Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 66 Massacre

Shortly after the first explosion, Li heard Elizabeth's voice from the communicator: "We have arrived at the designated combat position, simple fortifications are being built, the heavy weapons team is in place, battle preparations are complete, and we are ready to participate in the battle at any time."

"Copy that," Li Qingsong said, "You guys are quite fast, but don't be too anxious. The situation is better than expected."

In the big tent, the demons who had just experienced a big explosion had not figured out what was going on. The whole scene suddenly became chaotic. Some demons were affected by the explosion, but only one hand was injured and did not die. The demon was either rolling on the ground in pain, or looking around frantically for possible enemies. But more demons still haven't figured out what happened. They just talked about the big explosion that just happened with a spectator mentality.

"What on earth is that? A surprise performance? It scared me."

"No way, the surprise performance won't be such a big scene. This is a big explosion! It seems that many brothers died."

"If those idiots really died, they would just be sent back to their hometown. Could it be that the brother brought contraband with him again? There are no idiots who have collected orc weapons, right?"

"Did you notice that the audience over there didn't applaud just now, and they even booed the Golden Lion's performance. Is this the reason?"

Will you be fired if you don’t applaud? When the demons thought about it, the golden lion might actually do such a thing. So some demons clapped desperately in panic.


"Beautiful fireworks only become more beautiful when you fill them with life!"

"Good job! One more! Big bang, big bang!"

The scene suddenly became more chaotic.

"Roar!" The golden lion in the center of the stage let out a loud roar. The thunderous roar caused the atmosphere to distort due to vibrations. The noisy and noisy scene was suppressed and controlled for a while. The demons stopped guessing and waited. The words of the golden lion: "Everyone in the audience, don't be alarmed. I just got news about the Sentinel Rabbit. This is not an accident. We have been attacked by the enemy! Now, everyone present..."

Naturally, Li would not let these beasts get their wish, he just pressed the button again.


Before the inspiring words were finished, there was another huge explosion. The brilliant firelight reflected the faces of many demons in the audience. The faces that should have been ferocious were now full of horror and panic.

Got attacked? Need more fucking words? There were two huge explosions, and the golden lion's words were all talking about the same problem. An enemy was attacking him!

But where did his grandma's attack originate? Where did the enemy fall? Who is attacking me? How to fight back? Who knows these things!

When demons come to the world, they have always been the only ones to bully people, and they have never been bullied like this before. It felt like someone had punched me twice, but I couldn't figure out who hit me or where the enemy was.

This is too frustrating.

The situation was completely out of control for a moment. Without the restraint of a superior demon, the demons acted on their own and took various actions based on their own judgment, turning the scene into a complete mess.

"Counterattack! Counterattack!" Some demons had already begun to attack all the surrounding creatures indiscriminately, but his shouts were quickly drowned out by other shouts. "Asshole! Don't panic, don't squeeze." "Who the hell stabbed my anus with a knife!" "Calm down, calm down, don't move the knife! Ouch! Damn, someone cut my ass! Don't step on it, it will fall to the ground. "Fight back! Counterattack" "Concealment, all kinds of concealment!"

The golden lion on the center stage roared angrily. The enemy's explosion was clearly aimed at the golden lion. The scene that had been controlled was completely out of control because of the second explosion. The giant lion began to eat him crazily. He furiously wanted to destroy all the creatures around him, whether they were animal demons or humans.

Then there were two unhurried loud noises, "Boom!" "Boom!" The third and fourth explosions were brilliantly displayed in front of the demons, of course accompanied by more fragments of limbs and charred flesh and blood. !

Now, even the mentally retarded demon understood what was most urgent now. No matter what happened to him, he should escape from this damn tent first! God knows how many bombs the enemy has planted here!

All the demons in the tent surged towards the gate like a tide. The strange thing is that the area near the gate seemed quite safe. Several explosions were far away from the gate. If you don't run now, why are you waiting? Run!

