth, this performance was too weird, but for the demons, this performance was simply wonderful. The huge golden lion completely turned the performances that people were used to. The beasts played with the trainers to their heart's content, and the trainers were trembling like beasts waiting for the whips or rewards of the beasts. The demons happily enjoyed this misplaced performance. They enjoyed this twisted pleasure and the despair shown by humans. They didn't care about the situation of the people around them. Besides, the demons around the demons were just like all the demons present. They laughed happily.

The world of class in the Chaos Abyss is clear. The law of the jungle where the strong prey on the weak dominates everything in the chaos. Most of the time, it is difficult for these low-level demons to decide their own life and death. They enjoy themselves every day, and live in fear every day. There are few days of such a happy and relaxing day.

The real universe is like a resort and a paradise for demons. Every demon here can find his favorite fun, and they can show their twisted fun on the creatures they catch. Some demons like food, and they will cook and eat the humans and other creatures they catch. Some demons are addicted to carnal hobbies, and they will try to rape all the creatures they catch, no matter what species, or whether the species is female or male, demons are always brave enough to try new things. What these demons do is only the evil that humans can imagine, and more cruel and evil things are everywhere in the demon group. They even often compete with each other to see who brings more panic to the human world, and which demon's actions create a more terrible reality.

Every demon is brave to innovate, they are always tired of old things, and constantly pursue new excitement and ways of playing. Every time they come to the human world, it is not just an ordinary carnival, but also a cruel display of creativity.

That is the display of demon aesthetics, and that is the living hell appearing in the world.

In short, the performance of the demon creature giant lion was very successful, and his circus was welcomed by all the demons here. The applause was like thunder in the market, and of course, it was followed by the crying of humans that were often heard.

And these have nothing to do with Li. He and Elizabeth did not mention a problem at the same time, that is, what should the humans in the circus do.

They are innocent, but in this cruel era, innocence is also guilty.

Weakness and not resisting is the greatest original sin.

In this dark and cold universe, if you can't save yourself, and you don't believe in the emperor, then when disaster comes, who can save you?

No one.

So humans have no other way out except fighting bravely under the protection of the Emperor of God.

Maybe there are still heroes in the legend like Li who can bring hope to people?

Are you kidding, what heroes? Li Ke had never thought of himself in this way. He had never thought of saving anyone in this place, nor had he ever considered the humans in the tent who were being played by the devil. He just focused on placing bombs in the hole under the terraced stands, so as to use the least bombs to create the best explosion effect and cause the most serious damage to the enemy.

Astarte is a person walking in the starry sky and a guardian of mankind. But first of all, they are warriors, and killing is their job.

Li wanted to use violent explosions to panic the enemy, and let the gorgeous fireworks light up hope.

The performance on stage was a success, which brought great convenience to Li. He installed the last bomb with almost no obstacles.

Li found a carefully selected position, hid himself, and connected the communicator, "Elizabeth, get ready, we are about to start."

"The weapons are ready, the girls can't wait."

"Get ready to revel in the hell of flames!" Li pressed the detonation button. A few seconds later, a deafening explosion sounded, and an entire stand was completely blown away. The center of the explosion was filled with smoke and flames, making it difficult to see the specific situation. But even without looking, you can tell that the demons sitting in the center of the explosion to watch the show can't survive. The demons sitting on the bombs were scattered with the violent explosion. Their bodies and flesh were scattered into many pieces because of the explosion, and were blown onto the inner wall of the tent, splashing all over the venue, and scattered everywhere. Even some demons who were a little far from the center of the explosion could not escape. They had already been completely roasted by the high temperature in an instant, and their entire skin was burned into a black charred shell.

"The power is enough, but the explosion range is not as large as expected." Li made a summary while observing the effect of the explosion. "Elizabeth, is everything going well over there?"

"We are attacking!" Elizabeth and her followers lined up in battle formation and rushed out of the hidden house bunker. Due to the explosion in the big tent, almost all the pink devil rabbits looked at the big tent. Elizabeth did not miss such an obvious flaw. The Inquisitor and her follower team easily launched a fatal attack from behind the evil devil rabbit.

The followers are all former combat nuns. They have undergone rigorous tests, have firm beliefs, and are elite warriors. Even in hell, they can attack the devil without changing their faces.

The follower nuns held guns and trotted forward, while killing the sentinel rabbits with a rhythmic, short and accurate three-shot burst. Occasionally, some devil rabbits discovered the attack from behind, but before they could launch a counterattack, they were quickly blown to pieces by the whistling explosive bullets.

The first round of attacks easily caused huge casualties to the enemy, but these demon sentinel rabbits quickly found their enemies. The nuns who were chanting the emperor's words while shooting were so conspicuous. These wandering sentinels quickly jumped and dodged the attacks of the nuns, while taking out various firearms and weapons from their furry bodies and launched a counterattack.

It seemed that even the Emperor could not bless the nuns fighting deep in the dungeon at the border of the empire. Luck did not seem to be on the nuns' side. The enemy had just started to fight back when casualties appeared. A nun's escort was shot in the front. A sentinel rabbit's explosive bullet penetrated her breastplate and exploded in her body. She was like a squeezed tomato, and the whole person exploded.

"Damn, these toy rabbits actually have bolt guns." Hilsa fired a burst of shots, blowing up a demon rabbit that jumped into the sky. "Where on earth do they hide their guns?"

"Not all enemies have bolt weapons. Focus and kill those with bolt guns first." While giving orders, Elizabeth casually shot down a rabbit that was flying towards her with a bolt pistol. Two bolt bullets hit the legs of the demon rabbit, completely blowing up the rabbit's legs. The demon rabbit fell to the ground, but still raised its head and bared its teeth at Elizabeth. Elizabeth looked at it coldly, then raised her foot and stepped into the demon rabbit's sharp teeth, crushing the demon rabbit's entire head. Then she raised her chainsaw sword and chopped at another demon rabbit that was rushing towards her. This unfortunate rabbit was rushing towards Elizabeth with its head down like a bull. Its ears, like scissors, were snapping and snapping, as if it was going to cut off Elizabeth's head with its scissor ears.

But before the scissor ears touched the flesh and blood body, they touched Elizabeth's chain saw sword, which chopped directly on the rabbit's head. Elizabeth pressed the switch on the hilt, and the teeth of the saw flew, blood and flesh flew everywhere. After a while, this devil rabbit was sawed into two pieces by Elizabeth.

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