This is not some sophisticated and complicated trap. On the contrary, as long as a demon stops and thinks carefully, he can easily discover the weirdness in it. However, when explosions occur again and again, all the eyes see are demons being killed and scattered. Flesh and flesh and scattered stumps; all the ears heard were panicked beatings and exclamations; the noses smelled waves of the stench of barbecued demon meat, and all the demons around them swarmed towards the gate, and their feet There are still more bombs buried somewhere. Who can think carefully in this situation?

So with a whoop, almost all the demons rushed towards the gate in an instant.

Although the main entrance of the big tent was not small, it was not big either. With such a crowd, they were all blocked near the gate. The ones at the back were not aware of the situation in front and were still pushing and squeezing forward. After all, if they could move forward a little, they would be closer to the way out. Some impatient ones took out their guns and shot forward wildly. After a while, they were killed by other demons around them. This kind of madman was a threat to all demons, and no one liked him. Some black-bellied and smart demons took out knives, long swords, daggers and other cold weapons and stabbed the demon in front silently. A knife stabbed from the back, and a demon fell silently. If one fell in front, wouldn’t the one behind be able to move forward? Those who sat farther away from the gate hated themselves for not having two less legs. The humanoid demons were jealous and crazy when they saw the antelope-shaped demons, and they wanted to chop these four-legged ones to death. This was not a charge, why were you running so fast? The four-legged demons had the same feeling when they looked at the eight-legged spider-shaped demons.

Countless demons were trampled to death, hacked to death silently by demons themselves, and killed by madmen in the chaos. All demons in the chaos had only one goal, that is, the gate. If they ran out, they could get away from this crazy place. That was the only way to survive.

As if to add to the chaos, Li detonated another bomb. Not many demons were killed in the gorgeous explosion, but it caused greater chaos, and the chaos of the demons was further aggravated.

The demons thought that the place they fled to was the only way to survive, but they didn't know that the only way to survive had been blocked. Elizabeth and her entourage had already arranged a simple defense line in front of the gate, and all the guns were aimed at the gate. The demons just ran out of the gate, and before they could breathe a breath of fresh air and feel lucky to have escaped, they saw many black guns aimed at them, and beautiful nuns holding terrifying weapons. For a while, the guns roared without stopping. The demons in front were shot, and the demons behind rushed out and continued to be shot. Those demons who were lucky enough not to be shot at the first time were completely confused and turned their heads to rush back into the big tent, but the circle of demons inside were all squeezing out, and it was not easy to squeeze back. The demons behind didn't know the situation in front, and still thought that this gate was a way out, and they still rushed forward. So the demons were blocked near the gate, allowing Elizabeth and her followers to shoot them happily, and everyone survived.

Elizabeth used a bolt pistol to kill the huddled demons while singing hymns in her heart. Not only Elizabeth, but all the people holding weapons kept pulling the trigger with flushed faces. Now there is only one word in their minds, that is cool!

This was not a battle, it was simply a one-sided and complete massacre. Shooting at groups of demons who could not fight back at close range, there was no need to even aim, just pointing the muzzle at the door and holding the trigger, and the killing efficiency was extremely high. Many times, the bullet would penetrate three demons and then explode in the fourth demon's body.

"Elizabeth," Li asked in the communicator, "How is your book?"

"There is a little bird singing in my heart," Elizabeth said happily while pulling the trigger, "Captain Li, if you can always bring us such a battle, I believe the girls will fall in love with you. Who can not love such a captain? But I want more and more happiness," after that, Li heard Elizabeth's shout: "Heavy weapons team, come forward, shoot freely after the installation is completed!"

After a while, Li heard the Vulcan gun start to sing from the communicator. Even the combat nuns wearing power armor could not use this powerful heavy weapon freely. They had to find a relatively safe place to set it up. Then, a steel storm composed of bullets began to roar. The bolt bullets were like a sickle, tearing and smashing all creatures in the shooting path, ruthlessly harvesting all lives.

Some demons have already discovered that the situation outside the big tent is not right, but every time they try to control the out-of-control situation, a bolt bullet will suddenly drill into their brains and explode.

Li has sneaked out of the bunker. He picked up the sniper rifle and was enjoying the fun of killing demons.

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